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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

சிறுநீரகம் பாதிக்கப்படுவதற்கு என்னென்ன காரணங்கள் இருக்கிறது?

முதன்மையான காரணமாக நீரிழிவைக் குறிப்பிடலாம். நீரிழிவால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களுள் பெருன்பான்மையானவர்களுக்கு சிறுநீரக பாதிப்பு ஏற்படும்.

புற்று நோயால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களுக்கும் சிறுநீரக செயல்பாட்டில் பிரச்சினை வரும். சில வயதானவர்களுக்கு சிறுநீர் பாதையில் விரும்பத்தகாத அளவில் சதை வளர்ந்து, அடைப்பு ஏற்படும். இதன் மூலம் கிட்னிக்கு பின்னோக்கிய அழுத்தங்கள் அதிகரித்து, அவை பழுதாகக்கூடிய வாய்ப்பு உருவாகிறது. சிறுநீர் பிரியும் குழாயின் மேலேயுள்ள தோல்களில் ஏதேனும் பாதிப்பு இருந்தால் கூட சிறுநீரக பாதிப்பு ஏற்படும்.

முதுமை காரணமாக சிறுநீரகத்தின் செயல்பாடு பாதிக்கப்படுமா?

நிச்சயமாக. ஒரு மனிதனுக்கு நாற்பது வயது கடந்து விட்டாலே அவர்களின் உடலில் உள்ள சிறுநீரகத்தின் வீரியமான செயல்பாட்டில் மந்த நிலை உருவாகத் தொடங்குகிறது. சிறுநீரகம், மனிதனின் உடலில் கழிவு நீரகற்று தொழிற்சாலையாகத் தான் செயல்படுகிறது. இது எப்போதும் ஒரே அளவில் செயல்படுவதில்லை. ஆரோக்கியமான மனிதர்களுக்கும் இது பொருந்தும். இது ஒரு வகையான சுத்திகரிப்பு பணியினை தொடர்ந்து செய்வதால் ஏற்படும் சோர்வாகத்தான் மருத்துவத்துறை இதனை பார்க்கிறது.

திராட்சைச் சாறு அருந்தினால்சிறுநீரகத்தில் கல் உருவாகுமாம். உண்மையா?
பழச்சாறுகளை விட கோககோலா, பெப்சி கோலா ஆகியவற்றை அருந்தினால் சிறுநீரகத்தில் கல் உருவாகுவதற்கான வாய்ப்பு உண்டு.

ஏனெனில் அதில் தான் ஆக்சிலேட்கள் அதிகமுண்டு. இந்த ஆக்சிலேட்டு கள் தான் சிறுநீரகத்தில் கல்லை உருவாக்குகின்றன. ஆகவே இதனை தவிர்ப்பது நல்லது.

தக்காளிப்பழத்திலும் ஆக்சிலேட்டுகள் அதிகமுண்டு. அதனால் தக்காளியை நேரடியாகவோ அல்லது தக்காளிச் சாறாகவோ அருந்தக்கூடாது. அதற்கு பதிலாக தக்காளியை ரசத்திலோ, குழம்பிலோ பயன்படுத்தி சாப்பிடலாம்.

சிறுநீரக சிக்கல்களுக்கு தண்ணீர் அருந்துவது தான் சரியான தீர்வா?

யூரினரி இன்பெஃக்ஷன் அல்லது சிறுநீரகத்தில் கல் ஆகிய பிரச்சினைகள் இருந்தால் தண்ணீர் அருந்தலாம். சிறுநீரகம் பழுதாகியிருந்தால் தண்ணீர் அருந்துவது மேலும் சிக்கலை தோற்றுவித்துவிடும்.

அதனால் பிரச்சினையைப் பொறுத்தே தண்ணீர் அருந்துவது தீர்வாகும். இதனை மருத்துவரின் ஆலோசனைக்கு பிறகே தொடரவும். ஒரு நாளைக்கு சராசரியாக இரண்டு லிட்டர் முதல் 3 லிட்டர் வரை தண்ணீர் சீரான இடைவெளியில் அருந்த வேண்டும்.

ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட வலி நிவாரணி மாத்திரைகளையோ அல்லது வலி நிவா ரணத்திற்கான ஊசிகளையோ தொடர்ச்சியாக உபயோகப்படுத்துபவர் களுக்கு சிறுநீரகம் பாதிக்கப்படுவது உண்மை என்று கண்டறியப்பட்டு உள்ளது.

அதே தருணத்தில் வலி நிவாரணத்திற்காக எப்போதாவது மாத்திரை களை சாப்பிடுவதால் இது பாதிக்கப்படுவதில்லை.

Fatty acids fight cancer spread


Epidemiological studies have reported that dietary intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids...decrease the risk of certain cancers.
Image: ALEAIMAGE/iStockphoto
Tiny agents found in omega-3 could potentially be used to block the path of primary cancer tumours, preventing the advance to secondary stage cancers according to pharmacy researchers at the University of Sydney.

Investigators in the Pharmacogenomics and Drug Development Group of the Faculty of Pharmacy are using breast cancer tissue cells to gauge the blocking capacity of the omega-3 agents called epoxides on cancer cell movement.

Dr Michael Murray, Professor of Pharmogenetics at the University, says a major life-threatening consequence of malignant breast tumours is metastasis where the disease has spread to distant sites (or tissues) and at present there are no treatments.

