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Friday, April 27, 2012

Cute in an expression

Position: Full-time Research Scientist

1. Position: Full-time Research Scientist

Data Mining Department, Institute for Infocomm Research (, Singapore

2. Job description:

You will be involved in a research project about differential privacy on medical data. The project will be done by collaboration between ADSC, I2R, GIS, NUS, and NTU. You will work with top researchers to design new cut-edge techniques about differential privacy and secure data mining. You will work with technologists and other researchers to understand the application of DP into the real-life sensitive data. ?

3. Qualification:

A Ph.D in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering/Mathematics/Engineering or related fields

4. Work experience: ?? A research background with good publications is desired.;

5. Technical skills:

A strong R&D; tack record with good publications in differential privacy/ Privacy preserving data-mining/privacy or security issues. Having knowledge of both randomization as well as multi-party computation based approaches would be an advantage. Experience in software development is a plus.

6. Soft skills: Good analytical and communication skills

7. Abilities /Aptitudes: Self-motivated; Independent; Team player


Dr. Han Shuguo ( or Prof. Ng See Kiong (

Faculty Positions at the Middle East Technical University, Northern Cyprus Campus

 Faculty Positions at the
Middle East Technical University, Northern Cyprus Campus
Applications are currently being requested at Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor or Instructor levels in the following programs :

POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW in eScience Data Management and Preservation

Indiana University

The Indiana University (IU) Data to Insight Center and the IU University Libraries, is offering a two-year CLIR/DLF Data Curation Fellowship. The Fellow will be based organizationally within the Data to Insight Center but will focus on collaborative initiatives between D2I and the IU Libraries. These include cornerstone research projects of the center such as the National Science Foundation-funded DataNet SEAD (Sustainable Environment-Actionable Data) Virtual Archive, the HathiTrust Research Center, and our Sloan funded work on non-consumptive research methodologies. This fellowship will work on projects that will provide direct experience in non-consumptive research methodologies, policies, principles, and applied tools for data curation and management and involvement in novel applications of data provenance management, as well as working with tools and methods for mass-scale data mining.

While we will consider applications from a broad range of fields, we are particularly interested in scholars with a strong background in informatics, computer science, or information studies; or discipline-based scholars with a research record in data management, data mining, or analytics but who are interested in working on other large-scale data cyberinfrastructure projects. The Fellow will work under the guidance of the Director and Co-Director of the Data to Insight Center (the latter is also an Associate Dean in the University Libraries), and will engage with the other faculty and staff of the Center, as well as with IU System Wide groups working on data management and curation services. This includes faculty with tenure homes in the IU Libraries, the School of Library and Information Science, the School of Informatics and Computing, University Information Technology Services-Research Technologies, and other centers in the Pervasive Technology Institute.

The Fellow will participate in national meetings with other CLIR/DLF Data Curation Fellows and will attend at least one relevant conference such as SC (SuperComputing), ASIS&T RDAP (Research Data Access and Preservation), IDCC (International Digital Curation Conference) or other related events  In addition, the Fellow will learn about the different departments and operations of a nationally renowned research cyberinfrastructure program, a world-class research center, and a nationally recognized research library that is actively engaging with our university partners on data management and curation issues. The Fellow will have access to a variety of mentors during this timeframe and will have ample opportunity for pursuing scholarship in this area in the form of presentations and papers. At the end of the first year, the Fellow will have developed an understanding of many of the issues facing universities and research centers that are actively involved in data cyberinfrastruc!

ture support and will have had an opportunity to work with scholars involved in the HathiTrust Research Center and the SEAD Project. By the end of the second year, the Fellow will have developed a long-range plan for extending the reach of the Center and the Libraries based on our current research thrusts around large-scale data and will have made connections within the data curation landscape of libraries, archives, and computational cyberinfrastructure centers.

Desired Qualifications:

• Doctoral work in informatics, computer science, or information studies; or discipline-based scholars who have worked in areas of data management and data mining

• Experience working with large-scale data and text-mining tools such as Hadoop, Cassandra, and Monk/SEASR

• Excellent project management skills

• Ability to work collaboratively with colleagues of diverse backgrounds

• Ability to set priorities and manage work and deadlines independently

• Excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills

How Science and Occult Science work

By: Dr. Edi Bilimoria ....

