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Friday, April 27, 2012


புற்கள் தாக்குபிடிக்கும் புயலில் 

புன்னைமரங்கள் வீழ்ந்துவிடுகின்றன.

வெண்ணெயை உருக்கும்
அதே கதிரவன் தான்
களிமண்ணை இறுக்கவும் செய்கின்றது.

அதுக்குனு அடிமையாயிடாதீங்க
இரக்கம் காட்டுங்க,
ஆனால் ஏமாந்திடாதீங்க.

நீ திருந்து.. நாடே திருந்தும்…

தெய்வம் காட்டுமே தவிர

அதிக உயரங்களை எட்டுவதற்கு உதவும் 
நண்பரைப் பெற்றிருப்பது சிறந்தது.

ஆனால், அதிக உயரங்களிலிருந்து விழும்போது
தாங்கிப் பிடிக்கும் நண்பரைப் பெற்றிருப்பது,
கடவுளின் பரிசு.

நீ மகிழ்ச்சியாக இருக்கும்போது, 
நீ யாரை விரும்புகிறாயோ

நீ துயரத்தில் இருக்கும்போது,
உன்னை யார் விரும்புகிறாரோ

வியர்வைத் துளிகளும் கண்ணீர்த் 
துளிகளும் உப்பாக இருக்கலாம்.

ஆனால், அவை தான் வாழ்வை 
இனிமையாக மாற்றும்.

"நீ என்ன நினைக்கிறாயோ அதுவாகவே ஆகிறாய்…"
"நீ எதை அகத்தால் பார்க்கிறாயோ.. 
அதுவே புறமாக பரிணமிக்கிறது……."

"உன் மனத்தின் உயரமே… உன் வாழ்க்கையின் உயரம்…"

நீ மற்றவருக்கு வழிகாட்டி ஆவதற்காகப்
ஏன் மற்றவர்களிடம் உன் வழிகாட்டியைத்
தேடிக் கொண்டிருக்கிறாய்?

இந்த உலகம்
உன் வெற்றிக் கதையைப் படிக்கக்

வெற்றி என்பது என்ன?
உங்கள் கையொப்பம், 
ஆட்டோ கிராபாக அதுவே வெற்றி.

வெற்றிக்குப் பிறகு
தொடர்ந்து உழைப்பதை நிறுத்த வேண்டாம்;
தோல்விக்குப் பிறகு
தொடர்ந்து முயல்வதை நிறுத்த வேண்டாம்!

நண்பனை காணாவிடத்திலும்,
ஆசானை எவ்விடத்திலும்,
மனையாளை பஞ்சணையிலும்,
வேலையாளை வேலை முடிவிலும் போற்றுக.

ஒன்றுக்குச் சான்றுகள் இல்லாமை என்பது
அது இல்லாமைக்குச் சான்றில்லை

"வலுவான விதியே!
ஒரே ஒரு கோடைகாலம் எனக்கு அளி!
மெலிதான கானங்கள் நிறைந்த ஒரே ஒரு
வசந்தம் எனக்குக் கொடு
அந்த கானங்களை நிரப்பிக் கொண்டபின்
விருப்பத்தோடு என் இதயம்
இறக்கத் தயார்”
-ஃப்ரெட்ரிக் ஹோல்டர்வன்

இன்பத்தில் சிரிப்பவன் ஏமாளி
கண்பார்த்து சிரிப்பவன் காரியவாதி
கோபத்தில் சிரிப்பவன் சிந்தனையாளன்
கொடுக்கும்போது சிரிப்பவன் சூழ்ச்சிக்காரன்

முதியோர் சொல்லும் முதுநெல்லியும்
ஒரே மாதிரி.
முன்பு கசக்கும், பின்பு இனிக்கும்.

உணவின்றி 40 நாட்களும்
நீரின்றி 3 நாட்களும்
காற்றின்றி 3 நிமிடமும் உயிர் வாழலாம்.
ஆனால் நம்பிக்கையின்றி 3 
நொடிகூட வாழ இயலாது.