He led his team to the discovery of the anti-metastatic actions of epoxides which are produced within the body from omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The groundbreaking work has led Murray and his Drug Development Group deeper into the molecular structure of the omega-3 agents.

Professor Murray says: "These agents are a bit like frontline soldiers blocking the assault of an invading army and now we want to advance our research which was published late last year and apply it to breast cancer cells.

"We know that epidemiological studies have reported that dietary intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids including eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, decrease the risk of certain cancers. And many of us are including sources of omega-3 such as tuna and salmon in our diet as a precaution.

"The major objective of our new project is to speed the development of anti-metastatic agents based on omega-3 epoxides and trial their effectiveness in vivo on breast cancer tissue.

"Longer term we are aiming to develop a completely new class of anti-metastatic drugs designed to inhibit the spread of primary cancers," Murray says.

Although not all experts agree, women who eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids over many years may be less likely to develop breast cancer. More research is needed to understand the effect that omega-3 fatty acids may have on the prevention of breast cancer says Murray.

Research has also shown that omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and may help lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and arthritis.
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.


Six Ideas for Finding New Sales Leads

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Sometimes in life, you kick over a rock and find a thriving colony of activity. So, too, in business. With so many tools, niches, sites, apps and platforms to look for and nurture customers, it’s easy to overlook less obvious opportunities. Here are some to try.
1. SlideShare offers the ability to upload and share presentations, e-books, PDFs and webinars. It isn’t exactly a backwater, but it’s a bit of an undervalued spot. With 60 million visitors per month and 130 million page views, it’s the world’s largest professional content-sharing community and one of the top 200 sites on the web.
SlideShare is also one of the only high-traffic platforms that integrates organic and near-seamless lead generation. The network’s LeadShare service requires viewers to fill out a contact form in exchange for downloading a presentation or PDF, and it encourages viewers to contact the business for additional information at various points throughout a presentation. Of course, this feature comes at a price: To enable lead-capture, you’ll have to spring for a Pro SlideShare membership, which can cost $19 to $249 per month.
2. Product videos
Well-produced product videos are a slam-dunk for increasing sales. Visitors to housewares retailer were 144 percent more likelyto make a purchase after seeing a product video, according to analytics technology company Kissmetrics.
Keep product videos brief–less than 30 seconds is optimal–and consider embedding calls to action in a way that’s helpful and not irritating. Online catalog aggregator FlipSeek does this effectively; for example, it can make the cute shoes a model is wearing clickable, providing a direct link to the corresponding product page.
3. E-mail signatures
Including a brief, text-based call to action in your e-mail signature may not be the sexiest idea, but considering the volume of e-mail you are likely sending, it's a tactic worth trying. Consider integrating your blog's URL, a new e-book or some other relevant download into your e-mail signature as a way to nurture relationships with prospects. Technology like WiseStamp allows you to add dynamic content like your latest blog post to any outgoing message.
4. LinkedIn Answers
Browse the questions asked on LinkedIn and use your expertise to solve problems for others, looking for opportunities to link to your relevant product or service. But, as with most things in life, moderation is key: Don't shill your own stuff unless it truly offers a relevant solution.
5. Error pages
Turn the most boring pages of your site (even a 404 error page!) into lead-gen's playful error page  shows a nerdy-looking developer saying, "Page not available. But Justin is." It goes on: "Justin is a Mint developer who likes slow cars, sharp crayons, reheated pizza and awkward silence." The page gives links to other pages "if you're more interested in personal finance."
6. Pinterest
This new kid on the social media block is worth checking out as a traffic-generating lead-gen referral tool. Visits to the invitation-only online bulletin board skyrocketed in the second half of 2011 to 11 million. Brands with compelling boards drive traffic to their own sites.
What's "pinnable" for a business looking to generate leads? Consider moving beyond product shots to include other images, infographics, videos or articles. My company's page, features vintage marketing ads as well as marketing fails, charts and stats and a board reserved for business "inspiration."


What you don’t do can sometimes make a bigger impact than what you do.

I recently described what remarkable bosses do. A number of people emailed and asked, “That’s a great list, but flip it around: What things should I not do?”
Glad you asked.
As a leader what you don’t do can sometimes make as much or even more impact than what you do. Here are five things remarkable bosses never do:

Say, “I’ve been meaning to apologize for a while…”

You should never need to apologize for not having apologized sooner.
When you mess up, ‘fess up. Right away. You certainly want employees to immediately tell you when they make a mistake, so model the same behaviour.
If love means never having to say you’re sorry, leadership means always having to say you’re sorry.

Deliver annual performance reviews.

Annual or semi-annual performance appraisals are largely a waste of time.
Years ago my review was late so I mentioned it to my boss. He said, “I’ll get to it… but you should know you won’t hear anything new. You’ve already heard everything I will say, good or bad. If anything on your review comes as a surprise to you I haven’t done my job.”
He was right. The best feedback isn’t scheduled. The best feedback happens on the spot when it makes the most impact, either as praise and encouragement or as training and suggestions for improvement. Waiting for a scheduled review is the lazy way out.
Your job is to coach and mentor and develop–every day.

Hold formal meetings to solicit ideas.