The Inductive Method of Science

Science adopts the Aristotelian, inductive method to move from the particular to the general, rather like assembling individual pieces of a jigsaw puzzle: discrete observational data are collected and gradually fitted into a broad picture, the latter being a mental representational model of the physical effects observed. The mind process is predominantly intellectual, applied in a linear mode. The instruments of investigation are limited to and conditioned by the five physical senses and their extensions, such as telescopes and microscopes, etc. The result is a precise description of the Universe's appearances, behaviour and biological mechanisms—Nature in her manifold appearances. The prevailing scientific paradigm of materialism has many unsupported and unsubstantiated assumptions. Physical or mathematical modelling is a central feature of the scientific method of inquiry. This means that science is not about truth or knowledge, per se—rather an interpretation of the physical world.

The Deductive Approach of Occult Science

By contrast, Occult Science works in the Platonic tradition of moving from the general to the particular within the Ring Pass-Not (i.e. limiting boundaries of evolutionary growth) of every world system: the overall, grand picture is first realised in its essential nature, and the way this presents itself as particular effects then expounded. The mind process is essentially ‘lateral thinking’ and intuitive, applied in an all-inclusive mode. The instruments of investigation are not limited to the physical senses. This gives profound insights into the origin, essential nature and manifestation of Nature in her true self.


Why Many Scientists Are Also Embracing Mysticism

These days we find increasing numbers of scientists turning towards mysticism as a complement to the rational scientific method. A review of the world-wide Directory of Members of The Scientific and Medical Network will indicate this fact. Furthermore, teachers and students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have formed an alchemical society and regularly study The Secret Doctrine. During Millikan’s tenure at Cal Tech, a copy of The Secret Doctrine lodged in the library was so much in demand that one had to put one’s name on a long waiting list. This work is also discussed periodically at the Harvard Club in New York by several chemistry teachers, including MIT professors.

Why then, such an upsurge in interest in mysticism and occult science? We explained above that in investigating something by the scientific method, we can describe its appearance, behaviour and characteristics by standing apart from it (the discoveries from quantum physics notwithstanding). But by the occult approach in order to understand its inner nature, we have literally to become the very thing we wish to investigate—or at least to participate in it. This is why the occult system always operates from within to without, and prefers to investigate Nature by participating with her processes, rather than interrogating her outward behaviour. 

It is by virtue of such interior insights that Blavatsky was able to make prophetic remarks in The Secret Doctrine about future developments in natural science, for example:

The wave motion of living particles becomes comprehensible on the theory of a spiritual ONE LIFE, of a universal Vital principle, independent of our matter, and manifesting as atomic energy only on our plane of consciousness. 

The above statement displays foreknowledge about three facts that are now commonly accepted by science, namely: (a) the energy within the atom; (b) the wave-like nature of particles, and the particle-like nature of waves; and (c) the vitality and ‘consciousness’ of particles. Blavatsky was in all probability the first person to use the terms ‘atomic energy’ and the ‘wave motion of living particles’, which science has discovered for itself, using its own methods of investigation.

In the field of life sciences, we find similar portentous statements, such as:

It is not against zoological and anthropological discoveries, based on the fossils of man and animal, that every mystic and believer in a divine soul inwardly revolts, but only against the uncalled-for conclusions built on preconceived theories and made to fit in with certain prejudices.

Driven inexorably by the pressure of their own discoveries, and increasingly inconsistent theories to account for them, scientists are slowly awakening to the truth of Blavatsky’s assertion. This will soon become apparent.

