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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How mitochondrial DNA defects cause inherited deafness


Yale scientists have discovered the molecular pathway by which maternally inherited deafness appears to occur: Mitochondrial DNA mutations trigger a signaling cascade, resulting in programmed cell death. 
Mitochondria are cellular structures that function as “cellular power plants” because they generate most of the cell’s supply of energy. They contain DNA inherited from one’s mother. Mitochondria determine whether a cell lives or dies via the process of programmed cell death, or apoptosis.
The Yale scientists focused on a specific mitochondrial DNA mutation that causes maternally inherited deafness. The mutation occurs in a gene that codes for RNA in mitochondrial ribosomes, which generate proteins required for cellular respiration. The team found that cell lines containing this mutation are prone to cell death not directly due to the mutation, but rather because it enhanced a normal chemical modification of the RNA called methylation, which regulates ribosome assembly.

How mitochondrial DNA defect causes inherited hearing loss.
“Our lab had previously discovered that overexpression of the enzyme responsible for this methylation could cause cell death, even in cells without the deafness mutation,” said corresponding author Gerald S. Shadel, professor of pathology and genetics at Yale School of Medicine. “But when the researchers overexpressed the enzyme in mice to mimic the effects of the mutation,” he said, “we were astonished to discover that the animals progressively lost their hearing, reflecting how such disease would develop due to a known pathogenic human mitochondrial DNA mutation. This new mouse model will be instrumental in understanding genetic and environmental factors known to impact mitochondrial disease pathology.
The researchers found that reactive oxygen molecules produced by diseased mitochondria are what trigger events leading to a cell death-inducing gene expression program. By genetically depleting the protein ultimately responsible for activating this programmed cell death response, they were able to restore normal hearing to the mice.
The study not only sheds light on inherited deafness in humans, but possibly also age-related hearing loss and other human diseases. First author Nuno Raimundo, a postdoctoral associate in pathology, said, “Mitochondrial diseases are complicated because different tissues are affected in often unpredictable ways. Defining the molecular mechanism underlying death of only a specific subset of cells in the inner ear is a major step toward unraveling this complexity.”

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Other authors are Sharen E. McCay, Lei Song, Timothy E. Shutt, Justin Cotney, Thomas C. Gilliland, David Hohuan and Joseph Santos-Sacchi of Yale; and Min-Xin Guan of Zhejiang University.
This study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, and in the Feb. 17 issue of Cell. 
Courtesy Yale University

Tongue drive system goes inside the mouth to improve performance and user comfort


The Tongue Drive System is getting less conspicuous and more capable. Tongue Drive is a wireless device that enables people with high-level spinal cord injuries to operate a computer and maneuver an electrically powered wheelchair simply by moving their tongues.

The circuitry for the new intraoral Tongue Drive System developed at Georgia Tech is embedded in this dental retainer worn in the mouth (right). The system interprets commands from seven different tongue movements to operate a computer (left) or maneuver an electrically powered wheelchair. Credit: Georgia Tech/Maysam Ghovanloo
The newest prototype of the system allows users to wear an inconspicuous dental retainer embedded with sensors to control the system. The sensors track the location of a tiny magnet attached to the tongues of users. In earlier versions of the Tongue Drive System, the sensors that track the movement of the magnet on the tongue were mounted on a headset worn by the user.
“By moving the sensors inside the mouth, we have created a Tongue Drive System with increased mechanical stability and comfort that is nearly unnoticeable,” said Maysam Ghovanloo, an associate professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

The new intraoral Tongue Drive System was presented and demonstrated on Feb. 20, 2012 at the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference in San Francisco. Development of the system is supported by the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, and Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation.
The new dental appliance contains magnetic field sensors mounted on its four corners that detect movement of a tiny magnet attached to the tongue. It also includes a rechargeable lithium-ion battery and an induction coil to charge the battery. The circuitry fits in the space available on the retainer, which sits against the roof of the mouth and is covered with an insulating, water-resistant material and vacuum-molded inside standard dental acrylic.
“One of the problems we encountered with the earlier headset was that it could shift on a user’s head and the system would need to be recalibrated,” explained Ghovanloo. “Because the dental appliance is worn inside the mouth and molded from dental impressions to fit tightly around an individual’s teeth with clasps, it is protected from these types of disturbances.”
When in use, the output signals from the sensors are wirelessly transmitted to an iPod or iPhone. Software installed on the iPod interprets the user’s tongue commands by determining the relative position of the magnet with respect to the array of sensors in real-time. This information is used to control the movements of a cursor on the computer screen or to substitute for the joystick function in a powered wheelchair.
Ghovanloo and his team have also created a universal interface for the intraoral Tongue Drive System that attaches directly to a standard electric wheelchair. The interface boasts multiple functions: it not only holds the iPod, but also wirelessly receives the sensor data and delivers it to the iPod, connects the iPod to the wheelchair, charges the iPod, and includes a container where the dental retainer can be placed at night for charging.
In preliminary tests, the intraoral device exhibited an increased signal-to-noise ratio, even when a smaller magnet was placed on the tongue. That improved sensitivity could allow additional commands to be programmed into the system. The existing Tongue Drive System that uses a headset interprets commands from seven different tongue movements.

The dental appliance for the new intraoral Tongue Drive System contains magnetic field sensors mounted on its four corners that detect movement of a tiny magnet attached to the tongue. It also includes a rechargeable lithium-ion battery and an induction coil to charge the battery. The circuitry fits in the space available on the retainer, which sits against the roof of the mouth and is covered with an insulating, water-resistant material and vacuum-molded inside standard dental acrylic. Credit: Georgia Tech/Maysam Ghovanloo
The ability to train the system with additional commands – as many commands as an individual can comfortably remember – and having all of the commands available to the user at the same time are significant advantages over the common sip-n-puff device that acts as a simple switch controlled by sucking or blowing through a straw.
The researchers plan to begin testing the usability of the intraoral Tongue Drive System by able-bodied individuals soon and then move onto clinical trials to test its usability by people with high-level spinal cord injuries.
In recent months, Ghovanloo and his team have recruited 11 individuals with high-level spinal cord injuries to test the headset version of the system at the Atlanta-based Shepherd Center and the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. Trial participants received a clinical tongue piercing and tongue stud that contained a tiny magnet embedded in the upper ball. They repeated two test sessions per week during a six-week period that assessed their ability to use the Tongue Drive System to operate a computer and navigate an electric wheelchair through an obstacle course.
“During the trials, users have been able to learn to use the system, move the computer cursor quicker and with more accuracy, and maneuver through the obstacle course faster and with fewer collisions,” said Ghovanloo. “We expect even better results in the future when trial participants begin to use the intraoral Tongue Drive System on a daily basis.”
Georgia Tech graduate students Abner Ayala-Acevedo, Xueliang Huo, Jeonghee Kim, Hangue Park and Xueli Xiao, and former postdoctoral fellow Benoit Gosselin also contributed to this work. 
Source: Georgia Institute of Technology 

Asia Deadliest Foods

Cobra heart, Vietnam

cobra heart Top 5 Asia Deadliest Foods

Balut, Phillippines

Fried tarantulas, Cambodia

Blood Clams, Shanghai

Fugu, Japan

Most Poisonous Animals

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Are You Suffering from Heart Diseases? Or have you been advised to undergo Angiography or Bypass? For Your Heart Vein Opening

Ingredients For Making Heart Vein Opening Drink  Ingredients:
1 cup Lemon juice
1 cup Ginger juice
1 cup Garlic juice
1 cup Apple cider vinegar
Mix all above and simmer in low heat for about 60 minutes or till solution reduces to 3 cups.
Remove solution to cool, then mix 3 cups of natural honey and store it in a jar.
Drink one tablespoon daily before breakfast. Your vein’s blockage will open in most cases.
Enjoy your drink. Taste good too.
Final Product

Before USE


Are You Suffering from Heart Diseases?
Or have you been advised to undergo Angiography or Bypass?
Please Wait...
Before you undergo Angiography or Bypass treatment, you must try this with confidence remedy. Insha Allah, you will be cured.
On the 18th April last year, I had to go to Sahiwaal(Pakistan) from the UK to attend the annual Khatme-e-Nabuwat conference. The day before, I suffered acute pain at the place of my heart and after that, experienced uncomforting, which continued for quite some time. I then met in Pakistan Hazrat Moulana Bashir Ahmed Usmani Sahib and disclosed to him, that when the doctors performed Angiography on me, they advised Bypass as they discovered 3 of my arteries were blocked and given a date to operate after a month. 
During this period, a Hakim prescribed the remedy below, which I consumed precisely for a month. A day before my bypass operation, I arrived at the Cardiology Hospital in Lahore  (Pakistan) and deposited Pak Rs. 225,000.00 towards expenses for my Bypass surgery. After closely examining these results and my previous results, the Doctors then asked me if I took any medication after the previous tests were carried out.
I told them of Hakim Sahebs prescribed remedy. The panel of Doctors, surprised by the results, then informed me that according to the latest reports all 3 arteries were open and functioning normally and that surgery was not required. I was refunded my deposit and told to go home.
Hazrat Moulana Bashir Ahmed Usmani Saheb himself, prepared this medicine for me and also told me of it’s ingredients and how it is prepared which is as follows:
1 Cup Fresh Lemon Juice
1 Cup Fresh Ginger Juice
1 Cup Fresh Garlic Juice
1 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
3 Cups Honey 
Mix all the juices & vinegar and boil very slowly for about half an hour until about 1 cup of contents evaporate and 3 cups remain.  After it cools down, mix properly with the 3 cups of honey. Fill contents in a clean Jar and take 3 teaspoons on an empty stomach every morning. Insha Allah you will be cured.
(From Mufti Mohammed Kantharvi. London UK)
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