Many companies hold brainstorming sessions to solicit ideas for improvement, especially when times get tough.
Sounds great; after all you’re “engaging employees” and “valuing their contributions,” right? But you don’t need a meeting to get input. When employees know you listen they bring ideas to you.
And if you must ask, the better way to ask for ideas is to talk to people individually and to be more specific. Say, “I wish we could find a way to get orders through our system faster. What would you change if you were me?”
Trust me: Employees picture themselves doing your job–and doing your job better than you–all the time. They have ideas. Sometimes they have great ideas. Be open, act on good ideas, explain why less than good ideas aren’t feasible… and you’ll get all the input you can handle without a formal meeting.

Create development plans.

Formal development plans are, like annual performance reviews, largely a corporate construct. You should know what each of your employees hopes to achieve: Skills and experience they want to gain, career paths they hope to take, etc.
So talk about it--informally. Then assign projects that fit. Provide training that fits. Create opportunities that fit.
Then give feedback on the spot. "Develop" is a verb. To develop requires action. "Development" is a noun that sits in a file cabinet.

Call in favours.

I know lots of bosses who play the guilt game, like saying, "Mark, I was really flexible with your schedule while your son was sick... now I really need you to come through for me and work this weekend."
Generosity should always be a one-way street. Be flexible when being flexible is the right thing to do. Be accommodating when being accommodating is the right thing to do.
Never lend money to friends unless you don't care if you are repaid, and never do "favours" for employees in anticipation of return.
Remarkable leaders only give. They never take.


Facebook’s latest gamble has the company laying down $1 billion dollars for a photo application! Find out what brought this about and whether it is Facebook’s smartest or worst decision here!
Forbes shares…
Facebook is buying Instagram, according to this post today from Mark Zuckerberg. The purchase price of $1 billion will be paid in cash and Facebook shares.
This is an important milestone for Facebook because it’s the first time we’ve ever acquired a product and company with so many users. We don’t plan on doing many more of these, if any at all. But providing the best photo sharing experience is one reason why so many people love Facebook and we knew it would be worth bringing these two companies together.
Instagram rocketed to 30 million iOS users in 18 months and was named iPhone app of the year in 2011. It is one of the best apps for taking and sharing photos from the iPhone. Its square images and assorted image filters let anyone make retro, techno and pretty pictures out of mundane shots of their kids, pets, food. Instagram’s Android version, released last week, got millions of downloads immediately. But $1 billion, if true, is still a crazy number. Instagram doesn’t make any money. Nor did it say it was focusing on revenue. It is still chasing big users.
Instagram closed a Series B funding round last week led by led by Sequoia Capital, Thrive, Benchmark and Greylock at a reported $500 million valuation. Quick paydirt for them. The fact that Facebook would pay 2x what the company was supposedly worth within a week’s time suggests this is a defensive move against Google or Twitter or Microsoft buying Instagram. Facebook has the money (almost $4 billion in cash on hand as of December 2011), and certainly isn’t desperate for more users, most if not all of whom are already on Facebook (which greatly influences the price-per-new-active-user Facebook is paying. See crude math below.)
Fred Wilson has said that Facebook is really about photos and this only underscores that. The mobile-social photo sector is still amorphously led but if anyone is harmed by this deal it is Yahoo. Facebook is really going after its Flickr property here, to put the nail further in Yahoo’s coffin. (To its discredit, Yahoo hasn’t done anything with Flickr lately). Zuckerberg is playing chess, making a defining move in how it stands in the photo space. It’s like what Google did with YouTube.
One problem this will solve for Instagram’s 30-something million users is that sharing an Instagram photo on Facebook from your phone pretty much sucks right now. Here comes the much needed integration: bigger photos, more detailed info about the filters, etc. Right now all you get when you post an Instagram photo on Facebook from your phone is a small link and a thumbnail image. A better integration will stimulate more sharing through Instagram.
But a $1 billion for 30 million users that pay nothing for the service? Sounds crazy but consider this: Instagram is getting bought for $33 per user. Facebook is supposedly trading with a market cap of close to $100 billion and has 850 million users, giving it a value of $117 per user. So it looks like a decent bit of funny-money arbitrage, using well-endowed Facebook shares to acquire users and solidify hold of a strategic asset at a lower valuation. We don’t yet know how much of the deal is in cash vs. stock, so this calculation could be less favorable sounding but it still makes sense with Facebook currency.
Get the entire story at Forbes!