குழந்தையின் மழலை,
பைத்தியக்காரனின் பிதற்றல்,
மகானின் பொன்மொழி
இவற்றுக்கெல்லாம் பொதுவான 
ஒரு தன்மையுண்டு; இலகுவாகப் புரியாது.

சிக்கல்கள் என்பவை, ஓடும் ரெயிலிலிருந்து 
பார்க்கும் மரங்களைப் போன்றவை.
அருகில் போனால் அவை பெரிதாகத் தெரியும்.
அவற்றைக் கடந்து சென்றால்
அவை சிறிதாகிவிடும்.
இதுதான் வாழ்க்கை!

நீங்கள் ஒரு வாய்ப்பைத் தவறவிட்டால்
உங்கள் விழிகளைக் கண்ணீரால் நிரப்பாதீர்கள்!
அந்தக் கண்ணீர் உங்கள் முன் உள்ள 
இன்னொரு வாய்ப்பை மறைத்துவிடும்!
அழகிய புன்னகையுடன் எதிர்கொள்ளுங்கள்!

ஓடுகின்ற கால்கள்
ஓய்வெடுக்கும் போது
நீ எடுத்துக்கொண்ட பயணம்
முடிந்திருக்க வேண்டும்!
வாழ்ந்த நாட்களை
திரும்பிப் பார்க்கும் போது
உன் பெயரை சிலர்
உச்சரிக்க வேண்டும்!
கோபுரங்களின் அழகை
அஸ்திவாரங்கள் தாங்குவது போல்
நீ பிறந்ததின் பயனை
ஊரறியச் செய்
- யாரோ

ஏதாவது ஒரு தரப்பில் சேருங்கள்.
நடுநிலைமை வகிப்பது அக்கிரமக்காரனுக்குத்தான் 
உதவியாக இருக்கும்.

அக்கிரமத்துக்கு உள்ளாகிறவனுக்கு உதவாது.
மௌனம் சாதிப்பது கொடியவனுக்கே ஊக்கம் அளிக்கும்.
கொடுமைக்கு உள்ளாகிறவனுக்கு ஊக்கமளிக்காது

Koi Sai Kahe Koi Masiha Kahe [Full Song] I Sai Kardo Karam

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Will Automated Cars Save Fuel?

Drivers who want to use less fuel should consider not driving at all—by letting the car take over.


Hands off: A semi-autonomous BMW car, shown here in a test on a German autobahn.

Information technology is transforming cars faster than anyone expected, and it can do more than let drivers update their statuses on Facebook. It could also save them a lot of fuel.
These days, the design and control of more fuel-efficient engines and hybrid vehicles depends on computers. Yet the potential of IT to save fuel goes beyond improving a car's fuel economy rating. It could save fuel by gradually reducing—and, before too long, eliminating—the need for drivers.
Drivers cause all sorts of problems. They hit the brakes too much and accelerate too quickly. That can waste a third of the gas on a typical drive.
Bad driving also creates traffic jams. In the U.S., drivers waste two billion gallons of fuel each year while stuck in traffic, according to a study by the Texas Transportation Institute. Just think of the gas burned in that 2010 Chinese traffic jam that lasted almost two weeks.

But now, Burns says, technologies pioneered in several companies are making it "a lot faster for the world to get on with it." Processors are speeding up and sensors are becoming cheaper, and almost every automaker now offers cars equipped with adaptive cruise control, which uses radar to sense vehicles in the lane ahead and change the car's speed to avoid accidents. And Google's experimental automated Priuses proved that cars could drive themselves on public roads surrounded by conventional vehicles. In 2013, BMW will start selling a production version of its i3 concept car, which can drive itself at speeds of up to 25 miles per hour. 

Edison's Revenge: The Rise of DC Power

In a world of more electronics and solar energy, there's less and less need for AC power.

