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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Subconsciously, we echo the speech of superiors

( -- Want to know who holds the power? Just listen carefully, preferably with a little help from a computer. Research at Cornell shows that people speaking to someone of perceived superior status often unconsciously echo the linguistic style of that person. The effect is usually not noticed by humans but shows up in a computer analysis of large amounts of text. The linguistic clues were found in discussions in which the outcome matters to the speaker.
The rule seems to apply across many domains of life. The researchers found it in Internet discussion and in arguments before the Supreme Court. In the latter case, language analysis also offers clues to which justices may favor one side or the other in a case.
Graduate student and lead author Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil presented the research at the World Wide Web Conference April 16-20 in Lyon, France. Co-authors are Jon Kleinberg '93, the Tisch University Professor of computer science; Lillian Lee '93, professor of computer science; and Yahoo! researcher Bo Pang, Ph.D. '06.
While sociologists commonly study people in small groups, the computer scientists were able to find subtle effects because they worked with very large collections of text -- 240,000 conversations among Wikipedia editors and 50,389 verbal exchanges from 204 cases argued before the Supreme Court.
In conversation with someone more powerful, the analysis shows, a speaker tends to coordinate with the other person's use of "function words": articles, auxiliary verbs, conjunctions, frequently used adverbs ("very," "just," "often"), pronouns, prepositions and quantifiers ("all," "some," "many"). This means that the effects are independent of the topic and would show up even in text that has been censored to hide or disguise the subject matter, the researchers say.
As a further test, the researchers trained a computer to measure language coordination on Wikipedia and then fed it text from Supreme Court arguments and vice versa. They got the same results either way, confirming that the effect is independent of the situation.
On Wikipedia talk pages, where writers and editors discuss their articles, status is clearly defined, with some editors identified as "admins," who have more authority over what goes into an article. The researchers found that when editors were promoted to an admin position, others coordinated language to them more after the promotion. In turn, the newly promoted administrators coordinated their language less with the rank and file, but usually only after about two months of adjustment to their new status.
In the Supreme Court, as expected, lawyers coordinate their speech to justices. But, say the researchers, there is another factor besides formal status that confers power: dependence. Speakers coordinate their speech with those who can do something for them. Lawyers generally go before the Supreme Court with an idea of which justices will be opposed to their cause, and the analysis showed that lawyers coordinated their speech more with justices who opposed them (as confirmed by the final vote). At the same time, opposing justices coordinated less with those lawyers.
As a sidelight, the analysis showed that female lawyers coordinated their speech with justices more than male lawyers, and justices coordinated less with female lawyers. The researchers caution that this result may be influenced by other gender differences in communication style.
The researchers see applications of this type of analysis in studying the sociology of online groups, which previously has focused on structural features such as who talks to whom. "It is exciting to contemplate extending the range of social properties that can be analyzed via text," they concluded.
The research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation, Google and Yahoo!
Provided by Cornell University
"Subconsciously, we echo the speech of superiors." April 24th, 2012.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

Lack of sleep may produce unethical behavior, management research shows

(Medical Xpress) -- Can lack of sleep make you behave unethically? Researchers think so.
Many studies have looked at the impact of sleep deprivation on workers’ health, safety, and morale, says Pamplin College of Business management assistant professor Christopher Barnes, but few have considered its implications for unethical behavior. “Sleep deprivation may also contribute to unethical conduct in the workplace, which is costly to organizations,” says Barnes, who co-authored a recent study on the subject.
Barnes and three other scholars conducted four studies in different settings and situations to examine the influence of low levels of sleep in decision-making situations involving ethical considerations. “We consistently found that people were more likely to behave unethically when they were short on sleep,” he says.
An important practical implication of their research, he says, is that managers and organizations may play a larger role than previously thought in promoting unethical behavior — through excessive work demands, extended work hours, and shifts that result in night work, each of which, other studies show, has diminished employee sleep.
“We are not arguing that managers can or should completely control the sleep and unethical behavior of their subordinates,” Barnes says, “but that managers should recognize that many of their actions may have second-order effects on sleep and thus unethical behavior. Managers who push their employees to work long hours, work late into the night, or work sporadic and unpredictable schedules may be creating situations that foster unethical behavior.”
Barnes is the lead author of “Lack of sleep and unethical conduct,” co-authored with John Schaubroeck and Megan Huth of Michigan State University and Sonia Ghumman of the University of Hawaii and published in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 115 (2011), 169–180.
More information: Read more about their study in “When you don't snooze, your ethics lose,” in the spring 2012 Pamplin magazine.
Provided by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
"Lack of sleep may produce unethical behavior, management research shows." April 24th, 2012.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

