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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Scientists shed new light on link between ‘killer cells’ and diabetes

Killer T-cells in the human body which help protect us from disease can inadvertently destroy cells that produce insulin, new research has uncovered.
The study provides the first evidence of this mechanism in action and could offer new understanding of the cause of Type 1 diabetes.
Professor Andy Sewell, an expert in human T-cells from Cardiff University’s School of Medicine worked alongside diabetes experts from King’s College London to better understand the role of T-cells in the development of Type 1 diabetes. Continue reading…

The team isolated a T-cell from a patient with Type 1 diabetes to view a unique molecular interaction which results in the killing of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.
“Type 1 diabetes is a result of the body’s own immune system attacking and destroying the cells in the pancreas that manufacture the hormone insulin. Insulin controls blood sugar levels and a lack of insulin is fatal if untreated,” said Professor Sewell.
“The mechanism by which the body attacks its own insulin producing cells in the pancreas is not fully understood. Our findings show how killer T-cells might play an important role in autoimmune diseases like diabetes and we’ve secured the first ever glimpse of the mechanism by which killer T-cells can attack our own body cells to cause disease,” he added.
Co-author of the study, Professor Mark Peakman from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre at King’s College London and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust said: “This first sight of how killer T-cells make contact with the cells that make insulin is very enlightening, and increases our understanding of how Type 1 diabetes may arise.
“This knowledge will be used in the future to help us predict who might get the disease and also to develop new approaches to prevent it. Our aim is to catch the disease early before too many insulin-producing cells have been damaged.”
The team now hope that by gaining a better understanding of this process it will put them in a much stronger position to devise new ways to prevent or even halt the disease.
The study, funded by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) using facilities at Diamond Light Source and published in Nature Immunology, shows that the killer T-cell receptor utilises an abnormal mode of binding in order to recognise cells producing insulin.
“The results of Dr Sewell’s work provide key novel insights into T1D pathogenesis” said Teodora Staeva, Director of JDRF’s Immune Therapies Program. “JDRF is pleased to support this kind of research that will accelerate the development of biomarkers and preventive therapies for Type 1 diabetes.”
This unusual binding is thought to allow the T-cell to survive the culling process designed to rid the body of autoreactive T-cells.
The structure of the killer T-cell receptor bound to the insulin peptide shows that the interaction is highly focused on just a small part of the molecule.
In a further study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry the same Cardiff and King’s team has shown that this focused binding mode allows this T-cell receptor to respond to over 1.3 million other peptides of different molecular shape.
This ability to bind peptides with a multitude of different shapes may provide a clue as to how autoimmune diseases are initiated. It is possible that this T-cell was raised to fight an infection via one of the other 1.3 million peptides it can recognise but then inadvertently also recognised insulin once it had been put on ‘red alert’ by this infection.
Diabetes describes diseases where a person has high blood sugar. Treatment of diabetes and its complications represents a major health burden and accounts for over 10% of the National Health Service’s annual budget.
Courtesy Cardiff University

An Ocean of Love

Lord Rama's hand“Touching His lotus-like hand, blessing Him on the head, and happily bringing the Lord towards his heart, the muni felt like he was taking a dip in an ocean of love and unable to cross over to the other side.” (Janaki Mangala, 19)
parasi kamala kara sīsa haraṣi hiyam̐ lāvahiṃ |
prema payodhi magana muni na pāvahiṃ ||
The lotus flower is the symbol of purity. It remains in the clean water, sprouts open upon the sight of the splendorous sun and then closes back up at nighttime, as if to indicate that the absence of light is the time to rest, to gather oneself before the next day arrives. The swans float amidst the lotus flowers, while the crows hang around rubbish. This dichotomy has been referenced by those with knowledge of the Absolute Truth since time immemorial. The above referenced verse, which describes the lotus-like hands of the hero of the Raghu dynasty, whose contact was so heartwarming to those who are above such passionate feelings that it created an ocean of nectar that one could not cross over, gives yet another example of the comparison to the wonderful lotus.
Lord Rama's handAn expert swimmer can cross over a body of water, as often that is the intended purpose when getting into the water. You prepare yourself for the swim, keeping in mind where you want to go and how to pace yourself so that you don’t get tired. Sometimes, though, the water is meant for relaxation and not swimming. In the winter months, one of the worst feelings comes from getting up in the morning to get ready for school or work and then seeing someone else still enjoying the warmth of their blanket. The outside environment is cold, while underneath the covers is warm and inviting. “Why should I get up? Can’t I just stay like this the whole day?”
For a sage a long time ago, the ocean of transcendental nectar created through a simple and innocent embrace flooded him with comforting emotions, a transcendental type of drowning. This muni was residing in the pristine surroundings of the forest, where there were minimal distractions. What kind of work did he have that required being shut off from society? Not to be mistaken with a hermit who hates the world or a hobbit who shuns everything around him out of spite, the sages seeking refuge in the wilderness did so to advance spiritually, for that is the main objective of human life.
The first tool necessary for working towards that goal is tapasya, or austerity. This shouldn’t be that difficult to understand, as control and regulation are required for success in practically every endeavor. The human being especially should pay attention to tapasya because they have the intelligence to understand its effectiveness. The lower animal species don’t know anything about dieting, controlling appetites, regulating behavior, or achieving a higher end through a regulated set of activities intelligently crafted. The concept of “animal instincts” is used as a reference tool for a reason. The animal just follows its hunches and does whatever it feels like doing.
The human being has the ability to think rationally, to develop scientific experiments with relation to behavior. For instance, if I follow a particular routine day after day - which can involve waking up at the same time and eating the same foods spread out across the same intervals - should any change occur to that routine, I can note down the results as part of an experiment. “What if I wake up half an hour earlier tomorrow? I’ll do everything else the same, so let me see what effect that has on my energy levels.” A simple thing like shifting the time of waking up in the morning can be used to find a better condition, adjusting the routine so that the worker can perform at optimal levels.
In the Vedic tradition, much of the guesswork has been removed. Tapasya is a trusted system whose effectiveness is rooted in the control of the senses. A gosvami is considered a master of the senses, so they are eligible for making disciples and spreading the glories of bhakti-yoga, or devotional service, to a wider audience. A master is one who can turn something on and off at any time. I may say that I am in control of my senses, but if I have vices like drinking and smoking that I can’t control, my senses actually own me instead of the other way around.
The senses can be owned through tapasya, which is practiced for meeting the highest goal of realizing God. There is no other purpose to the human form of body. Intelligence exists for a reason. Through intelligence a person can reach their desired end more quickly. A desired end brings a desired result, which is bitter or sweet depending on the intended taste. For the thief intelligence is the ability to successfully take someone else’s property without them knowing. For a politician intelligence is the ability to win an election despite having governed poorly. A wise product engineer can develop a product to the specifications of the company, so as to appeal to a mass market of consumers and successfully carry out the desired functions.
VishvamitraConsciousness is absent in matter, so intelligence used to fulfill goals that deal with interaction with matter are all on the same inferior level. It looks like there is variety in taste, but in the end the same rewards are available to the animals who don’t have nearly the same intelligence as the human beings. Real intelligence uses information and knowledge to achieve the highest end of association with God. That goal was fulfilled for Vishvamitra, who had previously used his knowledge of the Vedas and belief in the words of the acharyas to follow tapasya under the proper guidelines.
Since the forests were conducive to austerity, they were known as tapo-vanas. There was one slight problem for Vishvamitra though. The forest was free of distractions such as material allurements, but there was a purposeful distraction surfacing. More than just a distraction, this was a dangerous element which threatened the muni’s existence. We’re talking about the forest here, so perhaps the allusion is to lions? Bears? Tigers? No. Even these ferocious animals left Vishvamitra and the other brahmanas alone.
The sages weren’t doing anything to anyone. Their aim was to have as little material interaction as possible. Sobriety and a renewed commitment to sacrifice, or yajna, follow tapasya. A brahmana can be an expert at performing formal sacrifices, which are meant to please Yajneshvara, which is another name for God. In the Vedas the Supreme Lord has thousands of identified names which each remind the infinitesimally small spiritual sparks occupying different bodies in the material world of the Lord’s position with respect to their own standing. For example, the living being is the controller of the actions of their body. Since they are rulers in a sense, they are known as ishvara. If I know that I am a controller, one way to teach me about God is to describe Him as being the Supreme Controller, or Parameshvara.
The yajna is a central practice of followers of the Vedas, and just to let the worshipers know the real position of the person being honored, the real enjoyer of sacrifice, God is given the name Yajneshvara, or the lord of sacrifice. The yajna is very powerful when carried out in the proper mood. Through God’s satisfaction, the living being’s consciousness becomes purified and he is better equipped to cope with life and also teach others how to make advancement in spiritual life. The latter aspect is what bothered a specific set of bandits, who had the opposite intent. The thief is so immersed in their sinful ways that they take their own values to be virtuous. This tendency also introduces one of the defects in a system of democracy. Democracy prevents a single leader from going off the deep end and tyrannically ruling over the innocent people, but it also establishes relative morality. You and I may know that stealing someone else’s property is wrong, but should a majority vote in Congress say otherwise, the practice suddenly becomes virtuous.
The ghoulish creatures concentrated on the island of Lanka during Vishvamitra’s time decided that their acts of killing innocent creatures and eating them were pious. So infested by sinful behavior was their city that no amount of wine, women, or animal flesh was enough to satisfy the appetite. The Rakshasas in Lanka would regularly harass the sages of the tapo-vanas, disrupting their sacrifices. They would wear false guises and then pounce on the unsuspecting munis just as their yajnas were about to bear fruit.
Vishvamitra approached the king of Ayodhya, Maharaja Dasharatha, for protection in this area. Dasharatha had four young sons, the eldest of whom was the Supreme Lord appearing in a seemingly human form. Upon first meeting Dasharatha, Vishvamitra was greeted by the boys, and he was especially enchanted by the eldest Rama. In the above referenced verse, the muni is embracing the children after they offered him their respects.
“How can that female swan who is accustomed to sporting with the king of swans amidst lotus flowers ever cast her eyes on a water-crow that stays amidst bunches of grass?” (Sita Devi speaking to Ravana, Valmiki Ramayana, Aranya Kand, 56.20)
Sita and RamaRama’s hand is likened to a lotus flower, a comparison made quite often in Vedic literature. The Supreme Lord’s features are all pure, so the lotus flower is one of the best representations of His purity. Sita Devi, Rama’s future wife, would one day compare being with Rama to living amidst lotus flowers. She would also compare the Rakshasas to crows who hung around garbage all the time. The lotus flower is beautiful and its association inviting.
Vishvamitra received young Rama’s hand, embraced the Lord to his chest, and then felt so much happiness that he lost himself. This meeting was the real fruit of his yajna, the reward for his tapasya. This proves without a doubt the purpose behind austerity, the reason to observe fasting days and keep the senses in check. Gosvamis master their senses for a reason. If I starve the senses of things that are harmful, when something beautiful does come along, it is appreciated all the more.
Lord Rama's lotus feetVishvamitra appreciated Rama’s presence and delighted in the Lord’s association, as any person should do. The holy name is our way to embrace God today, for simply by chanting, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare”, the sweet association of the jewel of the Raghu dynasty, who has lotus-like hands and eyes, can be enjoyed. To relish that taste, to really understand how the holy name and the person it addresses are one and the same, austerity in the form of abstention from illicit sex, gambling, intoxication and meat eating is required.
How did Vishvamitra get out of that ocean? Lost in a sea of happiness, did he give up his dedication to piety, to teaching others about spiritual life? Eventually he was able to break out of the trance, but he used the opportunity of his visit to ask for Rama’s protection in the forest. Through his request, Dasharatha would be troubled, but the world would be granted the gift of the image of Rama and His younger brother Lakshmana honorably escorting a worshipable muni through the forests and protecting him from the vile creatures given towards rooting out piety from society. Dasharatha granted the favor to Vishvamitra, and the sage favored countless future generations by desiring to be in Rama’s association. If we should be so lucky to stay around the lotus-like Lord Rama we too will swim in an ocean of transcendental nectar.
In Closing:
Not in an endless sea of sorrow did he drown,
Rather pool of joy’s nectar through Rama found.
Comparisons help us God to understand,
Thus like a lotus flower was Shri Rama’s hand.
Reward for austerity in the forest,
Muni brought lovable prince to his chest.
Royal order to provide protection meant,
Thus Rama and Lakshmana with muni king sent.
That delight of Raghu dynasty incarnates through name,
So chant it regularly to acquire highest gain.

Billa 2 movie

Billa II is a forthcoming Tamil gangster-thriller film to be directed by Chakri Toleti. It is a prequel to the 2007 film Billa and would focus on how David, an ordinary man from the coastal regions of South Tamil Nadu, becomes Billa, a dreaded underworld don, with Ajith Kumar reprising the role of the titular character.[2] The film, which is to be produced by Wide Angle Creations in association with the Hinduja Group company IN Entertainment, was officially announced in November 2010. Filming commenced in July 2011, with the film expected to release in early 2012.[3][4] The film introduces Vidyut Jamwal into Kollywood
Directed by Chakri Toleti
Produced by Suresh Balaje
George Pius
Sunir Khetrapal
Screenplay by Chakri Toleti
Sarath Mandava
Jaffer Mohammed
Ee. Raa. Murugan (dialogues)
Story by Chakri Toleti
Eric Felberg
Starring Ajith Kumar
Parvathy Omanakuttan
Bruna Abdullah
Music by Yuvan Shankar Raja