Direct idea: Thomas Edison posing with a phonograph. The inventor was also a pioneer of early electrical systems, and advocated for direct current.

In 1903, as a last-ditch effort to maintain direct current as the standard for distributing electricity around the United States, Thomas Edison presided over a notorious event meant in part to demonstrate the danger of alternating current: the electrocution of Topsy, a circus elephant deemed a threat to humans, by a 6,600-volt AC charge. Edison's stunt was pure fear-mongering (DC being equally dangerous at high voltage), and it failed: our grid today is primarily AC.
But a little over a century after Topsy's collapse, it is AC that looks increasingly wobbly. Thanks to growing power consumption by digital devices of all kinds, DC power is making a comeback, this time on its own merits.
Anything that uses transistors relies on direct current, the flow of electricity in one direction. That explains why PCs, iPhones, and flat-screen TVs all have converter boxes to turn the alternating current in wall sockets (which reverses direction 120 times a second) into direct current.
Such digital consumer devices account for up to a fifth of total power consumption today, according to Greg Reed, director of the Power & Energy Initiative at the University of Pittsburgh. Reed says the steep growth curve of DC power is due not only to computers but also to the spread of devices such as LEDs and solar panels.

"Within the next 20 years we could definitely see as much as 50 percent of our total loads be made up of DC consumption," he says. "It's accelerating even more than we'd expected."
With the growing number of devices generating and using direct current, Reed says, comes a big opportunity to save energy. By distributing DC power to DC devices instead of converting it to AC along the way, it's possible to avoid substantial energy losses that occur every time electricity is converted.
Some electronics-heavy facilities are now developing all-DC "microgrids" to feed power to users. Consider the plans for a DC microgrid at China's Xiamen University, announced in March. A self-contained electrical grid will span three campus buildings, linking a 150-kilowatt rooftop solar array to LED lighting systems and banks of computer servers.
The spread of electric vehicles could make DC even more important: electric cars charge on direct current and require substantial amounts of power. Dragan Maksimovic, an expert in power electronics at the University of Colorado in Boulder, estimates that solar-powered vehicle chargers his group is developing should cut power losses from 10 percent of what the panels produce to just 2 percent. Maksimovic is partnering with Satcon, a manufacturer of the power converters, and has funding from the Hawaii Renewable Energy Development Venture; the team plans to install solar chargers this spring at a resort on the Hawaiian island of Lanai.
Another driver for DC is the data centers that run the Internet and telecommunications networks. Large computer farms now consume more than 1.3 percent of electricity worldwide, and that figure is rising fast. The incoming power is AC and needs to be converted. Instead of having power converters on each computer, some companies are installing large centralized converters and distributing 380-volt DC power across their server farms. Japanese telecom giant NTT has four data centers in the Tokyo region operating on DC; last year it completed a DC-based server center in Atsugi City, southwest of Tokyo, that is its first to serve external clients.
Power savings are achieved largely by replacing the AC-to-DC converters attached to individual servers with more efficient centralized inverters. Making that switch and eliminating AC-DC converters on battery backup systems cut power consumption by 15 percent compared with conventional AC configurations, according to Keiichi Hirose, a senior research engineer at NTT Facilities in Tokyo. Intel has valued annual power savings for a medium-sized data center in the U.S. at $1.2 million, and the value should be considerably more in Japan and Europe, where power prices are higher.
Also catching on are DC lighting circuits. Emerge Alliance, a consortium based in San Ramon, California, that advocates for DC power distribution in commercial buildings, has established a standard for 24-volt DC ceiling circuits and says that running LED ceiling lights on DC lines uses up to 15 percent less energy than doing the AC-to-DC switch inside the fixtures. Emerge is now working on bringing DC power to employees' desktops, letting them plug in computers or phones without the need for hot-running converter boxes.
Will the DC rebellion spread beyond buildings to take over the larger lines that feed neighborhoods, cities, and beyond, as Edison once hoped? Many power experts are skeptical. Alternating current is the standard for transmitting electricity around the grid, and many devices, such as electric motors, lend themselves to AC power. "I don't think there's going to be a wholesale transformation of the power system into DC," says UC Boulder's Maksimovic.
But others, such as Reed, see a DC takeover as inevitable. He notes that transmission lines increasingly use DC power, because high-voltage DC (HVDC) lines are easier to control and have lower losses than AC lines. Long-distance lines are often the key to tapping renewable resources located far from power-needy cities, such as wind and solar energy.
Expanding DC power distribution at the top and bottom levels of the electrical food chain creates an opportunity to close the gap with regional distribution in DC as well, just as Edison once imagined. Reed notes that converting high-voltage AC power into 120 volts for residential use leads to losses around 5 percent higher than with equivalent DC systems. "If you have HVDC on one end and DC consumption on the other, that becomes an enabler for medium-voltage DC between them," he says.
With savings like that, Reed predicts that the first direct delivery of DC power from high-voltage line to end user may not be so far off, especially in rapidly developing economies that are building new power infrastructure. "I think we're within 10 years of it here," he says, "and within three to five years in China."