Hence in view of the foregoing, it is not surprising that the greatest scientists, past and present, have realized the limits of the process of scientific inquiry and sensed the need for more intuitive approaches.
These days we find increasing numbers of scientists turning towards mysticism to complement the rational scientific method. To know more about how science and occult science work, keep reading……..
Edi is the Director of the Theoversity Project. Edi has published his written work extensively in science, theosophy and occultism. His work is on Religion and Spiritualities. He is the author of Mirages in Western Science Resolved by Occult Science and The Snake and the Rope, showing how current problems in Western science in the broad fields of cosmology life sciences.
Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Dr. Edi Bilimoria

Watching neurons learn

What happens at the level of individual neurons while we learn? This question intrigued the neuroscientist Daniel Huber, who recently arrived at the Department of Basic Neuroscience at the University of Geneva. During his stay in the United States, he and his team tried to unravel the network mechanisms underlying learning and memory at the level of the cerebral cortex.
What's the role of individual neurons in behavior? Do they always participate in the same functions? How do their responses evolve during learning?" asks the professor. One way to address these questions is to follow the activity of a large set of neurons while the subject learns a novel task. The goal is to link the behavioral changes with the changes in neuronal representations.
It's currently impossible to follow the activity of a large number of individual neurons in humans, but the team of researchers quickly realized that mice are excellent subjects for such studies. "We were surprised by capacities of these small rodents. They learn novel associations quickly and are able to focus for hours on complex behavioral tasks. However, it is important to keep them motivated by rewarding them accordingly. They are very similar to us in that way."
The behavioral task of the mice consisted in sampling the area in front of their snout with their whiskers to search for a small object. The object was presented either within reach and out of reach of their whiskers. Each time the object was detected with the whiskers, the mouse had to respond by licking to a reward spout. The correct choices were rewarded with a drop of liquid. "In this task different sensory and motor circuits have to interact in order to establish a novel association, leading to better and better performance".
Remained the problem of how to follow the activity of the large number of neurons across many days of learning. The researchers replaced a small part of the bone overlying motor cortex with a tiny glass window. The neurons underneath the window were genetically modified to express a fluorescent marker which changes its intensity according to the activity of the neurons. This window into the brain allowed the researches around Daniel Huber to use two-photon microscopy to record the activity of the same set of 500 neurons during days of learning.
"We then correlated the activity of the individual neurons with the different actions of the mouse, such as moving the whiskers, touching the object or licking at the right moment. It's like synchronizing the soundtrack with the images in a movie" adds the neuroscientist. The researchers analyzed this data using a series of computational approaches to establish a link between the neuronal activity and the different sensory and motor features of the task. This allowed them to build algorithmic models that can predict different motor outputs by solely monitoring the neuronal activity. Decoding the neuronal activity allowed the researchers then to construct functional maps of the recorded neurons and quantify each neuron's link with the different aspects of the behavior.
These functional maps revealed several fundamental findings: "Although the movements of the whiskers became more and more precise and targeted to search for the object during the learning, their relative neuronal representation remained relatively stable. In contrast, the representation of licking to respond and collect the rewards became more and more pronounced". Taken together, only selected aspects of the learned behavior induced changes it the neuronal representation in the cortex. The scientists also found that different sensory and motor representations are spatially intermingled in the rodent brain.
Other analysis revealed that individual neurons remain stably linked to a given behavioral function, but they have a flexibility to remain silent on a given day. This functional stability despite a flexibility to join (or not) a given representation was actually suggested by different theoretical work on learning.
"If these characteristics are limited to the motor cortex or if these are more general rules that are apply across the cerebral cortex remains open" says Daniel Huber. That in fact this is one of the questions we are currently investigating in my lab in Geneva".
Provided by University of Geneva
"Watching neurons learn." April 26th, 2012.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