Even positive stereotypes can hinder performance, researchers find

A new study indicates that exposure to broad generalisations about the likely success of a social group - boys or girls, for example - undermines both boys’ and girls’ performance on a challenging task. Credit: Jallinson01

Does hearing that you are a member of an elite group – of chess players, say, or scholars – enhance your performance on tasks related to your alleged area of expertise? Not necessarily, say researchers who tested how sweeping pronouncements about social group skills or likely success can influence children's performance.
The researchers found that broad generalizations about the likely success of a social group—of boys or girls, for example—actually undermined both boys' and girls' performance on a challenging activity.
The new study appears in the journal Psychological Science.
"Some children believe that their ability to perform a task is dictated by the amount of natural talent they possess for that task," said University of Illinois psychology professor Andrei Cimpian, who led the study. "Previous studies have demonstrated that this belief can undermine their performance. It is important, therefore, to understand what leads children to adopt this belief."
The researchers hypothesised that exposure to broad generalisations about the abilities of social groups induces children to believe that success depends on "natural talent." If the hypothesis were correct, then hearing messages such as "girls are very good at this task" should impair children's performance by leading them to believe that success depends primarily on innate talent and has little to do with factors under their control, such as effort.
In line with this hypothesis, two experiments with 4- to 7-year-olds demonstrated that the children performed more poorly after being exposed to information that associated success on a given task with membership in a certain social group, regardless of whether the children belonged to that group.
"These findings suggest we should be cautious in making pronouncements about the abilities of social groups such as boys and girls," Cimpian said. "Not only is the truth of such statements questionable, but they also send the wrong message about what it takes to succeed, thereby undermining achievement – even when they are meant as encouragement."
More information: "Who is Good at This Game? Linking an Activity to a Social Category Undermines Children's Achievement," Psychological Science.
Provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
"Even positive stereotypes can hinder performance, researchers find." April 24th, 2012.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

Summer Drink Orange Juice !

