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Friday, January 27, 2012

Rest Rooms New Designs

மாணாக்கரின் பக்குவ நிலைகள்

உயர்தர மாணாக்கன் - அன்னப் பறவையும் பசுமாடும் போன்றவன்.
உயர்தர மாணாக்கனின் அறிவானது, அன்னப் பறவையின் ஆற்றல் கொண்டதாய், நீர் கலந்த பாலில் நீரைப் பிரித்துப் பாலை மட்டுமே உட்கொள்ளும் அன்னப் பறவை போல், நல்லனவற்றை மட்டும் எடுத்துக் கொண்டு மற்றவற்றைப் புறந்தள்ளுவதாய் அமைந்திருக்கும். வயிறாறப் புசித்த உணவைத் தனிமையில் படுத்து அசை போட்டு செறிமானம் செய்து கொள்வதோடு, அற்பமான புல்லைத் தின்று அருமையான பாலைத் தரும் பசுவைப் போல், ஆசிரியனிடம் கற்றதை மனதால் ஆய்ந்து பயின்று, பயின்றது பிறருக்கும் உதவும் வகையில் கற்றுக் கொடுக்கும் வல்லமை கொண்டவனே உயர்தர மாணவர் ஆவார்.

நடுத்தர மாணாக்கன் - மண்ணும் கிளியும் போன்றவன்

உழவன் இட்ட உரத்திற்குத் தக்கபடி பயனளிக்கும் நிலம் போலவும், சொல்லிக் கொடுத்ததைத் திருப்பிச் சொல்லும் கிளி போலவும் ஆசிரியன் கற்பித்த அளவில் தன்னறிவை விளக்கிக் கொள்பவன் நடுத்தர மாணாக்கன்.

அடித்தர மாணாக்கன் - ஓட்டைக் குடமும் வெள்ளாடும் போன்றவன்
நீரால் நிரப்பப்பட்ட ஓட்டைக் குடமானது ஒரு வினாடியில் நீர் யாவையும் ஒழுகவிட்டு வெற்றுக் குடமாவது போலவும், ஓரிடத்தில் நின்று மேயத் தெரியாமால் பற்பல செடிகளிலுக்கும் சென்று வாய் வைத்துத் திரியும் வெள்ளாடு போலவும், ஆசிரியனிடம் இருந்து கற்றதை எல்லாம் உடனுக்குடன் மறந்து விட்டு, ஆசிரியனைக் குறை கூறி விட்டுப் பல ஆசிரியர்களிடம் சென்று பலதையும் கேட்டு விதண்டாவாதம் செய்து காலத்தை வீண் செய்யும் பழக்கமுள்ள மாணவனே அடித்தர மாணவன் ஆவான்.

கீழ்த்தர மாணாக்கன் - எருமையும் பன்னாடையும் போன்றவன்
தெளிநீர் நிறைந்த குளத்தில் நீராடச் சென்ற எருமையானது, நீரைக் கலக்கிச் சேற்றினைப் பூசிக் கொள்வதோடு நில்லாமல் அந்நீரை மற்றவ்ருக்கும் பயன்பட விடாது செய்தல் போலவும், தான் உயிர்த்த இடத்தில் உற்பத்தியாகும் சுவையுறு மதுவைத் தேக்காது, அதிற்கிடக்கும் செத்தை குப்பைகளையே தன்னிடத்தில் இருத்திக் கொள்ளும் ப்ன்னாடை போலவும், ஆசிரியனின் அறிவையும் குழப்பி, சூழ்நிலைக் காரணங்களால் அவர் கூறியதில் இருந்த அல்லாதனவற்றை மட்டும் மனதில் ஏற்றிக் கொள்பவனே கீழ்த்தர மாணவன் ஆவான்.


Sai ke Suresh Wadkar

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cultural history holds back Chinese research

Confucius and Zhuang have produced a culture in China that values isolation and inhibits curiosity. Neither is good for science, says Peng Gong.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh recently lamented that, when it comes to scientific research, China is now ahead of India. “India's relative position in the world of science has been declining,” he said. “And we have been overtaken by countries like China.” But although China is now second only to the United States in the number of scientific papers produced, many say that the quality of its research needs to improve. Misconduct is a common problem, but there are other, cultural, reasons for China's poor performance, too.
Two cultural genes have passed through generations of Chinese intellectuals for more than 2,000 years. The first is the thoughts of Confucius, who proposed that intellectuals should become loyal administrators. The second is the writings of Zhuang Zhou, who said that a harmonious society would come from isolating families so as to avoid exchange and conflict, and by shunning technology to avoid greed. Together, these cultures have encouraged small-scale and self-sufficient practices in Chinese society, but discouraged curiosity, commercialization and technology. They helped to produce a scientific void in Chinese society that persisted for millennia. And they continue to be relevant today.
One consequence is that every member of the academic community in China wants to do leading research, with few willing to play assisting roles. Not everyone, however, is qualified to lead, so this results in wasteful repetition and redundancy. Investigators use all kind of excuses to purchase similar types of equipment and do similar types of data processing.
We see this problem even at the largest scale. In any Chinese collaboration, universities, research institutions and separate government agencies all want to be the lead organization, which makes it extremely hard for the participating scientists to share data with each other. For example, the China Meteorological Administration has some 2,000 weather stations, from which it gathers the information used to issue weather forecasts, among other things. In addition, the Bureau of Hydrology operates some 20,000 gauge stations, which also collect weather data and could be used to substantially improve the spatial precision of the Meteorological Administration's forecasts, yet it does not make them available.
A related problem is the lack of division of work. Research administrators tend to value, and therefore reward, only those who claim to be doing original research, which forces people away from (useful) supporting roles. It also explains why, libraries and instrument retail companies aside, there are few specialized research services inside China. That leaves research labs with no choice but to do everything themselves, even routine work such as sample analysis and database development. With no sensible allocation of duties to people and organizations with different talents, delays in research are inevitable.
What can be done about these cultural obstacles? First, the scientific spirit must be established early in the education system. China has already improved its universities, using successful models copied from the Western world. It must now do the same in its schools. China's schoolteachers must do more to encourage curiosity in children, and science education should begin in the earliest years. This would require significant reforms to school curricula, as well as investment in teacher training.
The importance of collaborative research should be formally recognized and encouraged, by individual scientists as well as research administrators. Financial incentives in the form of grants, merit increases or promotion should be given to those involved in successful collaborations, with the intellectual contribution of each collaborator clearly identified.
China should also begin to divide its research work and assign jobs to personnel with the appropriate specializations. Positions must be created for chemical analysts, computer engineers, experimentalists, instrumentation staff and specialized data providers.
Finally, it must make more effort to help its scientists participate in international projects, and to entice outstanding foreign scientists to China. We need international evaluations for proposal review and strategic planning. For major research projects, it would be helpful to invite critique at the design and completion stages. The same should be done at universities to help them become internationally influential. China must learn from the European Union and provide financial support to international collaborators. For example, when the Chinese government funded a 46-million-renminbi (US$7-million) global land-cover mapping project in 2009, it ruled that none of the money could be paid to collaborators in foreign countries. A global project, of course, needs samples to be collected from all over the world, yet it is impossible for Chinese scientists to do this in many foreign countries. China must realize that isolation and self-sufficiency is no recipe for success in modern science. It will be a difficult change, but the price is affordable. And the result will be a strong China and the peaceful world that Chinese people have dreamed of for generations.
Nature 481, 411
( 26 January 2012 )
doi :10.1038/481411a
Author Affiliations:
Peng Gong is in the Center for Earth System Science at Tsinghua University, China, and the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley, USA.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek





Anyone-using  Internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so on..   This information arrived this morning, Direct from both  Microsoft and Norton. Please send it to everybody you know who  has access to the Internet. You may receive an apparently  harmless e-mail titled  'Mail Server Report' 

If you open either file, a message will appear on  your screen saying:  'It is too late now, your life is no  longer  beautiful.' 

Subsequently you will  LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC, 
And the person who o  sent it to you will gain access to your  name, e-mail and  password. 

This is a new virus which started to  circulate on Saturday afternoon.. AOL has already confirmed the  severity, and the  anti virus software's are not  capable of destroying it . 

The virus has  been created by a hacker who calls himself  'life  owner'.. 

This has been confirmed by Snopes

The Amazon - The greatest river

The Amazon is the greatest river in the world by so many measures; the volume of water it carries to the sea (approximately 20% of all the freshwater discharge into the oceans), the area of land that drains into it, and its length and width. It is one of the longest rivers in the world and, depending upon who you talk to, is anywhere between 6,259km/3,903mi and 6,712km/4,195mi long.
For the last century the length of the Amazon and the Nile Rivers have been in a tight battle for title of world's longest river. The exact length of the two rivers varies over time and reputable sources disagree as to their actual length. The Nile River in Africa is reported to be anywhere from at 5,499km/3,437mi to 6,690km/4,180mi long. But there is no question as to which of the two great rivers carries the greater volume of water - the Amazon River.
At its widest point the Amazon River can be 11km/6.8 mi wide during the dry season. The area covered by the Amazon River and its tributaries more than triples over the course of a year. In an average dry season 110,000 square km of land are water-covered, while in the wet season the flooded area of the Amazon Basin rises to 350,000 square km. When the flood plains and the Amazon River Basin flood during the rainy season the Amazon River can be up to 40km/24.8 mi wide. Where the Amazon opens at its estuary the river is over 325km/202 mi wide!
Because the Amazon drains the entire Northern half of the South American continent (approx. 40% landmass), including all the torrential tropical rains that deluge the rainforests, it carries an enormous amount of water. The mouth of the Amazon River, where it meets the sea, is so wide and deep that ocean-going ships have navigated its waters and traveled as far inland as two-thirds the way up the entire length of the river.

So, how did the Amazon get to be so big? The first reason has to do with its location - right at the equator. Around the "belt line" of the earth lies a warm, tropical zone where over 400 in/1016cm of rain fall every year. That averages out to more than an inch (3cm) of rain, everyday! A lot of water falls onto the land surrounding the river, what is called the "Amazon River drainage basin". A good way to understand what a drainage basin is to think of the whole northern half of the continent of South America as a shallow dish, or saucer. Whenever rain falls and lands anywhere in the river basin it all runs into the lowest place in the pan, which happens to be the Amazon River. The sheer volume of rain in the Amazon jungle, as well as the slope of the surrounding land, combine to create the enormous river known as the Amazon.

Textile Printing

Textile printing

Today's traditional textile and fashion market place is going through creative, technical and product development changes. Change is defined as verb meaning to make it different.

The five  printing methods are distinguished by the method of image transfer and by the ordinary types of image bearer employed. Depending upon the process, the printed design is transferred to the substrate either directly nor indirectly. In direct printing, the image carrier to the material, example of direct printing are, flexography, screen printing and letterpress printing processes. In indirect or offset printing the image is transferred so quickly.

Textile printing is the process of applying color to fabric. In printing block and stencils plates, rollers, are used to place colors on the fabric. To prevent the color from spreading by capillary attraction beyond the limits of the pattern or design.

    Some techniques were separately fashionable in 19th century, since were combination techniques in which indigo resist was used to make blue background prefer to block printing of other colors. Most modern industrialized printing uses direct printing techniques.

    The general theory of printing

    The printing of textile materials is the application of color according to a predetermined design.

    The printing paste which is applied to textile material consists of dye, water, thickener and hydrocarbon solvent or oil. After the printing paste is applied the textile material is usually steamed. This is to enable the dye molecules to migrate from the surface of the fibers and to enter the fiber polymer system. Steaming swells the fibers and ensures better penetration of the dye and improved color fastness properties of the textile material.

    The general theory of printing explains the interaction, on steaming, between the dye, fiber, water, thickener and hydrocarbon solvent. More specifically, it explains how within the printing paste:

    1) Forces are repulsion are developed between the dye molecules and the constituents of the printing paste; and

    2) Forces of attraction are developed between the dye molecules and the fibers of the textile material to be printed.     

    Textile orientation is an ancient art. It refers to the different processes by which fabrics are printed in colored design print fabric. Example of Greek fabrics from the 4th century B.C have been found. India exported block prints to the Mediterranean region in the 5th century B.C.

    The invention of a dyed cotton fabric dating backward to the Indus Vally civilization demonstrates that the art of dyeing with the use of mordants was well known to the Indian dyers 5000 years ago. This form of dyeing was responsible for making India famous all over the world for its dyed and printed fabrics.

    The dye molecule

    The dye molecules are organic molecules which can be classified as:

    1) Anionic - in which the color is caused by the anionic part of the dye molecule;

    2) Cationic - in which the color is caused by the cationic part of the dye molecule;

    3) Disperse - in which the color is caused by the whole molecule.

    The first two molecule types are applied from an aqueous solution. This third is applied from an aqueous dispersion.

    The role of the thickener

    The purpose of the thickener is to produce a medium for the dye paste and resultant product is called the printing paste. The printing paste is an emulsion of thickener and hydrocarbon, such as white spirit or very light hydrocarbon oil, plus a surface active agent. This surface active agents enables the emulsification of the thickener with the hydrocarbon to form printing paste of uniform consistency. The uniform consistency of the printing paste is referred to as its viscosity. The viscosity of the printing paste is very important as it influences the clarity and appearance of the printed pattern. The success of printing textile materials depends very much on the type and quality of the thickener.

    Thickeners can be any of the following:

    1) Natural gums, such as gum arabic, acacia gums or gums prepared from starches and other polysaccharides;  

    2) The man-made, natural polymer-based gums, for example, water soluble cellulose ethers, such as carboxymethyl cellulose, methyl and ethyl cellulose, and sodium alginate; or

    3) Occasionally, made-made, synthetic compounds such as polyvinyl alcohol.

    Methods of textile printing

             i) Hand printing

             ii) Block printing

             iii) Screen printing

             iv) Spray printing

             v) Kalamkari

             vi) Batik

             vii) Discharge printing

             viii) Tie and dye

    The trying of cloth with thread and then dyeing it is the simplest and perhaps on the plain piece of cloth. It is also the earliest forms of decorated textiles.

    The fabric is washed. Often it is dipped in the mordant so that it can absorb the dye.The cloth is folded, first lengthwise then width wise into four fold. The patterns on the body are then indicated all over the surface with the use of blocks dipped in grue, a red mud color. The cloth is then printed with the left hand, one knots follow another, using the same thread.   

    Fabric Printing.

    Fabric Dyeing is a color that is applied to a fabric in wet condition.The dyed fabric is also printed in special orders or for new fabric innovations in marketing.
    Once the fabric is bleached it goes for printing and in some cases even a scoured and desized fabric goes to printing.
    The prining of a fabric can be as good as possible by intelegent printing.There are several techniques in printing and there are several types of fabrics that needs several types of printing.A fabric that is used in fashion apperals for printing is in several ways different than a fabric that is printed for Head Gear.
    The picture that is given shows a fabric that is spread over a long table of several meters in length.The fabric is pasted evenly with a washable glue that is colorless and printed with made up screens as you see in the video for T Shirt printing but of a longer length and width.The process is same.However in case of Digital Prints as you can see in the video it is just like your PC Printer but huge in size and varies in design and work.
    Once the fabric is printed it goes for wash and required finish.The finishing after wash is by the same machines as that which is used in finishing a dyed fabric.
    Packing and marking is no different than other fabrics.The printed fabrics are not folded but rolled and sent to the market.

    Textile Printing Designs
    A printed fabric starts with a tightly woven flat base fabric made from any of a variety of yarns, including cotton, cotton blends, polyester, linen, silk, and other synthetics. The base fabric may or may non have woven designs. The printed design is applied to the fabric with pigment ink.

    Printed fabric can be used in many applications: for clothing, upholstery, banners, umbrellas, tablecloths, ties, baby slings, handbags, and even surfboards. Some fabrics work better than others for certain applications.
    Making printed fabric for upholstery or dressmaking is a traditional process. By applyingmodern technology to this age-old craft, printed fabric has risen to new heights of creativity. Digital printing, for example, has great promise as a custom printed fabric design technique because it is appropriate for small print jobs.
    Direct printing is a type of digital printing in which pigment is applied directly to the fabric from a widebed printer. Digital fabric impression machines ar available for printing on any type of fabric with most any type of dye. The reward to digital impression is that there are no screen charges or minimums. For large runs, traditional impression is more cost effective but for short runs and one off patterns, digital impression is the answer for the up and coming designers and is a do-it-yourselfer’s dream. Digital impression also eliminates much of the waste from the dying and production processes. As a result, digital printing is a more eco-friendly kind of printing.
    Interior designers and clothing designers contract with fabric impression companies to print their professionally created designer fabrics. Professional designers usually create the fabric designs using computer-assisted gimmick (CAD). These ar often large orders that ar used to make mass produced consumer items.
    A recent increase in interest in crafts and do-it-yourself projects has led to a new industry of fabric impression for individual consumers. Designers don’t need any experience to create their own unique designer fabric. Here’s how custom fabric design works:

    1. Find a vendor who does impression on fabric for small-scale projects.
    2. If you are using your own design, provide the vendor with a scan or digital file of your image. You don’t’ need a design created by CAD to print your own fabric.
    3. Choose the base fabric you want. Most online vendors will send swatches for free or for a small charge.
    4. Decide how much fabric you need (one yard is usually the minimum) and find out from the vendor how much it will cost.
    5. When the impression is complete, your custom fabric is ready for your project. That’s all there is to it!

    Several new custom printing websites have competitions in which customers submit their designs for judgement by fellow customers. The companies may decide to use a winning design as a stock design, which is quite a tribute to the designer.
    Custom printing opens new avenues of creativity. Online print companies make it easy to design personalized fabric and have it manufactured at reasonable cost.