Honor From The Most Honorable

Hanuman praying“May the glorious Brahma, the self-create, and the deities - including Agni, Vayu, and Indra, who is the wielder of the thunderbolt and who is addressed by many names - grant me success.” (Hanuman, Valmiki Ramayana, Sundara Kand, 13.65)
brahmā svayambhūr bhagavān devāḥ caiva diśantu me |
siddhim agniḥ ca vāyuḥ ca puru hūtaḥ ca vajradhṛt ||
Though a deva is a divine figure, they are still considered an embodied being, so they must live within a specific form for a set period of time. While this may seem like a good thing, just imagine staying within your present state for billions of years. Oh, by the way, after these billions of years have passed, you have lived just one day. This is the case with Lord Brahma, the self-create. He is described as such because he does not have a normal set of parents. He took birth from the stem coming from the lotus-like navel of Lord Vishnu, the Supreme Lord, the lord of all creatures. The devas are in a tough position because they are allowed to grant material benedictions, but in order to remain in their post, they have to step down from the platform of pure devotion, where one has no care other than to worship the Supreme Lord and think of His glories. Yet in certain circumstances, the devas get special favor. If the most exalted of personalities come to ask you for something, though you are granting benedictions to them, the benefit is actually to you, for you have the pleasure of accepting honor from the most honorable.
Shri HanumanSeems like a play on words, but the prayer of Shri Hanuman quoted above gives an example of the concept. Demigod worship wasn’t required for Hanuman. Not that he was above anyone else in his mind, but Hanuman was working directly for the lord of all creatures, the source of all men, Narayana. The person known as God has many different names in the Vedic tradition. We can refer to the Supreme Lord as God, offer up a prayer, and hope that He hears us, or we can take the option of knowing His many forms and names, contemplating upon them, and thus adjusting our activities so that those visions always stay within the mind.
The latter option is known as bhakti-yoga, or devotional service, and it is the summit of existence. The activity is considered the highest because what can be better than connecting with God through consciousness? Consciousness reveals the presence of the soul, and its proper conditioning unlocks the door to happiness that can be instantiated anywhere. Think of the portable video game system or the special features on your smartphone. These come in handy when you are in situations where you can’t have fun. Say, for instance, you’re in a doctor’s office waiting for your appointment. Rather than sit in the waiting room bored watching some television program that you can’t stand, you can take out your cell phone and start doing a variety of things. Perhaps read a book, check your email, play a game, watch a movie, or talk to your friends. With the advanced technology, pretty much anything you could do in more pleasurable situations can be done within even the most boring room.
The consciousness is the friend that follows us wherever we go. The downside is that if we are not properly situated in thought, we can be miserable at every second. Imagine being in the company of your friends and family and all you’re thinking about is that one task that has kept you up late at night. Worries and fears can be so debilitating that there are so many phobias identified by psychologists. If the fear rules the consciousness, then no matter what the external circumstances, the individual will be unhappy.
Lord RamaBhakti-yoga is meant for conditioning the consciousness to bring pleasure to the individual at any place and at any stage in life. If you’re feeling sad, just tap into the divine consciousness by regularly chanting the holy names, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare”. Find your Vishnu form of choice and remember His features. For Shri Hanuman, he got the opportunity to directly serve Vishnu’s warrior incarnation of Lord Rama, the handsome and pious prince of Ayodhya, the husband of Sita Devi and the elder brother of Lakshmana. Rama was the delight of Mother Kausalya and King Dasharatha, the cherished treasure for the attentive eyes of the innocent residents of Ayodhya, and the savior of fallen souls. His name is even more powerful than His personal self, as the name has liberated countless ascetics since time immemorial. The name is so powerful that it can turn a drug-like plant into a sacred tulasi plant. The name can turn the crow-like living entity accustomed to rummaging through garbage into a swan-like saint who only accepts the pleasurable lotus flowers for association.
“There is a proverb in Sanskrit which says, ‘Disappointment gives rise to the greatest satisfaction.’ In other words, when one’s sentiment or ambition becomes too great and is not fulfilled until after seemingly hopeless tribulation, that is taken as the greatest satisfaction.” (Shrila PrabhupadaThe Nectar of Devotion, Ch 31)
It is said that the sweetness of victory is enhanced when there was failure previously, when it looked like things weren’t going to work out. This also applies to the bhakti realm, for if we can remember God after having forgotten him temporarily or after having been attacked by outside forces, the sweetness of that vision and the delightfulness of that sound vibrating within the mind can be relished so much that we’ll look back at the life-changing moment fondly.
Hanuman found himself in a distressful situation in Lanka, the home of the Rakshasa king named Ravana. Lord Rama, the same Narayana but in a seemingly ordinary human form, descended to earth to do away with this ruler, for he had been harassing the saintly class for too long. By harass we mean kill and then eat. Ravana took the bait in the form of Sita, Rama’s wife. He took her away from Rama’s side and tried to win her over. This gave Rama the excuse He desired to take on Ravana in a fair fight. Ravana could never win Sita over nor could he defeat Rama in battle. Therefore his fate was sealed as soon as he took Sita away from the Dandaka forest through a backhanded plot.
