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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Facts you Won't Believe

Researchers show that memories reside in specific brain cells

Our fond or fearful memories — that first kiss or a bump in the night — leave memory traces that we may conjure up in the remembrance of things past, complete with time, place and all the sensations of the experience. Neuroscientists call these traces memory engrams.
But are engrams conceptual, or are they a physical network of neurons in the brain? In a new MIT study, researchers used optogenetics to show that memories really do reside in very specific brain cells, and that simply activating a tiny fraction of brain cells can recall an entire memory — explaining, for example, how Marcel Proust could recapitulate his childhood from the aroma of a once-beloved madeleine cookie.
“We demonstrate that behavior based on high-level cognition, such as the expression of a specific memory, can be generated in a mammal by highly specific physical activation of a specific small subpopulation of brain cells, in this case by light,” says Susumu Tonegawa, the Picower Professor of Biology and Neuroscience at MIT and lead author of the study reported online today in the journal Nature. “This is the rigorously designed 21st-century test of Canadian neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield’s early-1900s accidental observation suggesting that mind is based on matter.”
In that famous surgery, Penfield treated epilepsy patients by scooping out parts of the brain where seizures originated. To ensure that he destroyed only the problematic neurons, Penfield stimulated the brain with tiny jolts of electricity while patients, who were under local anesthesia, reported what they were experiencing. Remarkably, some vividly recalled entire complex events when Penfield stimulated just a few neurons in the hippocampus, a region now considered essential to the formation and recall of episodic memories.
Scientists have continued to explore that phenomenon but, until now, it has never been proven that the direct reactivation of the hippocampus was sufficient to cause memory recall.
Shedding light on the matter
Fast forward to the introduction, seven years ago, of optogenetics, which can stimulate neurons that are genetically modified to express light-activated proteins. “We thought we could use this new technology to directly test the hypothesis about memory encoding and storage in a mimicry experiment,” says co-author Xu Liu, a postdoc in Tonegawa’s lab.
“We wanted to artificially activate a memory without the usual required sensory experience, which provides experimental evidence that even ephemeral phenomena, such as personal memories, reside in the physical machinery of the brain,” adds co-author Steve Ramirez, a graduate student in Tonegawa’s lab.
The researchers first identified a specific set of brain cells in the hippocampus that were active only when a mouse was learning about a new environment. They determined which genes were activated in those cells, and coupled them with the gene for channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2), a light-activated protein used in optogenetics.
Next, they studied mice with this genetic couplet in the cells of the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, using tiny optical fibers to deliver pulses of light to the neurons. The light-activated protein would only be expressed in the neurons involved in experiential learning — an ingenious way to allow for labeling of the physical network of neurons associated with a specific memory engram for a specific experience.
Finally, the mice entered an environment and, after a few minutes of exploration, received a mild foot shock, learning to fear the particular environment in which the shock occurred. The brain cells activated during this fear conditioning became tagged with ChR2. Later, when exposed to triggering pulses of light in a completely different environment, the neurons involved in the fear memory switched on — and the mice quickly entered a defensive, immobile crouch.
False memory
This light-induced freezing suggested that the animals were actually recalling the memory of being shocked. The mice apparently perceived this replay of a fearful memory — but the memory was artificially reactivated. “Our results show that memories really do reside in very specific brain cells,” Liu says, “and simply by reactivating these cells by physical means, such as light, an entire memory can be recalled.”
Referring to the 17th-century French philosopher who wrote, “I think, therefore I am,” Tonegawa says, “René Descartes didn’t believe the mind can be studied as a natural science. He was wrong. This experimental method is the ultimate way of demonstrating that mind, like memory recall, is based on changes in matter.”
“This remarkable work exhibits the power of combining the latest technologies to attack one of neurobiology’s central problems,” says Charles Stevens, a professor in the 
Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory at the Salk Institute who was not involved in this research. “Showing that the reactivation of those nerve cells that were active during learning can reproduce the learned behavior is surely a milestone.”
The method may also have applications in the study of neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders. “The more we know about the moving pieces that make up our brains,” Ramirez says, “the better equipped we are to figure out what happens when brain pieces break down.”
Other contributors to this study were Karl Deisseroth of Stanford University, whose lab developed optogenetics, and Petti T. Pang, Corey B. Puryear and Arvind Govindarajan of the RIKEN-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics at the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT. The work was supported by the National Institutes of Health and the RIKEN Brain Science Institute.
Provided by Massachusetts Institute of Technology
This story is republished courtesy of MIT News (, a popular site that covers news about MIT research, innovation and teaching.
"Researchers show that memories reside in specific brain cells." March 23rd, 2012.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