Psychologists Use Social Networking Behavior to Predict Personality Type

The ability to automatically determine personality type could change the way social networks target services to users
One of the foundations of modern psychology is that human personality can be described in terms of five different forms of behavior. These are:
1. Agreeableness--being helpful, cooperative and sympathetic towards others
2. Conscientiousness--being disciplined, organized and achievement-oriented
3. Extraversion--having a higher degree of sociability, assertiveness and talkativeness
4. Neuroticism--the degree of emotional stability, impulse control and anxiety
5. Openness--having a strong intellectual curiosity and a preference for novelty and variety
Psychologists have spent much time and many years developing tests that can classify people according to these criteria. 
Today, Shuotian Bai at the Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing and a couple of buddies say they have developed an online version of the test that can determine an individual's personality traits from their behavior on a social network such as Facebook or Renren, an increasingly popular Chinese competitor.
Their method is relatively simple. These guys asked just over 200 Chinese students with Renren accounts to complete online, a standard personality test called the Big Five Inventory, which was developed at the University of California, Berkeley during the 1990s.
At the same time, these guys analyzed the Renren pages of each student, recording their age and sex and various aspects of their online behavior such as the frequency of their blog posts as well as the emotional content of the posts such as whether angry, funny or surprised  and so on. 
Finally, they used various number crunching techniques to reveal correlations between the results of the personality tests and the online behavior. 
It turns out, they say, that various online behaviors are a good indicator of personality type. For example, conscientious people are more likely to post asking for help such as a location or e-mail address; a sign of extroversion is an increased use of emoticons; the frequency of status updates correlates with openness; and a measure of neuroticism is the rate at which blog posts attract angry comments.
Based on these correlations, these guys say they can automatically predict personality type simply by looking at an individual's social network statistics. 
That could be extremely useful for social networks. Shuotian and comapny point out that a network might use this to recommend specific services. They give the rather naive example of an outgoing user who may prefer international news and like to make friends with others. 
Other scenarios are at least as likely. For example, such an approach might help to improve recommender systems in general. Perhaps people who share similar personality characteristics are more likely to share similar tastes in books, films or each other. 
There is also the obvious prospect that social networks would use this data for commercial gain; to target specific adverts to users for example. And finally there is the worry that such a technique could be used to identify vulnerable individuals who might be most susceptible to nefarious persuasion.
Ethics aside, there are also certain questions marks over the result. One important caveat is how people's response to psychology studies online differs from those done at other times. That could clearly introduce some bias. Then there are the more general questions of how online and offline behaviours differs and how these tests vary across cultures. These are things that Shuotian and Co. want to study in the future.
In the meantime, it is becoming increasingly clear that the data associated with our online behavior is a rich and valuable source of information about our innermost natures. 
Ref: Big-Five Personality Prediction Based on User Behaviors at Social Network Sites

Just a Few Cell Clones Can Make Heart Muscle

The growth of the zebrafish heart from embryo to adult is tracked using colored cardiac muscle clones, each containing many cellular progeny of a single cardiac muscle cell. Here, a large clone of green cardiac muscle cells (top) expands over the surface of many smaller clones in a growing heart. (Credit: Vikas Gupta, Duke University Medical Center)                                 Science Daily— Just a handful of cells in the embryo are all that's needed to form the outer layer of pumping heart muscle in an adult zebrafish.

Researchers at Duke University Medical Center used zebrafish embryos and careful employment of a new technique that allows for up to 90 color labels on different cells to track individual cells and cell lines as the heart formed.
The scientists were surprised by how few cells went into making a critical organ structure and they suspect that other organs may form in a similar fashion, said Kenneth Poss, PhD, professor in the Duke Department of Cell Biology and Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
The study appears online in Natureon April 25.
"The most surprising aspect of this work is that a very small number of cardiomyocytes (heart muscle cells) in the growing animal can give rise to the thousands of cardiomyocytes that form the wall of the cardiac ventricle," said Vikas Gupta, lead author, who is in the Duke Medical Scientist Training Program for MD and PhD degrees.
Gupta found that about eight single cells contributed to forming the major type of heart muscle in the wall of the zebrafish heart -- and just one or two cells could create anywhere from 30 to 70 percent of the entire ventricular surface.
"Clonal dominance like this is a property of some types of stem cells, and it's a new concept in how to form an organ during development," Poss said.
Another surprise was the way the patches of cloned cells formed muscle.
"It was completely unexpected," Gupta said. "I thought the wall would simply thicken in place, but instead there was a network of cells that enveloped the ventricle in a wave. It was as if a cell at your shoulder grew a thin layer of new cells down your arm surface."
Gupta said this opens an area for investigation to see whether or not a process like this repeats in the hearts of mammals, and perhaps in other internal organs.
Poss said the cell clones appear to have the ability to cover as much of the ventricular surface as possible before other cells start appearing and growing at the surface.
"Our suspicion is that the muscle cells that initiate large clones are not much different from other muscle cells -- they just get to the surface of the heart first," Poss said.
They used the analogy of a sperm getting to the egg first, among all the millions of possible sperm cells.
Poss said the manner in which these muscle cells envelope the heart could lead to new therapies.
"Researchers may be able to channel this developmental process to help damaged hearts or failing hearts to grow muscle that will reinforce the ventricular walls," he said. "Someone who's had a heart attack would want this ability to generate new muscle to cover a scar naturally, and it's attractive to think that the help might come from a small number of muscle cells within a population."
The color-label technique was originally developed by other biologists and was critical to allow the researchers to track heart cell populations.
"You can label individual cells very early in an embryo with a permanent color and those cells and their progeny will keep that color," Poss said. "You can learn what an individual cardiomyocyte did, and its neighbor, and that cell's neighbor and so on, until you've covered much of the whole ventricle of the developing zebrafish."
Poss said it makes sense that this growth process works by a gradual layering process, especially for the heart.
"It's speculative, but for the heart to maintain circulation in a relatively slowly growing animal, a process like this to build the heart might be a way of gradually increasing its circulatory strength to keep up."
Funding for the study came from a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Medical Scientist Training Program supplement. Dr. Poss is an Early Career Scientist of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. This work also was supported by grants from the National Heart, Blood and Lung Institute and the American Heart Association.

Your Brain Knows Which Ads Are Winners, Better Than You Do: Study On Smokers' Brains May Mark Dawn of New Age in Advertising

The brain, with the medial prefrontal cortex highlighted in green. (Credit: Image courtesy of University of California - Los Angeles)                                                                                Science Daily  — Advertisers and public health officials may be able to access hidden wisdom in the brain to more effectively sell their products and promote health and safety, UCLA neuroscientists report in the first study to use brain data to predict how large populations will respond to advertisements.

The UCLA researchers also consulted experts who work in the anti-smoking field and who have been involved in creating anti-smoking advertisements. These experts agreed that campaigns "A" and "B" were the best and "C" was the worst.Thirty smokers who were trying to quit watched television commercials from three advertising campaigns, which all ended by showing the phone number of the National Cancer Institute's smoking-cessation hotline. They were asked which commercials they thought would be most effective; they responded that advertising campaigns "A" and "B" would be the best and "C" would be the worst.
While the smokers watched the advertisements, they underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) brain scans at UCLA's Ahmanson-Lovelace Brain Mapping Center, and the neuroscientists focused on part of the medial prefrontal cortex -- located in the front of the brain, between the eyebrows -- a region that they have found to be especially important in previous persuasion studies.
The researchers found that activity in the medial prefrontal cortex increased much more during advertising campaign "C" than it did during campaign "A," and somewhat more than it did during campaign "B."
"The medial prefrontal cortex predicted 'C' would be the best, 'B' would be second best and 'A' would be the worst -- essentially the opposite of what the experts and the participants told us they thought would happen," said the study's senior author, Matthew Lieberman, a UCLA professor of psychology and of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences.
"We didn't expect how radically different people's predictions would be from the predictions we made based on their brain activity," said Lieberman, one of the founders of social cognitive neuroscience. "We had people telling us one thing and this brain region telling us something diametrically opposed."
Initially, Lieberman and first author Emily Falk, an assistant professor of communication studies and psychology at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, were concerned when they saw the results from the medial prefrontal cortex.
"We were hoping the brain data would add something to the self-reports of our participants," Lieberman said. "Given how different they were from one another, we were afraid our brain data might not end up predicting the real-world outcomes at all."
A few months later, after the advertisements had been broadcast, the authors received the call-volume data from the National Cancer Institute's 1-800-QUIT-NOW hotline. They compared the number of people who called the hotline the month before and the month after each of the advertising campaigns was run. All three advertising campaigns were successful in increasing the number of phone calls to the hotline. Campaign "A" more than doubled the number of calls, "B" increased the number of calls more than ten-fold and "C" boosted the number of calls a remarkable thirty-fold. (The advertisements were shown in Michigan, Massachusetts and Louisiana.)
Activity in the medial prefrontal cortex predicted which ads persuaded more people to call the hotline significantly better than the smokers' own thoughts about how successful the ads would be.
The research is published this month in the online edition of the journal Psychological Science.
What are the implications for the advertising industry, which often relies, at least partly, on unscientific focus groups?
"If people are making decisions based on what focus groups tell them, here's an important brain region saying, 'No, spend your money a different way,'" Lieberman said. "If I were deciding on an advertising campaign, I would want to know which ads are activating this region the most -- that is where I would want to spend my money."
This new research represents "the first thing you could call aneural focus group," Lieberman said.
One reason focus groups can be misleading, he said, is that people often do not know what motivates their own behavior.
"Our brain is built to generate reasons for our actions," Lieberman said, "and we think the reasons we come up with must be true. We believe our own reasons with an intensity that is out of proportion to their accuracy. In this study, we are bypassing people's self-reports and getting at a form of hidden wisdom in the brain.
"We wanted to determine what kind of brain activity serves as the catalyst between people seeing a message and whether they actually change their behavior," he said. "This is the region we identified. We have tested it multiple times, and each time, it has been successful."
John Wanamaker, a 19th-century U.S. department store pioneer, famously said he wasted half the money he spent on advertising, but "the trouble is I don't know which half." Many people since Wanamaker have hoped to predict which advertising campaigns will succeed or fail before committing their advertising dollars.
"We're too late for Wanamaker, but now we have a method for figuring out which ads will succeed," Lieberman said.
The 30 smokers in the study were between the ages of 28 and 69; half were female.
Brain regions associated with thinking analytically have not been consistently associated with whether people change their behavior in these studies, Lieberman said. The medial prefrontal cortex is associated not with analytical thinking but with self-reflection -- thinking about our own identity as well as what we like and do not like.
"Persuasive advertising seems to be about getting to people's hearts and their identity," Lieberman said. "We are just at the beginning of this line of research. There are many more questions than answers, but the initial results have been promising."
In research Lieberman and Falk published in the Journal of Neuroscience in 2010, greater activity in the same medial prefrontal region was predictive of who would increase their sunscreen usage after seeing persuasive messages about daily sunscreen use.
"We knew from prior studies that this brain region predicted people's behavior change in response to a persuasive message," Lieberman said.
With the new study, Lieberman and his colleagues wanted to know whether they could predict not only people's own behavior but use these brain responses to predict how effective advertisements would be throughout the country.

PhD Student Position in Wireless Sensor Networks at University of Trento, Italy

PhD Student Position in Wireless Sensor Networks

at University of Trento, Italy


Applications are invited from those interested in pursuing a PhD

in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) at the University of Trento,

Italy, in the D3S group. D3S ( is a

crossâ€institution research group focusing on dynamic, decentralâ€

ized, distributed systems.

In the context of WSNs, the D3S group has been particularly sucâ€

cessful in bringing research results into realâ€world, longâ€term,

operational deployments. Examples are the structural health monâ€

itoring of a medieval tower, and the closedâ€loop control of

lighting in a road tunnel. The scientific results of these

projects received the Best Paper Award at IPSN (both in 2009 and

2011) and the Mark Weiser Best Paper Award at PerCom 2012.

Other ongoing projects include: i) a pervasive computing environâ€

ment equipped with audio, video, and other types of sensors to

provide support for elders and people with disabilities; ii) a

mobile WSN for monitoring wildlife; iii) a platform for integratâ€

ing WSNs into business process, through a modelâ€driven approach.

Although we emphasize realâ€world applications as a motivation and

a concrete opportunity for the validation of our research, the

latter is not limited to the immediate needs of WSN deployments.

We perform a mix of curiosityâ€driven and applicationâ€driven reâ€

search. The research challenges tackled by D3S span a broad set

of topics, ranging from lowâ€layer issues concerned with the charâ€

acterization and design of communication protocols to higherâ€layâ€

er issues related with programming platforms and software archiâ€

tectures for WSNs.

New PhD students are invited to participate in ongoing projects

to gain experience and insight into real systems, and to identify

novel, challenging problems whose solutions break new grounds.

The D3S group, and Trento at large, provide a fertile environment

for highâ€quality research: two of our PhD students received the

Best Ph.D. Thesis Award at the European Conference on Wireless

Sensor Networks (EWSN) in 2009 and 2012.

The language of the research group is English.

The Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science is

a leading and fastâ€growing research institution, characterized by

a young and international faculty and by a large, international

student population. Indicators for scientific production place

the department among the top in Europe. The department and the

PhD school closely collaborate with †and operate in †a fertile

and rapidly growing research and innovation environment characâ€

terized by top class research centers and an increasing number of

industrial research labs. The successful candidate will therefore

have the opportunity to work in a dynamic and exciting environâ€


Trento is a vibrant city with a beautifully preserved historic

center, consistently ranked among the best cities for quality of

life in Italy. It offers a variety of cultural and sports opporâ€

tunities all year around, as well as excellent food and wine.

Applications must be filed online before May 15 2012 (at 13:00,

Italy time) at the link below.


In the "Areas of preference" section of the application, the apâ€

plicant must indicate a preference BOTH for "Systems and Netâ€

works" (under "Computer Science") AND "Remote and Distributed

Sensing" (under "Telecommunications"). Failure to do so may reâ€

sult in ineligibility for this position.

It is strongly advised to get in contact with Prof. Gian Pietro

Picco ( before submitting the applicaâ€

tion, by providing a curriculum vitae including three references.


Online PhD Application:â€


Prof. Gian Pietro Picco:

D3S Group and Projects:

DISI web site:

Research at DISI:

PhD School: