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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

An invitation to Vaikunda Ekadasi (வைகுண்ட ஏகாதசி)

Vaikunta Ekadasi is one the important and auspicious days to the Hindus. It is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. It occurs in the Hindu calander, in the month of Margazi (Between December and January).
Also called the 'Mukkoti Ekadasi', when observed, it bestows liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

Why ‘Ekadasi’?
Why ‘Ekadasi’ is so important? According to Hindu calendar (Hindus follow lunar month) the eleventh day of the waxing phase of the moon is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. There are twenty four ‘Ekadasis’ in a year. On this day the Hindus observe fasting to seek the blessings of Lord Vishnu.
Ekadasi day falling in the waxing phase (Shukla Paksha) of the Hindu calendar month Dhanurmasa (Markazhi in Tamil calendar) (December – January) is called Vaikunta Ekadasi. On this most significant and auspicious day Lord Vishnu will enter into the gateway of salvation (Swarga Vasal or Paramapatha Vasal) at the precincts of Vaishnava temples.
Opening of Gateway of salvation

This festival is being celebrated with the opening of Gateway of salvation in the early morning at Srirangam Sri Ranganatha Swamy temple (the most significant among 108 Vaishnavite shrines in Indian subcontinent), Balaji at Thirumala – Thirupathi and Sri Parthasarathy temple, Chennai and many more Vaishnava temples. This gateway will be usually located in the northern side of the temple. The devotees will also accompany the Lord to the gateway of salvation.

Vaikunta Ekadasi-Fasting And Significance

The Legend
The significance of Vaikunta Ekadasi is mentioned in the 'Padma Purana'. As per the legend, the Devas unable to bear the tyranny of 'Muran', a demon, approached Lord Shiva, who directed them to Lord Vishnu. A battle ensued between Lord Vishnu and the demon and the Lord realised that a new weapon was needed to slay Muran.

In order to take rest and create a new weapon, the Lord retired to a cave called 'Himavati' in Badrikashrama. When Muran tried to slay the Lord, who was sleeping, the female energy that emerged from the Lord burnt him to ashes in one look.
Lord Vishnu who was pleased, named the female energy 'Ekadasi' and asked her to claim a boon. Ekadasi, instead beseeched the Lord that people who observed a fast on that day should be redeemed of their sins. The Lord thus declared that people who observed a fast on that day and worshiped Ekadasi, would attain Vaikunta. Thus came into being the first Ekadasi, which was a Dhanurmasa sukla paksha ekadasi.

Vaikunta Ekadasi Fasting

Vaikunta Ekadasi Fasting is an important aspect of the dos associated with it. People fast the whole day and keep vigil.

Special prayers are offered to Lord Vishnu and devotees engage in Japa (Chanting of the Lord's name) and Dhyana (Meditation).

On 'Dasami', the previous day of the observance, devotees who take up Vaikunta Ekadasi fasting are to take only lunch. On Ekadasi, the next day, they have to maintain a complete fast and engage in prayers and meditation of the Lord. They are strictly prohibited from taking rice. That night, people keep vigil the whole night and visit the temple of Lord Vishnu, mostly in the wee hours of the morning.

On this day, the Vaikunta Dwaram or the Swarga Vaasal, 'The Gates of Heaven' are believed to be kept open. The area encircling the sanctum is referred to Swarga Vaasal and devotees throng to gain entry into the temple, to seek the Lord.

Vaikunta Ekadasi Significance

It is important to look at the significance of this auspicious day from the spiritual angle.

The demon Muran stands for the rajasic and tamasic qualities in people, which attributes to lust, passion, inertia, arrogance etc. When one conquers these tendencies, one attains the purity of mind, Sattva, indispensable for attaining moksha, liberation or realisation of the self.

For realising the self as pure awareness, purity of mind is required. Fasting helps to keep tendencies at bay, which could be triggered by intake of certain food. Keeping vigil in the night is symbolic of awareness, or being watchful of the contents of the mind. When the mind is looked at, it becomes still. To abide in the stillness is to attain freedom or peace, acquired through merging of the mind with the self. This is symbolic of the mind automatically being absorbed at the sight of the Lord after the arduous fast and vigil.

The belief that rice is prohibited, owing to the fact that Muran dwells in it, symbolically signifies the fact that eating of rice could get one feel heavy and hamper the vigil to be kept up. This signifies that entertaining negative tendencies could hamper one's progress towards awareness or consciousness.

Observance of the rituals on this auspicious day even without understanding its importance is beneficial. Hence he merits accrued through observing it with piety is believed to be immeasurable.

So let us understand the significance and attain the Grace of the Lord.

According to Padma Purana:
"Ekadasi vrata samam vrata nasti jagattraye anicchaya'pi yat krtva gatir evam vidha'vayoh ekadasi vratam ye tu bhakti bhavena kurvate na jane kim bhavet tesam vasudeva anukampaya"

Ekadasi vrata samam vrata nasti jagattraye
Anicchaya'pi yat krtva gatir evam vidha'vayoh
Ekadasi vratam ye tu bhakti bhavena kurvate
Na jane kim bhavet tesam vasudeva anukampaya

The meaning of the verse: Take the entire three worlds. No fasting is even comparable to the ‘Ekadasi Fasting.’ Any one can attain this Supreme Abode (Vaikuntam), even if he observes this fasting without proper procedure. On Ekadasi day, if one observes fasting with full devotion (procedure is not significant), he will be under the mercy of the Supreme Lord Vishnu. No one can describe the merit achieved by the devotee.
Padma purana
There is a significant evidence for celebrating Ekadasi in the Padma Purana (the second and the most important among eighteen Hindu Puranas). A demon named Muran lived in the Krita Yuga. He obtained super power and started harassing Devas and their subjects. The Devas prayed Lord Vishnu and sought His help. On a Dhanurmasa (December – January) Lord Vishnu transformed into Ekadasi (typical female energy) and fought with Muran. Finally Lord Vishnu established His victory and destroyed Muran, the evil force. Lord Vishnu wanted people remember ‘Ekadasi’ the female energy. Therefore he announced that whoever observe fast and worships Lord Vishnu will attain Vaikuntam and will remain under the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu.