Analytic thinking can decrease religious belief, research shows

A new University of British Columbia study finds that analytic thinking can decrease religious belief, even in devout believers.
The study, published today in the journal Science, finds that thinking analytically increases disbelief among believers and skeptics alike, shedding important new light on the psychology of religious belief.
"Our goal was to explore the fundamental question of why people believe in a God to different degrees," says lead author Will Gervais, a PhD student in UBC's Dept. of Psychology. "A combination of complex factors influence matters of personal spirituality, and these new findings suggest that the cognitive system related to analytic thoughts is one factor that can influence disbelief."
Researchers used problem-solving tasks and subtle experimental priming – including showing participants Rodin's sculpture The Thinker or asking participants to complete questionnaires in hard-to-read fonts – to successfully produce "analytic" thinking. The researchers, who assessed participants' belief levels using a variety of self-reported measures, found that religious belief decreased when participants engaged in analytic tasks, compared to participants who engaged in tasks that did not involve analytic thinking.
The findings, Gervais says, are based on a longstanding human psychology model of two distinct, but related cognitive systems to process information: an "intuitive" system that relies on mental shortcuts to yield fast and efficient responses, and a more "analytic" system that yields more deliberate, reasoned responses.
"Our study builds on previous research that links religious beliefs to 'intuitive' thinking," says study co-author and Associate Prof. Ara Norenzayan, UBC Dept. of Psychology. "Our findings suggest that activating the 'analytic' cognitive system in the brain can undermine the 'intuitive' support for religious belief, at least temporarily."
The study involved more than 650 participants in the U.S. and Canada. Gervais says future studies will explore whether the increase in religious disbelief is temporary or long-lasting, and how the findings apply to non-Western cultures.
Recent figures suggest that the majority of the world's population believes in a God, however atheists and agnostics number in the hundreds of millions, says Norenzayan, a co-director of UBC's Centre for Human Evolution, Cognition and Culture. Religious convictions are shaped by psychological and cultural factors and fluctuate across time and situations, he says.
Provided by University of British Columbia
"Analytic thinking can decrease religious belief, research shows." April 26th, 2012.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

New study suggests gender gap around homophobic bullying

A new study from Educational and Psychological Measurement (published by SAGE) found that when it comes to homophobic bullying, there could be a gender gap. While male victims are more likely to be bullied by male homophobic bullies, female victims are bullied by both males and females equally. Additionally, those surveyed for the research reported hearing a low number of verbal homophobic remarks towards gay men compared to other forms of non-verbal homophobic bullying.
"One explanation may be that verbal forms of homophobic aggression toward (supposed) gay men … have been the most frequent and, therefore, may be perceived as 'normal,'" wrote Author Gabriele Prati.
Using a survey of 863 public high school students, Prati obtained data from bullies of students who were perceived to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT), witnesses of homophobic bullying incidents, and the actual victims themselves. Ten percent of the students surveyed were classified as homophobic bullies because they reported engaging in bullying behavior based on sexual prejudice at least once a week. 3.5% of students were considered victims of homophobic bullying because they were harassed by homophobic aggressors at least once a week.
The study also created a new tool called the Homophobic Bullying Scale. The scale records and measures all forms of bullying motivated by homophobia beyond just the traditional name-calling. The Homophobic Bullying Scale includes physical bullying, property bullying, sexual harassment, cyber-bullying, and relational bullying such as spreading rumors and giving the silent treatment. The researcher found that previous tools that measured incidents of bullying in general could not capture the nuances of homophobia specifically.
"The use of measures not specifically designed for homophobic bullying may underestimate it," wrote Prati. "The items of the Homophobic Bullying Scale were created to measure high school students' bullying behaviors motivated by homophobia, including verbal bullying."
More information: The article "Development and Psychometric Properties of the Homophobic Bullying Scale" by Gabriele Prati in Educational and Psychological Measurement (EPM) is available free for a limited time at: … ull.pdf+html
Provided by SAGE Publications
"New study suggests gender gap around homophobic bullying." April 26th, 2012.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

Learning mechanism of the adult brain revealed

They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Fortunately, this is not always true. Researchers at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience have now discovered how the adult brain can adapt to new situations. The Dutch researchers' findings are published on Wednesday in the prestigious journal Neuron. Their study may be significant in the treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders such as epilepsy, autism and schizophrenia.
Our brain processes information in complex networks of nerve cells. The cells communicate and excite one another through special connections, called synapses. Young brains are capable of forming many new synapses, and they are consequently better at learning new things. That is why we acquire vital skills – walking, talking, hearing and seeing – early on in life. The adult brain stabilises the synapses so that we can use what we have learned in childhood for the rest of our lives.
Earlier research found that approximately one fifth of the synapses in the brain inhibit rather than excite other nerve-cell activity. Neuroscientists have now shown that many of these inhibitory synapses disappear if the adult brain is forced to learn new skills. They reached this conclusion by labelling inhibitory synapses in mouse brains with fluorescent proteins and then tracking them for several weeks using a specialised microscope. They then closed one of the mice's eyes temporarily to accustom them to seeing through just one eye. After a few days, the area of the brain that processes information from both eyes began to respond more actively to the open eye. At the same time, many of the inhibitory synapses disappeared and were later replaced by new synapses.
Inhibitory synapses are vital for the way networks function in the brain. "Think of the excitatory synapses as a road network, with traffic being guided from A to B, and the inhibitory synapses as the matrix signs that regulate the traffic," explains research leader Christiaan Levelt. "The inhibitory synapses ensure an efficient flow of traffic in the brain. If they don't, the system becomes overloaded, for example as in epilepsy; if they constantly indicate a speed of 20 kilometres an hour, then everything will grind to a halt, for example when an anaesthetic is administered. If you can move the signs to different locations, you can bring about major changes in traffic flows without having to entirely reroute the road network."
Inhibitory synapses play a hugely influential role on learning in the young brain. People who have neurodevelopmental disorders – for example epilepsy, but also autism and schizophrenia – may have trouble forming inhibitory synapses. The discovery that the adult brain is still capable of pruning or forming these synapses offers hope that pharmacological or genetic intervention can be used to enhance or manage this process. This could lead to important guideposts for treating the above-mentioned neurological disorders, but also repairing damaged brain tissue.
Provided by Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
"Learning mechanism of the adult brain revealed." April 26th, 2012.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

Eating more berries may reduce cognitive decline in the elderly

Blueberries and strawberries, which are high in flavonoids, appear to reduce cognitive decline in older adults according to a new study published today in Annals of Neurology, a journal of the American Neurological Association and Child Neurology Society. The study results suggest that cognitive aging could be delayed by up to 2.5 years in elderly who consume greater amounts of the flavonoid-rich berries.
Flavonoids are compounds found in plants that generally have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Experts believe that stress and inflammation contribute to cognitive impairment and that increasing consumption of flavonoids could mitigate the harmful effects. Previous studies of the positive effects of flavonoids, particularly anthocyanidins, are limited to animal models or very small trials in older persons, but have shown greater consumption of foods with these compounds improve cognitive function.
According to the 2010 U.S. Census, elderly Americans—those 65 years of age and older—increased by 15% between 2000 and 2010, faster than the total U.S. population, which saw a 9.7% increase during the same time period. "As the U.S. population ages, understanding the health issues facing this group becomes increasingly important," said Dr. Elizabeth Devore with Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, Mass. "Our study examined whether greater intake of berries could slow rates of cognitive decline."
The research team used data from the Nurses' Health Study—a cohort of 121,700 female, registered nurses between the ages of 30 and 55 who completed health and lifestyle questionnaires beginning in 1976. Since 1980 participants were surveyed every four years regarding their frequency of food consumption. Between 1995 and 2001, cognitive function was measured in 16,010 subjects over the age of 70 years, at 2-year intervals. Women included in the present study had a mean age of 74 and mean body mass index of 26.
Findings show that increased consumption of blueberries and strawberries appear to slow cognitive decline in older women. A greater intake of anthocyanidins and total flavonoids was also associated with reduce cognitive degeneration. Researchers observed that women who had higher berry intake delayed cognitive aging by up to 2.5 years. The authors caution that while they did control for other health factors in the modeling, they cannot rule out the possibility that the preserved cognition in those who eat more berries may be also influenced by other lifestyle choices, such as exercising more.
"We provide the first epidemiologic evidence that berries may slow progression of cognitive decline in elderly women," notes Dr. Devore. "Our findings have significant public health implications as increasing berry intake is a fairly simple dietary modification to test cognition protection in older adults."
More information: "Dietary Intake of Berries and Flavonoids in Relation to Cognitive Decline." Elizabeth E. Devore, Jae Hee Kang, Monique M.B. Breteler and Francine Grodstein. Annals of Neurology; Published Online: April 26, 2012 (DOI:10.1002/ana.23594).
Provided by Wiley
"Eating more berries may reduce cognitive decline in the elderly." April 26th, 2012.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