                           Here’s a sneak peek into Billa 2, starring Ajith, and the latest buzz surrounding the film. According to an industry source, all that’s left now for the filmmakers is the shooting of the title song. Explains the source, “Yuvan Shankar Raja has been busy with some projects and he is yet to record the title track. It’s expected he will complete it shortly. Once he does, the song will be shot.”
The buzz is that a Bollywood choreographer will be roped in for this title song with Ajith. Considering top choreographer Farah Khan is currently hot property in K-Town post her Ilaiyana song for Vijay’s latest, she’s said to be one of the frontrunners. Vaibhavi Merchant, Ganesh Hedge and Ganesh Acharya are also possibilities.
While the movie has been shot in Goa and Georgia, with the leading ladies Parvathy Omanakuttan and Bruna Abdulla, the producers are said to be hunting for a good location to film the title song. Apparently, interior locales in India and abroad are being considered by them.
Meanwhile, we also hear that the overseas and satellite rights of this flick have been sold. And the source adds that it’s the highestever pricing for an Ajith film. Apparently, it’s about 30 per cent more than what Thala’s 50th film, Mankatha, sold for.
This highly-anticipated flick, which is currently being edited, just has six more days of patchwork left according to the source. As of now, the film’s tagline – Every man has a past. Every don, a history – has already got people’s attention on social networking sites.
Source: Times of India (Dated: 15-1-2012)

Billa 2  which is briskly going in a random speed  has seen a change in the script for that  female lead character was changed  by director Chakri Toleti. Huma Qureshi has been dropped from the film and now we hear that Parvathy Omanakuttan has been signed as the heroine alongside of  Ajith Kumar.
Parvathy Omanakuttan has the  India’s 58th Miss World Final and won second place for the Miss World Top Model contest Coming to her big screen debut she has worked for a Hindi film United Six directed by Vishal Aryan Singh and a Malayalam film titled Madan Kolli by Major Ravi.
Billa 2 will be her debut film in Tamil and sharing the screen space opposite Thala will sure give her a break in her career.
Billa 2 would focus on how David an ordinary man from Tuticorin of South Tamil Nadu, becomes Billa, a dreaded underworld don.
The film is jointly produced by IN Entertainment (India) Limited (INE) and Wide Angle Creations of Suresh Balaji and George Pius.

 இப்போது பில்லா-2 உருவாகி வருகிறது. சக்ரி டோல்டி இயக்கி வரும் இப்படத்தில் அஜித் ஜோடியாக பார்வதி ஓமணக்குட்டன் நடித்து வருகிறார். யுவன் சங்கர் ராஜா இசையமைக்கிறார். இன்‌எண்டர்டெயின்மெண்ட் மற்றும் ஓய்டு ஆங்கிள் நிறுவனம் இணைந்து இப்படத்தை தயாரிக்கின்றனர்.  தூத்துக்குடியில் சாதரண மனிதனாக டேவிட்டாக இருந்தவர் எப்படி பில்லாவாக மாறுகிறான் என்பதே பில்லா-2 படத்தின் கதை. படத்தின் சூட்டிங் ‌பெரும்பகுதி முடிவடைந்துள்ள நிலையில் பில்லா-2 படத்தின் போஸ்டர்கள் வெளியாகியுள்ளன. கோவப்பார்வையோடும், கையில் துப்பாக்கியோடும் வெளியாகியுள்ள இந்த ஸ்டில்கள் ரசிகர்களை வெகுவாக கவர்ந்துள்ளது. கூடவே ஒவ்வொரு மனிதனுக்கும் ஒரு கடந்தகாலம் உண்டு, அதேபோல் ஒவ்வொரு டானுக்கும் ஒரு வரலாறு உண்டு என்ற வாசகமும் இடம்பெற்றுள்ளது. இது ரசிகர்களிடையே அதிக வரவேற்பை பெற்றுள்ளது.



Dark upper lip treatment using lemon juice

Considering that almost every individual today is excessively obsessed with our own appearances, we offer very little consideration to the state and beauty of one of the most sensuous parts of the human body – the lips. While our skin and hair are always treated with a number of different procedures, lotions and creams to enhance their grandeur, the lips are often simply forgotten about. The cells present in the lips are the same as the ones that are present in the skin and react exactly the same way to environmental as well as habitual factors. For example, when exposed to high amounts of sunlight, the skin will start to darken its pigmentation in order to beat off the harmful effects of the ultra violet rays. The cells in the lips react exactly the same way to exposure to the sun and are as likely to suffer from hyper-pigmentation – where any excess melanin starts to collect at certain locations making it appear as though certain parts are darker than others. Habitual factors that contribute to the darkening of the skin include excessive smoking, drinking large amounts of coffee or tea or even the use o cheap lipsticks or chemicals that react negatively to your skin.
If the primary cause of the darkened lips is any one or a combination of the habitual factors, the best and most obvious course of action would be to significantly cut down or completely avoid the causes. If it is a result of hyper-pigmentation, you should avoid going out in the sun as much as possible and also making sure that you apply some good quality lip balm at all times. It would be advisable to use one that has an SPF of no less than 30.  Regular exfoliation of your lips will help in removing any dead skin cells that may still be stuck to the upper layers of your lips – causing them to appear darker. Try using a very soft toothbrush to brush away any of these dead layers of skin and expose the newer, lighter layer of skin cells underneath. You must, however, make sure that you do not apply too much pressure as this may damage your lips even further.  If you sleep in an air conditioned room, you should also make it a habit to apply some petroleum jelly over your lips in the night, before you go to bed. Lime juice is considered to be a natural bleaching agent and should work wonders in reducing the darkness of your lips if regularly applied to them over a period of time.
After you brush your teeth every morning, try using your toothbrush to 'exfoliate' your lips too! It should brush off some dead cells and promote the growth of new ones. Also, do not forget that lip balm! Are your lips chapped and dehydrated? Fix what you already have by first using an old toothbrush and brushing your lips with Vaseline (do this every other day).

Then you need to use Vaseline or your favorite lip balm on your lips every night before you go to bed. Make sure to pile it on at night (do this every night). Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Remember to wear a lip balm with SPF 15 or higher to protect them. After a few days you'll notice a dramatic difference. Keep this up, and make it an everyday habit.

Try to apply concealer over your entire lip. Then use your favorite lipstick and you'll look prettier and healthier. For best results, use a lip liner before applying lipstick. Some lipstick contain materials which actually make your lips darker after regular use (a high percentage of lead or something). So, use only mild varieties of lipstick, lipliner, pencils and glosses. Drink more water, it really helps to pump up the lips.

Every night before going to bed, apply vaseline petroleum jelly on the lips with your fingers (they come in a small bottle as well) if you sleep with the AC on every night. The next day, use a toothbrush to brush away the leftover vaseline and dead skin on the lips (very effective for cracked lips) after your normal brushing. You will see your lips getting redder and 'more pumped up'.