Shri HanumanTo increase Hanuman’s glory, to allow countless generations to bask in the wonderful vision of a powerful monkey lovingly engaged in devotion, through Sugriva Rama sent the king’s chief minister to scour the earth for Sita’s whereabouts. Sugriva was the king of monkeys in Kishkindha, and he had thousands of monkeys working under him. They were all sent to look for Sita, but it was thought that only Hanuman would be capable of success.
This premonition would prove correct, but a few times it looked like success wouldn’t come. Hanuman made it to Lanka all by himself, and he managed to search through the city and palaces unnoticed. But he could not find Sita. Almost surrendering to the depression of failure, Hanuman picked himself up and decided to continue on. He would search the nearby Ashoka wood, a grove of trees that he had yet to look through. Prior to entering it, he mentally pictured what it would be like. He told himself that he would worship the many devas in charge of the material creation. When it came time to offer the prayers, he first paid obeisance to Rama, Lakshmana and Sita. The primary benediction the trio offers is devotion, the ability to think of God and His closest energy expansions. Hanuman was engaged in a mission to please them, so he had no reason to explicitly ask for their favor, but he did so anyway because that is how he starts all of his difficult tasks.
“Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are limited and temporary. Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of the demigods, but My devotees ultimately reach My supreme planet.”  (Lord KrishnaBhagavad-gita, 7.23)
After propitiating God, His wife and His younger brother, Hanuman offered prayers to the important demigods so that they would favor him. In the Bhagavad-gita, a treatise on spirituality delivered by the same Rama but in His form of Krishna, it is said that men of lesser intelligence worship the demigods. This is because if we had the choice of a consciousness permanently focused on God or a reward that was only temporarily manifest, only the unintelligent would choose in favor of the latter. Indeed, only those who don’t know about bhakti [devotion], the ability to condition consciousness properly, and the true fruit of existence will consider paltry rewards to be superior.
Hanuman thinking of Sita and RamaSo does this incident say that Hanuman is unintelligent? What could he want from the demigods anyway? Ravana himself had received many of his boons from Lord Brahma, except he used them for evil instead of good. In this way we see that Hanuman’s offering of worship actually was for the benefit of the devas. To this day no one is more honored and celebrated than Shri Hanuman. He is not God, but in a lot of ways he is given better treatment, placed on a higher pedestal. This is Shri Rama’s mercy. The good leader takes the arrows, as the subordinates will complain about the conditions imposed by the head. The Supreme Lord is used to accepting both praise and ridicule, but for His dearest servants He takes extra steps to glorify them and elevate their stature.
Hanuman’s ability to fight with full dedication to meet someone he had never met shows that he was the purest of the pure. A servant in the form of a monkey, who is more humble than the grass, whose strength surpasses that of any fighter this world has ever known, was honoring the devas like Lord Brahma, Lord Indra, and other personalities regularly offered respect from both spiritualist and materialist alike. This was a great honor bestowed upon the devas, for they had Rama’s dearest servant showing them respect.
And what choice did the devas have? They grant benedictions to even the sinful, provided the worship is performed properly. How then could they deny Hanuman, a person acting in their favor? Rama is Vishnu, who is the savior of the demigods, the person who always favors the devoted when they are persecuted by the non-devoted. Ravana was the terror of the world, so powerful that he had immunity in battle against the devas.
The gods would be favorable upon Hanuman several times during both his search for Sita and his subsequent return to Kishkindha. Sita was in this grove, and after finding her Hanuman would have to battle many Rakshasas on his way out. Hanuman would show further honor to Lord Brahma when a specific weapon was shot at him. This weapon bound up its intended target and it was previously given to the perpetrator by Brahma himself. Hanuman had the ability to counteract the weapon, but then that would make Brahma a liar. Rather than dishonor Brahma, Hanuman allowed himself to be bound up. Ravana then took this opportunity to light Hanuman’s tail on fire and parade him around the city to humiliate him.
Hanuman burning LankaSita Devi, having just met Hanuman, saw what was going on and became very distressed. The wife of Rama, the goddess of fortune, the person who needs nothing in life because of her association with God, asked the god of fire, Agni, to not burn Hanuman’s tail, to allow the fire to feel as cool as ice for Rama’s servant. Though Sita asked nicely, this was more or less a command, as the devas have such high esteem for her that whatever she wants she gets. Thus the fire immediately became cool, and Hanuman knew that it must have been the work of Rama’s wife. Taking advantage of the benediction, he freed himself, expanded his size, and then used his massive burning tail to devastate Ravana’s city.
Going into the nearby ocean to put out the fire on his tail, Hanuman then used the wind to leap back to where he had come from. In this way the devas were always favorable upon Hanuman, and they were honored by him in so many ways. One who follows bhakti understands the big picture, where the different grades of living entities fit in. Hanuman honored the demigods out of respect for them, and they were thus obliged to grant his requests. How can Hanuman ever fail in pleasing the Supreme Lord? His efforts are sincere, he is never haughty, and he never fails to show respect to those who are deserving of it. In a similar manner, those who show respect to Hanuman, who ask him to remain in their thoughts so that his wonderful qualities and character can be remembered through any situation, will never be out of favor with the Supreme Lord.
In Closing:
Mission’s critical moment in front of him lay,
So for devas’ favor Hanuman did pray.