Margazhi Pakal Pathu - RaPathu Festival 
During Dhanurmasa there will be Margazhi Pakal Patthu Rapathtu Festival observed in Srirangam and other important Vaishnava temples. This 21 days festival commences ten days before Vaikunta Ekadasi and follows ten days after Ekadasi. The ten days before Ekadasi is known as ‘Pakal Pathu Festival. A part of Holy Nalayira Dhivya Prabandham (Holy Hymns composed by twelve Azhwars) will be recited during day time (In Tamil pakal means day). The ten days following Vaikunta Ekadasi is called Rapathu Festival. The remaining part of Holy Nalayira Dhivya Prabandham (Tamil Veda) will be recited during early night time (In Tamil Ira means night). The 21 day the holy marriage ceremony between Lord Vishnu and Andal will take place. With this marriage the festival comes to an end.

The austerity is associated with much deeper aspects. This is explained in the Padma Puranam (the second amongst the eighteen puranas), which tells us about the beginnings of Ekadasi with this legend. During the Krita Yuga, also termed the golden age, an asura called Muran harassed both devas and mortals. Unable to bear his tyranny, the devas sought refuge in Shiva. He directed them to approach Vishnu. Vishnu agreed to help the devas and went out to battle with Muran. During the long battle, which lasted one thousand celestial years, Vishnu needed to rest for a while. He entered a beautiful cave called Himavati in Badarikashrama to sleep. Muran wanted to strike Vishnu while he was sleeping. However, Shakti - Vishnu's female energy - emerged out of his body and assumed the form of
a beautiful damsel who fought Muran and vanquished him. When Vishnu awoke he was very pleased and named this maiden as Ekadasi and granted her a boon. The maiden said, "O Lord, if You are pleased with me and wish to give me a boon, then give me the power to deliver people from the greatest sins if they fast of this day". Vishnu granted her the boon and declared that people worshipping her would reach Vaikunta. Thus, it is said, was born the first ekadasi, which was a Dhanurmasa sukla paksha ekadasi. Sages and devout people have been since, observing the ekadasi vrata regularly. Here, the demon Muran represents the tamasic and rajasic qualities in us. The import of the ekadasi vrata is that one can conquer rajasic and tamasic tendencies in us through fasting. This helps us reach our ultimate destination, Vaikuntha, which is the place or stage of no 'kuntitha' or dullness, stupidity and misery.

It is also said that on this day the ksheerasagara manthana (churning of the ocean) took place and the nectar of immortality (amritha) was distributed to the gods. This divine event is interpreted in the following manner. The ocean of milk is the human heart filled with satvic tendencies (kindness, purity and goodness). However, in all of us there exist both types of inclinations, good (devas) and bad (asuras). Only Sadhana or the churning process will throw out the poison in us and we can procure the sweet nectar, which will liberate us from the cycle of birth and death. Shaivaites call this day as Nanjunda Ekadasi, as it was on this day Shiva consumed nanju, the poison that emanated from the churning of the ocean. Some schools of thought believe that Sri Krishna gave the
Gitopadesam to Arjuna on the day of Vaikunta Ekadasi. For the Vaishnavas,
it is a very holy day and should be ideally spent in fasting, prayer and meditation. Devotees look upon this austerity as a means to succeed in their spiritual endeavours. To them it is an activity which will increase their sankalpa (that which is beneficial to them), so as to avoid activities
which are not beneficial to them (vikalpa). Such austerities make a student of spirituality enthusiastic, positive, serene and determined. They finally lead to the understanding that all activities must be only performed for the pleasure of the Lord. Austerity is indeed one of the four legs supporting religion, the other three being purity, mercy and truthfulness.
In his Gitopadesam to Arjuna, Sri Krishna describes the threefold path of austerity and says "deva -dvija-guru-praajna-pujanam-shauchanam-arvajanam-brahmacharyam-ahimsaa-cha-shariram-tapuchyate", which means one must worship the Supreme Lord, the Brahmans, the spiritual master, and superiors like the father and mother. Cleanliness, simplicity, celibacy and nonviolence are also austerities of the body (Bhagvada Geeta 17.14). Truthful speech, which is not offensive to others and the regular
recitation of scriptures, is austerity of speech (17.15). Serenity of thought, compassion, gravity, self-control, purity of purpose, are all austerity of the mind (17.16). This threefold path of austerity, practiced by men whose aim is not to benefit materially but to please the Supreme, leads to a nature of goodness. Sri Krishna finally says that penances and austerities which are performed foolishly, by means of obstinate self-torture, or by destroying or injuring others, are the approach of the ignorant. It is also recommended that one must not perform austerities beyond his capabilities, lest the austerities become mechanical or offensive.
The Padma Purana says: "ekadasi vrata samam vrata nasti jagattrayeanicchaya'pi yat krtva gatir evam vidha'vayoh ekadasi vratam ye tu bhakti bhavena kurvate na jane kim bhavet tesam vasudeva anukampaya" ,which translates as: In the three worlds, there is no kind of fasting which is even comparable to the Ekadasi fast. Even if one performs this fast without a proper attitude, he achieves the Supreme Abode. If one fasts on Ekadasi day, with full devotion, what happens to him by the mercy of the Supreme Lord, I cannot say (the merit he achieves cannot be described). While Vaikunta Ekadasi is observed in all Vaishnava temples, the day isvery special at the Sri Ranganatha temple at Srirangam in Tamil Nadu. On this auspicious day, Lord Ranganatha in all His glory and resplendence enters the Parama Padha Vaasal (the gateway to salvation) at the sacred precincts of the temple at Srirangam, and showers His blessings and grace on mankind.