Meet the Ferrari of trains


Digestive Health: Eating Pistachio may promote a beneficial gut environment

First-of-its-kind research presented as an abstract at the 2012 American Society for Nutrition suggests eating pistachios may positively impact bacterial profile of the digestive tract 
A preliminary 16-person study suggests that eating pistachios may help alter levels of potentially beneficial bacteria in the gut, a finding that holds promise for supporting digestive health(1). The research, presented as an abstract this week at the Experimental Biology conference, is the first study of pistachios and almonds and their modulating role on the gut microbiota composition.
Eating Pistachio may promote a beneficial gut environment
Antioxidant-rich pistachio nuts have been found to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
“Gut microbiota, or the microbial environment in the gastrointestinal tract, provides important functions to the human host,” said Volker Mai, PhD, lead study author and assistant professor at the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. “Modifying microbiota towards a ‘beneficial’ composition is a promising approach for supporting intestinal health, with potential effects on overall health, and it appears that pistachios may play a role in this modification.”
Pistachios Deliver Essential Compounds to the Gut
Pistachios appear to have prebiotic characteristics; they contain non-digestible food components such as dietary fiber, which remain in the gut and serve as food for naturally occurring bacteria. They also contain phytochemicals that have the potential to modify microbiota composition. Foods with prebiotic properties may enhance the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract.
To examine this relationship between prebiotics found in pistachios and the gut, researchers conducted a feeding study at the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center in Maryland. Sixteen healthy individuals were randomly assigned to eat an American-style, pre-planned diet that included either 0 ounces, 1.5 ounces or 3 ounces of pistachios or almonds per day. Each participant’s diet was calorie-controlled to ensure they neither gained nor lost weight during the intervention. Multiple stool samples were collected throughout the study and analyzed for bacterial community composition. The researchers also quantified the amounts of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Bifidobacteria in the stool, two groups of live microorganisms that reside in the digestive tract and help break down food substances.
After controlling for age, dietary factors and other relevant variables, the researchers observed that after 19 days, people who ate up to 3 ounces of pistachios (about 147 nuts or 2 servings) per day had increased changes in levels of various gut bacteria.
According to the abstract, people who ate pistachios showed an increase in potentially beneficial butyrate-producing bacteria. Butyrate has been shown to be a preferred energy source for colonic epithelial cells and is thought to play an important role in maintaining colonic health in humans(2). The difference in gut microbes was stronger in people who ate pistachios rather than almonds.
The researchers used “modern high throughput sequencing” to quantify specific gut bacterial DNA signatures before and after nut consumption. According to the researchers, this is the first study using this method to observe that pistachios and almonds may have the ability to help change the amounts of bacteria thriving in the gut.
“Fibers and incompletely digested foods, including nuts, that reach the proximal colon provide compounds required for maintaining a diverse microbiota,” said Mai. “While still in the early stages of research, this study is a promising sign that increasing consumption of nuts, specifically pistachios, provides a novel means to modify the number of the gut’s ‘healthy’ microbiota, with potential health benefits.”
The research was funded by the Paramount Farms International and the Almond Board of California.
In-Shell Pistachios Offer a Package of Nutrients
A one-ounce serving of pistachios, with 49 kernels and 160 calories, provides 3 grams of dietary fiber, which is 12 percent of the recommended daily value, more than is found in a serving of wheat bread. Pistachios are also an excellent source of vitamin B6, copper and manganese and a good source of phosphorus and thiamin.
(1)Ukhanova M, Fredborg M, Daniels S, Netter F, Novotny JA, Gebauer SK, Xiaoyu W, Baer D, Mai V. Human gut microbiota changes after consumption of almonds or pistachios. Presented at 2012 Experimental Biology meeting in San Diego, CA on 4/23/2012.
(2)Appl Environ Microbiol. 2000 Apr;66(4):1654-61.
About, the leading online source of information on the health and nutrition benefits of pistachios reaches more than 20,000 visitors each month. The site is offered in 12 languages and includes research updates and educational materials, to both consumers and health professionals. Like on Facebook and follow @pistachiohealth on Twitter. For more information about the health benefits of pistachios, visit

How your eyes deceive you

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Do these look like steps? They're actually flat floor tiles in Notre Dame Cathedral in Saigon, Vietnam. The study found that your brain can be tricked into these types of illusions while it scrambles to make sense of the visual signals its receiving.
Image: tunart/iStockphoto
People rely on their eyes for most things they do – yet the information provided by our visual sensing system is often distorted, unreliable and subject to illusion.

Researchers at The Vision Centre, Australia, are throwing new light on the tricks the brain plays on its owner as it struggles to make sense of the visual and other sensory signals it constantly receives.

“We tend to regard what we see as ‘the real world’,” says Dr Isabelle Mareschal, a researcher with the Vision centre and University of Sydney. “In fact a lot of it is distortion, and it is occurring in the early processing of the brain, before consciousness takes over.”

“Our latest work shows that the cells of the primary visual cortex create small distortions, which they then pass on to the higher levels of the brain, to interpret as best it can.”

A common example of this that is often exploited by artists and designers is known as the tilt illusion where perfectly vertical lines appear tilted because they are placed on an oriented background.

In a new article in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Dr Mareschal and Professor Colin Clifford report a series of groundbreaking experiments in which they trace the origins of the tilt illusion to the cells of the primary visual cortex – the first stage of vision processing, before the conscious mind takes over.

“We wanted to test at what level the illusion occurs in the brain, unconscious or conscious – and also to see if the higher brain is aware of the illusions it is receiving and how it tries to correct for them,” she explains.

“The answer is that the brain seeks more contextual information from the background to try to work out the alignment of the object it is seeing.”

The team subjected volunteers to a complex test in which they had to indicate the orientation of a vertical line, which was perceived as constantly tilting from side to side, against a fuzzy background that was also changing.

“These illusions happen very fast, perhaps in milliseconds,” Dr Mareschal says. “And we found that even the higher brain cannot always correct for them, as it doesn’t in fact know they are illusions.”

This is one of the reasons that people’s eyes sometimes mislead them when looking at objects in their visual landscape.

Normally she says, it doesn’t matter all that much – but in the case of a person driving a car fast in traffic, an athlete performing complex acrobatic feats, a pilot landing an aircraft or other high-speed uses of sight, the illusion may be of vital importance by causing them to misinterpret the objects they ‘see’.

The brain uses context, or background, to interpret a host of other visual signals besides the orientation of objects – for example it uses it to tell colour, motion, texture and contrast – so the Vision Centre research has wide scope for understanding how the brain interprets the world visually and indeed how the brain itself works.

“We propose that our technique is a powerful tool that could be applied to contextual effects in other realms, such as colour or depth,” the researchers conclude. “Distinguishing visual processes by their dependence on a complete, conscious representation of the stimulus is a critical step toward formulating a comprehensive model of cortical processing.”

Their paper “Dynamics of unconscious contextual effects in orientation processing” by Isabelle Mareschal and Colin W. G. Clifford, appears in the journal the Proceedings of the Academy of Science (PNAS).

The Vision Centre is funded by the Australian Research Council as the ARC Centre of Excellence in Vision Science.
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.

How parental support helps kids

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"Support from parents can play an important role in ensuring that young people make a successful transition into adult roles."
Image: urbancow/iStockphoto
Young adults who receive parental support are more likely to be studying and have access to better job opportunities than young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, according to a recent study by the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.

The research found that while young people from disadvantaged backgrounds receive less financial support from their parents, they are more likely to be residentially and financially independent of their parents at an earlier age than their more advantaged peers.

Co-authors Professor Deborah Cobb-Clark from the Melbourne Institute at the University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Business and Economics and Professor Tue Gorgens from the Research School of Economics at the Australian National University looked at interviews conducted with 18-20 year olds over the past decade.  They primarily examined data on their families’ welfare experience, such as Centrelink receipts, unemployment, poverty, family breakdown and single parenthood.

“Unfortunately, not all young people will have access to the parental support they want or need.  Some families lack the necessary resources, while others may simply be unwilling to continue supporting their children after they reach adulthood,” said Professor Cobb-Clark.

“Children who grow up in disadvantaged outcomes are more likely to leave school early, have less access to resources like gifted and talented classes and have a lower probability of studying.”

Professor Cobb-Clark said that while changes in youth allowance over the years have focused on the disadvantaged, it has also raised the threshold for becoming independent.

“When you access the social system you are doing so on the basis of your parents’ income not your own, therefore parents will often be supporting young adults in the 18 year old age range.”

Professor Cobb-Clark said that support from parents can play an important role in ensuring that young people make a successful transition into adult roles.

“A young person’s life chances are shaped by the investments they make in their education and career development in early adulthood,” said Professor Cobb-Clark.

“Children who have the option of co-residing with their parents and get their support with education and training costs enjoy higher living standards primarily as a result of improved labour market opportunities.”

The research paper can be accessed via:
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.

சிறுநீர்க் கோளாறுகளை நிவர்த்தி செய்யும் ஆவாரம்பூ கஷாயம்


தேவையானவை: ஆவாரம்பூ - 100 கிராம், சுக்கு - ஒரு துண்டு, ஏலக்காய் - 20, உலர்ந்த வல்லாரை இலை - 100 கிராம், சோம்பு - ஒரு டீஸ்பூன், பனை வெல்லம் அல்லது பனங்கற்கண்டு தேவையான அளவு.

செய்முறை: மேற்சொன்ன அனைத்துப் பொருட்களையும் ஒன்றாகச் சேர்த்து, ஒன்றிரண்டாகப் பொடித்து வைத்துக்கொள்ளவும். தேவையானபோது அதில் கையளவு எடுத்து, அரை லிட்டர் தண்ணீர் ஊற்றி கால் லிட்டராக ஆகும் வரை சுண்டக் காய்ச்சவும். அதை வடிகட்டி, தேவையான அளவு பனை வெல்லம் அல்லது பனங்கற்கண்டு சேர்த்துக் குடிக்கலாம்.

மருத்துவப் பயன்: சர்க்கரை நோய்க்கு கைகண்ட மருந்து. சிறுநீர்க் கோளாறுகளை நிவர்த்தி செய்யும். இதய நோய், வாய்ப்புண், சரும நோய்களைப் போக்கும் ஆற்றல்கொண்டது. உஷ்ணத்தைக் குறைத்து உடலைக் குளிர்ச்சியாக வைத்துக்கொள்ளும்.


விடாமல் தொடரும் தீய பழக்கங்கள் 

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கெட்ட பழக்கங்கள் வருவது எளிது. அவற்றை எப்படி விடுவது என்று தெரியாமல் நாள்தோறும் சிலர் திண்டாடிக் கொண்டிருகின்றனர். அதற்கு ஞானி ஓருவர் கூறிய எளிய வழி ..

ஒருசமயம் பக்தன் ஒருவன், ஞானியிடம் சென்று தனக்கு ஏற்பட்ட சூதாடும் பழக்கத்தை எப்படி விடுவது என்று கேட்டான். ஞானி உடனே தன் பக்கத்தில் உள்ள ஒரு தூணைப் பிடித்துக் கொண்டு, தூண் என்னை விடமாட்டேன் என்கிறதே! என்றார்.

பக்தன், சுவாமி! நீங்கள் தூணை விடவேண்டியதுதானே! ஏன் விடமாட்டேன் என்கிறீர்கள்? என்றான்.

இதுபோலத்தான் நீயும் கெட்ட பழக்கத்தைவிட வேண்டும். அது உன்னை பிடித்துக்கொண்டு இருக்கவில்லை. நீதான் அதைப் பிடித்துக் கொண்டு இருக்கிறாய் எனக் கூற,  பக்தன் சூதாடும் பழக்கத்தை விட்டுவிட்டான். எனவே எந்த தீய பழக்கமும் நம்மை  பிடிக்கவில்லை. நாம் தான் அவற்றை பிடித்துள்ளோம் என்பதை உணர வேண்டும்.

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எது கேவலம்?

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பிரபல பிரெஞ்சு எழுத்தாளர் வால்டேர் என்பவர் ஜெனிவாவில் சில காலம் வாழ்ந்து வந்தார். ஒரு நாள் காஸினாவோ என்ற இத்தாலிய அறிஞர் வால்டேரை சந்தித்துப் பேசிக் கொண்டிருந்தார். 

அப்போது வால்டேர் தாம் ஹாலர் என்பவருடைய நூல்களை மிகவும் விரும்பிப் படித்ததாகவும், ஒவ்வொரு நூலும் மிகுந்த கருத்தாழம் மிக்கதாகவும் உள்ளது என்று பாராட்டிச் சொன்னார். உடனே காஸினாவோ, நீங்கள் என்னவோ அவருடைய நூல்களைப் பாராட்டிச் சொல்கின்றீர்கள். ஆனால், அவரோ உங்களுடைய நூல்களை மிகவும் கேவலமாகச் சொல்லிக் கொண்டிருக்கிறாரே. என்று சொன்னார்.

அப்படியானால், நாங்கள் இருவரும் எண்ணியது தவறு என்று தோன்றுகிறது எனக் கூறினார் வால்டேர். 

அந்தக் காலத்துல இருந்து இப்ப வரைக்கும் போட்டுக் கொடுக்கிறதுக்கு நிறைய பேர் பிறந்து கொண்டு தான் இருக்காங்க போலிருக்கு...

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