This also helps if you have recurring problems of cracked lips or peeling skin that stays on your lips (and you tend to bite them away). Vaseline deals with uneven lips and helps in having a healthy smile. Your lipsticks may not be suitable for you. Care for your lips. It does have something to do with metabolism. Dark lips may be due to an unhealthy diet and unsuitable lipsticks.

You have to be careful when choosing a brand that is suitable for you. Stop it immediately when you notice changes with your natural lip colour. As for a healthy diet, try to eat more fruits and avoid caffeine and smoking. Another method that can help is to drink more red dates water. Put about 6 dates in a cup and pour hot water on it. Wait about 1/2 hr or 45 minutes before you drink it.

It is convenient, easy to prepare and good for your blood circulation. Try it a few times a week. Apply a thin layer of toothpaste to your lips before you go to sleep. Your lips in the morning will be redder and cleaner. Your lip colour might have to do with what you eat because it is vital to have a balanced diet. If you don't have a balanced 
diet, then eat more healthy food.

Lip care for dark lips

Lady with dark lip tends to use lipstick more than others. Dark lips can be a natural color of one’s lip or can result due to smoking, drinking tea or coffee in excess or sometimes it may be your natural color. Here are some tips for people with dark lips.

1. A simple method is to use Vaseline, but this is a temporary cure and need to be applied everyday.
2. If you smoke, please stop it, since this will worsen the lip color and your health.
3. Applying ghee is very usefull to bring back the lip color alive.
4. For a lady with dark skin and lips it is best to go with plum or wine lipstick. It is best to avoid bright reds and pinks shades.
5. Use good quality lipstick, and check for expiry date. When at home try to remove the lipstick coat from your lips.
6. Apply lip balm or lipstick with sunblock.
7. Before sleeping massage your lips with 2 drops of a mixture of honey, lime juice and glycerin.
8. Almond oil can also be used, this helps to cure discoloration in any part of the body.
9. Apply a mixture of glycerin, saffron and rose flower leaf at night before sleeping.
10. Apply a mixture of milk and saffron and apply it at night.
We all face the problem of dark lips at some point. This could occur if they are subject to sunlight and or if they are not exfoliated appropriately. During such times, dead skin accumulates around our lips making them a shade darker than our natural skin tone. Some women naturally have darker lips. Subtle shades like pink or peach, especially in a light glossy texture do not suit such lips. Their color gets masked behind the natural color of our lips.
The trick to wearing the right lipstick is to go for shades that have a deeper concentration. For instance, you can choose pink or peach, but only if they are have a more intense and opaque texture. If the consistency of these shades is transparent or translucent, then they will look more like a smudge on your face. Or worse, it might look like you are not wearing any lipstick at all. All colors in metallic or shimmery tones suit darker lips. Some colors that look fabulous on dark lips are reds, purples, and browns. However, while choosing these colors be careful about their undertones.
While choosing purple, make sure that it is a dark shade. This can be berry, blackberry, violet, mauve, plum, as a deeper purple compliments warmer tone of the dark skin perfectly. Copper is a great choice to jazz up an evening look, especially if your dress is in a darker color like black or red. Whereas brown and chocolate colored lipsticks are better during the daytime. A few more shades of brown that flatter darker lips are, mahogany, walnut and caramel. Reds can be worn during the day as well as night. But opt for a deeper shade of red, like wine, burgundy, fuchsia, maroon and rose red. If you have an olive complexion, the red shade of the fire engine would look best on you. Rust color is also a good choice for daywear, you can also just mix your red and brown lipstick to get this shade.

Some people are born with naturally dark lips whereas others may develop a dark upper lip or lower lip or both on account of various factors such as exposure to sun, excessive application of lipstick, allergies, smoking, using lip products of cheap brands, dryness, excessive intake of tea and coffee. An effective dark lips remedy is to drink plenty of milk on a regular basis as the lactic acid present in milk is known to have highly potent whitening properties. Additionally, milk is also known to accelerate the dead skin removal process. A home remedy for dark lips treatment is to use beeswax which is considered to be a highly dependable emulsifier and is also known for its ability to moisturize, protect, seal and help whiten the skin because of which it is used in many lip care and skin care products. Cocoa butter is also effective in lightening dark lips as it is rich in antioxidants that soften and protect the skin and are also excellent emollient. Additionally, cocoa butter is also known to relive irritation and diminish wrinkles and stretch marks. Another natural dark lips remedyis to increase the intake of Vitamin C rich foods. 

Vitamin C tends to restrict the production of melanin which is the pigment that gives the skin its dark color. It is also essential to exfoliate the skin on a regular basis so that the dead skin cells are removed thereby allowing the new skin to develop. One can also gently massage the lips every night with a lip balm. Additionally, to keep the skin naturally hydrated and supple one should drink at least eight glasses of water every day. It is essential to check the expiry dates of all lip products before continuing to use them or else they may cause darkening of the lips. One should also remove all remnants of lipstick before going to bed every night so as to allow the skin to breathe. It is also advisable to avoid using lip care products that contain hydroquinone or other such harmful chemicals as they may cause the lips to darken over a period of time. Another home remedy for dark lips is to apply a fine paste of sour cream, a ripe banana and some honey on ones lips every day and allowing it to remain for at least 10 minutes before washing it off. One can also dab some apple cider vinegar on dark lips twice a day so as to lighten them naturally. 

Most Recent European Great Ape Discovered

                      Science Daily  — Based on a hominid molar, scientists from Germany, Bulgaria and France have documented that great apes survived in Europe in savannah-like landscapes until seven million years ago.