Vaikunta Ekadashi, also known as Mukkoti Ekadasi, is observed on Margazhi Ekadashi or on the 11th day in Margali month in Tamil Nadu. Vaikunta Ekadashi 2010 date is December 17. It is a major festival in

SriRangam Sri Ranganathar temple (Ranganatha Swamy temple).
Vaikunda Ekadasi is celebrated for twenty one days which is divided to two ten days as ‘Pagal Pathu and ‘Ra Pathu. Lord Sri Ranganatha is adorned with tremendous clothes and grand golden and diamond ornaments to give Paramapada Vasal darshanam to his devotees.

Vaikunta Ekadashi vrata is observed on Dhanur Masa Shukla Paksha Ekadasi or on the 11th day of bright fortnight during Dhanur Masam. Vaikunta Ekadashi 2010 date is December 17. It falls on Margashira Shukla Ekadasi day as per Telugu and Kannada calendars. In North India, this Ekadashi is observed as Putrada Ekadasi. Vaikunta Ekadasi is a grand festival in Lord Vishnu temples. This festival is celebrated with lot of gusto in Tirumala Tirupati Sri Venkateshwara Devasthanam, Sri Rangam Ranganatha Swamy temple, Bhadrachalam Sri Rama Devasthanam, and many more Vishnu temples in South India.
On Vaikunta Ekadasi, a grand procession of Ranganatha swamy idol is held at Thirumamani Mandapam. This procession attracts lakhs of devotees
from all over India. Lord Ranganatha is attired in the form of the King known as Rangaraja. The divine text, ‘Nalayira Divya Prabandham is recited throughout the day in the temple. Bhajans are sung by devotees and the Brahmins.
Vaikunta Ekadashi is known as Putrada Ekadasi in North Indian states. Vaikunta Dwadashi, the day after Vaikunta Ekadasi, is also an auspicious day celebrated with utmost fervor and devotion in Sri Rangam Ranganathar temple. In Kerala, Vaikunta Ekadasi festival is celebrated as Swarga Vathil Ekadasi. This is the most celebrated day in Trivandrum Padmanabha Swami temple.

Mukkoti Ekadasi

Margashirsha maas or Margashira masam is the ninth month as per traditional Hindu calendar. It is believed as one of the auspicious months for Hindus. Margashirsh month is also mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita by Lord Sri Krishna. The below slokam tells about the significance and spiritual importance of margasheersha maas.
Bruhatsama thatha samnam
Gayatri Chandasamaham
Masanam Margashoham
Ruthunam Kusumakarna

It means - Lord Krishna says "I, myself, stay in Bruhathsama in the Samaveda, Gayatri in Chandassu or literature, Margashirsha or Margashira in months and Vasant rithu in rithus or seasons".

It is said that performing ritual bath in the Ganga river during Margashirsh month gives the result of ten million grahan snan. Vishnu Puja during the month is highly auspicious. Lakshmi puja is observed on Margashirsh lakshmivar or Guruvar during margashira masam. Vishnu Sahasranama parayana and visiting Vishnu temples in the month is most preferred deeds.
Mukkoti Ekadasi, also known as Vaikunta Ekadasi, is observed on Dhanurmasa Ekadashi or the 11th day of Dhanurmasam. This festival is celebrated with lot of fervor at Vishnu temples in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. 'Vaikunta Dwara Darshanam', visiting the Lord through Vaikunta Dwaram (Entrance to Heaven), is the main highlight during Mukkoti Ekadasi day in Vishnu temples. Vaikunta Dwaram is opened on only Vaikunta Ekadashi day which lies at North side to the temple. Devotees observe upavasam (fasting) throughout the day and break their fast on Mukkoti Dwadashi day, the day after Mukkoti Ekadashi. In Kerala, this Ekadasi is celebrated as Swarga Vathil Ekadashi at Trivandrum Padmanabha Swamy Temple. In North India, it is known as Putrada Ekadashi. 

துப்புடையாரை அடைவதெல்லாம் சோர்விடத்துத் துணையாவரென்றே
ஒப்பிலேனாகிலும் நின்னடைந்தேன் ஆனைக்கு நீ அருள் செய்தமையால்
எய்ப்புஎன்னை வந்துநலியும்போது அங்கு ஏதும் நானுன்னை நினைக்க மாட்டேன்
அப்போதைக்கு இப்போதே சொல்லிவைத்தேன் அரங்கத் தரவணைப் பள்ளியானே! 

பெருமாள்  குறித்து பாடப்பட்ட  நாலாயிர திவ்விய பிரபந்தத்தில் இப்படி கூறுகிறார் பெரியாழ்வார் . அதாவது, ஸ்ரீரங்கத்தில் பள்ளி கொண்டபெருமாளே! தளர்வுற்ற  காலத்தில் காப்பாற்றுவர் என்ற எண்ணத்தில் தகுதி படைத்தவர்களை நம்பி வாழ்வது என்பது உலகத்தின் இயல்பே. நான் தகுதியற்றவன் என்றாலும், உன்னைச் சரணடைந்தேன். ஏனென்றால் 'ஆதிமூலமே' என்று அழைத்த யானைக்காக ஓடிவந்தவன் அல்லவா நீ. அதேபோல எனது கடைசி காலங்களில் ஒருவேளை நோயால் அவதிப்படும்போது,  உன்னை நினைக்க சக்தியற்றவனாகி விடுவேன். அதனால், இப்போதே உன் திருநாமத்தைச் சொல்லி வைத்து விட்டேன் என்கிறது பாடல் வரிகள். 

எனவே தேவரின் நாமத்தை சொல்வதால் கிடைக்கும் நன்மைகளை உணர்த்துகிறது இந்த பாடல். அப்படி தேவரின் நாமத்தை உச்சரிப்பதால் அளவற்ற நன்மைகள் கிடைக்கும். அதேசமயம் வைகுண்ட ஏகாதசி போன்ற புண்ணிய தினங்களில் உச்சரிக்கும் போது மேலும் அதிகமான பலன்கள் கிடைக்கும். ஏன் வைகுண்ட ஏகாதசிக்கு இவ்வளவு சிறப்பு என்பது குறித்து விளக்குகிறார் சொல்லின் செல்வன் பி.என்.பரசுராமன்.

 ஞான எந்திரியங்கள் 5. கர்மேந்திரியங்கள்  5. மனசு ஒன்றையும் சேர்த்து பதினொன்றையும் பெருமாளுடன் ஐக்கியப்படுத்தித் தியானம் இருப்பதே ஏகாதசி விரதம். உடலாலும் உள்ளத்தாலும் பெருமாளுடன் ஒன்றியிருப்பதே உபவாசம். (விரதம் மூலம் இறைவனிடம் நெருங்கி வருதலாகும்)
மாதம் தோறும் இரண்டு ஏகாதசிகள் வரும். ஒரு வருடத்தில் 25 ஏகாதசிகள் வருகின்றன. 'மாதங்களில் நான் மார்கழி' என்று சொன்ன மகாவிஷ்ணுவுக்குப் பிடித்தமான  மார்கழி மாத வளர்பிறையில் வரும் ஏகாதசி எல்லா ஏகாதசிகளிலும் முக்கியமானது.  இதைத்தான் 'வைகுண்ட ஏகாதசி'  விரதமென மக்கள் அனுஷ்டித்து வருகிறார்கள்.

 வைகுண்ட ஏகாதசி விரதம் இருப்பது எப்படி?

வாழும் அவசர உலகில் மாதந்தோறும் வரும் ஏகாதசியை  அனுசரிப்பது மிகவும் நல்லது.  பிரதமை திதியிலிருந்து பத்தாவது நாளான  தசமியிலும் துவாதசியிலும் ஒரே வேளை உணவைத்தான் உண்ணவேண்டும். ஏகாதசி நாளில் சூரிய உதயத்துக்கு முன்பாகவே எழுந்து நீராடி, பூஜையில் அமர்ந்து அந்தப்பரந்தாமனை மனதில் தியானித்து வழிபடவேண்டும். அன்றைய தினம் முழுவதும் விரதம் இருந்து பகவத் கைங்கர்யத்தில் ஈடுபட வேண்டும். முதியோர்கள் உடல் நலிவுற்றவர்கள்,  பூஜையில் வைத்து நிவேதனம் செய்யப்பட்ட பழங்களை சாப்பிடலாம்.

 பகலில் தூங்காமல் இருந்து, அன்றன்றைக்கு உரிய வேலைகளை கர்மசிரத்தியோடு செய்து முடிக்க வேண்டும். இரவில் விழித்து பகவானின் புகழ் பாடும் பக்திப்பாடல்கள் மற்றும் பாசுரங்களைப் பாடிக்கொண்டு இறை சிந்தனையிலேயே இருக்க வேண்டும். கண்விழித்து இருந்து பகவானின்  நாமத்தைச் சொல்லும் பாடல்கள், பஜனைகள் செய்து, ஆன்மிகக் கதைகளைப் படித்துக்கொண்டோ பாராயணம் செய்து கொண்டோ மனதை ஒருங்கிணைக்க வேண்டும். 

ஶ்ரீ ரங்கம் தொடங்கி திருப்பதி வரை உள்ள வைணவக் கோயில்களில் சொர்க்க வாசல் திறப்பு நிகழ்ச்சி சிறப்பாக நடந்தேறும். இதில் பங்கேற்க லட்சக்கணக்கான மக்கள் இறைவனின் அருட்கடாட்சத்தைப் பெற வரிசையில் காத்திருந்து  சொர்க்க வாசல் வழியாகச் சென்று இறையருளைப் பெறுவார்கள். மறுநாள் துவாதசி நாளில்  காலைக் கடன்களை முடித்துவிட்டு விருந்தினர்களுக்கு, அகத்திக் கீரை, நெல்லிக்கனி, சுண்டைக்காய் ஆகியவற்றோடு அமுது படைத்து உண்ண வேண்டும்.

 என்ன செய்யக்கூடாது?

இரவில் கண்விழித்திருக்க வேண்டும் என்பதற்காக தாயம் ஆடுவார்கள். அதற்கு பேசாமல் தூங்கி விடுவதே நன்று. ஏனெனில் எந்த வீட்டில் தாய சத்தம் கேட்கிறதோ, அந்த வீட்டில் லட்சுமி தேவி குடியிருக்க மாட்டாள். அந்த விளையாட்டின்போது, இதோ 2 போட்டு உன் தலையை கொய்கிறேன், 4 போட்டு உன் வெட்டுகிறேன் என கூறிக்கொள்வார்கள். ஒரு தெய்வத்திற்கு உகந்த நாளில் இப்படி அபச குண வார்த்தைகளை கேட்டால் எப்படி இறவனின் அருள் கிட்டும்? சினிமாவுக்கு செல்வார்கள், தொலைக்காட்சி நிகழ்ச்சிகளை பார்த்துகொண்டே கண் விழித்திருப்பார்கள். இதுவும் தவறே. அதேபோல பரமபத விளையாட்டு ஆடும் வழக்கம் உள்ளது. இதையும் செய்யக்கூடாது. 

ஏகாதசி அன்று உணவு அளிக்கவும் கூடாது. அந்த உணவை ஏற்கவும் கூடாது எனபது சாஸ்திர நியதி. ஏகாதசி நாளில் விரதம் இருப்பது நம்மைப் படைத்த இறைவனுக்கு நன்றிசெலுத்துவதாகும்.

 இதனால் நம் மன அழுக்கைப் போக்கி எண்ணங்களை, தூய்மை அடைய செய்வது மிகவும் எளிதாகும். மனத்தூய்மை அடைந்தாலே, இனிமையான வாழ்க்கை  நமக்கு அமைந்திடும். மனம், வாக்கு செயல் மூன்றையும் ஒரே நிலையில் நிறுத்துவதுதான் ஏகாதசியின் நோக்கமாகும். மூன்றும் ஒரு நிலையில் இருக்கும்போது நாம் நினைத்த காரியம் எளிதாக நிறைவேறிடும்.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Penn engineers develop more effective MRI contrast agent for cancer detection


Many imaging technologies and their contrast agents — chemicals used during scans to help detect tumors and other problems — involve exposure to radiation or heavy metals, which present potential health risks to patients and limit the ways they can be applied. In an effort to mitigate these drawbacks, new research from University of Pennsylvania engineers shows a way to coat an iron-based contrast agent so that it only interacts with the acidic environment of tumors, making it safer, cheaper and more effective than existing alternatives.
The research was conducted by associate professor Andrew Tsourkas and graduate student Samuel H. Crayton of the department of bioengineering in Penn’s School of Engineering and Applied Science. It was published in the journal ACS Nano.
Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, is an increasingly common feature of medical care. Using a strong magnetic field to detect and influence the alignment of water molecules in the body, MRI can quickly produce pictures of wide range of bodily tissues, though the clarity of these pictures is sometimes insufficient for diagnoses. To improve the differentiation — or contrast — between tumors and healthy tissue, doctors can apply a contrast agent, such as nano particles containing iron oxide. The iron oxide can improve MRI images due to their ability to distort the magnetic field of the scanner; areas they are concentrated in stand out more clearly.

These nanoparticles, which have recently been approved in the United States for clinical use as contrast agents, are literally sugar-coated; an outer layer of dextran keeps the particles from binding or being absorbed by the body and potentially sickening the patient. This non-reactive coating allows the iron oxide to be flushed out after the imaging is complete, but it also means that the particles can’t be targeted to a particular kind of tissue.
If the contrast agent could be engineered so it only sticks to tissue that is already diseased, such as tumors, it would solve both problems at once. Scientists have tried this approach by coating nanoparticles with proteins that bind only to receptors found on the exterior of tumors, but not all tumors are the same in this regard.
“One of the limitations of a receptor-based approach is that you just don’t hit everything,” Tsourkas said. “It’s hard to recommend them as a screening tool when you know that the target receptors are only expressed in 30% of tumors.”
“One of the reasons we like our approach is that it hits a lot of tumors; almost all tumors exhibit a change in the acidity of their microenvironment.”
The Penn engineers took advantage of something known as the Warburg effect, a quirk of tumor metabolism, to get around the targeting problem. Most of the body’s cells are aerobic; they primarily get their energy from oxygen. However, even when oxygen is plentiful, cancerous cells use an anaerobic process for their energy. Like overtaxed muscles, they turn glucose into lactic acid, but unlike normal muscles, tumors disrupt the blood flow around them and have a hard time clearing this acid away. This means that tumors almost always have a lower pH than surrounding healthy tissue.
Some imaging technologies, such as magnetic resonance spectroscopy, can also take advantage of tumors’ low-pH microenvironments, but they require expensive specialized equipment that is not available in most clinical settings.
By using glycol chitosan — a sugar-based polymer that reacts to acids — the engineers allowed the nanocarriers to remain neutral when near healthy tissue, but to become ionized in low pH. The change in charge that occurs in the vicinity of acidic tumors causes the nanocarriers to be attracted to and retained at those sites.
This approach has another benefit: the more malignant a tumor is, the more it disrupts surrounding blood vessels and the more acidic its environment becomes. This means that the glycol chitosan-coated is a good detector of malignancy, opening up treatment options above and beyond diagnosis.
“You can take any nanoparticle and put this coating on it, so it’s not limited to imaging by any means,” said Tsourkas. “You could also use it to deliver drugs to tumor sites.”
The researchers hope that, within seven to 10 years, glycol-chitosan-coated iron oxide nanoparticles could improve the specificity of diagnostic screening. The ability to accurately detect sites of malignancy by MRI would be an immediate improvement to existing contrast agents for certain breast cancer scans.
“Gadolinium is used as a contrast agent in MRI breast cancer screenings for high-risk patients. These patients are recommended to get an MRI in addition to the usual mammogram, because the sensitivity of mammograms can be poor,” said Tsourkas. “The sensitivity of an MRI is much higher, but the specificity is low: the screening detects a lot of tumors, but many of them are benign. Having a tool like ours would allow clinicians to better differentiate the benign and malignant tumors, especially since there has been shown to be a correlation between malignancy and pH.”
The research was supported by the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program. 

Pushing The Rock


Krishna's lotus feet“Fruitive work, in which almost all people in general are engaged, is always painful either in the beginning or at the end. It can be fruitful only when made subservient to the devotional service of the Lord. In the Bhagavad-gita also it is confirmed that the result of such fruitive work may be offered for the service of the Lord, otherwise it leads to material bondage.” (Shrila Prabhupada, Shrimad Bhagavatam, 1.5.12 Purport)
You’ve got a giant rock that you need to push up a hill. Knowing the specific objective being furthered is not that important, as the task is daunting enough. This rock is rather heavy, and it requires both physical effort and mental fortitude to get it to roll all the way to the top of the steep hill, fighting the laws of gravity in the process. The physical effort is easy to recognize, but the test on the mind comes from the fact that there is every chance that while progressing forward the rock will fall all the way back down, thereby erasing whatever progress you have made. While the effort is being expended, there is dedication to an activity that seems constructive, so in this sense there is no worry over being influenced by outside allures. At the same time, once the rock makes it to the top, you are again left with free time. In addition, the rock may roll back down at any time, which would then require a repeat of the activity. Though it seems like every kind of activity would follow the same pattern, it doesn’t have to. The results of work dovetailed with service to the person who created both the rock and the entire material creation can never be erased.
“For one who has taken his birth, death is certain; and for one who is dead, birth is certain. Therefore, in the unavoidable discharge of your duty, you should not lament.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita
, 2.27)
Lord KrishnaAs soon as there is birth there must be death. Not that the end of life has to happen right away; just that at some point in the future, there will come a time that the new blood that joined the earth must depart and again accept a new destination. The localized instance of acceptance and rejection is but one example of the many aspects of life that follow the same pattern. You complete a task at work only to have more jobs to do afterwards. You work hard during the week and relax on the weekend, only to have to do it all over again the following week. If you know while you’re performing a specific activity that eventually you’ll have to repeat it again many times in the future, how can that not dent your motivation? If I’m pushing a rock up a hill and I know it will eventually roll back down, what is the point?
Rather than endlessly speculate as to a permanent solution, one can tap into the vast storehouse of knowledge that is the Vedas, whose most concise and complete treatise is the Bhagavad-gita, a song sung on a battlefield some five thousand years ago. The repetitive cycle of action and reaction that we see is known as karma, or fruitive activity. More specifically, the type of engagement where we do something for a specific reward only to have that enjoyment remain manifest for a short time falls into a mode of work known as passion.
“The mode of passion is born of unlimited desires and longings, O son of Kunti, and because of this one is bound to material fruitive activities.” (Lord Krishna
, Bg. 14.7)
Fortunately, the speaker of the Gita reveals that the mode of passion isn’t the only way to act. There are ways to fix things so that you’re not left repeating the same behavior all the time without making any progress. There are also the modes of ignorance and goodness, which have their own respective activities. Fruitive activity in the mode of passion is accepted by the human being by default, thus there is no instruction needed in this area. You sow the seeds that you planted so that you can taste the resulting fruits, all the while being pricked by the thorns on the growing tree. You push the rock up the hill so that it gets to its intended destination, all the while laboriously exerting yourself and not getting too much satisfaction afterwards.
The mode of ignorance can be likened to being at the top of the hill and just pushing the rock back down for no rhyme or reason. What we would call stupid, or overtly sinful, behavior falls squarely in the mode of ignorance. It reaps no tangible benefit, and it takes the worker to a position much worse off from where they started.
The mode of goodness can be likened to a knowledge gathering task, where the component pieces of existence are seen in the proper light. In the mode of goodness the rock is pushed up the hill without desire for personal gain. It is done more out of protocol, knowing that it shouldbe done. Whether the rock makes it up all the way or falls back down is of no concern to the person in goodness, because they understand everything in the proper context.
“When the embodied being is able to transcend these three modes, he can become free from birth, death, old age and their distresses and can enjoy nectar even in this life.” (Lord Krishna, Bg. 14.20)
Krishna holding His fluteThe speaker of the Gita reveals that even the mode of goodness is binding, for the results of action are still manifest. If there are visible results to action, those results must disappear as well. Whether I want that outcome or not is not important in the mode of goodness, but nevertheless the temporary reward does come about, causing the worker to become accustomed to the short-lived happiness. There is an answer, however. Follow the mode of pure goodness, which transcends the bounds of time and space. This mode brings permanent progress, which corresponds directly with the inherent properties of the individual.
In the mode of goodness, which is accepted on the basis of authority and not just whimsically created, the living entity learns that they are an individual fragment of spirit, sort of like a spark from a fire. Since there is no quantitative comparison between the different sparks, every life form is equal. The enjoyment resulting from fruitive activity is not meant for the spark, but rather for its outer covering. Since this covering can vary in makeup, having different combinations of the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance, there is more than one outlet for enjoyment. Some sparks enjoy eating stool and rolling around in filth, while others require fine wine and expensive living establishments. In either case, the sparks are equal in their constitution, and thus there is really no difference between their situations.
Things get interesting when the living being learns about his real properties, the makeup of the individual sparks. At the core there is a dharma, or essential characteristic, which exists eternally. In some cases that dharma may be covered up, but it is there nonetheless. If we place a shade over a lamp and thereby make the room darker, the actual flame from the lamp has not lessened in intensity; only the external vision of the observer has changed. Just because a spiritual spark may be in the form of an ant or cow
 doesn’t mean that the dharma of the soul is absent.
cowThis dharma is the inclination to serve. The predominance of this characteristic cannot be denied because every person, even one steeped in the mode of ignorance, has a penchant to serve. When the proper beneficiary is identified, the results of that service are permanent and bring bliss and knowledge - three features which line up with the soul’s properties.
How do we find that proper beneficiary? How can we trust that the results are what they are purported to be? In the beginning there must be some faith extended, but this shouldn’t be that difficult to do. We trust so many people right now, even those who we know lie to get to where they are. Politicians are routinely lambasted, criticized and yelled at for their duplicitous ways, yet they are still entrusted with the most important matters of government. Extending faith to the proper authority figures of the Vedic tradition does not cost us much in the beginning, and the results are so wonderful that the people who follow the prescriptions spend the rest of their lives glorifying both the originator of the supreme wisdom and the people who passed it on.
Who is the origin of this system? What is the system and where do we go to learn about it? Not surprisingly, the same person who revealed to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra about the three modes of nature is the object of service for every spark of spirit. He is the ideal beneficiary for action because He is the only entity capable of accepting every offering. He can never be smothered with love, nor can the sweet fruit He returns in the form of His association ever go bad or diminish in taste.
This person is none other than Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Not a mythical character or tribal hero turned God, Krishna is the real deal. His supreme standing as the most fortunate person is supported by the benefits that come from following devotion to Him in the discipline known as bhakti-yoga. From regularly chanting
, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
”, not only is time well spent in an act of pure goodness, but real progress is made in terms of development of consciousness.
Lord KrishnaWhy would we want to develop consciousness? In education, smaller steps are taken to fulfill a larger goal. For instance, learning the alphabet through reading and writing exercises is quite silly for someone who already knows how to read and write. Yet the activities are taken up by students so that their knowledge will be shaped to the point that they will no longer need to follow the same exercises. One works at the jobsite to have enough money to pay the bills, and one exercises so that their body will remain healthy. Thus we see that education and work lead to more permanent benefits all the time.
Consciousness is the most powerful force belonging to the living being. This is true because a purified consciousness can result in a favorable condition anywhere, regardless of success or failure. The person connected with Shri Krishna in thought, word and deed doesn’t even need to push the rock up the hill. If for Krishna they should happen to take on the arduous task, they will think about the Lord the entire time. This means that if the rock should roll back down the hill again, at least the time was spent in pure bliss.
In fruitive activity there is pain in both the beginning and end. As an example, at the start one thinks of how difficult it will be to push the rock up the hill. At completion there is the worry of the effort going to waste by the rock rolling back down. Moreover, the next time a rock needs to be pushed up a hill, the previous arduous effort will be remembered, making it even more difficult to take up the task. As another example, computer programmers often write complex routines and applications to be used in the business world. If perchance they should have to revisit that code later on, after much time has passed, it is not surprising for them to marvel at how complicated the code is. “How did I ever write this? I can’t imagine creating this from scratch again.” This means that the effort was difficult in the beginning and throughout. Since the fruits are temporary and also the cause of bondage in the form of fear, there is pain in the end too.
In bhakti there is transcendental pleasure at every step. If one is hesitant to chant Hare Krishna on a set of japa beads every day, meditating can still be constructive, as it keeps the individual automatically away from harmful activities like intoxication
, meat eating, illicit sex
 and gambling
. The more one chants the easier it becomes to repeat in the future. Krishna is the reservoir of all pleasure, the most attractive entity in the world. Staying connected with Him through consciousness only brings enhanced delights with each repeat effort, making the individual more and more eager to serve Him and think of Him.
“For those who have accepted the boat of the lotus feet of the Lord, who is the shelter of the cosmic manifestation and is famous as Murari, the enemy of the Mura demon, the ocean of the material world is like the water contained in a calf's hoof-print. Their goal isparam padam, Vaikuntha, the place where there are no material miseries, not the place where there is danger at every step.” (Shrimad Bhagavatam
, 10.14.58)
Krishna's fluteAs an added bonus, a reward that seems trivial to those already immersed in bhakti, at the end of life the worker dedicated to Krishna does not have to see a repeat existence in the material world. The cycle of birth and death stops for the Krishna conscious soul, granting the reward known as mukti, or liberation
. Since Krishna grants this liberation, He is also known as Mukunda, or one who gives mukti. As fruitive activity involving things like pushing a heavy rock up a hill is difficult to abandon, the material existence is likened to a vast ocean that is nearly impossible to cross over. For those who find the mode of pure goodness, however, that same ocean turns into the size of a pool of water filling a calf’s hoof-print. The consciousness connected to the divine has no more anxieties relating to past, present and future, for it resides in Vaikuntha, the place free of anxieties.
In Closing:
Worked so hard to push that rock up the hill,
Physical and mental effort have your fill.
Pushing heavy rock against gravity hard,
Mind worried over failure with each passing yard.
Victory tempered when you reach hill’s top,
For what if heavy rock should suddenly drop?
In this cycle does all activity follow,
Win or lose in misery you will wallow.
Devotion to Krishna though is not the same,
In purifying consciousness there is steady gain.

9 Best Edible Natural Oil Around the World

Gone are the days when all you had to do was choose between sunflower or olive oil. Now it seems you can by the oil from just about every plant, nut or seed out there but should we be adding them to our stir fries or drizzling them over our salads? Lets Find out...

Top rated - rapeseed oil
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Rapeseed oil contains omegas 3, 6 and 9, essential fatty acids so it's great for heart health, brain health and joint mobility. It is also a rich, natural source of vitamin E � essential for healthy skin and a strong immune system. High in mono-unsaturated fats and with less than half the cholesterol raising, saturated fats of olive oil it is one of the few natural oils that can be heated to deep-frying temperature without its antioxidants, character, colour and flavour spoiling. In short, one of the best oils there is and what's more � some of the very best rapeseed oils are produced right here in Britain.

Best all rounder - olive oil
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Olive oil is a great source of heart protecting, cholesterol lowering, monounsaturated fat as well as free radical fighting antioxidants known to protect the body against premature aging and cancer. It can be used to cook with up to temperatures of 180 degrees and is mild enough in flavour to be used with most dishes. However, extra virgin olive oil (the oil that is extracted from the first press) is not quite so stable so it is best used cold.

Best for tight budgets - sunflower oil
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Cheap, easy to find and a great source of the free radical fighting antioxidant - vitamin E. In fact, just 1-2 tablespoons contains all your daily requirement. It is also a good source of cholesterol reducing omega 6 polyunsaturates. However, it contains very few omega 3's so if you use sunflower oil regularly, you need to be sure you're getting enough omega 3s in your diet from other sources to balance things out. A chemically stable oil, it is suitable for deep-frying but don't be tempted to re-use the oil more than a couple of times as re-heating it to high temperatures can result in the formation of trans fatty acids known to raise cholesterol and increase the incidence of some cancers.

Best for high temperatures - groundnut oil

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Ground nut oil � sometimes called peanut oil has a high smoking point making it ideal roasting, making Yorkshire puddings or frying. It is an excellent all-rounder and has a very neutral, light flavour perfect for use in oriental dishes that often combine quite delicate flavours. Do be careful though as this oil is made from peanuts so anyone with a nut allergy should steer well clear.

Best for adding flavour - sesame oil

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Another great source of cholesterol lowering omega 6 fatty acids light sesame oil can be used for deep frying and the dark or heavy sesame oil (made from roasted sesame seeds) adds a delicious rich flavour to stir-fried meats or vegetables. Used a lot in oriental dishes it's rich flavour works as a seasoning in itself.

Best for rice dishes - avocado oil

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Avocado oil has very little if any omega three fatty acids but it is a great source of monounsaturated fats and is also rich in skin enhancing vitamin E. It has a slightly nutty flavour that is delicious drizzled over salads or rice dishes. However, it can also be used to cook with as it has a higher smoking point than many oils so it's fine to grill, saut� or stir-fry with it.

Best oils for dressings and dipping - walnut oil

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A delicious, aromatic, nutty oil that is a good source of omega three fatty acids and tastes delicious (used as a dip along side a good balsamic vinegar) as a dip for freshly torn, warm breads for warm breads. It's also great for drizzling over salads and risottos and goes really well with white fish, meat, mozzarella and goat's cheese. However, this oil tends to become bitter when cooked and can go off very quickly so buy in small quantities and store in a cool, dark place.

Best for vegetarians - linseed oil

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Linseed oil is a much richer source of omega 3 than any other oil and a great choice for strict vegetarians who need to get omega 3 fatty acids solely from plant foods. Omega three fatty acids help to lower the risk of heart disease and stroke, increase concentration (particularly in children), alleviate the symptoms of inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and they may also help prevent Alzheimer's. Linseed oil however, is not suitable for cooking as heat can make it taste bitter and it can quickly become rancid if it is not stored correctly (in a cool dark place). Studies show that if this happens the benefits are negated and possibly reversed.

Best for drizzling - hazelnut oil

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Hazelnut oil is a great source of Vitamin E which helps to maintain a heart health, good skin, a healthy reproductive system and a strong immune system. Fairly pricey and not so readily available as many other oils it is worth seeking out either from your local health food store or on line to drizzle over salads, rice dishes or fresh pasta adding a delicious, subtle, nutty flavour.

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Begin the New Year on the right foot. These tips from an expert in the field of business planning will rejuvenate your business and keep you happy throughout the full year! Get the information here!
INC reveals…
Entering into a new year inspires hope and high expectations for positive change in many entrepreneurs. But by the end of first quarter, at best, this optimism typically falls short. The business owner remains overwhelmed with immediate tasks and problems, no different from the preceding years. It’s a cycle that holds true for too many aspiring millionaires, but not one that can’t be broken. If you’ve been doing the same things year after year, expecting different results, it’s time to try a new business-planning approach. Start this New Year by stepping away from the insanity and into a plan that works.
Lavinsky cites the following elements as key points in an effective business plan if that plan is intended as a blueprint to grow your business. He reminds us that if you aim to use your business plan to attract investors, there are many other financial pieces that you need to include. Make sure to visit GrowThink to learn more about those.
Mission Statement: Lavinsky notes that most businesses either don’t have a mission statement or they make it so general that it has no meaning. Think about what you’re trying to achieve and include that big vision in your mission statement. Take a look at Growthink’smission statement as a great model.
SWOT Analysis: a comprehensive SWOT analysis (assessing company strengths, weaknesses, market opportunities and market threats) is critical to assess your opportunities, generate ideas and focus on which to go after.
Marketing Strategies: Take a good look at your current marketing strategies. In Lavinsky’s experience, most entrepreneurs use only one channel to market their business. “Dig deeper and use different strategies,” he says. “Do you use only radio advertising? Spread out your marketing dollars and include things like direct mail, pay per click, print advertising, and other marketing resources rather than just one avenue.” Lavinsky suggests that you try a new channel each month and by the end of the year you will have another valuable business asset: proven knowledge of which marketing tactics work and those that don’t.
Company Goals” Set goals for a five-year target point. What income level do you plan on achieving in that time? Will you sell the company, remain at the helm, or go public? Plot your course, and then break down your goals and strategies into a one-year plan. Which opportunities are best to execute this year in order to achieve your five year goals?
Business Asset Goals: Formulate projections on customer count, employee count, training, new equipment and other expenditures, like a new facility or office expansion. Be prepared for growth.
Key Performance Indicators: Most entrepreneurs don’t track things like visitors to their website, customers in the store, the percentage of sales in the store vs. the website, upsell percentages, number of sales, sales closed, proposals issued, etc. It’s crucial to keep detailed metrics so that you can analyze problems. Don’t simply look at those top line figures in your P&L, study your KPIs as well. For instance, if your team didn’t upsell enough, it may be time to create new sales scripts. For example, if your website isn’t converting enough sales, it’s time to explore a different conversion tactic.
When determining what to include in your KPI details, Lavinsky recommends that you ask yourself these two simple questions: Of my top five direct competitors, which one would I purchase if I could? Then, what would I want to know to determine the best buy? So, for instance, would you purchase the company with the highest sales conversion rate, best Web stats, perhaps the most stable customer base? Now create a tracking method for those key factors, which are apparently very important to you.
Target Audience: Define your customer in detail to maximize your marketing efforts. “Create your customer avatar,” says Lavinsky. “Explore what is important to them, the real reasons they do what they do, and their key problems.” Also include demographics such as gender, age, race, geographic location.
With your customer avatar well defined, you can find publications, radio shows, blogs and other well-targeted means to reach out to your customer. You can speak to them more effectively and achieve a much higher conversion rate. Be as specific as possible. Remember the 80/20 rule; 20 percent of customers represent 80 percent of profit. Who is your 20 percent?
Getting too niche? Lavinsky would ask you if you’d rather be a sardine in the ocean or a whale in a pond. “Niche down,” he says, “and own your market. Once you do this you can grow into other markets.” Also remember that you will still be serving people outside of your niche, it isn’t as limiting as you may believe. Lavinsky reminds us that it is easier to start small and expand later.
Facebook  is a great example of this is. It started at Harvard, and then expanded to other ivy leagues and eventually into the general populace.
Competitive Analysis: Lavinsky stresses the importance of being prepared for the inevitable—competitive challenges. “Take a good look at your competition and define what steps they could take that would really frighten you. Imagine the worst case scenario and ask yourself if you could deal with it or if your business would be massively hampered,” he says. The next step is to determine what you could do under your current circumstances to pre-empt it. “Make the assumption that they’re really good at strategy and that they do smart things,” suggests Lavinsky. “Then make contingency plans.”
If your competition acquires another company as a part of their growth strategy, for instance, what can you do now to control the impact of such a move? Again, selecting a well-defined niche and becoming known as the best provider in that industry would help to mitigate that risk.
Define your team: “Even solopreneurs should have a team,” Lavinsky says. “Don’t try to do it all on your own.” Consider your virtual assistants and other outside contractors, or employees if you have them. Where do you want them to be one year from now? What skills will they have developed? What training or mentoring is necessary to get them there? Is there anyone who’s not working out? Who do need to grow your company? How can you get those resources in place?
Operations Plan: Finally, Lavinsky cites the importance of an operations plan. Looking at your five-year plan and what you want to accomplish, define your marketing strategies, any additional services or products to offer, and all of your key initiatives for the year. Lavinsky suggests creating a Gantt chart, so that you have a visual for each project.
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