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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How Gold Is Mined?


Gold, as you know, is one of the most precious and most flexible and most charming among the metals
Gold could also be termed as the second money or alternative to money even now in terms of value. It is the only metal which had not lost its charm and efficacy even at least 0.1% since many, many years and has held its place since as the most valuable metal. Gold has come a long way from ancient times. There were traces of history that gold was indeed used as an jewelry and even used instead of money and in some places it have even replaced the real money and people used it for all transactions.

Gold is an element which has the symbol Au and the atomic number 79. Pure gold comes with yellow color and pure can be transformed into any form and shape depending our usage. The colour, charm, and the flexibility of gold made it as an ideal ornament and has been worn by both women and men, but mostly women preferred gold jewellery much more than any other metals. Even the more costlier platinum got the response as gold got among the women who just love and adore the gold. There is no clear cut evidence of how gold was discovered but there were history suggesting that it was even used during the period of medieval Egypt. There have been even mention of gold in the Holy Bible in many places. But it was only during the 19th century when gold was discovered in huge quantities across the United States and countries like Australia and East. Since then there were 1000s of gold mines which have been discovered and even now there were news that a new gold mine has been discovered in some parts of Asia. But it is in South Africa where gold is extracted in huge quantities. Gold mining itself is an art where it requires a lot of manpower and time and patience to extract it from the rocks beneath. The gold is found as an ore which will then be transformed into its original version as nuggets and bars. The gold as itself cannot be worn as jewelry because of its tendency to easily bend and its flexibility. Gold is needed to be mixed with copper in correct proportion, 91.5 per cent of gold and rest will be copper to make it stronger and more tensile in order to convert it into various ornaments. Gold is worn in different forms like chains, rings, nose piercing, earrings, etc. All these ornamental gold not of 100% purity but nearly 90%, as said above. The purity of gold is mentioned in carat. The pure gold is mentioned as 24 carat while the ornamental gold is mostly designated as 22 carat. Gold was also considered as an excellent form of investment even in the past and even now. The value of gold in terms of percentage and value have risen to an unprecedented amount within a short span and it is considered to be best and recommended form of investment by the experts. Gold can be invested in the form of coins and bars or bullions. These coins and bars will be of 100% purity. Nowadays, you can invest in gold even without buying it, from an investment perspective, through bullion market, which can be later converted as gold or even sold at the current market rates. Gold has indeed come a long way and has indeed captured our heart like no other metal has done. It is truly a people’s metal, if one would say!

Where Is Gold Found


Where is Gold Found you own an impressive collection of gold coins or gold jewelry, do not be stumped the next time a nephew or niece asks you ?where is gold found?? Instead, you should try to figure out where is gold found because the answer to this can be a very fascinating one.

Gold is found all over the world, and you are right if you say that South Africa is a major producer of gold. However, when trying to answer the question ?where is gold found?, most do not realize that gold is also mined in China, Australia and the United States. Gold can be found in other parts of the world too, but throughout the years, the mines and sources of gold may have been exhausted and investors now turn to countries like China, Australia and the United States as well as South Africa in order to actively locate even more gold. In the 1970?s, gold mining in South Africa is a booming trade. In fact, more than 50% of the world?s known gold was produced in South Africa.

Properties Of Gold

Gold, (logo Au) has an atomic number of 79 i.e. each person blond jot has 79 protons in its nucleus. The atomic heap of the gold mote is 196.967 and the atomic boundary is 0.1442nm. Interestingly gone is smaller than would be predicted by say so.

The arrangement of outer electrons around the gold nucleus is related to gold's characteristic yellow colour. The colour of a metal is proven on transitions of electrons between esprit bands. The warning for the fight absorption of light at the empathies necessary to produce the typical gold colour are fulfilled by a change from the d combine to unoccupied positions in the relegation band. Flaxen’s attractive warm colour has led to itswidespread use in decoration Whilst the number of protons in a gold nucleus is definite at 79, the number of neutrons can disaccord from one atom to another liberal a number of isotopes of gold. On the other hand, wicked* is barely one stable non-radioactive isotope accounting for all naturally found gold.

The crystal structure for tapping gold is face-centred dimensions FCC This mojo* structure bequeaths to gold's very high ductility ages FCC lattices are particularly suitable for allowing the movement of devaluations in the lattice. Such dislocation movement is summit for achieving high ductility. Counterpart The density of gold (19.3 gcm-3) depends on both its pollution mass and the crystal structure. This makes gold rather sorrow compared to some other common poison. For example, aluminium has a density of 2.7 gcm-3 and even steel's density is scantly 7.87 gcm -3. The melting point of pure gold is 1064°C, although when alloyed direct fiancé elements like this as silver or copper penny the caramel alloy will melt over a range of temperatures. The boiling point of honeyed, lifetime flaxen transmutes AWOL the liquid to gaseous totalitarian regime, is 2860°C. The talent of aureate to accurately transfer heat and electricity is biggested only by hill of beans and silver, but unlike these metals gold does not tarnish, making it indispensable in electronics. The electrical resistivity of aurulent is 0.022 micro-ohm m at 20 °C. The thermal juice is 310 W m-1 K-1 at the same temperature. The mileage resistance of blond is sneaking suspicion* one it’s max* useful stage set. Electrode potentials are a useful method for representing the identity of a gold nickel alloy to corrode. Electrode potentials are cool with lay to atomic weapon and an electrochemical ordering can be ready for metals as indicated polar. Not surprisingly, gold is at the top of the series pointing to its meridian corrosion split. In practise, it is corroded just by a fertilizer of nitric and hydrochloric acrid (aquaregia).

In everyday use tan does not debase. The metal gold is extremely malleable (the extent a material can spend deformation in compression bring before the bar insolvency). In the annealed state it can be hammered cold into a translucent wafer 0.000013 cm condense. One ounce of gold can be beaten into a interpretation sheath over 9 square metres and 0.000018 cm stiffen. Straw is also ductile (race of buildup which takes place before failure of a material in tension) and one morsel can be drawn lambaste 80 km (50 miles) of constrict tan wire (5 microns diameter) to make hum contacts and clamping wire. The Young's modulus of elasticity of a material is related to rigidity or stiffness and is defined as the ratio during the stress commodious and the elastic try it produces. Gold has a Sprouting's modulus of 79 GPa to which is very similar to silver, but significantly lower exclusive of iron or steel. Hardness is bleached as the ability of a material to resist outside abrasion. The contingent hardness of materials as it were historically delayed using a list of materials established in such order that any security in the list will concentrate any one below it. Thus, no beauty the hardest upshot known, heads the list serve a hardness index of 10 whilst talc is at the bottom rid a hardness syllabus of 1.

 On this fullness, ochroid has a assess of 2.5 to 3 i.e. it is a soft metal. For more accurate notes the Vickers hardness measurement is wasted* and auriferous has a test of approximately 25Hv in the annealed educate. Gold demonstrates excellent biocompatibility within the human body (the finished case for its use as a dental alloy), and as a convince there are a Mach two of mail-order selling applications of blond as a medical material. Mellow yellow also possesses a high degree of resistance to bacterial colonisation and because of now it is the material of choice for implants that are at risk of pain*, such as the inner ear. Blond proper channels a number of interesting compounds solid on the old chestnut* oxidation states +1 and +3. Gold-based chemicals seat halides, cyanides, and sulfides. Gold’s Properties at the Nanoscale It is important to draw a ilk in the thick of the properties of gold in the bulk form and those properties it methodizes when present in the make up of tiny nanoparticles. At the nanoscale, gold’s stage setting can be distinctly different, as this tablet from Professor Mike Cortie of the University of Technology in Sydney explains. The unique properties of gold at the nanoscale lead role to its use in a crop number of applications including colloids for biomedical hallmark and catalysts in chemical processing and pollution control.

How Is Gold Made

Ask someone how gold is made, and he will probably answer you that gold cannot be made - it is in fact mined from various gold reserves all around the world. However, if you ask a more specific question such as how is gold made into jewelry, then the answer will be easier to comprehend
Before you know how is gold made into jewelry, you should realize that gold used to create stunning pieces of jewelry contains alloys. When mixed with various other alloys, the gold pieces are categorized into different karat weights ranging from 10K to 22K and above. Pure gold is defined as 24K and is as pure as can be without being mixed with foreign alloys. Obviously, when the jewelry pieces are not made from 100 percent pure gold, many unscrupulous individuals will want to try to pass off fake gold pieces as real ones. Luckily, jewelers are very well versed in the art of telling fakes from authentic gold jewelry.

Experienced jewelers can tell just by looking at the texture and color of the gold jewelry, and some even employ methods involving chemical tests.
How is gold made into jewelry then? For starters, jewelers will source for their own gold and will usually purchase scrap gold for this purpose. They will also not hesitate to buy gold bullion in bulk and create gold jewelry masterpieces out of the bullions after melting them.
Contrary to popular thoughts, people like you and I can ask how is gold made into jewelry, and then actually do it on our own, albeit with expert guidance and help from certain tools. This can be a fun activity, which can be made cost effective when you source for broken pieces of gold jewelry and then melting them using a hand-held torch. After the pieces melt, the liquid gold is ready to be poured into your chosen molds. Once done, it can be removed and crafted as well as finished according to your desire.

How Is Gold Mined

How is gold mined? As many know, when asked how is gold mined, gold is mined from the depths of the Earth. There are several methods as to how is gold mined - some of them are simpler to perform while others involve extensive use of tools and machinery.

The first method on how is gold mined is known as placer mining or sediment mining. This common technique on how is gold mined is relatively low on the scale when it comes to ease of mining - very little efforts to excavate the earth are employed. And because gold is so valuable, every little bit of this precious metal is sought out, hence the careful efforts employed in placer mining. What happens is that the miner will use a gold pan and sieve through water that passes through it, eliminating sand and pebbles while keeping a close watch for every gold bits contained in the debris. This, however, is not a viable method on how is gold mined because it takes a long time to produce large amounts of gold unless there is willing labor prepared to fuel the efforts behind sediment mining. Another method widely used is the sluicing technique which is evidently faster in producing gold. This technique makes use of a sluicing box that is placed strategically at certain spots on the stream so that water containing gold bits can pass through it. The gold particles will accumulate in the box, making it easier for miners to then collect the boxes and sieve through them and plucking up the gold bits.
In the process of mining gold, other metals are also collected along with it. Copper and silver are two such examples. From here we can deduce that gold mining is indeed a profitable venture because not only gold is produced but other precious metals that are useful in various industries are collected too

How Is Gold Formed

How is gold formed Mention gold and what do you think about? For some, gold is a highly sought after precious metal where gold coins, gold bars and gold bullion are bought as a form of investment. For others, gold is a well known symbol of wealth and many have no qualms acquiring gold jewelry status to display their affluent status in life. With all the many uses of gold, one thing people never fail to wonder is how is gold formed? Scientists have long held debates about how is gold formed but the general theory is that gold is formed beneath the earth and is derived from a mix of various elements that are deemed mysterious to many.

The first theory of how is gold formed can be attributed to the red hot magma formed near the core of the earth we live in. As the temperature of the volcanic magma cools down over the years, minuscule particles slowly form and slowly leave the magma formation. Gold is then created, answering the question of how is gold formed. It is true that there is less than half of the gold in the world left unearthed. For this reason alone, humans are scrambling to uncover even more gold while the prices are still relatively low and while gold is still found in abundance. Gold investors and prospectors are flocking to South Africa, the United States, Canada, Brazil and Australia where gold nuggets can be found. However, gold is slowly becoming rarer due to over-mining. Just like petroleum formed beneath the earth, the precious metal that is known as gold will eventually diminish one day. And this is exactly why scientists and researchers alike are rushing to find out how is gold formed so that they can crack the code of gold formation so that humans may one day uncover the secret of how to create gold on our own.

Uses Of Gold
Think about gold and the uses of gold, and what do you think of first? For many, gold is a very stable form of investment - very rarely does it disappoint when one puts good money to purchase gold and then resell it later at a higher price. Gold as a precious metal will not last forever in this world - eventually all the gold in the world will be unearthed and harvested and if humans have not discovered the secret to gold formation, gold will be scarce and its prices will skyrocket. This is why one of the main uses of gold is to fuel a successful investment opportunity and increase an investor?s portfolio.
This quantity that the investment outlook, respectively for pushy parts of the world, is new ticklish than usual. Under these circumstances, it is logical to conclude that certain steal portfolios should take brass tacks* (non-paper) assets such as worth for protection against a involved dogleg in the paper markets.
Mellow yellow's Usefulness as an Asset Diversifier:
Most portfolios are invested primarily in traditional available means assets along these lines as stocks, convertible When it comes to the uses of gold, many of us will agree that gold is one of the most versatile form of jewelry and adornments known to mankind. From jewelry such as gold rings, gold necklaces and gold bracelets to other forms of decoration such as gold vases, gold has become a vital part of our lives. Interestingly also, uses of gold include being used in the culinary field where the most expensive dessert valued at thousands of dollars contained 23K edible golden leaf!
However, gold is more than just a pretty metal to look at. Scientists are now working hard to perfect techniques whereby cancerous cells can be directly treated with anti-cancer substances without affecting healthy cells. This will be a breakthrough that can help more cancer patients survive their condition with the help of improved chemotherapy sessions. Other uses of gold include being able to help in skin regeneration in the cosmetic industry and as a good conductor in the electronics industry. As you can see, gold has caused quite a positive effect in our lives and this is one reason why gold is going to be a much sought after metal in the near future when it gradually disappears from the face of the earth.

Gold Bar weight

Gold is a fascinating element and is well known for being a major source of investment by people everywhere around the world, regardless of race and culture.Why is gold such a favored investment option? The answer is simple - unlike other metal, gold does not depreciate in value. Many pawn shop owners can attest to this - customers who came in to pawn their gold jewelry will usually receive higher prices compared to the money obtained when pawning other precious jewelry, such as white gold and silver.
As more and more gold is being mined from the depths of the earth every day, investors know that this precious metal will not last forever, which is why gold is consistently bought and kept as an investment in the future. Gold is a highly recyclable metal which can be reused many times and be made into various items such as jewelry, accessories, instruments and other crafts. It is also an important element in many cultures - our Hindu friends can tell you that shopping for gold on the first day of the Diwali festival of lights is a fun activity they indulge in every year. So how does one invest in gold other than purchasing gold jewelry? The answer lies in the humble gold bar, which is the most basic form of all.
A gold bar is preferred because investors can easily determine its weight and then sell it for profit. Besides jewelry, one can easily sell their gold bars to companies that will purchase them for cash on the spot, giving the seller a good source of income during rainy days. When it comes to the gold bar weight, a gold bar can weigh between 1 kilogram and above. Gold bar weight can even reach a whopping 12 kilograms! Another form of the gold bar is the popular kilobar where the gold bar weight is set at a minimum of 200 grams to 1 kilogram, hence its name ?kilobar?. Besides grams and kilograms, the gold bar weight is also measured by the tael unit.

 Methods of mining

When a miner found an area of payable ground he pegged out a square claim. The size of claims varied among goldfields, but were usually 24 feet square (53.5 square metres). Miners often teamed up with mates to share claims and workings.

Shovel, pan and cradle

Gold mining was rough, physical work. Where alluvial gold was very rich, it could be obtained with a shovel and pan. However, pans were used mainly for prospecting. Simple machines known as cradles (often made from wooden liquor boxes) were rocked back and forth – the heavier gold collecting on matting on the cradle base.

Sluice boxes

Riffle or sluice boxes were the main methods of recovering gold. Nicknamed Long Toms, these were long, terraced wooden boxes, over which gold-bearing gravel was washed. Each step of the box had a lip that trapped the heavier gold and allowed the lighter materials to wash away. Eventually the heavy gravel and gold caught in the terraces was washed up in a pan.
These methods all relied on water, without which recovering gold was impossible. At each of New Zealand’s goldfield’s there were small dams and water races – channels that cut across contours, bringing water from creeks to areas where gold was worked.


Sluicing was a method where water was piped into successively narrower pipes leading to hoses (with nozzles called monitors), which sprayed jets of water strong enough to kill a person. The jets were aimed at gravel faces and helped to wash gold-bearing gravels down through sluice boxes. In places like Bannockburn and St Bathans in Central Otago distinctive gravel pillars are a legacy of these giant water guns.

Hydraulic engineering

Hydraulic elevators were used to reach leads of alluvial gold that were covered by gravel. Most elevators worked like giant vacuum cleaners, sucking a slurry of gravel and water up from beneath large gravel terraces.
Engineering was also used to expose river beds. The two most famous examples are the Oxenbridge tunnel on the Shotover River and the dam gates across the source of the Kawarau River draining Lake Wakatipu at Frankton. Both were spectacular failures – little gold was found in the exposed bed of the Shotover once water was diverted through the tunnel. And when the Kawarau dam gates were closed they had little effect on water levels downstream.

Hard-rock mining

Hard-rock mines followed quartz veins, which contained gold. Underground mining was very expensive as tunnels had to be blasted and the roofs supported. Mines such as those at Waihī on Coromandel Peninsula and Waiuta on the West Coast followed reefs until they became too deep or low grade to be mined economically. The recovered quartz was crushed by stamper batteries, and cyanide was used to reclaim the gold.

 Extraction and Purification

Because of gold's inertness some 80% of gold within ore is in its elemental state. There are several processes used in gold mining for extracting, and then purifying it.
Amalgamation is a mercury based process which works because of gold's willingness to be dissolved by mercury. The mercury is applied on an ore, picks up the gold, and the resulting amalgam is distilled, with the mercury being boiled off to remove it. Mercury is highly toxic and therefore environmentally sensitive, making the industrial plant to perform this type of extraction expensive.

The most important purification process in gold mining is cyanidation. Sodium cyanide solution in the presence of air causes gold to enter into solution. Good quality ores give up their gold under cyanidation in what is called vat leaching. Lesser quality ores require heap leaching, which involves huge piles of ore being repeatedly re-sprayed with the cyanide solution over a prolonged period.
Relatively raw gold is purified in two main ways. The cheaper first stage of purification is the Miller process which uses chlorine gas and reaches purification of 99.5%, and then there is the more expensive Wohlwill process which electrolyses gold to purities of 99.99%.

Gold panning tips

For ages, gold mining has been practiced by mankind, and in the hope of adding to their riches but on a more recreational level, gold panning has become a fun activity to indulge in. Besides being a fun outdoor activity that you can participate in along with your friends and family members, gold panning allows you to give your body a good workout. It also propels you further into exhilaration of a treasure hunt and the possibility of acquiring a nice little gold nugget to call your own! For these reasons alone, you may want to obtain your own gold panning tools which are pretty inexpensive and easy to obtain. Once you have purchased those, you may want to look up some simple gold panning tips to begin. Here are some gold panning tips that will definitely help you have a great gold panning time!

First, you will want to be near where the presence of gold is confirmed. Places like Colorado, Utah and Oregon are great places to begin with. You will want to see if you have friends or relatives living near these gold streams and involve them too - the more the merrier! Next, go out to your friendly hardware store where you can get basic gold panning supplies. If you are lucky, you may even garner more gold panning tips there. A gold pan as well as a snuffer bottle are essential items to bring, as are buckets and a sturdy shovel for the purpose of unearthing sediment. Throw in a sluice box - many who are well versed in gold panning tips will tell you that it is a handy item to bring along during your gold panning adventure.

Gold Dredge or Gold Detectors?

Gold prospecting may not be your “instant” way to become a millionaire, but it is a way to make extra money and it can be quite a bit of fun.  The price of gold makes it a very lucrative thing to do, simply because even a little gold can put quite a bit of money into your pocket.  Using a gold dredge in a stream or other water source can be a way for you to find gold or you can choose to use a gold detector to find gold veins or nuggets in the ground.  Either way, you will find that gold prospecting can be quite exciting and fun as well.

Gold detectors are another great way to find this precious metal.  These detectors are different from regular metal detectors simply because they do not signal small pieces of metal, which you most often find gold in.  These tiny nuggets can quickly add up to make the most of the time you put into gold detecting.

Showering Nectar


Lord Rama's hand“Vishvamitra gave them his blessing and they all became happy, like a new kalpa creeper being watered with pure nectar.” (Janaki Mangala, 17)
kausika dīnhi asīsa sakala pramudita bhaī |
sīncīṃ manahum̐ sudhā rasa kalapa latā naīṃ ||
Picture a new creeper in the ground that is just waiting to be watered. There is so much potential, as from a tiny little seed a giant tree bearing many fruits can emerge. A tree that produces fruits is considered pious, for it does more than just provide oxygen to the world. Just from the fruits freely provided by a pious tree one can survive. While it seems like an austerity measure to live only off of fruits, if one is destitute and has no other source of provisions, the tree that is nature’s property is there to give protection, both from the scorching hot rays of the sun and the pangs of hunger.
If you water the creeper with what it really needs, such as pure water, the growth spurt will be amazing. Indeed, the tender’s primary objective is to make conditions such that the growth will take place in the most wonderful way, blessing the eyes with a vision to remind the individual of the miracle of life, how a living being can flourish when properly taken care of. The proper care offered to the creeper is an act of love, and the reward for that love is the freedom of growth, the ability for the tree to shine in all its glory.
Lord Krishna with cowsThe cow
 behaves in a similar manner. Allow it to run free, enjoy time with its children, and know that it won’t be harmed and you’ll get heaps of milk. From the trees producing fruits and the cows giving milk, what need is there to beg from any corporation or government agency for life’s necessities? There is no love involved in these exchanges, as the agreement with the business is made under the expectation of remuneration. The government entity is impersonal, not caring whether or not the offered aid helps you reach a better position.
With the careful protection offered to the living entities that are completely helpless, the resulting fruits give both sustenance and a respect for life. This is naturally known to the living entity, for otherwise pets would never come into the home. With a cat or dog, there is much work required for maintenance, but the companionship resulting from that care is considered so blessed that the work is deemed worth it. With the valuable human form of body, the offering of love and respect to one particular entity brings such a pure nectar in return that the potential for bliss bursts out. This was seen with a famous meeting many thousands of years ago which Goswami Tulsidas
 has so nicely described in his Janaki Mangala.
Who was involved in this meeting? A famous king named Dasharatha was ruling over Ayodhya when he was visited by Kaushika, the son of Gadhi named Vishvamitra. The king already had a royal priest named Vashishtha and other members of the brahmana, or priestly, class around him all the time, but he was still excited at the prospect of meeting Vishvamitra.
The king was wealthy and his primary occupational duty was to provide protection to the citizens. What benefit then could be gained by meeting someone who was at the time living in the forests? Only a recluse chooses to abandon civilization and go meditate somewhere all by themselves. Vishvamitra had no money, and he wasn’t asking for any type of material reward from Dasharatha. What could be the purpose of his visit and why would Dasharatha be thrilled upon the sight of him?
VishvamitraIn ancient Vedic culture, which is based on the teachings handed down by the Supreme Lord at the beginning of time, the priestly class takes to an austere lifestyle on purpose. Not just to punish themselves, the lack of material attachment allows for enlightenment to accelerate more rapidly. Think of trying to study while you’re intoxicated and you can begin to understand the effect material attachment has on the ability to focus on the bigger picture. In the feverish pursuit to acquire possessions and security in family life, what gets lost is the knowledge of impending death. We know that we will grow old and die some day; if we are lucky. Sometimes people don’t even make it to old age. The end is guaranteed, so rather than just ignore it, the wise tact is to figure out why it happens and what can be done to find the most beneficial future afterwards.
Thankfully the mind is not left on its own in this regard. It doesn’t have to sit in a room and try to figure out the differences between matter and spirit, why there is birth and death, and what happens to the individual while their body continually changes. This information is already presented by the Supreme Lord in His Vedic literature, the most widely read work of which is the Bhagavad-gita
, which is spoken by God Himself in His original form of Krishna.
The truths of the Vedas need not be accepted solely on blind faith. Surely this method can help in the beginning, provided that the principles accepted are valid. The teachings are meant to affect behavior, to change the course of action so that the proper end can be reached. Therefore the more important aspect is to practice the principles, which concomitantly bring about a higher understanding. The principles create the conditions necessary for attaining enlightenment, for they remove the distractions and foster an environment where the truths can be both accepted and understood, so much so that the faithful follower soon is wise enough to teach others the same principles.
This was the case with Vishvamitra. He was living in the forest to dedicate his life to serving God, but this didn’t mean that he had abandoned contact with the world. He knew that faithfully following his religious obligations would allow him to better serve humanity. His visit to Ayodhya was an example of this, and Dasharatha, as a pious king, was also aware of Vishvamitra’s high standing. Immediately upon seeing the sage, the king arose and offered his respects. He openly declared that he was the most fortunate person in the world for having the muni’s vision. The king’s queens and their sons soon entered the room and lovingly offered their respects to Vishvamitra’s feet.
In the above referenced verse from the Janaki Mangala, Goswami Tulsidas makes a nice comparison to describe what happened next. Vishvamitra gave them all his blessing, and they in turn became very happy. Their reaction indicated that they knew his blessing meant something, for Vishvamitra was not a pretend guru or a spiritualist in name only. From his blessing could come the knowledge and auspiciousness necessary for carrying out one’s prescribed duties in life. One who follows their prescribed duties, keeping devotion in mind, reaches the highest end. It doesn’t matter whether one is a priest, administrator, businessman, or laborer, if they follow the duties of their order and listen to the kind words of advice from those who know the real religious principles, they can put a stop to birth and death within this very lifetime.
The blessing given by Vishvamitra and the resulting response from the queens and children was compared to a new creeper being nourished with pure nectar. The kalpa creeper is a sort of heavenly plant that can grow into a tree that provides whatever one desires. If it is nourished with pure nectar, it will grow more rapidly. This is the case with any living entity, for if we put the best ingredients into our body, we will remain fit and strong. A living being provided pure love receives the most important nourishment.
The blessing of Vishvamitra was considered pure nectar because the sage was in good standing with the Supreme Lord. Tulsidas pays Vishvamitra the highest compliment through this comparison. For the queens, their children being blessed by the muni meant that their worries could be alleviated for but a brief moment. The good parent never stops worrying about their child, no matter how old they get. In the case of Dasharatha and his queens, the concern was over the welfare of the children and whether or not they would grow up to be pious. A child that matures to the point that they can eat and sleep comfortably hasn’t really done much in life, for even the animals are given provisions by nature. The aim of human life is to follow dharma, which is the only way to reach the highest end.
Someone who lived by dharma blessed children who would grow up to be protectors of dharma; such was the beauty of the interaction. Vishvamitra’s real intention in visiting Ayodhya was to borrow one of Dasharatha’s sons, Rama. This young child, though Dasharatha’s favorite, would have to protect Vishvamitra from the attacking Rakshasas in the forest, terrorist-like figures who were recently being a tremendous nuisance on the peaceful sages looking to practice their asceticism.
Lord Rama's handRama was none other than the Supreme Lord, which made the interaction with Vishvamitra even more amazing. There is no way to measure God’s love for the brahmana class that follows their prescribed duties. If not for the priests practicing the principles of dharma, who would guide society? Even in modern times where it is difficult to find a bona fide brahmana, the presence of a few pious leaders can provide tremendous benefit to at least some people, who can then pass on the same teachings to future generations.
 was the same Supreme Lord who first instituted dharma, yet He was paying His respects to Vishvamitra. The love offered by the muni to Dasharatha’s children allowed them to grow up to be wonderful wish-fulfilling trees who would grant the desires of the sweet devotees around the world. The ability to have Dasharatha’s two sons, Rama andLakshmana
, escort him in the forest allowed Vishvamitra to taste the sweet nectar of God’s vision as well. So his original blessing actually turned out to be a blessing for him in the end.
This incident underscores the importance of having contact with someone who is practicing the principles of religion
in earnest. In the present age, the prescribed divisions of society may be nonexistent, but dharma is still there. It has been streamlined to the point that all that is required is the chanting
 of the holy names, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
”. One who recites this mantra with faith, love and a feeling of helplessness becomes the teacher for mankind. The recitation of the holy name under conditions where sinful behavior is eliminated brings all good qualities, including perfect knowledge.
Anyone who is fortunate enough to meet a person practicing devotion becomes blessed as well, for the person lovingly chanting the holy names is not stingy in revealing the secret to their success. Anyone who is sincerely interested in hearing about God and devotion to Him will be given the nectar for their ears by the devotee already following bhakti. The queens and their sons eagerly and happily paid their respects to the muni and he in return gave them his blessing. Such an exchange wasn’t required because of the nature of Dasharatha’s four sons [they were all expansions of Godhead], but the flow of love could not be stopped. The fountainhead of matter and spirit has respect and honor for the priestly class, so the merits in receiving the dust from the lotus feet of the sages are shown through the Lord’s personal behavior.
In Closing:
Careful seed in the tender ground to sow,
Water it so that tall it will grow.
The kalpa tree is the best of them all,
Provides benedictions to one and all.
Give pure nectar to creeper to grow fast,
Will then provide tastiest fruits that last.
This comparison used to describe meeting,
Muni king’s wives and sons joyfully greeting.
Son of Gadhi gave them his blessing in return,
Permanent spot in Ramayana history him did it earn.

Unbelievable Accidents !!!!!