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Friday, December 30, 2011

Catch Me If You Can

Krishna being chased by Mother Yashoda“Yogis cannot capture Krishna by severe penances and austerities, but mother Yashoda, despite all obstacles, was finally able to catch Krishna without difficulty. This is the difference between a yogi and a bhakta.” (Shrila Prabhupada, Shrimad Bhagavatam, 10.9.10)
Mother Yashoda had everything going against her in her chase for her young son. Being very clever, the young boy could run away at the first sign of trouble. He was quick as well, as He had just speedily left the scene of a minor crime, one which He had perpetrated. On the other side, the beautiful mother was nicely dressed, not wearing clothes conducive to running. As a mature woman, she was weighed down by the upper portion of her body, which hampered her ability to run. The person she was running after also happened to be the most elusive person in the world, who can only be caught by one method. Mother Yashoda unknowingly knew what that method was, and she was therefore able to catch her son.
Krishna and Mother YashodaWhy is this person so elusive? And what is the one method that can be used to catch Him? The Vedas describe the young son of Yashoda by the word Krishna, which means all-attractive. Attraction is what grabs the attention of others; captivating them, reeling their interest in. An attractive painting is nice to look at, for the famous saying is, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” This means that you can look at one picture day after day and find new ways to describe it. Not that the previous descriptions were incorrect or insufficient, but the scene depicted can be so beautiful and have so much context that many new explanations spring forth upon each glance.
Those who know the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the all-attractive Krishna, have a similar experience when trying to describe His glories. While the painting has a measurable context in the background which can be discussed, Shri Krishna is all-inclusive. Every aspect of this creation can be tied to Him, provided that one can use the torchlight of knowledge passed down by the Vedic seers. Though the spirit soul, the essence of identity, is supremely knowledgeable, when entrapped in a covering of nescience, there is no way to find that internal light without using the tools handed down by others.
Does this mean that we can go on studying and studying and never uncover the brilliant knowledge that already belongs to us? Through connecting with Krishna - who is the same in quality as the spirit souls except for the fact that His brilliant features never get covered - one can find the knowledgebase that already belongs to them. With the divine connection comes dexterity in thought, the ability to know every aspect of the creation’s link to Shri Krishna. A person who knows Krishna can look at the grass on the ground and find some way to remember Krishna. They can take a sip of water and have the taste remind them of the Lord, a practice directly hinted at by Shri Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita.
“O son of Kunti [Arjuna], I am the taste of water, the light of the sun and the moon, the syllable om in the Vedic mantras; I am the sound in ether and ability in man.” (Lord Krishna
, 7.8)
Krishna teaching ArjunaConnecting with Krishna occurs through the methods of bhakti-yoga, or devotional service
, handed down by the spiritual masters of the Vedic tradition. They originally got the necessary knowledge from Krishna Himself, who is thus the origin of any bona fide chain of disciplic succession, or parampara. The principle method of bhakti is hearing, which simultaneously takes place when one regularly chants, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
We often hear that it is good to worship God in order to put the many obligations in your life into the proper perspective. How to actually go about worshiping is where the paths diverge. Through the holy name one can directly connect with the Lord in all His glory. Chanting
 the holy name with love is the topmost activity in spirituality, superior to any type of sacrifice, penance, austerity, visit to a pilgrimage site, or meditation.
In other methods of spiritual practice, the ultimate objective, whether known or not, is to reach the point where the holy name is cherished, honored and regularly recited. The example of Mother Yashoda chasing after Krishna is a case in point. Every person is attracted by Krishna and is thus trying to catch Him, but depending on the aspect they choose to associate with, their effort may not be successful. Think of it as looking at the same beautiful painting but with your vision impaired. The atheist, he who is completely in the dark about the changing nature of the body and how spirit is transcendental to matter, has no clue what the picture really looks like. They have no choice but to speculate, formulating theories that can never be tested for validity. Any competing theory is just as good, for no one can validly assert correctness when there is no light.
Even when operating in the dark one is connecting with Krishna in some way, for the material energy comes from Him. The problem is that Krishna Himself is not personally present in the all-pervading impersonal aspect. He is the support of every life form but this doesn’t mean that every life form is God. Just as we can’t communicate with someone by talking to their feet, we can’t directly connect with Krishna by worshiping matter and harboring attachment for it. There are authorized methods of linking with the divine consciousness, and without following these methods there is no chance of catching Krishna.
Krishna holding flute and flowerThose who are somewhat knowledgeable about spirituality can shine some more light on the portrait ofShyamasundara
 - Shri Krishna with the blackish complexion, holding a flute in His hands and wearing a peacock feather in His hair. But once again the Lord cannot be caught. The gross materialist is known as akarmi, or one who follows fruitive activity. The spiritualists follow jnana, yoga, or bhakti. In jnana-yoga, one learns about the differences between matter and spirit and how the all-pervading spiritual force known as Brahman is superior to the temporary energy manifestation.
The meditational yogi realizes God’s presence locally within the heart as the Paramatma. The yogi is far superior to the materialist, for they explicitly try to capture God within. Yet even after much time in meditation there is still no guarantee of success. In yoga there is no loss from expending effort, for Shri Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita alleviates the fears of those worried over a wasted attempt by telling Arjuna that the unsuccessful yogi takes birth in auspicious circumstances in the next life and gets to resume their yoga from the point at which they left off.
The bhakta, however, captures Krishna completely, even without qualifying themselves through deep study or intense meditation. In the Vedic tradition women are generally considered unintelligent with respect to understanding the high truths of Vedanta, or the ultimate system of knowledge. While to say someone is unintelligent is considered an insult, in bhakti this apparent defect can be very helpful. Basic intelligence is only useful if the proper end is desired. For instance, someone can be very well equipped to do physics and mathematics, but if they use their talents for creating bombs and other items that cause mass destruction, how is their intelligence beneficial to anyone?
Mother YashodaMother Yashoda wasn’t a Vedantist, nor was she a yogi. She did not spend any time sitting in asanas or fixing her eyes on the tip of the nose and meditating on the sacred syllable om. Rather, she was just an ordinary cowherd woman and mother who loved her son very much. Because of her love for her beloved Krishna, who is the Supreme Lord and object of worship for the yogis and jnanis, she was able to capture Him. The Lord even tried to escape from her a few times to enhance the loving exchanges, but He was not able to get away. Yashoda’s net of love was too far reaching for the young Krishna to break free from.
Studying Vedanta philosophy, doing meditational yoga, following strict austerities, and performing sacrifices and rituals are indeed beneficial, for they bring one closer towards realizing and loving Krishna. There is a sacrifice known as the Satyanarayana Puja performed monthly by many followers of the Vedic tradition. This puja yields auspiciousness both in the current life and the next. Part of the worship involves reciting stories relating to Shri Satyanarayana, and at the end of the storytelling it is revealed that Sudama Vipra and Maharaja Dasharatha were some of the famous personalities of the past who performed the puja. By following the sacrifice regularly, in theirnext births they were able to associate directly with the Supreme Personality of Godhead and offer their pure love to Him. Dasharatha got to have Krishna appear as His son named Rama. Sudama Vipra got to worship Krishna directly in a mood of friendship.
In this way it can be understood that one who takes to bhakti has already performed many pious acts in past lives. The pious behavior indirectly led them to Krishna’s company, but only through the loving attitude were they actually able to catch up to the Lord. In Mother Yashoda’s case, her young son had broken a pot of butter in anger and then ran off with the goods. Seeing what He had done, the sweetheart lady affectionately chased after her child with a whipping stick. Krishna ran away, pretending to be afraid, and though the odds were in His favor, He was nevertheless caught.
Yashoda binding KrishnaHearing about this story is as good as having been there. Though the mind is chanchala, or restless, try to fix it on the holy name of the Lord and discussions of His pastimes. The cowherd mother would capture Krishna in her heart even when He wasn’t by her side. Yashoda would turn His childhood activities into songs and sing them while tending to household chores. One can perform meditational yoga which is very difficult to follow, especially in this age, and maybe hope to one day catch Krishna, after so much time and effort is spent, or one can just chant the Lord’s names, remember His activities, and go on with their routine work. The latter option is not only easier but it is more effective, as proved by the queen of Vraja herself. She is still honored and worshiped to this day, for the heart delights in remembering her fondness for her darling son.
In Closing:
Yashoda’s son of Vraja is darling,
His face precious, and smile so charming.
When He runs away He has the upper hand,
On mother who carries a stick in her hand.
Against Krishna no force is a fair match,
Yet Yashoda her son able to catch.
Thus to jnani and yogi she is superior,
Had no interest in energy that is inferior.
Story of mother’s love for son still told,
Hear it with ears and in mind watch it unfold.



The tight fitting bottoms with long tops have become very popular among girls and women all over the Indian subcontinent. Churidars is preferred for its quick wear, comfort and easy packing at times of travel. Since the gathering near the tight ankle looks like a bangle, it is known as churi-dar or bangle like. Indian women prefer churidar salwar kameez in cotton material as it is suitable for college and office wears.
Churidars are available in designer styles, bollywood types, Pakistani types and Anarkali types. These churidar salwar kameez may have simple yet exquisite thread embroidery or elaborate embroidery with sequins, beads or stones. The material of which the Churidars is stitched determines its usage. For example silk ones are used for festive seasons. Georgette churidar salwar kameez and the ones in chiffon material are worn for parties while cotton Churidars are mostly preferred for office wear.
It has many different names. Call it Salwar Kameez, Shalwar, Curidar, Kameez & pyjama.

India has been known to have wonderful dresses and costumes specially Salwar Kameez. Though the majority of Indian women wear traditional costumes, the men in India can be found in more conventional western clothing. Tailored clothing is very common in India as women's blouses have to be made-to-fit. Clothing for both men and women has evolved and is keeping designers busy.

Salwar Kameez helps keep cool on those hot sweltering days as it doesn't cling to the body.

A Brief History of Shalwar Kameez in India 

Shalwar kameez is the traditional dress worn by various peoples of south-central Asia. Specially in India and Pakistan it's very popular dress. Shalwar is a short loose or paraller trourser pyjama. It can also be narrow which is called churidar.
Kameez is like shirt or tunic. Kameez is traditionally cut straight but now with changing Indian fashion and world fashion needs, the designs & cuts have changed.
To beautify shalwar (salwar) kameez, wear stole, it's called dupatta. The stole or scarf comes in variety of fabric such as bandhani, silk, georgette, etc. For younger generation, dupatta is simply a stylish accessory that can be worn over one shoulder or draped around the chest and over both shoulders.

Churidars materials are available in a wide range of fabrics with a lot of design options. The neck pattern, length and the body shape is also handled while determining the Churidars style. Printed churidar salwar kameez material is a fast selling material and many young women love to opt for the same. Among the ornamental Churidars anarkali churidar salwar kameez seems to be strongly in vogue in the recent past. Due to lack of time and to have an optimized view of what is available, people are opting to buy Churidars online. churidar salwar kameez is here to stay and would be a favorite Indian wear for the years to come.

  • A churidar salwar is a baggy drawstring trouser that bunch up tightly along the lower calf. Worn traditionally with kameez kurta, it's name comes from the wordchoori meaning bangles. The bunched folds along the bottom half of the calf gives the effect of several bangles worn together.
  • Chudidars are usually fine muslins or cottons, in white color. The traditional churidar is tied with a nara at the waist. Churidar salwar is a long tight fitting type, which develops various folds on the lower calf the Indian churidar suits consists of three elements in it's creation namely the kurta, payjami and a dupatta.
  • This is just the ideal type for slim and trim figure. The Indian churidar suits are designed keeping in mind the structure of Indian women
  • The traditional churidar is tied with a nara at the waist. What is special about them is that they are longer than the legs. The payjamis of churidar suits can be categorized in two forms namely Aligarhi (Straight) fit, Lucknawi (gathered creases) fit. Their extremes are crinkled and crumpled to fit. Creases thus developed resemble 'churis' or bangles, hence the name churidars.
  • A churidar is a perfect accompaniment to long kurtas and sherwanis. Churidar suits come up in varied styles ranging from simple churidar to designer churidar style suits. They are exquisitely designed to match up with your mood and expectations. The silhouette drapes the feminine form with a dramatic flourish. An array of designs with various themes splashed the markets in wide range. It is a complete spectrum of designer, stylist and contemporary attire in the fast flourishing industry. Our designers did pretty well in the designing of churidar suits with their innovative ideas.

Chic Bottoms

With the new fashion trends coming up salwar kameez have under gone a wide change. Trousers, parallels, capris, patiala salwars have taken place of normal salwars thus changing salwar kameez patterns.

Salwar Kameez Suits

Salwar kameez is a most comfortable outfit for women whether its daily wear or formals. Salwar kameez are available in large variety i.e embroidered, printed, different colors and fabrics.

Anarkali Churidar Suit In Georgette With Sequins. - Click Image to Close

Beautiful anarkali churidar ladies suit made in georgette and brocade.The corset style upper of the anarkali is made in brocade(color may vary as per availability) and the stylish kalis or flair is in the attractive pink color. It is beautifully embellished with golden sequins and stones all over and has matching duppatta with golden gota lace at its borders. Just the perfect choice for any special occasion.


Desire gives birth to new things. Similarly Churidar Salwar Kameez is a result of a desire. Desire changed or modified the traditional salwar kameez into churidar to look sexy and slim trim.
Churidar Salwar Kameez is not exactly like a traditional salwar kameez. It is not wide as the salwar in traditional salwar kameez. There is a lot of difference in between the curve and cuts of churidar and traditional salwar. The Kameez may be same as it is in the traditional salwar kameez.

In churidar salwar kameez, the salwar has more length if we compare with traditional salwar salwar length, because wrinkles come on the ankle in churidar salwar. The top part has the belt like traditional salwar kameez and pleates also. In churidar, the upper portion of the salwar is not wide spread like traditional salwar, it is 4-5 inches loose than the hips measurements. There is a tunnel on the top portion for drawstring like the traditional salwar.
In totality churidar has a leg like shape with few inches margin for leg movements.
The upper portion “Kameez is same as traditional kameez. Normally it is long upto knee with long or short sleeves as desired. There are long side slits and bottom curve may be round and straight as per desire. Churidar comes under the basic design category.



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                Uploaded by boodhaman
My brother, nephews and a friend go "fishing" down a small drainage ditch in the flooded Spoon River.
They counted 70+ 5-10lb. Asian Carp once they stopped the boat. The funniest part, is that Matthew, my youngest nephew, is curled up in the fetal position in the front of the boat the entire time, and you never see him! Also it is absolutely infinitely more hilarious when viewed in slow motion. [