To date scientists have assumed that great apes went extinct in Europe at least 9 million years ago because of changing climatic and environmental conditions. Under the direction of Nikolai Spassov from the National Museum of Natural Science in Sofia, Bulgaria, the molar was discovered in Upper Miocene fluvial sediments near Chirpan. The morphology and the great thickness of the tooth enamel point to a hominid fossil. The age of the fossiliferous sands at 7 million years reveals the fossil to be most recent known great ape from continental Europe.
A seven million year old pre-molar of a hominid discovered near the Bulgarian town of Chirpan documents that great apes survived longer in Europe than previously believed. An international team of scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Science, the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, and Madelaine Böhme from the Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Paleoenvironment at the University of Tübingen was involved in the project. The new discovery may cause a revision in our understanding of some major steps in hominid evolution.
Until now, the most recent fossil was that of a 9.2 million year old specimen of Ouranopithecus macedonensis from Greece. Hominids therefore were thought to have disappeared from Europe prior to 9 million years ago. At this time, European terrestrial ecosystems had been changed from mostly evergreen and lush forests to savannah-like landscapes with a seasonal climate. It had been thought that great apes, which typically consume fruits, were unable to survive this change due to a seasonal deficiency of fruits.
The scientists found animals typical of a savannah in the fossil-bearing layer: several species of elephants, giraffes, gazelles, antelopes, rhinos, and saber-toothed cats. This discovery suggests that European hominids were able to adapt to the seasonal climate of a savannah-like ecosystem. This conclusion is further corroborated by electron microscope analysis of the tooth's masticatory surface, which reveals that the Bulgarian hominid had consumed hard and abrasive objects like grass, seeds, and nuts. In this respect, the feeding behavior of this animal resembles that of later African hominids from about 4 million years ago (e.g. australopithecids like 'Lucy').
„We now also need to rethink where the origin of humans took place," says Professor Madelaine Böhme of the University of Tübingen. So far, most scientists believe that human evolution happened exclusively in Africa and that humans migrated from Africa to other continents. "There is increasing evidence, however, that a significant part of human evolution happened outside Africa, in Europe and western Asia."
That migration plays a major role in early hominid evolution was documented by paleontologists from the Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Paleoenvironment in June 2011, when they presented an early Eurasian hominid. A further piece to the puzzle had furthermore been an isolated molar tooth excavated southwest of Sigmaringen, Germany, and dated to 17 million years ago. The Tübingen group of paleoclimatologists led by Böhme reconstructed the climate at this time and demonstrated that great apes dispersed at this time under a tropical-subtropical and humid climate from Africa into Europe. Together, both investigations document an at least 10 million year lasting population of great apes in Europe and a significant evolution from fruit-eaters to harder object feeders.

Boost for Health? Researchers Isolate Protein Linking Exercise to Health Benefits

A team led by researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute has isolated a natural hormone from muscle cells that triggers some of the key health benefits of exercise. (Credit: © Imre Forgo / Fotolia

Science Daily — A team led by researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute has isolated a natural hormone from muscle cells that triggers some of the key health benefits of exercise. They say the protein, which serves as a chemical messenger, is a highly promising candidate for development as a novel treatment for diabetes, obesity and perhaps other disorders, including cancer.

"It's exciting to find a natural substance connected to exercise that has such clear therapeutic potential," said Bostroöm.
Bruce Spiegelman, PhD, a cell biologist at Dana-Farber, is senior author of the report, posted as an advanced online publication by the journal Nature. The first author is Pontus Bostroöm, MD, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in the Spiegelman lab.
Spiegelman dubbed the hormone "irisin," after Iris, a Greek messenger goddess. He said the discovery is an important first step in understanding the biological mechanisms that translate physical exercise into beneficial changes throughout the body, both in healthy people and in preventing or treating disease.
"There has been a feeling in the field that exercise 'talks to' various tissues in the body," said Spiegelman, a professor of cell biology at Harvard Medical School. "But the question has been, how?"
According to the report, the irisin hormone has direct and "powerful effects" on adipose, or fatty, tissue -- subcutaneous deposits of white fat that store excess calories and which contribute to obesity.
When irisin levels rise through exercise -- or, in this study, when irisin was injected into mice -- the hormone switches on genes that convert white fat into "good" brown fat. This is beneficial because brown fat burns off more excess calories than does exercise alone.
Only a small amount of brown fat is found in adults, but infants have more -- an evolutionary echo of how mammals keep themselves warm while hibernating. In the wake of findings by Spiegelman and others, there has been a surge of interest in the therapeutic possibilities of increasing brown fat in adults.
Along with stimulating brown fat development, irisin was shown to improve glucose tolerance, a key measure of metabolic health, in mice fed a high-fat diet.
The discovery won't allow people will be able to skip the gym and build muscles by taking irisin supplements, Spiegelman cautioned, because the hormone doesn't appear to make muscles stronger. Experiments showed that irisin levels increase as a result of repeated bouts of prolonged exercise, but not during short-term muscle activity.
The Dana-Farber team identified irisin in a search for genes and proteins regulated by a master metabolic regulator, called PGC1-alpha, that is turned on by exercise. Spiegelman's group had discovered PGC1-alpha in previous research.
Bostroöm said the hunt for molecular targets of increased PGC1-alpha activity ultimately pinpointed irisin, which turned out to be located within the outer membrane of muscle cells. This discovery ran counter to other scientists' contentions that such a protein would reside in the cell's nucleus.
To test whether increasing irisin alone could mimic exercise benefits, the scientists injected modest amounts into sedentary mice that were obese and pre-diabetic.
With 10 days of treatment, the mice had better control of blood sugar and insulin levels -- in effect, preventing the onset of diabetes -- and lost a small amount of weight. Although the weight loss was small, Spiegelman said that the hormone may have a greater effect when given for longer periods.
There were no signs of toxicity or side effects, which was predicted since the researchers limited the increase of irisin to levels typically caused by exercise.
In part because it is a natural substance and because the mouse and human forms of the protein are identical, Spiegelman said it should be possible to move an irisin-based drug rapidly into clinical testing -- perhaps within two years.
The irisin discovery has been licensed by Dana-Farber exclusively to Ember Therapeutics for drug development. Ember is a Boston-based startup co-founded by Spiegelman and scientists at the Joslin Diabetes Center and the Scripps Research Institute in Florida.
The scientists said their findings merely scratch the surface of irisin's multiple effects. They are continuing to explore the hormone's possible benefits in metabolic diseases like diabetes, insulin resistance, and obesity, which constitute a growing epidemic around the world, as well as neurodegenerative illnesses like Parkinson's disease.
Spiegelman added that as growing evidence implicates obesity and physical inactivity in cancer development, it's conceivable irisin-based drugs may have value in prevention and treatment of the disease.
Other authors, in addition to Spiegelman and Boström, are from Dana-Farber; Harvard Medical School; Brigham and Women's Hospital; University of California at San Francisco; Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy; Odense University Hospital, Denmark; and LakePharma, Belmont, Calif.

Master Controller of Memory Identified

Science Daily  — When you experience a new event, your brain encodes a memory of it by altering the connections between neurons. This requires turning on many genes in those neurons. Now, MIT neuroscientists have identified what may be a master gene that controls this complex process.

The research team, led by Yingxi Lin, a member of the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT, focused on the Npas4 gene, which previous studies have shown is turned on immediately following new experiences. The gene is particularly active in the hippocampus, a brain structure known to be critical in forming long-term memories.The findings, described in the Dec. 23 issue of Science, not only reveal some of the molecular underpinnings of memory formation -- they may also help neuroscientists pinpoint the exact locations of memories in the brain.
Lin and her colleagues found that Npas4 turns on a series of other genes that modify the brain's internal wiring by adjusting the strength of synapses, or connections between neurons. "This is a gene that can connect from experience to the eventual changing of the circuit," says Lin, the Frederick and Carole Middleton Career Development Assistant Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences.
To investigate the genetic mechanisms of memory formation, the researchers studied a type of learning known as contextual fear conditioning: Mice receive a mild electric shock when they enter a specific chamber. Within minutes, the mice learn to fear the chamber, and the next time they enter it, they freeze.
The researchers showed that Npas4 is turned on very early during this conditioning. "This sets Npas4 apart from many other activity-regulated genes," Lin says. "A lot of them are ubiquitously induced by all these different kinds of stimulations; they are not really learning-specific."
Furthermore, Npas4 activation occurs primarily in the CA3 region of the hippocampus, which is already known to be required for fast learning.
"We think of Npas4 as the initial trigger that comes on, and then in turn, in the right spot in the brain, it activates all these other downstream targets. Eventually they're going to modify synapses in a way that's likely changing synaptic inhibition or some other process that we're trying to figure out," says Kartik Ramamoorthi, a graduate student in Lin's lab and lead author of the paper.
Genetic regulation
So far, the researchers have identified only a few of the genes regulated by Npas4, but they suspect there could be hundreds more. Npas4 is a transcription factor, meaning it controls the copying of other genes into messenger RNA -- the genetic material that carries protein-building instructions from the nucleus to the rest of the cell. The MIT experiments showed that Npas4 binds to the activation sites of specific genes and directs an enzyme called RNA polymerase II to start copying them.
"Npas4 is providing this instructive signal," Ramamoorthi says. "It's telling the polymerase to land at certain genes, and without it, the polymerase doesn't know where to go. It's just floating around in the nucleus."
When the researchers knocked out the gene for Npas4, they found that mice could not remember their fearful conditioning. They also found that this effect could be produced by knocking out the gene just in the CA3 region of the hippocampus. Knocking it out in other parts of the hippocampus, however, had no effect. Though they focused on contextual fear conditioning, the researchers believe that Npas4 will also prove critical for other types of learning.
Gleb Shumyatsky, an assistant professor of genetics at Rutgers University, says that an important next step is to identify more of the genes controlled by Npas4, which should reveal more of its role in memory formation. "It's definitely one of the major players," says Shumyatsky, who was not involved in this research. "Future experiments will show how major a player it is."
The MIT team also plans to investigate whether the same neurons that turn on Npas4 when memories are formed also turn it on when memories are retrieved. This could help them pinpoint the exact neurons that are storing particular memories.
"We're hunting for the memory, and we think we can use Npas4 to mark where it is," Ramamoorthi says. "That's because it's turned on specifically and now we can label the cells and maybe fish out where in the brain the memory is sitting."

Study links posture with back pain


According to new research from a Murdoch University PhD student, back pain has a direct linear link with a person’s balance.

While chiropractor Alex Ruhe said there had always been a known relationship, this was the first time a linear connection had been established.

“Possibly [the] relationship was deemed of low relevance because few direct clinical applications arise from it,” he says.

Using 210 patients with low-back, mid-back and neck pain, Mr Ruhe asked them to rate their pain on a scale from zero (no pain) to 10 (the worst possible pain).

Body sway was measured on a solid fore plate after patients closed their eyes and changes in weight shifts were recorded by pressure sensors in each corner of the plate.

The recordings of pain sufferers were compared to sway data from healthy individuals of a similar age.

“We discovered body sway increased with higher pain intensities and this increase followed a linear fashion,” Mr Ruhe said. “Similar results were observed for the three painful regions.

“In follow-up studies, we observed changes in body sway as pain decreased after a course of three manual therapeutic interventions at three to four day intervals.

“The results showed that sway was lowered as pain levels decreased, maintaining the linear relationship previously observed.

“Long-term damage or changes to the nervous system due to the pain appears unlikely because reduced sway in association with pain reduction was observed after just a few days.”

As a result of his research, Mr Ruhe said the focus should be on pain control when treating people with back pain in the future, particularly the elderly.

“The age-related decrease in neurological function renders them prone to falls and sustaining injuries as a consequence,” he said.

“Previous theories regarding damage to and adaptations of the nervous system because of chronic painful stimulation appear less likely.

“Instead, pain interference appears more to cause increased postural sway in patients.”

Mr Ruhe said, in simple terms, this referred to decreased muscular control due to a painful stimulus inhibiting normal automatic body sway corrections.

“A return-to-normal body sway occurred directly following a pain decrease—a longer recovery period would have been expected in the case of neurological damage,” he said.
“This research marks an important finding for clinicians. It is an objective monitoring tool for patients suffering from back pain under treatment and rehabilitation.”
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.

நுரையீரலைப் பற்றி தெரிந்து கொள்வோம்

ரு நிமிடத்திற்கு சராசரியாக 18 முதல் 20 சுவாசம் என சீராக வைப்பது மூளையில் உள்ள முகுளத்தின் வேலை.

மொத்த நுரையீரலின் கொள்ளளவு சராசரியாக 6 லிட்டர் தான். மிகவும் இழுத்து மூச்சுவிடும் போது காற்றின் அளவு 5 லிட்டர்தான். எப்போதும் நுரையீரலுக்குள்ளே இருந்துகெண்டிருக்கும் காற்றின் அளவு 1 லிட்டர்.  பொதுவாக நுரையீரலில் சுரக்கும் சளி போன்ற நீர்மம் சில தூசிகளை அகற்றி வெளியேற்றும். இதுபோல் மூச்சுக் குழாய்களில் மேல் சிலியா என்ற பொருள் இருக்கும். இதுவும் மிக நுண்ணிய தூசியைக் கூட அகற்றிவிடும்.  இது மூச்சுக் குழாய்களில் வரும் தூசியை மேல்நோக்கி திருப்பி அனுப்பிவிடும்.

நாம் அறியாமலே சில சமயங்களினித உடலின் செயல்பாடுகளுக்கு ஒவ்வொரு உறுப்பும் இன்றியமையாததாகும். இதில் உடலுக்கு மெயின் சுவிட்சு போல் செயல்பட்டு, காற்றை உள்வாங்கி, வெளிவிட்டு உடலுக்கு உயிர் சக்தியைத் தரும் மோட்டார்தான் நுரையீரல். வாயுப் பரிமாற்றம் (Exchange of gas) நுரையீரலின் முக்கிய பணியாகும். மேலும் சில முக்கிய வேதிப் பொருட்களை உருவாக்குவதற்கும், வேறு சில வேதிப் பொருட்களை செயலிழக்கச் செய்வதும் இதன் மற்ற பணிகளாகும். நுரையீரலானது உடலியக்கத்திற்கு ஆற்றல் தரும் ஆக்ஸிஜனை உள் எடுத்துக் கொள்வதற்கும் கார்பன்-டை- ஆக்ஸைடை வெளியேற்றுவதற்கும் முக்கிய உறுப்பாக செயல்படுகிறது. ஒரு நாளைக்கு சராசரியாக ஒரு மனிதன் 22,000 முறை மூச்சு விடுகிறான். கிட்டத்தட்ட 255 கன மீட்டர் (9000 கன அடி) காற்றை உள்ளிழுத்து வெளிவிடுகிறான். 