புற்று நோயைத் தடுக்கும் பீட்ஸா! ஆய்வில் அதிரடி

இன்றைய உலகில் எல்லா வயதினரையும் ஆட்டி வைக்கும் ஒரு கொடிய நோயாக புற்று நோய் காணப்படுகின்றது.
அதற்கு அறுவை சிகிச்சை, கதிரியக்க சிகிக்சை, ஹார்மோன் சிகிச்சை, கீமோதெரபி சிகிச்சை உள்ளிட்ட பல வகையான சிகிச்சை அளிக்கப்படுகிறது.
இதனால் பக்க விளைவுகள் ஏற்பட்டு அதற்கும் தனியாக சிகிச்சை பெற வேண்டிய சூழ்நிலை நிலவுகிறது. அதில் இருந்து தப்பிக்க தற்போது எளிதான புதிய வழி ஒன்று கண்டுபிடிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
அதாவது பீசாவை அதிக அளவில் சாப்பிட்டால் சுரப்பி புற்றுநோய் தாக்குதலில் இருந்து தப்ப முடியும் என கண்டறியப்பட்டுள்ளது. ஏனெனில் பீசா மற்றும் இத்தாலி வகை உணவுகளில் ஒரீகானோ என்ற ரசாயன பொருள் சேர்க்கப்படுகிறது. அது சுரப்பிகளில் ஏற்படும் புற்றுநோய் செல்களை அழிக்க கூடியது.
இந்த தகவலை இங்கிலாந்து வாழ் இந்திய ஆராய்ச்சியாளர் சுப்ரியா பவேத்கர் தெரிவித்துள்ளார். லாங் ஐலேண்டு பல்கலைக்கழக பேராசிரியர் சுப்ரியா பவேத்கரும் அவரது குழுவினரும் ஒரு ஆய்வு நடத்தி இதை கண்டுபிடித்தனர்.
அப்போது ஒரீகானோ என்ற ரசாயன பொருள் சுரப்பி புற்றுநோயை குணப்படுத்துவைத அறிந்தனர்.

Stunning Waterscape Photographs

Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.Org

Nature provides us with a never ending supply of inspiration, look no further than the coast for an array of majestic scenery. Water is the force behind all life on Earth. Where there is life, you’ll find water, and where there is water, you’ll almost always find life. And in many places, water is a prominent feature of the surrounding landscape, whether it’s the ocean, a major river or lake, or something like a small stream, pond, or swamp. In this post we have gathered some Amazing Examples of Waterscape Photography; all shots are taken by talented Photographers around the globe. We hope that you will like this outstanding collection. All photography is linked back properly.
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The Sri Lanka Computer Emergency Response Team has stated that a computer virus has spread that effects the existence of the internet.

Once the virus infects a computer, it automatically changes the computer’s settings while it directs the users to several unintended and illegal sites, the Response Team stated while adding that pc users can protect themselves from this virus by visiting

However, no complaints have been received by the Response Team as yet.

The American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will block internet services in over 350,000 personal computers across the world - including 80,000 in US and 20,000 in Britain - after they were infected with the invisible and undetectable Trojan computer virus, IANS reported.

The “internet blackout” will take place July 9, the Daily Mail reported while no computer infected with the virus would be able to log in to the internet.

The virus called “DNS Changer” is reported to have originally emerged in Estonia while the FBI detected the infection and had set up temporary servers to keep the infected computers working but reports claimed that the effort was too costly. 

The temporary servers were created to allow companies to remove the worm from their infected servers and those affected had 120 days to get rid of themalware. 

Following the FBI warnings, the number of computers infected with the virus plunged while now most are in the hands of private individuals, not companies. (AdaDerana)
