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Wednesday, November 2, 2011


How to Build a Solar Bottle Bulb 2.0 ( Updated English Version)

Thanks to Marco Bieman from Bieman Production Haus Inc. Video Directing and Editing
63-02-5029766 &
Joy Aquino for Visual Directing. Amazing WORK !

1) Always scratch the sides of the bottle to create better grip to the sealant. The top part where the bottle meets the metal is the leak point in the build so use industrial strength sealant (epoxy or DOW Corning 791) on the top and bottom if possible.

2) Always put a protective cover over the bottle cap as the suns rays tend to make the original bottle cap brittle and a crack in the bottle cap will allow the water in the bottle to leak during evaporation.

3) Always RIVET the metal sheet holder on to the roof.

4) DON't USE THIN METAL ROOFING SHEETS. there will be no bite on the plastic bottle and the different expansion rates will cause leaks later on. Go for thicker roof sheet.

Hate Me Now


Worship of Radha and Krishna“The symptoms of a sadhu are that he is tolerant, merciful and friendly to all living entities. He has no enemies, he is peaceful, he abides by the scriptures, and all his characteristics are sublime.” (Shrimad Bhagavatam
, 3.25.21)
“Dad, I hate you. I can’t believe you are making me do this. Mom, you’re the worst. You’re always nagging me and telling me to do this and do that. Why can’t you guys just leave me alone?” Every good parent has provoked these thoughts in their child at some point or another. How can one be considered a guardian if there is not some discipline involved? If the child knows how to behave all the time and what to do and what not to do, what need is there to even have a parent around? A guardian guards, irrespective of what the dependent thinks of that guardianship. Since accepting the responsibility of someone else’s welfare is very difficult to do, the behavior is considered a sacrifice, a sort of short-term absorption of punishment for the purpose of furthering a long-term goal. Because they accept a thankless task, the glories of a good parent are many.
Mother Yashoda with KrishnaWhy does the child harbor the above mentioned sentiments? It is the intrinsic nature of the spirit soul, the essence of identity, to crave freedom, to exercise its property of free will. The child has the least inhibitions because they just don’t know any better. Immaturity means not knowing about imminent death, the social etiquette pertinent to time and circumstance, or the fact that you’re not supposed to do certain things. Instead of following regulation, the penchant for the free exercise of activity takes over in full force, with the child automatically diving into any venture that piques its curiosity.
Obviously, following this mindset isn’t always the best choice. What if there is a fire around? Should the child look at the bright light and feel the inviting heat and decide to place its hand into the fire, they will get burned. Depending on the intensity of the fire, contact with it can be extremely detrimental. The same principle applies for poisonous substances found underneath the sink and electronic sockets located around the house. If you live in a multi-story dwelling, you’ll also want to keep the young children away from stairs, as they may not know how to ascend or descend them. The human body is not made to react well to a tumble down the stairs.
Overseeing the behavior of the children are the good parents, who are mature, so they know the do’s and don’ts, what the child can do and what they shouldn’t be involved in. A good parent will not worry about whether or not their dependent likes them during the period of this supervision. The only reason this needs mentioning is that not caring what others think about us is very difficult, especially when the person in question is a loved one. Who actually enjoys being hated, mocked, made fun of, or vilified? Unless you are playing the heel character in professional wrestling, jeers and curses thrown your way don’t put a smile on your face.
But the good parent makes the sacrifice. At some point in time, the child is going to hate them. This is a sign that discipline is being instilled, that boundaries are being set. One may argue, “Why punish children in this way? Shouldn’t their childhood be happy?” As in adulthood there is full freedom in the choice of endeavor, it is best to instill discipline when there is the chance. There is also a logical basis behind this. If a child is spoiled, they will have a difficult time coping with adult life. Chronic dependence on government and constant hatred and envy of the wealthy and those successful in life can only manifest through ignorance, not being taught the value of money, discipline, hard work and perseverance during youth. If your parents give you whatever you want growing up, how are you going to react when the people you meet in the real world don’t behave the same way? How are you going to react when you have to live without very much, when you have to implement some austerity measures?
schoolThe most important disciplinary system imposed upon the growing child is education. In America every child is compelled to attend school; such is the importance stressed on education. This is a disciplinary measure because the natural penchant for the child is to play all day, to sit in front of the television or go out and play games with their friends. Education is generally not accepted with open arms. “Why do I have to learn this? When am I going to need this in my life?”
But what does the child know? If they harbor hatred for authority figures simply because of the discipline they instill, is their anger well founded? If someone is angry at us because they are uninformed, and they won’t become fully informed until later on in life, should their anger be taken seriously? A good parent knows that later on in life their child will thank them for having been raised properly, for being shown the right path.
In the bigger picture, the entire purpose of human life can be fulfilled if there is proper discipline instilled and followed for all activities, not just those accepted during youth. In this respect, what is required is a spiritual teacher, who is known as the guru in the Vedic tradition. The Vedas are the ancient scriptures of India, but they should not be considered sectarian or even sentimentalist. There is devotion to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna
, expressed, but this is done to show everyone that the person they are meant to worship is full of form and all-attractive. Not that Krishna is the only form of Godhead or the insisted upon object of worship for the entire world, but He is the fully featured Supreme Person. The Vedas simply fill in the details omitted in other spiritual traditions about who is being worshiped.
Lord KrishnaMoreover, the Vedas provide intricate detail on how life should be managed, what the point to having an existence is, and how the nature around us can be utilized towards furthering the proper end. In a specific playing field, if the component objects are used properly, the objectives of the player can be furthered. For instance, in tennis the objects of the playing field are the racket, the tennis balls and the court. If these things are used properly, following the rules of the game, the player can increase their chances of victory. Similarly, in an office environment, the tools can be things like the computer, phone and coworkers. Proper interaction with these elements can help further the goal of increasing profit for the firm selling their particular good or service.
The Vedas are the only scriptural writings that account for the entire playing field, which consists of nothing more than many manifestations of matter. There is a difference between spiritual substance and material substance. Spirit is always superior to matter. Spirit is immutable, unchanging, undying and primeval. The spirit soul is the essence of identity, and it is not slain when the body is slain. These are the basic tenets provided nicely in the short, compact, and brilliant verses of the Bhagavad-gita, the Song of God sung by Krishna Himself on a battlefield of all places some five thousand years ago.
Understanding the differences between spirit and matter is very important. We can realize its importance by noting just how rare it is for this information to be taught to anyone. Something as basic as, “I am not my body; I am a spirit soul”, is unknown to most adult human beings, who are considered the most advanced species. That’s right, you live for decades in a world where you gather intelligence on everything from the stock market to quantum physics, yet you’re not informed about something as basic as the changing body. The dwelling you occupy changed completely since the time you emerged from the womb, yet somehow these changes don’t tickle the curiosity of the occupant. Instead, the interaction with matter and how to exploit it for sense interests are given precedent in thought.
That the properties of spirit are not well known shouldn’t surprise us. The Vedas even account for this deficiency in society. For many lifetimes the spirit soul has wandered through various body types. There are up to 8,400,000 different combinations of matter that the spirit soul can occupy. The human species is considered the most advanced because only the human being can take the necessary steps to understand spiritual science and use that king of all education to further the highest goal, to find the most potent form of happiness.
“Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the truth.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita
, 4.34)
Shrila PrabhupadaHow can this happen exactly? Just as the good parent makes the sacrifice of instilling discipline in their child at the cost of being hated every now and then, the spiritual master
, or guru, instructs their humble disciples in the matter of spiritual science, not caring what ill will is harbored by others, including their students. The parents make the sacrifice so that their children can grow up to be self-sufficient adults capable of handling the rigors of the real world. The guru similarly devotes their time so that their students will achieve full enlightenment by the time of death, and thus return to the imperishable land, where even the material substance is spiritual.
In the present world there is a difference between body and spirit. The body is constantly changing and it has nothing to do with our identity. If we get our hair cut, nothing has changed about us except our appearance. We can even lose all of our hair and nothing will be different about us, except for what others see when they look at us. You can actually take the same concept and apply it to every aspect of the body, including the entire collection of material elements. In this sense death is just the relinquishing of the body that has grown old, a form that has ceased being useful. In the case of premature death, it is understood that the laws of karma, which govern action and reaction, have determined that the particular body was no longer fit to be used.
Not to worry, though, as a future body is granted immediately. This occurs even within the same lifetime. We take specific actions which have consequences, either favorable or unfavorable. Weight loss is meant to shrink the body, while overeating expands it. Thus there is always a change going on. That the changes would stop at the time of death is a sentiment harbored only by those ignorant of the laws of spiritual science, which are so nicely presented in the Vedas. The bona fide spiritual master has studied Vedic science by following his own guru. The chain of gurus begins with Krishna, who first imparted sublime wisdom to the creator, Lord Brahma.
japa malaEven if one is unwilling to accept these pieces of information found in the Vedas, if they can somehow follow the prescriptions of the Vaishnava spiritual masters, they will find full auspiciousness. For the people of this age, who are short-lived and always distracted due to the lack of spiritual education, following all the rules and regulations of spiritual life is very difficult. Even accepting a spiritual master during youth almost never occurs. But the Vaishnavas, the devotees
 of Vishnu, the personal forms of the Lord, advise that we simply chant the holy names of the Lord as often as possible, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
”. Accompanying this recommendation is the restriction on meat eating, gambling
 and illicit sex
The chanting
 routine is more important, and its benefits shouldn’t be difficult to comprehend. We sing songs to feel pleasure and we dance when we are uninhibited in our feelings of elation. If the pleasure can be directed towards the Supreme Lord, who is everyone’s best friend, the true potential for bliss found within the soul can be untapped. The accompanying restrictions are there to increase sobriety and thus enhancethe devotional experience. Chanting is not the only assertive action but it is the most potent and easiest to instantiate. The most number of people can become liberated simply by hearing the transcendental sound vibrations that represent the Absolute Truth, He who is beyond the dualities of matter and spirit, love and hate, heat and cold, and happiness and sadness. Indeed, the spirit souls, who are part and parcel of God, are also the same as God constitutionally, but they can choose in favor of residence in a land ruled by ignorance.
The enlightened soul no longer has to live in a place where there is a difference between body and soul. The spiritual land is full of bliss because everyone there is fully God conscious, looking to meet the desires and wishes of the Supreme Lord. Bhakti-yoga, or devotional service
, a discipline which includes chanting and regulation in terms of avoidance of sinful behavior, can create heaven on earth when implemented properly. The guru makes the sacrifice by teaching their student how to do this. Obviously, the guru’s words will not be taken with a pleasant attitude all the time. If we need instruction, it means that we are ignorant. If we need discipline, it means that we are currently doing something wrong. If someone harshly criticizes us for our errant behavior, how will we not feel offended?
Shrila PrabhupadaBut the guru doesn’t care who he offends, because he speaks the truth. Because of this kind sacrifice his glories can never be fully appreciated. Behind every successful spiritualist is a guru who made the sacrifice to spread the glories of the Supreme Lord and bhakti-yoga. Behind every successful Vaishnava poet, lecturer, preacher, or teacher is a guru who followed their own guru’s teachings, taking the words instructed to them to heart. The heart is where the plenary expansion of Shri Krishna resides, so when the heart is purified, the chaitya-guru, the Lord from within, directs us along the proper path. He is always there to love us, but without following proper guidance we’ll continue to ignore His presence. The guru thinks, “Hate me or love me, but by following my prescriptions you will find the true happiness that only comes with Krishna’s association.” In this way the spiritual master is forever worthy of our honor and respect.
In Closing:
“Mom and dad, why are you making me do this?
Can’t I go play outside and that way find bliss?
You make me do this and that, and I hate it,
When giving these impositions will you quit?”
For reputation a good parent will not care,
Harsh words from dependents them do not scare.
In a similar manner guru the truth does he speak,
Knowledge of Krishna and spirituality does he teach.
Discipline required in one who does not have any,
Teacher must point out the defects which are many.
Love him or hate him, one thing guru knows,
That only from Krishna happiness grows.
World benefitted from the sacrifice he makes,
From guru’s teachings, supreme wisdom disciple takes.

Tissue-bank shortage: Brain child

Asking parents to donate a child's brain to research is emotionally fraught. Some researchers say that it is time to put aside the taboos.
Alison Abbott
Illustration by Gracia Lam
David Amaral wanted to watch the young brain take shape. He thought that studying post-mortem brains under the microscope would help him to work out why children with autism often have abnormalities in the key structures that drive emotion and behaviour. But he soon found that existing brain banks couldn't give him what he needed. "It's just too hard to get high-quality tissue," he says. The banks may contain hundreds or even thousands of brains — but not from children, and not necessarily in the best condition.
Amaral, who is director of research at the MIND (Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders) Institute at the University of California, Davis, is not the only scientist eager for access to brains from children. The crucial stages of brain development span early fetal life through to the end of the teenage years; and destructive neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and schizophrenia are thought to arise partly because of faulty connections laid down during this time. Many researchers want to apply new technologies, including increasingly sensitive molecular analyses and ever smarter microscopy, to developing brains to create a dynamic picture of what goes wrong.
When they succeed, the results can be breathtaking, says neuropathologist Joel Kleinman at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in Bethesda, Maryland. In work reported in this week's Nature1
, he and his colleagues applied genomic technologies to 269 brains spanning the human lifetime and revealed an extraordinary wave of changes in gene expression that occur as the human brain develops. "It's like I witnessed the poetry of birth," he says.
But experiences such as Kleinman's are rare, owing to the challenges of collecting and storing children's brains. Parents must give permission shortly after their child has died, a time of inconsolable grief, and fetal brains are available only after an abortion — an incendiary political issue as well as an emotionally painful one for the women involved. Biomedical organizations have been tiptoeing around the delicacies for a decade or more.
The solution, according to Amaral, is not complicated. Outreach programmes could be aimed at the coroners who conduct autopsies as well as at the families of children with brain disorders. They could explain the research value of donated brains and encourage families to sign up to a donor registry. A network of brain-collection centres around the United States could ensure that brains are preserved quickly. And centralized governance of the banks could direct tissue from each donated brain towards as much high-quality research as possible. "All it needs is for someone to take ownership of the issue," Amaral says.

That ownership may now be emerging from advocacy groups for neurodevelopmental disorders. "I know there has been a lot of talk and no action till now," says neuroscientist Robert Ring, vice-president of translational research at Autism Speaks, a research and advocacy organization based in New York. So Ring is pushing forward plans for a bank along the lines Amaral suggests. "Give us one year and we'll have developed a collaborative model with the scientific community," he says.
Only two major brain banks store brains from children or fetuses and distribute them to the research community at large. One is run by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and held at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore; the other, called the Autism Tissue Program, is run by Autism Speaks and is hosted at the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center in Belmont, Massachusetts.
At most brain banks, including the NICHD's, personnel typically call the local coroner's office each morning. If a child is to be autopsied, they ask the office's permission to contact the family and request the brain for research. But the few coroner's offices involved can collect only a small amount of tissue. The Autism Tissue Program depends more on families that get in touch when they experience such a bereavement. Experts then go out to retrieve and prepare the brain. As the programme collects brains from across the United States, this often means a long journey. Ideally, though, the brain should be acquired quickly after death to minimize the breakdown of proteins and other molecules that researchers might wish to study. Other factors also influence tissue integrity, such as how soon after death a body is refrigerated and whether the person died slowly and painfully, as scientists have shown that this alters gene expression in the brain, making it less useful for research.
Collecting fetal brains is also hard. Brains from spontaneous abortions can't be used for research because the fetus has generally been dead for many hours before it is expelled. In fact, brains can be collected from abortions only when labour has been induced medically, because surgical procedures tend to damage the tissue.
Neither the NICHD bank nor the Autism Tissue Program bank — which together hold nearly 1,300 brains from people aged 19 and under — can meet the demand from researchers. Neuroscientist H. Ronald Zielke, director of the NICHD bank, says that he turns down 20% of requests for tissue because of a lack of material. In particular, this and other brain banks are running critically short — or have run out — of the brain areas that are the most interesting for research into developmental disorders, says Zielke. That includes the amygdala, which processes emotion, and the prefrontal cortex, which processes other cognitive and social behaviours. A brain bank, like any tissue repository, is also very expensive to run — the annual direct costs for the NICHD bank come to US$900,000.
To get around the shortage, some researchers have built up collections for their own use. Kleinman's research on gene expression drew on a collection that he heads at the NIMH. A similar study in this week's Nature2
, led by Nenad Šestan from the Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut, and with Kleinman as a co-author, drew in part on a collection that Šestan has generated at Yale. Their study showed the dramatic changes in gene expression that occur before and shortly after birth (see 'Brain waves'
). Neonatologist David Rowitch at the University of California, San Francisco, began a collection of brains at his hospital, which led to a paper published in last week's Nature3
 showing that the migration of 'progenitor' cells between two brain structures seen in infants slows down after the age of 18 months and has almost disappeared by adulthood. He began collecting brains in 2008 with the support of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Chevy Chase, Maryland, and now has more than 100, most of which are from very young babies.
These studies show how valuable such collections can be, but both Rowitch and Šestan describe the process of creating and running their own banks as "a big headache" because of the bureaucracy associated with handling human material. Šestan says that he would feel "much more comfortable" if the National Institutes of Health (NIH) were to run his collection. "It's a huge effort for a small group and the NIH could do something on a larger scale," he says.

Putting brains together

In fact, neuroscientists have been proposing for years that the NIH take a leading role in establishing a network of collection centres and standardizing methods for brain collection and preservation.
In July last year, Autism Speaks and the other major US foundation that funds autism work, the Simons Foundation in New York, made a formal proposal to the NIMH for a public–private partnership to collect brains from children with and without autism. The idea is that the advocacy groups would engage in intensive outreach efforts to potential donors, particularly families who have a child with autism, and the NIH would fund and manage the bank.
The NIH, though, has been slow to commit. Ring, who moved from the drug giant Pfizer to Autism Speaks in June this year and has the can-do air of someone used to industry deadlines, sees "a unique opportunity for the foundations to take on a leadership role". His organization and the Simons Foundation are now in discussions with scientists to get agreement on scientific standards for the bank. He says that multiple collection centres will help to overcome geographical logistics, shortening the time from death to collection, for example.
Thomas Insel, director of the NIMH, says that the NIH already supports 11 brain banks related to different neurological disorders, and would like to adopt "a rational overall strategy rather than simply adding another boutique brain bank to the list". He says that the NIH has now agreed in principle, at least, to create a 'neurobiobank' that would include both adult and children's brains. Although no firm plans have been released, the bank would probably have multiple collection points (the agency's existing tissue banks would become 'nodes'), but centralized oversight and tissue distribution. That is essentially what the advocacy groups want.
However the banks are organized, the agonizing task of approaching bereaved families will remain. Yet autism researcher Cynthia Schumann, who earlier this year became director of an effort by the MIND Institute to start a bank of its own, says that her first encounters with families who choose to donate were eye-opening. "I have been blown away by how parents have thanked us — for helping them to handle grief with the opportunity to give something back to help autism research," she says. Schumann, like counsellors at Autism Speaks, has also spent time educating affected families about autism research. "Parents often agree to sign up to a registry, and to encourage other families to sign up too," she says. So the reluctance to ask parents about acquiring their children's brains, she thinks, may be ill-founded.
That seems to be reflected in the experience of Valerie Hund, who donated the brain of her 16-year-old son, Grayson, to the MIND Institute after he died in January. Grayson had autism and epilepsy, and had died during a seizure. Hund says that a neighbour was a board member of the MIND Institute, and that her elder daughter had thought to call him shortly after Grayson died. The donation, says Hund, "helped me to cope through the process. I'm happy that Grayson is a pioneer in this."
Hund says she thinks that the institute's programme for raising awareness on brain and tissue banking is important. "It would have been easier for us if we had thought about donation in advance — but that is the last thing on your mind." 
See Editorial page 427

Alison Abbott is Nature's senior European correspondent.


  1. Colantuoni, C. et alNature 478, 519-523 (2011). | Article
  2. Kang, H. J. et alNature 478, 483-489 (2011). | Article
  3. Sanai, N. et alNature 478, 382-386 (2011). | Article
     | PubMed
     | ChemPort
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Robert Karl Stonjek