Baba Meri Raksha Karna- Shirdi Sai bhajan_(360p).flv

Friday, March 23, 2012


Are you looking for your first home or perhaps somewhere nice to retire? These top 5 cities may be your perfect destination! They offer affordable living, great schools and safe neighborhoods! Get the list here!
MSN Money suggests…
These locations boast some of the lowest living costs in the nation. They also have highly rated schools and low unemployment and crime rates.
No. 1: Sandusky, Ohio
Sandusky, Ohio, is a city with million-dollar water views and a whole lot of $100,000 houses. With a median family income of $64,000 and median home-selling price of $76,000, this city on Lake Erie, midway between Cleveland and Toledo, could be the most affordable housing market in the country.
Throw in highly rated schools and a low crime rate, and Sandusky tops the 2011 Forbes list of America’s best cheap cities.
To produce the list, we started with the National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Affordability Index, where Sandusky ranked sixth behind such cities as Kokomo, Ind., Elkhart, Ind., and Springfield, Ohio. Then we screened for the things homebuyers want to go along with a cheap house: low cost of living, from Moody’s; low violent crime rate, from the FBI; low unemployment rate, from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics; and school quality, from GreatSchools.
Sandusky, Ohio:
  • Median income: $64,000
  • Median house price: $76,000
  • Unemployment rate: 7.7%
  • Crime rate: 247 (per 100,000 residents)
  • GreatSchools rating: 7 (out of 10)
No. 2: Monroe, Mich.
  • Median income: $69,000
  • Median house price: $101,000
  • Unemployment rate: 8.5%
  • Crime rate: 222
  • GreatSchools rating: 5
No. 3: Cumberland, Md.-W.Va.
  • Median income: $52,200
  • Median house price: $81,000
  • Unemployment rate: 8.9%
  • Crime rate: 480
  • GreatSchools rating: 6
No. 4: Kokomo, Ind.
  • Median income: $61,400
  • Median house price: $88,000
  • Unemployment rate: 9.6%
  • Crime rate: 300
  • GreatSchools rating: 4
No. 5: Bay City, Mich.
  • Median income: $56,200
  • Median house price: $73,000
  • Unemployment rate: 9.9%
  • Crime rate: 315
  • GreatSchools rating: 5
Get the entire list at MSN Money!


Rama and Lakshmana“The two youths, one dark-skinned and one fair, are treasures of beauty. It appears that Lord Brahma has taken all the beauty in the world and placed it in them.” (Janaki Mangala, 32)
syāmala gaura kisora manoharatā nidhi |
suṣamā sakala sakeli manahum̐ birace bidhi ||
As if you have found a treasure chest full of the most beautiful objects in the world, watching Lord Rama leave along with His younger brother Lakshmana brought so much joy to the eyes. Any chance to get a glimpse at these sweet boys was time well spent, as the material conditions have never been able to bring about such a benefit. The eyes are provided for a reason, and without the proper target to gaze upon the enchantment of material allures can lead us astray, in the process giving the eyes a bad name. With Dasharatha’s two sons leaving with the sage Vishvamitra, however, it seemed as if all the beauty in the world had been stored in one place. That same beauty is available to the eyes of the mind to feast on through the sacred works of Goswami Tulsidas.
Goswami TulsidasKing Dasharatha’s sons are the Supreme Lord and His support systems respectively. Why would God need support? It is the soul’s dharma to serve. In general, in the perverted state the individual living being seeks out the role of lord or master, when in reality they are ideally suited to be servant. Think of a high school production of a play, where the different acts represent the timeline through life. Every conditioned being is trying to audition for the leading role of controller, the person responsible for creation, maintenance and destruction. No one wants to try out for the role of servant, though characteristically everyone is properly suited for it.
The Lord’s younger brother Lakshmana, who is always His support system, has no interest in being master. He is already the leader of the disciplic succession of spiritual instruction, which teaches the many fragments of spirit their ideal condition, but he is always at the helm ready to provide service. As he can never disassociate from his dharma, he is considered the exemplary living entity, someone who is worshipable by his acts. Lakshmana is glorious and so dedicated to his service that not even Rama can stop him. Though God is the Supreme Controller capable of defying the law of gravity and controlling every outcome to events, He does not stand in the way of pure devotion that is inspired without motivation and without interruption.
In His spiritual manifestation as Lakshmana, God’s primary supporter has a fair complexion. The Supreme Lord, on the other hand, is darker. In some traditions the personal form of the Supreme Lord is denied, or it is taken to be subordinate to His impersonal feature. “Just as the living entities accept bodies and then reject them, so the Supreme Lord must follow the same tact, even when He appears before our very eyes.” This logic is flawed, as even the Vedas don’t support it. Impersonalism defined as a scientific discipline originates in the Vedas, the oldest scriptures for mankind. Every type of religious system and every system of maintenance descends from the original word of God handed down to Lord Brahma at the beginning of creation.
Yet only in the original system is the proper understanding of God as a person revealed. That personal feature has specific attributes that follow the different personal expansions. In the Vaishnava traditions it is agreed that Lord Vishnu is the original Personality of Godhead. Though some lines of disciplic succession take Lord Krishna to be the original and others Lord Rama, in any case there is no difference because Vishnu, Krishna, and Rama are practically the same person. The Vishnu-avataras are the expansions of the original personality, so they are equal to one another. Their spiritual manifestations are varied slightly, but in their original features they possess a shyama color.
“The shyama color is not exactly blackish. Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura compares it to the color of the atasi flower. It is not that Lord Krishna Himself appears in a blackish color in all the Dvapara-yugas. In other Dvapara-yugas, previous to Lord Krishna’s appearance, the Supreme Lord appeared in a greenish body by His own personal expansion. This is mentioned in the Vishnu Purana, Hari-vamsha and Mahabharata.” (Shrila PrabhupadaChaitanya Charitamrita, Madhya 20.337 Purport)
Lord VishnuShyama is dark. It can refer to dark blue or even green sometimes. The shyama color is like the tamala tree, of which very few are still left on this earth. Shyama is also like the color of the atasi flower or the raincloud that is just about to start pouring down its water. Generally, dark colored skin is not as visually appealing as fair-colored skin, but with the Supreme Lord His shyama complexion is still beautiful. For this reason He is also addressed by the name of Shyamasundara, which more specifically refers to His form as Shri Krishna.
With King Dasharatha, two of his sons were dark-skinned and two were fair. Bharata and Rama were of the darker shade and Lakshmana and Shatrughna were lighter. They were all either directly Vishnu or expansions of Him, so they were not lacking anything in beauty. In the above referenced verse from the Janaki Mangala, Goswami Tulsidas is specifically referring to the beauty of Rama and Lakshmana, who at a young age left the town of Ayodhya to escort the venerable Vishvamitra Muni through the forests. All attention was on the two youths, for who could imagine that they would leave home for such a purpose? Young children commonly go on trips, perhaps to have fun or to learn something from someone. You can throw kids into an open field without any direction and they will find a way to stay entertained.
The onlookers weren’t worried about Rama and Lakshmana being bored. Rather, Vishvamitra was taking them to the forest to act as protectors. Rama was not yet twelve years of age, so how much protection could He offer? Again, we are reminded of the difference between God and the living entities. A normal twelve year old is limited in both mental and physical maturation, so their capabilities aren’t as great as they will be in adulthood. With the Supreme Lord, any of His outward manifestations is equally as capable. As a young child in Vrindavana, the same Shri Rama would destroy the wicked plots of so many nefarious characters sent to the town by the neighboring King Kamsa. As a young child, Rama as Shri Krishna would lift a massive hill and hold it over His head for seven days to act as an umbrella to protect the residents of Vrindavana.
The young Rama was ready to protect Vishvamitra, for age did not hamper His ability to use the bow and arrow. Lakshmana came along because he would never leave Rama alone. Not to be mistaken for an annoying younger brother who insists on tagging along, Lakshmana’s presence was cherished by Rama. The true strength of the fraternal bond of affection shared between the two is known only to them, but through outward actions and the recorded events found in the Ramayana and its derivative literatures we gain a slight understanding of it.
Vishvamitra with Lakshmana and RamaRama and Lakshmana were beautiful in their appearance and also in their behavior. They didn’t complain about going with Vishvamitra. They were happy to protect the priestly class, an obligation vital to their order. They were descendants of King Raghu, so they were sometimes addressed as Raghava. They were taught from birth to follow righteousness and to always respect the brahmanas, who eschew material life in favor of worshiping God and teaching others how to follow that worship through the execution of their assigned duties. Seeing the boys carrying their bows and arrows and happily following Vishvamitra, the hearts of the residents just melted. Children are the essence of innocence, so when they take up serious tasks the sincerity of purpose is revealed. There were no ulterior motives in Rama and Lakshmana. They operated out of love only.
It is difficult to accurately describe God’s beauty, so the kind poet Tulsidas has here made a very nice comparison. Lord Vishnu is the origin of life and matter, but the specific faculties for creating are invested in Lord Brahma. If we see something possessing natural beauty, it is to be understood that it is the handiwork of the creator, Brahma. But with God such references to Brahma’s creating ability only relate to appearance, as Rama and Lakshmana’s bodies are not created. There is no difference between spirit and matter for God or His plenary expansions like Lakshmana. Nevertheless the comparisons are made in an attempt to describe what an onlooker might think.
Shri Rama darbarTulsidas says that it looked like Brahma had taken all of the beauty in the world and placed it into Rama and Lakshmana. This is a nice form of flattery in one sense, but a true statement at the same time. Rama is the owner of matter, so His spiritual features represent the height of all opulence. As Bhagavan, He possesses beauty, wealth, strength, fame, renunciation and wisdom simultaneously and to the fullest extent. He is not lacking in anything. Lakshmana, Rama’s constant companion, is the servitor-God, so he has the same features to an almost identical level.
This would not be the only time Tulsidas would use such a comparison. Similar kinds of statements are found in passages describing Rama’s future wife, Sita Devi. The two youths following Vishvamitra would eventually cause that union to take place on earth, though Sita and Rama are forever together in the spiritual sky. Pretty soon thereafter, the fourth piece of the group, Shri Hanuman, would join. Rama therefore never leaves the worshiper alone. If you honor Him then you get to bask in the sweet vision of Lakshmana, Sita and Hanuman as well. With those four beauties giving pleasure to the eyes, what more could anyone ask for?
In Closing:
Lord Brahma, all elements does he take,
To carry out his duty to create.

From the observer’s point of view,
All beauty Brahma must have used.

To craft bodies of Rama and Lakshmana the brother,
Their beauty out of this world, like no other.

Rama of skin dark and Lakshmana was fair,
Combination caused pleased eyes to stare.

To the forest with Vishvamitra were they sent,
Taking beauty with them, away the brothers went.


Joy: An Underrated Business Skill

I love smiling, laughing, and the colour yellow. Yes, I’m a joyful person – and a CEO. Here’s how you too can find joy and use it as a powerful business asset.

This is going to sound really corny, but hear me out: I have generally always been a very joyful person. It’s true, right down to the stereotypes: My favorite color is yellow, I love to smile and laugh, and even in the midst of challenges I still find things to be thankful for.
Once I joined the working world, I soon found that my sunny disposition was a valuable business asset! Colleagues and clients noticed it, and I quickly discovered it was one of the strongest reasons I was drawn to the right people and opportunities, at the right time.
Notice that I am using the word “joy” rather than “happiness.” Although I strive for happiness, of course, I certainly am not always happy. But for me, finding joy transcends specific circumstances, and takes it a step further to figuring out how to feel good and do well, even when times are tough. Below are some of my insights on joy and how to preserve it:

1. Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude.

Not everyone has a naturally sunny disposition, and that’s okay – people need to be authentic…fake kindness can make people run for the hills just as quickly as negativity! That said, everyone has things to be grateful for. Daily, I fill small moments (think being on hold for a call or waiting for my computer to load) with simple thoughts such as “I’m grateful that I enjoy the people I work with,” or “I love my sons’ hugs.” When a huge business challenge gets me frustrated, one way that I get through it is taking comfort in the fact that I have successfully overcome past issues and learned valuable lessons that ultimately improved my business. These pauses for small thoughts of gratitude soon add up to more joy at work! Tip: many people find it helpful to write down the things they are thankful for on small notes and post them in places around the office where they’re sure to read them.

2. Joy is Magnetic…

And you can use it to attract business. Complaining, having a bad attitude, not getting along with your co-workers – that negativity is contagious, too, and the results can range from an isolated tough day at the office, to an overall toxic work environment, in which business deals are lost to competitors that reflect a more positive impression. Especially when our company was in the early stages of establishing our brand, we secured deals that easily could have gone to a more established firm. I frequently heard that we won the business because the client could feel the passion for our mission as they interacted with my company’s staff and me! Having the necessary business chops is a must, but so is being the type of person that people enjoy working with!

3. Create Joy for Others.

Relationships are essential to my company’s success, particularly as a small business owner. I’ve discovered that being thoughtful and creating joy for others is a surprisingly quick way to create joy for myself. And it doesn’t need to be a heavy lift, just a slight shift in how you already approach your day. Presented with a good opportunity? Think of how to involve one of your contacts. Headed on an interesting business trip? Bring one of your colleagues who would benefit from the trip. Meeting with a contact? Put your phone down and honour them with your full attention. We should of course behave this way simply because it’s the right thing to do. But there is no denying that when you treat others how you would like to be treated, it eventually comes back to you (often, tenfold)! 
Inevitably, business, just like life, is filled with ups and downs. But those ebbs and flows will feel a lot less bumpy when buffered by a bit of sunshine. So go ahead and add that sunshine each day – joy is good for your life, and your business!

Weekly Wine Tip: What wine brings me joy? The 2009 Chairman's Reserve from China's Grace Vineyards: A family-owned and operated winery, Grace, hands down, produces the best wine out of China. But don't take my word for it. Like joy, you've got to experience it for yourself!

Newer generations increasingly about "me," study finds

Courtesy of the American Psychological Association
World Science staff
Young Americans care less and less about the the environment, politics, and the world around them in general, a study has found; even the idea of seeking a meaningful life is out of fashion.

Instead, money, image and fame are the idols of our time.

"Popular views of the millennial generation, born in the 1980s and 1990s, as more caring, community-oriented and politically engaged than previous generations are largely incorrect, particularly when compared to baby boomers and Generation X at the same age," said the study's lead author, Jean Twenge, a psychologist at San Diego State University and author of the book Generation Me. "These data show that recent generations are less likely to embrace community mindedness and are focusing more on money, image and fame." 

The study, based on 40 years of past research on nine million young adults, appeared online this month in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, published by the American Psychological Association.

The authors did allow that millennials were more likely than the previous generations to volunteer during high school and to say they planned to participate in community service in college. But they contend that this is probably due to schools' requiring community service for graduation.

The wish to save the environment, an area of particular concern to millennials, showed some of the largest declines, with three times as many millennials as baby boomers at the same age saying they made no personal effort to help the environment. Fifty-one percent of millennials said they made an effort to cut down on electricity use to save energy, compared to 68 percent of boomers in the 1970s.

Twenge and colleagues analyzed data from the University of Michigan's Monitoring the Future study of high school seniors, conducted continuously since 1975, and the American Freshman survey by the University of California Los Angeles Higher Education Research Institute of entering college students since 1966. Both surveys included items on life goals, concern for others, and civic and community involvement.

In the American Freshman survey, the proportion of students who said being wealthy was very important to them rose from 45 percent for baby boomers (surveyed between 1966 and 1978) to 70 percent for Generation Xers (surveyed between 1979 and 1999) and 75 percent for millennials (surveyed between 2000 and 2009). 

The fraction who said it was important to keep up to date with politics dropped, from 50 percent for boomers to 39 percent for Generation Xers and 35 percent for millennials. "Becoming involved in programs to clean up the environment" fell from 33 percent for boomers to 20 percent for millennials. "Developing a meaningful philosophy of life" decreased the most across generations, from 73 percent for boomers to 45 percent for millennials.

"These data suggest that the 'Me Generation' label affixed to the baby boomers was unwarranted. In comparison to the proceeding generations, the boomers look significantly more selfless," Twenge said. "The generational trends toward more political disengagement, less environmental concern and more materialistic values could have a meaningful impact on society. It will be interesting to see how millennials are affected by the recent recession and whether future generations will reverse the trends."
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

கோடையை சமாளிக்க ஜில்லுனு ஜூஸ் குடிங்க….

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கோடையை உணர்த்தும் விதமாக காலை நேரத்திலேயே வெயில் கொளுத்த ஆரம்பித்துவிட்டது. என்னதான் வெயில் என்றாலும் வேலை மற்றும் வீட்டுத் தேவைகளுக்காக வெளியில் சென்றுதான் தீரவேண்டும். வெப்பத்தினால் உடலில் நீர்சத்து குறைவதோடு நாவறட்சியும், தாகமும் ஏற்படுகிறது. எனவே கோடையை சமாளிக்க பழச்சாறுகளை உட்கொண்டால் வெப்பத்தினால் ஏற்படும் நோய் பாதிப்புகளை சமாளிக்கலாம். உடலுக்கு தேவையான வைட்டமின் சத்துக்களும் கிடைக்கும்.

சுக்கு மல்லி மூலிகைச் சாறு

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கோடை காலத்தில் உஷ்ணத்தினால் பித்தநோய் ஏற்படுவது இயல்பு. எனவே இரண்டு டம்ளர் தண்ணீரை கொதிக்க வைத்து அதில் சுக்கு தட்டிப்போட்டு அதனுடன் கொத்தமல்லியை பொடி செய்து நன்றாக கொதிக்கவிடவேண்டும். அதில் பனங்கற்கண்டு அல்லது சர்க்கரை சேர்த்து ஆறவைத்து அருந்த வேண்டும். இதனால் பித்த நோய் குணமாகும்.

மாம்பழச் சாறு

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மாம்பழத்தை நன்றாக தோல் உறித்து அதனுடன் பால் கலந்து மிக்சியில் அடித்து ஐஸ் சேர்த்து கோடைக்கேற்ற குளுமையான சத்தான பானத்தை அருந்தலாம்.

தர்பூசணிப்பழச் சாறு

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கோடையின் கொடுமையிலிருந்து விடுபட நினைப்பவர்கள் தர்பூசணி பழத்தை அதிகம் உண்ணலாம். இந்தப் பழத்தை சாறு எடுத்து உண்ணும் போது கல்லடைப்பு என்னும் நோயுடன் சிறுநீர் வெளியேறும் போது தோன்றும் பல்வேறு குறைபாடுகளும் நீங்கும். நீரிழிவும் கட்டுப்படும். தர்பூசணிப்பழச் சாறுடன் தேன் கலந்து உண்டுவர காய்ச்சல் குணமாகும். சாறுடன் சமஅளவு மோர் கலந்து அருந்த காமாலை குணமாகும்.

எலுமிச்சைச் சாறு

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உடல் களைப்பு, கை, கால் மூட்டுக்களில் உள்ள கணுக்களில் வீக்கம் வலி ஆகியவை இருந்தால் எலுமிச்சைச்சாறுடன் விளக்கெண்ணெய் கலந்து தேய்த்து வர வலியிலிருந்து மீளலாம்.பழுத்த வாழைப்பழத்துடன் எலுமிச்சைச் சாறும் தேனும் கலுந்து குழைத்து உண்ண மலக்குடலில் உள்ள குறைகள் நீங்கி பல நோய்கள் வராது தடுக்கலாம்.

எலுமிச்சைச் சாறுடன் தேன் அல்லது வெல்லம் கலந்து ஒரு பழத்திற்கு அரை லிட்டர் தண்ணீர் கலந்து அருந்த வேண்டும். தொடர்ந்து அருந்துவதால் மூல நோய்கள், வயிற்றுக்கடுப்பு, பித்தத்தால் வரும் நோய்கள் ஆகியவை குணமாகும். ஆனால் அளவுக்கதிகமாக இதை அருந்தும்போது குடல் தன் பலத்தை இழக்க நேரிடும்.

இளநீர் பானம்

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இளநீரை எந்த பருவத்திலும் அருந்தலாம். கோடையில் இளநீர் ஏற்ற பானம். இளநீருடன் எலுமிச்சை சாறு கலந்து அருந்துவதால் டைபாய்டு நோய் குணமாகும். வெள்ளை வெங்காய சாறுடன் கலந்து அருந்துவதால் மலேரியா நோய் குணமாகும். வெள்ளை வெங்காயத்துடன் கற்பூரம் கலந்து அருந்த எலுமிச்சைச் சாறுடன் அருந்துவதால் காலரா குணமாகும்.

தக்காளிச் சாறு

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தக்காளி ஏழைகளின் ஆப்பிள் என்ற அழைப்படுவதற்கு ஏற்ப பல விதமான நோய்களை குணமாக்கும் ஆப்பிளில் இருக்கும் சத்தைவிட சற்று அதிகான சத்துடன் விலை மலிவாக கிடைக்கும்.

கோடை காலத்தில் தக்காளிச் சாற்றை நாள்தோறும் காலைவேளையில் உண்டுவர உடல் வலிமை அதிகமாவதுடன் வேண்டாத சதைகளும் குறையும். நீரிழிவு வியாதியும் கட்டுப்படும். சாறுடன் தேன் கலந்து உண்டுவர ரத்தம் சுத்தமாகும். தோல் நோய்கள் குணமாகும்.

ஆப்பிள் பழச்சாறு

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ஆப்பிள் பழச்சாறு உடற் சோம்பல், உடல்களைப்பு, வேளையில் ஆர்வமின்மை போன்றவற்றை குணமாக்கும் தன்மையுள்ளது. ஆப்பிள் பழச்சாறுடன் தேனும் பொடித்த ரோஜா இதழ், ஏலம் ஆகியவற்றை கலந்து அருந்த ரத்த சோகை குணமாகும். மேலும் கர்ப்பிணி பெண்கள் இச்சாற்றை அருந்த பிரசவத்தின் போது இழக்கும் சக்தியை பெறலாம். குழந்தைகளுக்கு ஆப்பிள் சாறு கொடுக்க உடல் வளர்ச்சி, உடற்பலம் பெருகும்.

திராட்சை பழச் சாறு

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கோடையில் திராட்சைச் சாறு தொடர்ந்து அருந்தி வர இரத்த அழுத்தகுறைவு, நரம்பு தளர்ச்சி, குடற்புண், காமாலை, வாயுகோளாறுகள், மூட்டுவலி ஆகியவை குணமாகும். திராட்சைச் சாறுடன் தேன் கலந்து உண்டுவர ரத்த விருக்தியுண்டாகி உடல்பலம் மிகும். நீரிழிவு வியாதிக்கு சர்க்கரை சேர்க்காத சாறு மிகவும் நல்லது.

ஆரஞ்சு பழச் சாறு

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ஆரஞ்சு பழச்சாறு அருந்துபவர்களுக்கு உடலில் நோயினை எதிர்க்கும் சக்தி அதிகமாகிறது. எளிதில் ஜீரணம் செய்ய தகுந்தது. இருதய நோய்கள் எளிதில் குணமாகும். டைபாய்டு, ஜுரம் ஆகியவை குணமாகும். ஆரஞ்சுச் சாறுடன் இளநீர் கலந்து அருந்துவதால் சிறுநீர் தாராளமாக வெளியேறும். சிறுநீரக குறைபாடு குணமாகும். குழந்தைகளுக்கு கொடுக்க குடல் பலம் பெருகும்.

இச்சாறுடன் எலுமிச்சைச் சாறு கலந்தும் அருந்தலாம் தொண்டையில் புற்றுநோய் கொண்டு எந்த உணவும் உட்கொள்ள இயலாத நிலையிலுள்ளவர்களுக்கு ஆரஞ்சுச்சாறு அருமருந்தாகும். திட உணவு உட்கொள்ளாத வகையில் உள்ளவர்கள் இச்சாற்றை துளி துளியாக அருந்தி உடல் நலம் பெறலாம்.

பாதாம் பால், தேன்

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பாதாம் பருப்பை நன்கு பொடித்து அதனுடன் காய்ச்சிய பாலை ஊற்றி, அதில் தேன் கலந்து ஏலக்காய் தட்டிப்போட்டு காய்ச்சி ஆறவைத்து ஃப்ரிட்ஜ்ல் வைத்து குடிக்கலாம் கோடைக்கேற்ற சத்தான பானம் இது.


Skull resconstruction immediately following traumatic brain injury worsens brain damage

Immediate skull reconstruction following trauma that penetrates or creates an indentation in the skull can aggravate brain damage inflicted by the initial injury, a study by a University of South Florida research team reports. Using a rat model for moderate and severe traumatic brain injury, the researchers also showed that a delay of just two days in the surgical repair of skull defects resulted in significantly less brain swelling and damage.
The study was published March 16, 2012 in the online journal PloS ONE. While further investigation is needed, the findings have implications for the acute treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI), considered the signature wound of soldiers who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, said the study's principal investigator Cesar Borlongan, PhD, professor and vice chair of research at the USF Health Department of Neurosurgery and Brain Repair
"A double-edged sword," is how Borlongan describes the inflammation and subsequent swelling of brain tissue that occurs immediately following TBI.
When the brain is initially penetrated -- by a bullet, shrapnel, other debris, or even the force of blast waves, for instance -- inflammation helps recruit the body's own good (glial) cells to the damaged site to limit localized injury. For a short time, the inflammation-induced edema, or swelling of the brain, is beneficial to help relieve pressure within the skull. However, chronic inflammation precipitates increases in intracranial pressure that perpetuate a vicious cycle leading to secondary cell injury and death.
Cranioplasty is an operation to repair malformations of the skull caused by TBI; the procedure may involve replacing a missing piece of the skull protecting the underlying brain and/or improving the appearance of the skull's surface. Current clinical practice emphasizes performing cranioplasty quickly upon initial hospital admission to help reduce the likelihood of infection or other complications that may arise when the brain is exposed.
"Our preclinical study indicates that reconstructing the skull too early in the brain's natural healing process may interfere with critical therapeutic benefits of brain swelling post-TBI," Dr. Borlongan said. "It's better to wait at least two days."
The USF researchers studied rats with moderate and severe TBI. Post-TBI, the animals were randomly assigned to skull bone flap replacement with or without bone wax (a sterile mixture to help control bleeding from bone surfaces); no skull reconstruction; or delayed skull reconstruction with bone wax alone, which was performed two days following TBI.
The brains of all the animals were analyzed in the laboratory five days after surgery. While immediate reconstruction provided aesthetic repair of the skull fracture, this early surgical procedure, with bone wax alone or with bone wax and skull bone flap, significantly increased cortical brain tissue damage in both moderate and severe animal models.
Overall, whether the rat model was moderate or severe TBI, delayed reconstruction limited the worsening of brain tissue damage compared to immediate reconstruction. In fact, for moderate TBI, the extent of damage observed in the brains of rats that received delayed reconstruction was on a par with that in the animals getting no reconstruction. In those with severe traumatic brain injury, the tissue damage was significantly larger. The authors suggest this may mean a two-day delay, while more beneficial than immediate reconstruction, was not sufficient to counteract the intracranial pressure generated by severe TBI.
The researchers concluded that the timing of cranioplasty warrants further evaluation in both laboratory and clinical settings.
"Our results suggest that delaying cranioplasty until the TBI-induced cerebral swelling has subsided may reduce unwanted exacerbation of cortical damage associated with skull reconstruction," Borlongan said. "We need to carefully weigh the risk of infection that comes from leaving the brain somewhat exposed with the benefit of enhancing the brain's own repair of its cells."
"Finding a safe and effective cranioplasty regimen will require determining the optimal period of time when we let the brain repair itself and balancing that with when to best introduce a regimen of surgical skull repair and other potential therapies," said co-author Harry van Loveren, MD, the David W. Cahill endowed professor and chair of the USF Health Department of Neurosurgery and Brain Repair.
More information: "Immediate, but Not Delayed, Microsurgical Skull Reconstruction Exacerbates Damage in Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury Model;" Loren E. Glover, Naoki Tajiri, Tsz Lau, Yuji Kaneko, Harry van Loveren, Cesario V. Borlongan; PloS ONE 7(3), e33646, March 16, 2012.
Provided by University of South Florida
"Skull resconstruction immediately following traumatic brain injury worsens brain damage." March 22nd, 2012.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek