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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Negation Defined


Lord Krishna“Naishkarma means not undertaking activities that will produce good or bad effects. Negation does not mean negation of the positive. Negation of the nonessentials does not mean negation of the essential. Similarly, detachment from material forms does not mean nullifying the positive form. The bhakti cult is meant for realization of the positive form.” (Shrila Prabhupada
, Shrimad Bhagavatam, 1.2.7 Purport)
An aspect of Vedic teachings unique to its discipline is the information presented about the soul, its position with respect to matter, and the need for avoiding harmful behavior, i.e. sin. The concept of sin surely isn’t exclusive to any single spiritual tradition, but the most complete explanation provided for its existence and the cause of its harmful effects is found only in the Vedic tradition, the oldest system of spirituality in the world. Despite the importance of sin the highest perfection of life does not come from only avoiding the bad. If it did, the roadmap in life would be pretty straightforward. Just steer clear of harmful influences and live happily. The key ingredient for spiritual merits, in finding bliss that transcends both good and bad, is to accept behavior that is all positive, having only a beneficial influence on the future. That acceptance comes through bhakti-yoga, or devotional service
Shrila PrabhupadaAre good and bad pretty much the same? This is the secret known to those who humbly submit before aspiritual master
, a guru who follows the teachings of his own spiritual master to perfection. The bona fide guru belongs to a chain of succession that originates at the Supreme Person. How do we know that there is an original person? Is this the mythical character we refer to as God? If God is the origin, who created Him? Obviously the human mind is incapable of comprehending concepts beyond its thinking power. Moreover, the thinking power of the human brain, even one belonging to the most intelligent person, is limited. Just the fact that we can’t recall every single sense perception we have ever made indicates a flaw. A person may be able to do quantum physics, but if they can’t remember things like what they ate for breakfast exactly one year ago to the day, they don’t have perfect knowledge.
Bearing this in mind, the existence of an original person, He who passes down supreme wisdom aimed at furthering a better position, must be accepted on faith in the beginning. Lest we think this is a dangerous road to travel, the practice of extending faith is already widely prevalent in society. Every single person puts tremendous faith in others, even those who are known to be unworthy of it. The politician is the classic example. Although they promise this and that, the constituents inherently know that their political leaders lie to get ahead, that they follow whatever line of argument suits them for a particular day. This is why the popularly elected governments are filled with lawyers. A good lawyer can argue any position, using the written words of existing law codes to support their argument. In this sense when a politician who is a lawyer by trade is called out for their duplicity, for their hypocrisy in statements, they are essentially being complimented, for their ability to change positions with conviction shows that they are good at practicing law.
Faith is extended to others because of the results that come from believing in them. We trust that what our teachers are instructing is valid. We don’t know any better; otherwise we would have no reason to sit in the classroom. We accept the statements made by the television news anchors and we believe that the video footage they show is not fabricated. Following a similar tact, when faith is extended to the words of the spiritual master belonging to a line of instruction connected to the original person, there are inherent benefits that must come about. The arrival of these benefits validates the authenticity of both the instructor and his original teacher.
This is where some issues arise. If a spiritual leader tells us that we’re going to hell if we don’t openly declare allegiance to a particular personality, the validity of their statement will not be known until the afterlife. If the existence of the afterlife is already in question, why would the fear of punishment in it be taken seriously? Thus we see one of the major causes for the rampant lack of religiosity pervading the land today. “Follow me or you’re going to hell”, doesn’t work as a selling point because there is no tangible information provided about the person being surrendered to or what the hellish condition is. Moreover, why would punishment be coming to those who are kind, honest, decent and generally pious?
Bhagavad-gitaThe Vedas, through their mouthpieces of the scriptures and the words of those who follow the lessons from the texts of these works, reveal a lot more information about heaven, hell, sin, piety, and the ultimate purpose in life. The first instruction taught to aspiring transcendentalists is aham brahmasmi, which means “I am Brahman.” Is Brahman a person? Is Brahman a thing, some type of exalted post? Brahman is spirit. Why is it important to know this? Knowing that I am Brahman means that I have properly identified myself. In any other identification, there is a flaw, or at least a limitation. If a limit is introduced, there will come a point when enjoyment is checked. When enjoyment is checked we get an unpalatable situation, which means that we encounter our own mini version of hell.
How does this work exactly? Let’s suppose that I identify myself as a human being instead of Brahman. This seems like a broad enough generalization, something which transcends the sectarian boundaries formed off of religious tradition, skin color, nationality, etc. Essentially all of the ills caused by factional strife are rooted in false identification. If I know that I am a human being, these issues will go away, at least for me. The problem is that if I only identify as a human being, I might have the tendency to disrespect other forms of life. I may not have a problem killing an innocent cow
, a being who is kind enough to provide milk, which can then be used to create so many other products. The cow eats, sleeps, mates and defends. It has children that it cares for as well. What need would there be for me to unnecessarily kill it, especially when so much other food is available?
Thus far the flawed identification would result only in harm to other creatures, as needlessly killing a cow or other non-human life form seems like it wouldn’t carry any personal negative consequences. Man has dominion over the plants and lower animals. God made man superior for a reason, no? Karma becomes especially relevant in this area. Every action has a reaction, even if that reaction is not known. This fact is especially evident in the behavior of children. A young child has no idea that if they place their hand into a fire, they will get burned. Ignorance in this respect has no bearing on the consequence of the action. The fire will burn because that is what it is meant to do.
Similarly, just because the human being doesn’t know about karma doesn’t mean that they will be saved from the negative consequences to action. If we kill innocent creatures, we are bound to suffer the same fate in the future. This is only fair after all. There can be endless debates over what is fair and what is not, but in the end everything works out. Karma is the ultimate system of fairness. We just think that life is unfair because we don’t always see karma’s results or we forget about past transgressions. Sometimes the effects are short-lived and sometimes they manifest in the future, when the soul accepts another body.
“The humble sage, by virtue of true knowledge, sees with equal vision a learned and gentle brahmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a dog-eater [outcaste] .” (Lord Krishna
, 5.18)
Lord Krishna with cowsThe soul can accept new bodies? Here we start to uncover the importance in identifying oneself as Brahman. A unique aspect of Vedic teachings is that information about Brahman is presented. Not only are all human beings equal constitutionally, so are all living entities. A learned sage sees no difference between a gentle brahmana [priest], a cow, a dog, and a dog eater. It seems a little strange when you first hear of this, but there can be no doubt as to its validity. After all, not all human beings are the same. Some are tall, while others are short. Some are intelligent, while others are lacking mental acuity. This doesn’t mean that there is any inherent difference, for we all start from the same point in infancy.
The lower species are spirit souls who possess bodies not conducive to the development of consciousness. Residence in these forms can be considered punishment for bad behavior, or it can be taken as a sign of spiritual evolution, the gradual upward progression towards a human birth. But there is another aspect to identifying with Brahman besides having respect for other creatures. For starters, if we know that we are spirit soul, we will be better able to learn about karma, material nature, the difference between body and spirit, and the equality of good and bad. These truths are very nicely presented in the Bhagavad-gita, the most concise and wonderful discourse on spirituality ever held on this earth.
Since we are Brahman and not our body, any temporary situation cannot be considered worthwhile or detrimental. What does this mean exactly? If I get time off from work should I not be happy? If I get stricken with a debilitating disease should I not be sad? Since spirit is transcendental to matter, none of these situations are permanent. Do we get sad at the onset of winter? Do we have tremendous elation when summer comes? The wise person knows that the seasons will come and go each year, so there is no reason for overexcitement or dejection. In either direction, the reaction is tempered because of the guaranteed delivery of the future outcomes.
In a similar manner, every condition, either heavenly or hellish, is temporary and the result of karma. Spirit, or Brahman, is above this, though when there is an improper identification, concepts such as good and bad are accepted. It is on this plane that most systems of spirituality hover. “Pray to the Lord, for He will grant your request. This day is going to be good; God will give you what you want. Pray to God and He will hear you and make your life successful.” Granted, these are wonderful practices, as the worshiping mind is dedicated to someone who is above Brahman. At the same time, what is it that we’re praying for? If it’s a temporary condition, we know that it has nothing to do with our identity. Both good and bad are the same for as long as the spirit soul identifies with the body.
It is where to go next that the spiritualists following Vedic traditions diverge in their opinions. If we’re Brahman, obviously we have no business with material nature. Hence to remain Brahman realized, the proper course of action is to negate. Renounce activities which are reserved for the bodily conditioned, those identifying with temporary forms. This means that one should give up intoxication
illicit sex
 and meat eating, for these carry negative consequences in karma and also harm the consciousness. If our mind is feverishly engaged in something that only brings flickering happiness, how will we stay Brahman realized?
Lord KrishnaThose who follow bhakti-yoga, however, know that negation is not the final destination. Brahman has spiritual tendencies, penchants for activity. Though we are all Brahman, it doesn’t mean that we lack individuality. That there can be spiritual variegatedness is known only to the bhaktas, or devotees. Who are they devoted to? While there is Brahman, there is also Parabrahman, or the Supreme Spirit. This is the person most of the world refers to as God. Since He is described as being above Brahman, already the Vedas provide more clarity about the Supreme Lord’s position. He is above Brahman, which means that He has more capabilities than the individual sparks of Brahman do.
What does this mean exactly? For starters, for Parabrahman there can never be a false identification. Everything is Him regardless, so how could He ever misidentify with something? But if everything is God, what need is there for worshiping? God has different energies, with even Brahman being one of them. The personal influence of the Supreme Person is only present in His internal energy. Material nature is an expansion that is made specifically for those sparks of Brahman desiring to be deluded into false identification and thus a false sense of enjoyment. Why would anyone want this? Just look around you. How many people worship God on a regular basis? How many people actually love Him? How many people balk at the mere mention of the word “religion” or “God”?
Hence the land we occupy is quite conducive to irreligiosity. If someone doesn’t want to worship God, why would the Lord keep them in His company against their will? In this way we see that karma continues for as long as a spirit soul desires it to. The temporary hellish and heavenly conditions repeat in a cycle, like a wheel that keeps spinning. Just from turning one’s back to God, the negative condition is automatically created. That we have to spin around this wheel of material existence is evidence enough of the hellish condition arising from forgetfulness of our constitutional position.
In addition to being above material nature, Brahman is naturally attracted to Parabrahman. This attraction results in service, as that is the ideal situation for both parties. One side is meant to be served and the other is meant to provide that service, voluntarily. If Brahman is not fully convinced of the need to serve Parabrahman, no bliss can result. In this respect we see that negation of harmful activities cannot possibly provide the final solution in life, for there will be no interaction with the Supreme Lord. The next step into bhakti must be made in order for spiritual life to fully mature.
Radha and KrishnaWhat does bhakti involve? As Parabrahman is transcendentally situated above all of His component energies, He has His own features. He is blissful, knowledgeable and eternal. He has sportive tendencies which require spiritual forms. The sportive exploits need participants as well. Obviously the Lord will choose only the most exalted devotees with which to enjoy. Hence our ideal position becomes quite clear. Follow the path of devotion and become one of these associates. Always in the company of the Lord, one can bask in the transcendental sweetness that emanates from the Supreme Person.
The absolute nature of the Supreme Lord provides that wonderful gift of association even to those who lack God’s personal presence. In bhakti, just thinking of God - His sweet smiling face, the sounds of His flute, the beauty of His figure - is as good as being in front of Him. God plays a flute? In His original form the Lord is described as being all-attractive; hence He is addressed as Krishna. Not to be confused with a sectarian figure or local folk hero, Krishna is the same God that everyone either worships or forgets. It is not that there is one God for the Hindus and another God for another group. Not everyone may know what He looks like or that He is Parabrahman, but this doesn’t mean that there are multiple personalities.
Krishna is so kind that He even expands into many non-different forms, such as Lord Vishnu
 and Hisavataras
. The personal expansions are equally as approachable as Krishna, but the prerequisite of adopting the bhakti mindset is still there. One has to know that negation is not enough, that positive action in bhakti is what should be accepted wholeheartedly. The best way to connect with Krishna is to regularly chant His names found in the sacred maha-mantra, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
”. Lest we think this is some strange sequence of words aimed only at curbing negative influences, one who follows a chanting
 regimen coupled with abstention from sinful behavior gradually realizes Krishna’s presence in their life. This means that deliverance from hellish life is found within the current lifetime. Heavenly pleasure is also found, as nothing can be more pleasing than constant connection with God in yoga.
Lord KrishnaShri Krishna is the positive form, for He has a transcendental body. He possesses mutually contradictory attributes, something unfathomable to the human mind. If these facts are accepted with a little faith in the beginning, they will be realized with full confidence eventually from within. The prescriptions provided by the Krishna devotee are validated by the resultant effects. Negation of bhakti activities is always harmful, as it leaves the Brahman realized soul stuck in a world of nothingness. Though such a world is free of misery, it is also free of bliss, which is what the soul craves. Accepting the positive form of Krishna’s beautiful face and the sounds of His names is so potent that it can automatically take care of the renunciation aspect. One who follows bhakti-yoga thinks of Krishna and His pleasure all the time. Thus what time is there left for indulgence in negative behavior, in forming material attachments? Through His association Krishna proves that He is above good and bad, that He can provide transcendental happiness that never has to vanish.
In Closing:
Who am I, what am I supposed to be?
With my eyes my temporary form all I can see.
Identify as human being, how is that bad?
From this no prejudice can be had.
Vedas say that Brahman realization is higher,
That spirit is same from species human to lower.
From Brahman we know that body we are not,
An existence beyond duality we have got.
To stay realized, material attachment we negate,
At the same time influence of senses we try to abate.
Yet beyond Brahman knowledge there is more,
Sublime bliss we have got existence for.
Reservoir of sweetness, Krishna is Brahman’s source,
Connect with Him to let real love show its course.
Only through bhakti realize the positive form,
The soul’s constitutional position it does inform.

Erasing Signs of Aging in Human Cells Now a Reality

Reprogramming elderly senescent cells. (Credit: Image courtesy of INSERM)                                                       Science Daily  — Scientists have recently succeeded in rejuvenating cells from elderly donors (aged over 100). These old cells were reprogrammed in vitro to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) and to rejuvenated and human embryonic stem cells (hESC): cells of all types can again be differentiated after this genuine "rejuvenation" therapy. The results represent significant progress for research into iPSC cells and a further step forwards for regenerative medicine.

Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are undifferentiated multiple-function cells. They can divide and form all types of differentiated adult cells in the body (neurons, cardiac cells, skin cells, liver cells, etc.). Since 2007, a handful of research teams across the world have been capable of reprogramming human adult cells into induced pluripotent cells (iPSC), which have similar characteristics and potential to human embryonic stem cells (hESC). This kind of reprogramming makes it possible to reform all human cell types without the ethical restrictions related to using embryonic stem cells.Inserm's AVENIR "Genomic plasticity and aging" team, directed by Jean-Marc Lemaitre, Inserm researcher at the Functional Genomics Institute (Inserm/CNRS/Université de Montpellier 1 and 2) performed the research. The results were published in Genes & Development on November 1, 2011.
Until now, research results demonstrated that senescence (the final stage of cellular aging) was an obstacle blocking the use of this technique for therapeutic applications in elderly patients. Today, Inserm researcher Jean-Marc Lemaitre and his team have overcome this obstacle. The researchers have successfully rejuvenated cells from elderly donors, some over 100 years old, thus demonstrating the reversibility of the cellular aging process.
To achieve this, they used an adapted strategy that consisted of reprogramming cells using a specific "cocktail" of six genetic factors, while erasing signs of aging. The researchers proved that the iPSC cells thus obtained then had the capacity to reform all types of human cells. They have the physiological characteristics of "young" cells, both from the perspective of their proliferative capacity and their cellular metabolisms.
A cocktail of six genetic factors...
Researchers first multiplied skin cells (fibroblasts) from a 74 year-old donor to obtain the senescence characterized by the end of cellular proliferation. They then completed the in vitro reprogramming of the cells. In this study, Jean-Marc Lemaitre and his team firstly confirmed that this was not possible using the batch of four genetic factors (OCT4, SOX2, C MYC and KLF4) traditionally used. They then added two additional factors (NANOG and LIN28) that made it possible to overcome this barrier.
Using this new "cocktail" of six factors, the senescent cells, programmed into functional iPSC cells, re-acquired the characteristics of embryonic pluripotent stem cells.
In particular, they recovered their capacity for self-renewal and their former differentiation potential, and do not preserve any traces of previous aging. To check the "rejuvenated" characteristics of these cells, the researchers tested the reverse process. The rejuvenated iPSC cells were again differentiated to adult cells and compared to the original old cells, as well as to those obtained using human embryonic pluripotetent stem cells (hESC).
"Signs of aging were erased and the iPSCs obtained can produce functional cells, of any type, with an increased proliferation capacity and longevity," explains Jean-Marc Lemaitre who directs the Inserm AVENIR team.
…tested on cells taken from donors over the age of 100
The results obtained led the research team to test the cocktail on even older cells taken from donors of 92, 94 and 96, and even up to 101 years old. "Our strategy worked on cells taken from donors in their 100s. The age of cells is definitely not a reprogramming barrier." He concluded. "This research paves the way for the therapeutic use of iPS, insofar as an ideal source of adult cells is provided, which are tolerated by the immune system and can repair organs or tissues in elderly patients." adds the researcher.


Do you feel like your job is just dragging along. Find ways to make it interesting again! These top tips will make your time at work more exciting and possibly propel your career forward!
Payscale suggests…
  1. Improve relations with your boss.
    Your direct supervisor is one of the most important people in your professional life. But sometimes that relationship feels strained. Get back into his or her good graces by observing them in action and figuring out what makes them tick, suggests Katherine Reynolds Lewis, a workplace journalist for and The Fiscal Times. “So often managers have so little time to do the management so you have to have manage up,” she says. Ask them if you can schedule a weekly check-in meeting. Or if they’re more spontaneous, strike up a conversation and subtly work in your latest accomplishments. “Don’t assume that your boss knows when you’ve done a great job,” urges Lewis.
  2. Beat procrastination or lateness.
    If you’re someone who struggles with tardiness or procrastination, then Victoria Ashford, Fearless Career coach, suggests owning up to the weakness and enlisting coworkers to help you stay accountable. “The biggest hindrance is not having a good support system,” she explains. “Tell people, ‘This is a problem for me’ and get them to share their techniques.” Understanding the consequences can also help. “If you’re not there on time, the door gets closed for a meeting,” says Ashford, “and the embarrassment of you peeking through the glass reinforces the need to be on time.”
  3. Set goals for yourself.
    So many workers focus on slogging through the workday that they forget to set goals. But Steve Frank, a Personal & Business Motivation, says it’s important to set goals and write them down. “Then break your goals down into smaller goals so you have things to celebrate along the way,” he adds. If you work in HR and your goal is to reduce turnover by 30%, then first think about how you can reduce it by 10% or 15%, and reward yourself for hitting those milestones.

Factors that make food prices fluctuate

Here are the top 5 factors that make food prices fluctuate. Do any of these affect food prices where you live? Which ones? Don't forget to mention your country!

300 Years of FOSSIL FUELS in 300 Seconds

Fossil fuels have powered human growth and ingenuity for centuries. Now that we're reaching the end of cheap and abundant oil and coal supplies, we're in for an exciting ride. While there's a real risk that we'll fall off a cliff, there's still time to control our transition to a post-carbon future.

A deeper analysis of the crises we face, and possible solutions we can work on right now can be had HERE:

The Story of Electronics (2010)

employs the Story of Stuff style to explore the high-tech revolution's collateral damage—25 million tons of e-waste and counting, poisoned workers and a public left holding the bill. Host Annie Leonard takes viewers from the mines and factories where our gadgets begin to the horrific backyard recycling shops in China where many end up. The film concludes with a call for a green 'race to the top' where designers compete to make long-lasting, toxic-free products that are fully and easily recyclable.

Our production partner on the electronics film is the Electronics TakeBack Coalition, which promotes green design and responsible recycling in the electronics industry.

Rebuilding Business and Investment in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone

With World Bank support, Sierra Leone has implemented reforms creating nearly 6,000 new businesses and 15,000 jobs. A short movie illustrates the success advisory work in conflict-affected states can yield. First hand interviews with small business owners and government officials describe the context of the reform program as well as remaining challenges.

Indian Governement Files Biopiracy Lawsuit Against Monsanto

Representing one of the most agriculturally bio-diverse nations in the world, India has become a primary target for biotechnology companies like Monsanto and Cargill to spread their genetically modified (GM) crops into new markets. However, a recent France 24 report explains that the Indian government has decided to take an offensive approach against this attempted agricultural takeover by suing Monsanto for "biopiracy," accusing the company of stealing India's indigenous plants in order to re-engineer them into patented varieties.

Brinjal, also known in Western nations as eggplant, is a native Indian crop for which there are roughly 2,500 different unique varieties. Millions of Indian farmers grow brinjal, used in various Indian food dishes, and the country grows more than a quarter of the world's overall supply of the vegetable.

shirdi sai baba chant

Monday, November 7, 2011

Top 10 Most expensive Mouse

1-SpacePilot Pro 3D navigation mouse
3Dconnexions SpacePilot Pro 3D mouse was nearly is a dream mouse. This 3D mouse is designed to provide freedom in design work and for comfort in handling and 3D applications. The mouse design is also gelled perfect for advanced MCAD Navigation that's well supported by the intelligent function keys. The game-pad styled mice with soft-coated wrist rest, houses fully customizable five dual-function keys that access both primary and secondary functions. SpacePilot Pro adorns a color LCD to display function key assignments with direct access to MS Outlook mail, calendar and other task list, allowing the user to use the important applications and gain important information without many hassles. To be made available with compatible drivers for Windows XP, Vista, Linux and Solaris 8 and 10, the anti-Mac SpacePilot Pro would ship for $499.

2-Orbita wireless 3-axis mouse
The Orbita Mouse is the world's first wireless 3-axis mouse for a wide variety of chores, and a unique cylindrical design with a jog wheel for horizontal scrolling. With a resolution of 800DPI, the Orbita is a fully integrated intuitive and ergonomic control center. Using its ability to rotate from left to right to scroll, instead of the vertical up and down scrolling, the wireless cylindrical mouse is an incredible make, touting of 2.4GHz zero lag wireless communication. Given the quick and precise scrolling capability, with zoom and low cost jog, the mouse can help you scroll through documents more easily and in an improved manner. Integrated with a compass for 3D movement, it will control both 3 dimensional and general applications along with providing media editing facility. Embedded with Mac and PC compatibility, the Orbita comes tagged with a USB charging base.

3-Steampunk Paradox Mouse
Paradox Mouse is a piece of genus from Daniel Pon. Groomed in the magnificence of brass, bolts, gears, wood and vintage typewriter keys, there isn't really anything that lags in its contribution to supplement to the making of a mouse, intended to go along the modded keyboard and monitor. Shaped to mimic the a real mouse itself, Pon has carved the Paradox Mouse in LEDs with extra peripherals like a mouse skull, spine and shoulder blades, but all so efficiently embedded. Pon has a perfect custom mouse pad made to go with the insane mouse.

To lure the vulnerable consumers and other who're fed up with the orthodox styled mice and the trouble associated with them, a Canadian firm, Deanmark Ltd has introduced the AirMouse – that can be worn like a glove. Equipped with optical tracking laser, that last for a week on single charge, the mouse has been clinically tested to work by aligning itself with the user's hand and wrist ligaments to keep the hand in a neutral position, thus minimizing the excessive force required to function by the ordinary styled mice. Because, the AirMouse makes hand movement more easy and swift, it also enhances upon the user's mousing speed and accuracy.

5-Mad Catz Cyborg R.A.T. gaming mouse
Cyborg R.A.T. gaming mouse is created by the geniuses at Mad Catz. Uniform in design but realistically outrageous in general with all those buttons and knobs all around its body, the sleek and black mice would be made available for our gaming desires sometime this spring. In case the gamer in you is confused with how comfy these are, it'll be fitting to snatch words from the maker's mouth and give to you as "most comfortable gaming mice you'll ever use." The Mad Catz USB powered Cyborg R.A.T. gaming mouse offering 3200 dpi laser, to 5600 dpi laser fully adjustable, programmable technology would be available on four versions ranging from $50 to $130.

6-Optical Mouse with LEDs
This USB mouse with integrated LEDs and fan to cool your palm is the only mouse flaunting its own remote. The mouse offers standard 800pdi optical tracking, but to its novelty, with the remote to input messages of up to 12 characters it enjoys the basic diversity of sorts. If you are one of those busy souls who spend hours at the PC, the best feature of the mouse that you'll cherish would be the fans over the LEDs that'll keep blowing out air to keep your busy hand sweat-free, all for about $21 in Japan. 7-Ultra Slim Mouse Christened the MA-BTCARD, this ultra slim optical mouse is no burden to your mobility, it wouldn't occupy any space in your already cramped laptop bag. MA-BTCARD fits perfectly into the TypeII PC card slot in your notebook. The mouse is Bluetooth enabled, doing away with the wire ruckus, charging too isn't a snag – it can be charged in the PC slot itself and costs only $107.

8-Apple's Mighty Mouse
Apple's Mighty Mouse turns its back on the traditional scroll wheel and is equipped with a scroll area that gives the user control of the cursor movements merely by the change of the hand's posture. Minus buttons, the new mouse results in lesser hand strain for the user and has the added bonus of appearing translucent, sleek and stylish. The Mighty Mouse can provide audio feedback to the user concerning the rate at which the finger is moved over the active area. The area may also have haptic-like feedback features, which allow users to define the boundary of active surface area.

9-USB Wireless Finger Mouse
At the first look the wireless mouse that would fit onto the finger and had to be operated with the thumb brought apprehensions of straining the finger muscles, but the manufacturers of this wireless finger mouse assures us that this mouse is ergonomically designed. The USB Wireless Finger Mouse will reduce the desk space, anyway with laptops becoming thinner and touchscreen tablet PCs making their appearances the problem of space has already been solved. Nonetheless, a Wireless Finger Mouse could come handy with a continued usage time of 14 hours, 170 days of stand by time and capability of working from a 15meters distance. It has a built-in lithium-ion battery that takes 2 hours to be recharged. If you can support a 25g mouse on your finger that is heavier than any large ring on your finger then you can go for this mouse.

10-Mouser mouse
A unification of constructive technology and valuable construction, this computer mouse attracts the geek considering the multifaceted, comfortable and pleasant build we have in offer in this near original instrument. Designed by Andrey Chirkov, the mouser mouse is made in two materials with different qualities and texture. The pliable wood gives the mouse an artist retro look while the hard metallic frame used for the buttons gets it back to the modern manifestation. The buttons seems to be hanging in mid air, as the flowing form of the wood only helps the metal finish rest on the skillful body, while the original construction of the rolling wheel adds to the finishing details of the splendor

No One Like Him

King Janaka“In that city lives the leader of all men, Maharaja Janaka. He has every good quality, and during that time there was no other king like him.” (Janaki Mangala, Svayamvara Ki Taiyari, 6)
janaka nāma tehiṃ nagara basai naranāyaka|
saba guna avadhi na dūsara paṭatara lāyaka ||
Just as the people who came from far and wide were benefitted by visiting his kingdom for the most famous marriage in history, he who is sincerely interested in finding transcendental happiness and living in a place full of good qualities will find auspiciousness by mentally travelling to that wonderful place set in a specific time in history. Written word artistically presented to the author’s preferred style serves as an escape for the reader looking for one. Just as the perfect travel destination is one which matches the desires for activity and engagement of the traveller, the ideal mental home for the person looking to escape from their present surroundings full of constant ups and downs, which seemingly have no purpose, is a place full of good qualities meant to meet the soul’s innermost desires. The kingdom of Janakpur was that place for a famous Vaishnava poet around four hundred years ago and it remains a mental haven for those looking for transcendental pleasure today.
Why this town specifically? Moreover, in what time period are we situating the mind? In the above referenced verse from the Janaki Mangala, Goswami Tulsidas gives us a few reasons why the place in question is so attractive. During ancient times, the Treta Yuga to be more precise, there was a famous self-choice ceremony, or svayamvara, held for the princess of Videha, Sita Devi. Since she was the daughter of King Janaka, she was also known as Janaki. People from around the world travelled to Janaka’s capital city that day, hoping to witness history and see who would actually win the hand of the most beautiful woman in the world.
“My dear beautiful wife, what you have said is befitting the occasion and also indicative of the greatness of your family heritage. You are dearer to Me than My life, for you are My companion in the performance of religious duties [sadharma-charini].” (Lord Rama speaking to Sita Devi, Valmiki Ramayana, Aranya Kand, 10.21)
Sita DeviWhy such attention given to a wedding? Beautiful people get married all the time, so why was this event such a big deal? When married under sacred Vedic principles, the wife becomes the goddess of fortune to the husband, giving him the support he needs to carry out his religious duties. Ironically enough, the lady getting married at this self-choice ceremony would one day be described as a sadharma-charini by her husband. One who follows the principles of dharma is considered on the right path towards rekindling their constitutional position. The wife’s duty is to help the husband in that quest, for his success equates to hers as well. Therefore a good wife is a heavenly blessing, a person who reinforces dedication to dharma instead of breaking it.
In the verse previous to this one, Tulsidas remarked that Janakpur was sacred because the goddess of fortune herself had appeared there. Her appearance took place many years prior to the svayamvara, when the king of the land found a young baby girl in the ground. Rather than just leave her there, he took her in as his own daughter. He did not know that she was Lakshmi Devi, the wife of Lord Narayana in the spiritual sky. She had appeared on earth to act as Rama’s support system. Shri Rama is the very same Narayana, except in the guise of a warrior prince. Narayana is the source of all men; hence He is God.
All living creatures have an original source. Depending on the spiritual tradition followed, that source is given a specific name or referred to as an impersonal force. The Vedas, the ancient scriptures of India, provide as much detail into this matter as can possibly be absorbed by the human brain. Imagine trying to explain traffic signals and the rules of the road to a young child. It’s not possible to convey the ins and outs about insurance rates, driving tendencies, and the need for regulation in a hectic environment to someone who is immature. You can only explain to them as much information as their maturity level will allow them to accept.
Lord VishnuMan’s thinking is constrained by the concepts of time and space. We have no idea what eternal, orsanatana, means. Just try to sit down and contemplate what having no beginning and no end actually entails. Moreover, try to picture what it’s like to keep travelling in space and never reach an end. These are brain teasers that cannot be solved. Well aware of this limitation, the sacred texts that emanate from the original person, who is sanatana both in the duration of His existence and the scope and breadth of His pervasiveness, provide as much detail as man can handle. Since we are fallible human beings that have a source, the name Narayana automatically becomes one way to address God.
To show others what Narayana looks like, what His qualities actually are, and how one can interact with Him, the Supreme Lord descends to earth every now and then. His closest associates come as well, for God is never bereft of His energies. His wife is the best wife in the world; which automatically means that Narayana is the most fortunate. Naturally, only the most fortunate person would always be graced with the presence of the goddess of fortune.
Based on her qualities, Sita’s appearance turned the kingdom of Tirahuta, now commonly known as the areas of Janakpur and its neighboring towns, into a sacred land, a place of pilgrimage. Yet her divinity wasn’t known to the world at the time. Nevertheless, throngs of people came to Tirahuta for hersvayamvara. What was the reason for this? Janaka himself was a famed leader of men. When discussing ancient historical events, the Vedas refer to the kings by names which describe them to be the ruler of all men, the lord of men, the protector of earth, and so on. This shows that the kings during those times had large responsibilities that extended far beyond their local community. They had to be respected throughout the world to be considered good kings.
JanakaFrom the above referenced verse, we see that not only was Janaka the holder of every good quality, but there was actually no other king like him during his time. For starters, he had Sita as a daughter. The goddess of fortune chose him as a father during her time on earth. Obviously he must have been someone special. Janaka was also deferent to dharma, so much so that no one could find a flaw in him.
Though Janaka was the ocean of good qualities, he never rested on his laurels.  He never thought that he had already accumulated enough pious credits. Rather, he was always worried about inviting scorn and ridicule from others, for that would tarnish the good standing of the kingdom. When it came time for Sita’s marriage, the king faced the most difficult decision of his life. For starters, since she was the goddess of fortune in her qualities, Janaka did not want to give Sita away and lose her. Secondly, nothing was known about Sita’s time of birth, which meant that her qualities determined by astrological signs could not be compared to any prospective matrimonial candidate’s; there was no horoscope to look at. The ancient system of Vedic astrology was so perfect that simply from matching the horoscopes of the boy and girl a perfect match in marriage could be found.
“Even if a father be like Indra himself on this earth, he obtains ill treatment from the people in general, both subordinates and superiors, if he keeps his daughter unmarried.” (Maharaja Janaka, Valmiki Ramayana, Ayodhya Kand, 118.35)
Janaka had legitimate reasons supporting the option of keeping Sita unmarried. Nevertheless, that wouldn’t stop others from criticizing him, for a father who does not protect his daughter after he leaves the earth has failed in his obligations. The daughter is a younger dependent, so the good father finds a suitable husband to protect her in life. Ever the pious king, Janaka left the matter up to Lord Shiva, who would determine Sita’s husband through the proxy of his bow. Having a famous bow that was so heavy that no one could lift it, Janaka decided to hold a contest to decide Sita’s marriage. Whoever could lift Shiva’s bow would win Sita as a wife.
King JanakaJanaka was also famous for his mastery over mystic yoga. He had so much transcended the effects of the senses that he was known as Videha, or one who is without a body. The body is our vehicle for action, and as is true of any vehicle, the body carries some limitations. An automobile must be carefully constructed and then regularly maintained to operate properly. The car cannot just drive forever either; it needs to be filled up with gasoline every now and then. Similarly, the human body needs food, rest, clothing and shelter. With these needs come other influences that aren’t so kind. The tendencies towards illicit sex, meat eating, gambling and intoxication are rooted in attachment to a body which does not represent one’s true identity.
Though the soul is immune to the effects of the body, actually mitigating the negative influence of the senses is very difficult. It requires expert practice of yoga, the bona fide kind which is meant to connect the soul with the Supreme Soul, or God’s expansion residing within the heart. From connection with the divine consciousness comes freedom from the effects of the senses. Janaka was above passion, and yet was totally deferent to his duties as a king. The two seem diametrically opposed to one another, as the appeal to being a king is having the ability to get whatever you want whenever you want it. Janaka did not want anything, and yet he was the perfect king, one so glorious that there was no other like him on earth.
Transcendental pleasure has nothing to do with the body, and this was proven by Janaka and his behavior. He was bodiless but he still felt delighted to have Sita as his daughter. In fact, his control over the senses made him all the more eligible to appreciate Sita’s qualities and those of her soon-to-be husband. If consciousness is always in the gutter, how can it appreciate something sweet and sublime? Only when the senses are purified can the individual fully appreciate talks and discussions about Narayana and His many adventures on earth. For the mind looking for a pleasant escape, the sacred land ruled over by King Janaka is never a bad place to go. On that fateful day many thousands of years ago, the leader with so many good qualities would be rewarded for his piety by getting Narayana Himself as a son-in-law. The sequence of events too was a thing of beauty, something so wonderful that the mind can repeatedly go back to that day and continually derive renewed pleasure. Let the mind of him who is searching for God never forget King Janaka and his wonderful daughter, Sita Devi, the goddess of fortune and eternal consort of Lord Rama, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
In Closing:
From anger, vice, attachment and greed,
Was the famous King Janaka totally free.
From practicing yoga his detachment had grown,
Yet had love for Sita when he found her all alone.
So famous was the leader of men during his time,
That for daughter’s marriage people arrived in a line.
To see her wed the man to lift Lord Shiva’s bow,
They came from far and wide, thus anticipation did grow.
Send the mind back to that famous time and place,
Remember King Janaka and daughter of pleasing face.
To follow material or spiritual life we have the choice,
Just think of God and His devotees for heart to rejoice.