Material rewards to worshipers they grant,
Though life’s highest reward alone give they can’t.

Thus Lord says that worship do only the less intelligent,
For honor to demigods upon rewards contingent.

Hanuman to please Supreme Lord Rama aspired,
Thus attention to devas for him not required.

Still honor he did show, victory to achieve,
In his sterling example we can always believe.

Marriage in Islam

Islam, unlike other religions is a strong advocate of marriage. There is no place for celibacy like, for example the Roman Catholic priests and nuns. The prophet (pbuh) has said "there is no celibacy in Islam.Marriage is a religious duty and is consequently a moral safeguard as well as a social necessity. Islam does not equal celibacy with high "taqwa/Iman". The prophet has also said, "Marriage is my tradition who so ever keeps away there from is not from amongst me".Marriage acts as an outlet for sexual needs and regulate it so one does not become a slave to his/ her desires.It is a social necessity because through marriage, families are established and the family is the fundamental unit of our society. Furthermore, marriage is the only legitimate or halal way to indulge in intimacy between a man and a woman.
Islam takes a middle of the road position to sexual relations , it neither condemns it like certain religions, nor does it allow it freely. Islam urges us to control and regulate our desires, whatever they may be so that we remain dignified and not become like animals.

The purpose of Marriage
The word "zawj" is used in the Qur'an to mean a pair or a mate. In general it usage refers to marriage. The general purpose of marriage is that the sexes can provide company to one another, love to one another, procreate children and live in peace and tranquility to the commandments of Allah.
Marriage serves as a means to emotional and sexual gratification and as a means of tension reduction. It is also a form of Ibadah because it is obeying Allah and his messenger - i.e. Marriage is seen as the only possible way for the sexes to unite. One could choose to live in sin, however by choosing marriage one is displaying obedience to Allah.
Marriage is "mithaq" - a solemn covenant (agreement). It is not a matter which can be taken lightly. It should be entered into with total commitment and full knowledge of what it involves. It is not like buying a new dress where you can exchange it if you don't like it. Your partner should be your choice for life. One should be mature enough to understand the demands of marriage so that the union can be a lasting one. For a marriage to be valid certain conditions must be met.
  1. Consent of both parties.
  2. "Mahr" a gift from the groom to his bride.
  3. Witnesses- 2 male or female.
  4. The marriage should be publicized, it should never be kept secret as itleads to suspicion and troubles within the community.

Is Marriage obligatory?
According to Imams Abu Hanifah, Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Malik ibn Anas, marriage is recommendatory, however in certain individuals it becomes wajib/obligatory. Imam Shaafi'i considers it to be nafl or mubah (preferable). The general opinion is that if a person, male or female fears that if he/she does not marry they will commit fornication, then marriage becomes "wajib". If aperson has strong sexual urges then it becomes "wajib" for that person to marry. Marriage should not be put off or delayed especially if one has the means to do so.
A man, however should not marry if he or she does not possess the means to maintain a wife and future family, or if he has no sex drive or if dislikes children, or if he feels marriage will seriously affect his religious obligation.The general principle is that prophet (pbuh), enjoined up in the followers to marry.
He said "when a man marries, he has fulfilled half of his religion, so let him fear Allah regarding the remaining half." This hadith is narrated by Anas. Islam greatly encourages marriage because it shields one from and upholds the family unit which Islam places great importance.

Selection of a partner:
The choice of a partner should be the one with the most "taqwa" (piety). The prophet recommended the suitors see each other before going through with marriage. It is unreasonable for two people to be thrown together and be expected to relate and be intimate when they know nothing of each other. The couple are permitted to look at each other with a critical eye and not a lustful one. This ruling does not contradict the ayah which says that believing men and women should lower their gaze.
The couple, however are not permitted to be alone in a closed room or go out together alone. As the hadith says "when a man and a woman are together alone, there is a third presence i.e. shaitan. There is no concept of courtship in Islam as it is practised in the west. There is no dating or living in defacto relationship or trying each other out before they commit to each other seriously. There is to be no physical relationship what so ever before marriage.
The romantic notions that young people often have, have proven in most cases to be unrealistic and harmful to those involved. We only have to look at the alarming divorce rate in the west to understand this point. e.g. the couple know each other for years, are intimate, live together and so on yet somehow this does not guarantee the success of the future marriage. Romance and love simply do not equal a everlasting bond between two people.Fact: Romance and love die out very quickly when we have to deal in the real world.The unrealistic expectations that young people have is what often contributes to the failure of their relationship.
The west make fun of the Islamic way of marriage in particular arranged marriage, yet the irony is that statistically arranged marriages prove to be more successful and lasting than romantic types of courtship. This is because people are blinded by the physical attraction and thus do not choose the compatible partner.
Love blinds people to potential problems in the relationship. There is an Arabic saying: which says "the mirror of love is blind, it makes zucchini into okra". Arranged marriages on the other hand, are based not on physical at traction or romantic notions but rather on critical evaluation of the compatibility of the couple.This is why they often prove successful.

Consent of parties.
There is a halal arranged marriage and a haram one. It is OK to arrange marriages by suggestion and recommendation as long as both parties are agreeable. The other arranged marriage is when parents choose the future spouse and the couple concerned are forced or have no choice in the matter. One of the conditions of a valid marriage is consent of the couple. Marriage by definition is a voluntary union of two people.
The choice of a partner by a Muslim virgin girl is subject to the approval of the father or guardian under Maliki school. This is to safeguard her welfare and interests. The prophet said "the widow and the divorced woman shall not be married until she has consented and the virgin shall not be married until her consent is obtained. The prophet did revoke the marriage of a girl who complained to him that her father had married her against her wishes.

The husband/wife relationship. 
The wifes rights - the Husbands obligations.

1. Maintenance
The husband is responsible for the wifes maintenance. This right is established by authority of the Qur'an and the sunnah. It is inconsequential whether the wife is a Muslim , non-Muslim, rich, poor, healthy or sick. A component of his role as "qawam" (leader) is to bear the financial responsibility of the family in a generous way so that his wife may be assured security and thus perform her role devotedly. The wifes maintenance entails her right to lodging,clothing, food and general care, like medication, hospital bills etc. He must lodge her where he resides himself according to his means. The wifes lodge must be adequate so as to ensure her privacy, comfort and independence. If a wife has been used to a maid or is unable to attend to her household duties, it is the husbands duty to provide her with a maid if he can afford to do so. The prophet is reported to have said: The best Muslim is one who is the best husband.

2. "M a h r"
The wife is entitled to a marriage gift that is her own. This may be prompt or deferred depending on the agreement between the parties. A marriage is not valid without mahr. It does not have to be money or gold. It can be non-material like teaching her to read the Qur'an. "Mahr" is a gift from the groom to the bride.This is theIslamic law, unlike some cultures whereby the brides parents pay the future husband to marry the daughter. This practice degrades women and is contrary to the spirit of Islam. There is no specification in the Qur'an as to what or how much the Mahr has to be. It depends on the parties involved.

3. Non-material rights.
A husband is commanded by the law of Allah to treat his wife with equity, respect her feelings and show kindness and consideration, especially if he has another wife.The prophet last sermon stresses kindness to women.

The Wife Obligations - The Husbands Rights
One of the main duties of the wife is to contribute to the success and blissfulness of the marriage. She must be attentive to the comfort and well being of her husband. The Qur'anic ayah which illustrates this point is: "Our lord, grant us wives and offspring who will be the apples of our eyes and guide us to be models for the righteous"
The wife must be faithful, trustworthy and honest she must not deceive herhusband by deliberately avoiding contraception. She must not allow any other person to have access to that which is exclusively the husband right i.e. sexual intimacy. She must not receive or entertain strange males in the house without his knowledge and consent. She should not be alone with a strange male.She should not accept gifts from other men without his approval.This is meant to avoid jealousy, suspicion and gossip. The husband possessions are her trust. She may not dispose of his belongings without his permission.
A wife should make herself sexually attractive to her husband and be respon sive to his advances. The wife must not refuse her husband sexually as this can lead to marital problems and worse still - tempt the man to adultery. The husband of course should take into account the wifes health and general consideration should be given.The angels curse women who refuse their husbands, for this is one of the wifes most important roles. A hadith states, " A wife must run to her husband if he calls her, even if she is occupied at the oven.

The purpose of obedience in the relationship is to keep the family unit running as smoothly as possible. The man has been given the right to be obeyed because he is the leader and not because he is superior. If a leader is not obeyed , his leadership will become invalid - Imagine a king or a teacher or a parent without the necessary authority which has been entrusted to them. Obedience does not mean blind obedience. It is subject to conditions:
  1. It is required only if what is asked from the wife is within the permissible categories of action.
  2. It must be maintained only with regard to matters that fall under the husband rights.
Here are some example of the types of things that wife must be obedient in:
  1. Receiving male guests or accepting gifts.
  2. Disposing of his property.
  3. Leaving the house without his permission. This includes going out to work.
  4. She must accept that if there is a dispute between them he has the final word - i.e. she must accept his "qawamma" (leadership). Authority is not the equivalent to power, much less absolute power, so men should not consider their position as one of power and the womans as subservience or submission. The office of leadership is not founded for the man. It is allocated to him and he is appointed to it because he is better qualified for the position. The man as partof the family unit is bound by the rule of the office. He is answerable to Allah at all times - so he is not given free reign to rule as he pleases. His leadership is not unquestionable. If he does something unislamic the wife is entitled to tell her husband that his behaviour is unacceptable in Islam. The rights and obligations of each of the sexes are complementary. These rights and obligations are set out to give the marital relationship the best chance of success and survival. It is Allah who knows what is best for his creation. If we have true iman we will accept Allah Shariah so that we can prosper in this life and in the next.

கீரைகளின் மருத்துவ குணங்கள்

விலை மலிவான சாதாரணப் பொருட்களிலும், நிறைய பலன்களைப் பெற முடியும் என்பதற்கு சிறந்த எடுத்துக்காட்டு தான் கீரைகள்.
கீரைகள் தினமும் எடுத்து கொண்டால் மருத்துவரிடம் செல்ல வேண்டிய அவசியம் இருக்காது என்பார்கள் முதியோர்கள்.
அரைக்கீரை: தினமும் உண்ணத்தக்க கீரைகளில் இது தலையானது. எவ்வகை நோயாளிக்கும் ஏற்றது. கண் பார்வை, இரத்த நாளங்கள், ஜீரண உறுப்புகள் போன்றவற்றை நன்னிலையில் பாதுகாக்கும். பிரசவமான மகளிர்க்கு உடனடி ஊட்டம் அளிக்கும்.
மணத்தக்காளி: வாய்ப்புண், வயிற்றுப்புண்ணுக்கு சிறந்த மருந்து. மூலநோய், குடல் அழற்சி கட்டுப்படும். குரல் வளம் பெருக்கும். அல்சருக்கு அற்புத மருந்து. வாரம் 2 முறை உண்ணத்தக்கது.
பசளைக்கீரை: மலச்சிக்கலை விரட்டும். ஆண்மையைப் பலப்படுத்தும். குளிர்ச்சி தரும். இக்கீரையை ஆஸ்துமா போன்ற நோயுடையவர்கள் கோடை காலத்தில் மட்டுமே உண்ணவும்.
வெந்தயக்கீரை: வாயுவைக் கண்டிக்கும். கல்லீரலைச் சுறுசுறுப்பக்கும். புரதம், தாதுக்கள், வைட்டமின் சி இதில் ஏராளம். வாரம் 1 முறை உண்டு வர மூட்டுவலி, இடுப்புப் பிடிப்பு போன்றவை நீங்கும். சிறுநீர் கோளாறு அண்டாது.
முளைக்கீரை: எவ்வயதினரும், தினமும் உண்ணக்கூடியது. நல்ல பசியைத் தூண்டும். காச நோயின் போது வரும் காய்ச்சலைக் கட்டுப்படுத்தும்.
அகத்திக்கீரை: வைட்டமின், இரும்புச்சத்து, சுண்ணாம்புச் சத்து நிறைந்தது. விஷங்களை முறிக்கும். கண்பார்வை நரம்புகளுக்கு வலுவூட்டும். கிருமிகளைக் கொல்லும். ஆனால், இதனை வயிற்றுக் கோளாறுடையோர், வயோதிகர் உண்ணலாகாது. மாதம் ஒரு முறையே இது உண்ணத்தக்கது.
கரிசலாங்கண்ணி கீரை: கபம், பித்தவாயுவையும் கண்டிக்கும். மூலநோய், நாட்பட்ட கிராணி இவற்றிற்கு மாமருந்து.

உடல் நலத்தை பாதுகாக்கும் இசை

தினசரி இசை கேட்பவர்களுக்கு மன அழுத்தம் குறைவதோடு உடல் நலமும், மனநலமும் அதிகரிக்கிறது என்று சமீபத்திய ஆய்வொன்றின் மூலம் கண்டறியப்பட்டுள்ளது.
இசை கேட்பதன் மூலம் நேர்மறை எண்ணங்கள் அதிகரிக்கிறது என்றும் ஆய்வாளர்கள் தெரிவித்துள்ளனர்.
கூடன்பர்க் பல்கலைக்கழகத்தைச் சேர்ந்த மனோதத்துவவியல் துறை பேராசிரியர்கள் மனிதர்களின் மன அழுத்தம் தொடர்பான ஆய்வு ஒன்றை மேற்கொண்டனர்.
207 நபர்கள் இந்த ஆய்விற்கு உட்படுத்தப்பட்டனர். அதில் 21 நபர்கள் தாங்களாகவே தேர்ந்தெடுத்த இசையை அரைமணிநேரம் கேட்டனர்.
இரண்டு வாரங்கள் அவர்கள் தொடர்ந்து இசையை கேட்டனர். அதே எண்ணிக்கையுள்ளவர்கள் இசையை கேட்காமல் வேறு வழிகளில் ரிலாக்ஸ் செய்ய அனுமதிக்கப்பட்டனர்.
இதில் இசையை கேட்டவர்களுக்கு நேர்மறை எண்ணங்கள் அதிகரித்து இருந்தது. மன அழுத்தத்தை ஏற்படுத்தும் கார்டிசோல் ஹோர்மோன் சுரப்பு குறைவாக இருந்தது.
இதேபோல் இசையை கேட்காதவர்களுக்கு மன அழுத்தம் அதிகமாக இருந்தது. இசையானது மனதை லேசாக்குவதோடு உடல் நலத்தையும் பாதுகாக்கிறது என்று ஆய்வாளர்கள் தெரிவித்துள்ளனர்.
எனவே தினசரி அரைமணி நேரமாவது இசையை கேட்பவர்களுக்கு நேர்மறை எண்ணங்கள் அதிகரிக்கும் என்று ஆய்வாளர்கள் தெரிவித்துள்ளனர்.

விண்டோஸ் மீடியா பிளேயர் 12ல் மறைந்துள்ள Equalizerஐ தோற்றுவிப்​பதற்கு

கணணியை பயன்படுத்துபவர்கள் அனைவருக்கும் விண்டோஸ் மீடியா பிளேயர் பற்றி தெரிந்திருக்கும்.
இது மைக்ரோ சொப்டின் விண்டோஸ் இயங்குதளத்தில் அமைந்திருக்கும் ஒரு மீடியா பிளேயர் ஆகும். இதன் புதிய பதிப்பான விண்டோஸ் மீடியா பிளேயர் 12ன் பீட்டா பதிப்பு அறிமுகமாகியுள்ளது.
இப்பதிப்பில் சில சந்தர்ப்பங்களில் Equalizer ஆனது மறைந்த நிலையில் காணப்படுகின்றது. எனவே இதனை தோற்றுவிப்பதற்கு பின்வரும் முறைகளை கையாள வேண்டும்.
1. விண்டோஸ் மீடியா பிளேயர் 12ஐ ஓப்பின் செய்து View என்பதற்கு செல்லவும்.
2. தோன்றும் மெனுவில் காணப்படும்  Skin Chooser என்பதை தெரிவு செய்யவும்.
3. தோன்றும் விண்டோவில் Revert என்பதை தெரிவு செய்து Apply பட்டனை அழுத்தவும்.
4. தற்போது விண்டோஸ் மீடியா பிளேயரின் வலது பக்க கீழ் மூலையில் Graphic Equalizer என்ற பட்டின் காணப்படும். அதனை அழுத்தவும்.
5. அழுத்தியதும் Equalizer விண்டோ தோன்றும். இப்போது உங்களுக்கு விருப்பமான Equalizer தெரிவு செய்து கொள்ளவும்.

The Most Amazing Roads

shirdi saibaba song- in Tamil (photos of Nagasai Malaysia)