நுரையீரலின் செயல்பாடு.

நுரையீரல் எவ்வாறு தன்னுடைய பணியை திறம்பட செய்கிறது என்பதைப் பார்ப்போம்.  மூக்கின் வழியாக நாம் உள்ளிழுக்கும் காற்று மூச்சுக் குழாய் (Trachea) வழியாக நுரையீரலுக்கு செல்கிறது. மூச்சுக் குழாய் மார்புப் பகுதியில் இரண்டாக பிரிந்து வலது, இடது நுரையீரலுக்குச் செல்கிறது. நுரையிரலுக்குள் நுழைந்தவுடன் மூச்சுக்குழல் ஒவ்வொன்றிலிருந்தும் கிளைகள் பிரியும். பின்னர் அவற்றிலிருந்து இன்னும் சிறு கிளைகள் என நிறைய பிரிவுகள் ஒரு மரத்தின் பெரிய கிளையிலிருந்து பரந்து பிரிந்து சின்னச்சின்ன தளிர்கள் வருவதுபோல் பிரிகின்றன.

அதனாலேயே இதனை மூச்சுமரம் (Respiratory tree) என்று அழைக்கின்றோம். முதல் நிலை மூச்சுக் குழல் (Primary bronchi), இரண்டாம் நிலை மூச்சுக் குழல், மூன்றாம் நிலை மூச்சுக்குழல், மூச்சுக் குறுங்குழல் (bronchiole) என்று படிப்படியாகப் பிரிந்து கடைசியாக சின்னச் சின்ன பலூன்கள் மாதிரி தோன்றும் குட்டிக்குட்டி அறைகளுக்குள் இந்த குழல்கள் நீட்டிக் கொண்டிருக்கும். இவற்றை காற்று நுண்ணறைகள் (Alveoli) என்று அழைக்கிறோம்.

நாம் இழுக்கும் மூச்சுக்காற்று மூச்சு மரம் வழியாக காற்று நுண்ணறைகளுக்குள் வந்துவிடும்.  உடலில் பல பாகங்களிலும் இருந்து பயன்படுத்தப்பட்ட ரத்தம் இதயத்தின் வலது வெண்டிரிக்கலை அடையும். அங்கிருந்து நுரையீரல், தமணி மூலம் நுரையீரலுக்கு கொண்டுசெல்லப்படுகிறது. நுரையீரல் தமணியும், வலது கிளை, இடது கிளை, என்று இரண்டாகப் பிரிந்து இரண்டு நுரையீரலுக்கும் செல்கிறது. இதுவும் பலமுறை கிளைகளாகப் பிரியும். இப்படிப் பிரியும்போது காற்று நுண்ணறைகளின் பக்கத்தில் தமணிகளின் மிக மிகச் சிறிய கிளைகள் அமைந்திருக்கும். இந்தச் சின்ன தமணிக் கிளைகள்தான் தந்துகிகள் (Capillaries) எனப்படுகிறது.

காற்று நுண்ணறை பக்கத்திலேயே தந்துகிகள் இரண்டின் சுவர்களும் மிக மிக நுண்ணியவையாக இருக்கும். அடுத்தடுத்து நுண்ணறைக்குள் காற்று நிறைந்திருக்கும் தந்துகிக்குள் ரத்தம் நிறைந்திருக்கும்.  வெளியிலிருந்து மூச்சுக்குழல் மூலம் உள்ளிழுக்கப்பட்ட காற்றில் நிறைய ஆக்ஸிஜன் இருக்கும். எனவே, நுண்ணறைக்குள்ளும் அதே அளவு ஆக்ஸிஜன் இருக்கும். தந்துகியில் உள்ள ரத்தத்தின் ஆக்ஸிஜன் அளவு குறைவு. கார்பன்டை ஆக்ஸைடின் அளவு அதிகம். உடலுக்கு வேண்டாத உடலிலிருந்து வெளியேற்றப்பட வேண்டிய மற்ற சில பொருட்களும் தந்துகியில் உண்டு.

இந்த நிலையில் நுண்ணறை – தந்துகி சுவர்களின் வழியாக ஒரு பரிமாற்றம் நடக்கிறது. நுண்ணறையில் அடர்த்தியாக இருக்கும் ஆக்ஸிஜன் தந்துகிக்குள் பாயும். தந்துகியில் அடர்த்தியாக இருக்கும் கார்பன்டை ஆக்ø-ஸடு நுண்ணறைக்குள் பாயும். இதுதான் வாயுப் பரிமாற்றம் (Exchange & gases). இதைத்தான் ரத்த சுத்திகரிப்பு என்று அழைக்கிறோம்.  ஆக்ஸிஜன் ஊட்டப்பட்ட ரத்தம் நுரையீரலிலிருந்து சிரைகள் மூலமாக இதயத்தின் இடது வெண்டிரிக்கிளுக்குள் எடுத்துச் செல்லப் படுகிறது. அங்கிருந்து மீண்டும் உடலின் பல பாகங்களுக்கு தமனிகள் மூலம் இந்த சுத்த ரத்தம் எடுத்துச் செல்லப்படுகிறது.

நுரையீரலைச் சுற்றி இரண்டு உறைகள் உள்ளன.  1. வெளிப்படலம் (Outer pleura) 2. உள்படலம் (Inner pleura)  இந்த இரண்டு படலங்களுக்கும் இடையே ஒரு இடம் உண்டு. அதற்கு ஃப்ளூரல் இடம் என்று பெயர். இதனுள் மிகச் சிறிய அளவு ஃப்ளூரல் திரவம் இருக்கும். இந்தத் திரவம்தான் சுவாசத்தின் போது நுரையீரல்களின் அசைவினால் உராய்வு ஏற்படாமல் தடுக்கிறது. சுவாசத்தைக் கட்டுப்படுத்தி சீராக வைப்பதே முகுளப்பகுதி. அதால் அதை விழுங்கிவிடுவோம். உடல் நலம் சரியில்லாமல் போனால் மட்டுமே அவை சளியாக மூக்கின் வழியாக வெளியேறும். இதையும் தாண்டி ஏதேனும் தூசு உள்ளே நுழைந்தால் இருமல், தும்மல் முதலியவற்றால் வெளியேற்றப் பட்டுவிடும்.  நுரையீரலின் பணிகள் காற்றில் உள்ள ஆக்ஸிஜனை (ஆக்ஸிஜன்= உயிர்வளி, பிராணவாயு) இரத்தத்தில் சேர்ப்பதும், இரத்ததில் உள்ள கார்பன்-டை ஆக்ஸைடை (கரியமில வாயு) பிரித்து உடலிலிருந்து வெளியேற்றுவதும் நுரையீரலின் முக்கிய பணியாகும்.

இதயத்திற்கு இரு புறமும் பாதுகாப் பாக இருந்து இதயத்தை அதிர்வுகளிலிருந்து காப்பாற்றுகிறது.  சில முக்கிய வேதிப் பொருட்களை உற்பத்தி செய்வது, வேறு சில வேதிப் பொருட்களை செயலிழக்கச் செய்வது போன்ற உடலுக்கு உயிர்தரும் வேலைகளை நுரையீரல் செய்து வருகிறது.  நுரையீரல் பாதிப்பு  உலகில் இலச்சக்கணக்கான மக்கள் ஒவ்வொரு வருடமும் நுரையீரல் சம்பந்தப்பட்ட நோயின் தாக்குதலுக்கு ஆளாகின்றனர்.  காற்று மாசுபாடு  காற்று மாசுபாடு அதாவது சிலிகா, ஆஸ்பெட்டாஸ், கந்தகம், போன்றவற்றைப் பயன்படுத்தும் தொழிற் சாலைகளில் பணி புரிபவர்களின் நுரையீரல்கள் அதிகம் பாதிக்கப்படுவதாக தகவல்கள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன. புகை பிடிப்பது உடல் நலத்துக்கு கேடு என்ற செய்தி அனைவரும் அறிந்ததே


புகை பிடிக்கும்போது நிறைய கரித் துகள்கள் (Carbon particles) நுரையீரலுக்குள் சென்று அங்கேயே படிந்து விடுகின்றன. இதனால் ஆக்ஸிஜன்- கார்பன்டை ஆக்ஸைடு பரிமாற்றம் தடைபடுகிறது. மற்றும் சிகரெட், சுருட்டு, இவற்றிலுள்ள நிகோடின் என்ற வேதிப்பொருள் ரத்தத்தில் உள்ள ஆக்ஸிஜன் அளவைக் குறைத்து கனிமப் பொருள்களின் அளவுகளில் மாற்றத்தை ஏற்படுத்தி, ரத்தக் குழாய்களின் அடைப்பை உண்டாக்குகிறது. புகைப் பழக்கத்தால் மூச்சுக்குழல் அலர்ஜி, காற்றறைகளின் சுவர்கள் சிதைந்துபோதல், எம்ஃபசிமா, நுரையீரல் புற்றுநோய் ஆகியவை உண்டாகின்றன. புகைப் பிடிப்பவர்களுக்கு மட்டுமல்ல, பக்கத்தில் இருப்பவர்களுக்கும் (Passive smoking) இதே தீங்குகள் நேரிடும்.

நுரையீரல் பாதிப்பின் அறிகுறிகள் இருமல் மூச்சு வாங்குதல் மூச்சு இழுப்பு நெஞ்சுவலி
ஹீமாப்டிஸிஸ் (இருமும்போது ரத்தம் வெளியேறுதல்)  நுரையீரலைத் தாக்கும் சில முக்கிய நோய்கள் மூச்சுக்குழாய் அலர்ஜி(Bronchitis), நுரையீரல் அலர்ஜி (Pneumonia), காற்றறைகள் சிதைந்து போதல்(Emphysema), மூச்சுக்குழல்கள் சுருங்கிக் கொள்ளுதல் (Asthma). நுரையீரலை பாதுகாக்க சில எளிய வழிகள் தூசு நிறைந்த பகுதிகளுக்கு செல்லும் போது மூக்கில் துணியைக் கட்டிக்கொள்வது (Mask) நல்லது.   பிராணயாமம், நாடி சுத்தி, ஆழ்ந்த மூச்சுப் பயிற்சி போன்றவற்றை தினமும் கடைப்பிடிப்பது.   புகைப் பிடிப்பதை தவிர்ப்பது உடலில் நோய் எதிர்ப்பு சக்தியை அதிகரிக்கும் உணவு வகைகளை சாப்பிடுவது இன்றைய சூழ்நிலையில் மாசடைந்த காற்று அதிகம் இருப்பதால் நுரையீரல் சம்பந்தப்பட்ட நோய்களின் தாக்குதலும் அதிகம் இருக்கிறது. இதனால் எதிர்காலத்தில் மினரல் வாட்டர் பாட்டிலைப் போல் ஆக்ஸிஜனை பாக்கெட்டுகளில் வாங்க வேண்டிய நிலை ஏற்படலாம். இந்நிலை மாற சுற்றுப்புறத்தை தூய்மையாகவும், பசுமை நிறைந்த பகுதிகளாகவும் மாற்றினாலே போதும்.. ஆரோக்கிய வாழ்வைப் பெற்றிட முடியும்.

Engr. சுல்தான் 

The illusion of courage: Why people mispredict their behavior in embarrassing situations

Whether it's investing in stocks, bungee jumping or public speaking, why do we often plan to take risks but then "chicken out" when the moment of truth arrives?
In a new paper in the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, scientists from the University of Colorado Boulder and Carnegie Mellon University argue that this "illusion of courage" is one example of an "empathy gap"— that is, our inability to imagine how we will behave in future emotional situations. According to the empathy gap theory, when the moment of truth is far off you aren't feeling, and therefore are out of touch with, the fear you are likely to experience when push comes to shove. The research team also included Cornell University's David Dunning and former CMU graduate student Ned Welch, currently a consultant for McKinsey.
In a series of three experiments, the researchers found that people overestimate their willingness to engage in psychologically distant embarrassing public performances, and also found that they could reduce this illusion of courage by inducing immediate emotions that effectively put them in touch with the fear they would experience.
In the first two experiments, college students were asked if they would be willing to engage in a future embarrassing situation — telling a funny story to their class in one study, and dancing to James Brown's "Sex Machine" in front of the class in the other — in exchange for a few dollars. Students were either asked outright or after being exposed to short films that aroused mild experiences of fear and anger. Students who did not view movie clips significantly overestimated their willingness to sing or dance. When they experienced negative emotions — fear and anger — as a result of watching the movie clips, students were much more accurate in predicting their own future lack of interest in performing.
"Because social anxiety associated with the prospect of facing an embarrassing situation is such a common and powerful emotion in everyday life, we might think that we know ourselves well enough to predict our own behavior in such situations," said Leaf Van Boven, associate professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Colorado Boulder. "But the ample experience most of us should have gained with predicting our own future behavior isn't sufficient to overcome the empathy gap — our inability to anticipate the impact of emotional states we aren't currently experiencing."
The illusion of courage has practical consequences. "People frequently face potential embarrassing situations in everyday life, and the illusion of courage is likely to cause us to expose ourselves to risks that, when the moment of truth arrives, we wish we hadn't taken," said George Loewenstein, the Herbert A. Simon University Professor of Economics and Psychology within CMU's Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences. "Knowing that, we might choose to be more cautious, or we might use the illusion of courage to help us take risks we think are worth it, knowing full well that we are likely to regret the decision when the moment of truth arrives."
Provided by Carnegie Mellon University
"The illusion of courage: Why people mispredict their behavior in embarrassing situations." January 17th, 2012.

Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek