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Friday, October 28, 2011

Curiosity doesn't kill the student

 Psychology & Psychiatry 
(Medical Xpress) -- Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it’s good for the student. That’s the conclusion of a new study published in Perspectives in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The authors show that curiosity is a big part of academic performance. In fact, personality traits like curiosity seem to be as important as intelligence in determining how well students do in school.
Intelligence is important to academic performance, but it’s not the whole story. Everyone knows a brilliant kid who failed school, or someone with mediocre smarts who made up for it with hard work. So psychological scientists have started looking at factors other than intelligence that make some students do better than others.
One of those is conscientiousness—basically, the inclination to go to class and do your homework. People who score high on this personality trait tend to do well in school. “It’s not a huge surprise if you think of it, that hard work would be a predictor of academic performance,” says Sophie von Stumm of the University of Edinburgh in the UK. She co-wrote the new paper with Benedikt Hell of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland and Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic of Goldsmiths University of London.
von Stumm and her coauthors wondered if curiosity might be another important factor. “Curiosity is basically a hunger for exploration,” von Stumm says. “If you’re intellectually curious, you’ll go home, you’ll read the books. If you’re perceptually curious, you might go traveling to foreign countries and try different foods.” Both of these, she thought, could help you do better in school.
The researchers performed a meta-analysis, gathering the data from about 200 studies with a total of about 50,000 students. They found that curiosity did, indeed, influence academic performance. In fact, it had quite a large effect, about the same as conscientiousness. When put together, conscientiousness and curiosity had as big an effect on performance as intelligence.
von Stumm wasn’t surprised that curiosity was so important. “I’m a strong believer in the importance of a hungry mind for achievement, so I was just glad to finally have a good piece of evidence,” she says. “Teachers have a great opportunity to inspire curiosity in their students, to make them engaged and independent learners. That is very important.”
Employers may also want to take note: a curious person who likes to read books, travel the world, and go to museums may also enjoy and engage in learning new tasks on the job. “It’s easy to hire someone who has the done the job before and hence, knows how to work the role,” von Stumm says. “But it’s far more interesting to identify those people who have the greatest potential for development, i.e. the curious ones.”
Provided by Association for Psychological Science
"Curiosity doesn't kill the student." October 27th, 2011.

Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

Enabling Open Government

John Hogg/The World Bank
Globally, increasingly vigilant and vocal civil society groups—important actors in the new multilateralism—are demanding that companies publish what they pay in revenues, aid agencies publish what they fund, and governments publish what they spend. In middle-income and poorer countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, less well resourced, but equally passionate, local advocacy groups are demanding that governments formally enshrine their right to access government information in law. In the United States, technology visionaries are emphasizing a new paradigm of collaborative governance, and “civic groups are taking advantage of new technologies to shine the light of greater transparency on government from afar.”
These, and many similar initiatives around the world, reflect a renewed and heightened focus on openness, transparency, and citizen participation in the discourse and practice of governance. This idea of open government stresses information sharing and participation, rather than discretion and secrecy, as foundations of good and effective governance. Development aid agencies are also increasingly responsive to these trends. For instance, the World Bank Group’s Governance and Anticorruption Strategy, launched in 2007 and now being updated, provides that the Bank will “…scale up its work with interested governments to strengthen transparency in public policy making and service provision.”
For work on international development, a few key issues stand out:
  • One, the momentum of technology, and shifting boundaries of power between states and citizens creates new demands on governments, on all governments, not only in rich countries, to be inclusive and open.
  • Two, mirroring an earlier generation of social monitoring tools, innovative technology-enabled tools for openness are emerging in developing countries, highlighting the need to catalyze innovations in local settings, rather than transplanting ready-made solutions.
  • Three, the push for open government is coming from civil society advocacy, but is fundamentally about the way the government functions, and will require government systems to integrate principles of transparency and voice.

Innovations in technologies for managing, communicating, and sharing information have been powerful drivers of social change. Print and broadcast media made democracy possible at the scale and size of modern nation states. And the new wave of computing innovations—unprecedented in their speed and global reach—are enabling citizens to take on a much more active role by connecting globally, accessing new ideas, and harnessing the power of networking. Some commentators had characterized these trends as a “power shift” as early as the 1990s—well before Facebook andTwitter. While the magnitude and contours of this shift can be debated and researched, it is clear that monopoly and control over information by governments is increasingly under threat.
Two contemporary events, different in scope and form, illustrate this dynamic. The first, the Wikileaks controversy, highlights the global reach of even small, relatively modestly resourced virtual organizations in this technology-empowered era. Thomas Friedman calls this phenomenon the “rising collection of superempowered individuals: What globalization, technological integration, and the general flattening of the world have done is to superempower individuals to such a degree that they can actually challenge any hierarchy—from a global bank to a nation state—as individuals.” The second illustration is, of course, the
pace and rapid spread of revolutionary movements in the Middle East. Widely labeled as a “social media revolution,” it reflects again the potential that technology creates to shift the balance of power toward individuals and social movements, however amorphous, chaotic, and spontaneous.
The momentum of technology and the rising influence of citizen groups create new demands for all governments, and not only in rich countries, to institute policy and regulatory mechanisms that are inclusive and responsive, and create legitimate spaces and mechanisms for citizen participation in policy- and decision-making processes. The very logic of technology suggests that responses premised on further strengthening of controls, or clamping barriers of secrecy might not work.
Technology also provides innovative tools for enabling greater disclosure and participation. Many of the earlier generation of social monitoring tools such as citizen scorecards, social audits, and expenditure tracking that enhanced the role of citizens in the governance process, emerged in developing countries, and became important platforms for social action. A new generation of technology-enabled applications and innovations for open government is also being developed in the South. Numerous examples are emerging including the use of mobile phones, SMS (short message service) technologies and web-based platforms for providing feedback on services, reporting on corruption, and accessing services.
Global Voices, a virtual organization of bloggers, tracks and shares many of the more innovative applications, emerging in both middle-income and poorer countries, such as:
  • Ushahidi, which was developed in 2008 to map reports of violence in Kenya after the post-election fallout, and has now grown to become an important resource for citizen journalists and advocates in a number of countries,
  • Databases focusing on corruption in the executive, legislative and judiciary, developed by Mars Group Kenya,
  •, a complaint brokerage in Jordan, that collects and organizes complaints from local citizens about the public and private sectors,
  • The Ujima Project in Rwanda that makes budgetary data on governmental and NGO expenditures available online, and
  • Democrator, an online initiative that enables citizens to send petitions and inquiries to government bodies in Russia.

In some cases, various branches of government have also been proactive in deploying technology for greater openness and participation. The Indian government, for instance, has set up a special advisory body to leverage innovations for better governance, and annually conducts competitions for e-government initiatives. In Brazil, the House of Representatives launched the e-Democracia Project, which is enabling citizens to contribute to the drafting of laws. In Peru, the  Constitutional Court is making its judgments available through its website. As technology helps diversify and expand the sources and locations of innovation, development aid agencies can play a vital role as catalysts for domestic systems of innovations and development, rather than carriers of canned solutions from the North to the South.
Although the impetus for openness comes from civil society, open government is, at its core, an enterprise ofgovernment transformation. Eventually, citizens will be able to participate actively in the governance ecosystem, if governments create the right enabling environment for transparency through appropriate policies and disclosure rules for making information available, and if it creates the kinds of processes that enable citizens to participate in policy making.
Right to Information (RTI) laws that give citizens the formal right to demand information, and make mandatory the disclosure of a range of information, are a useful regulatory mechanism to discourage the culture of secrecy that has characterized many governments. They also provide a useful tool for regulating the balance between the right of citizens to know, and concerns about security, privacy, and the protection of the deliberative process. A host of other policies
and regulations—budget laws, administrative codes, procurement laws—can also integrate disclosure provisions, to create transparency across government
functions. But, as evolution in technology makes the traditional limits to transparency harder to enforce—as Wikileaks, for instance, shows—countries adopting RTI and other disclosure laws will also need to consider how to address these new realities, and how to balance the concerns of security with the concerns of openness.
The challenges cannot be underestimated. Many countries, especially at the lower end of the income spectrum, have enormous capacity constraints that make transparency difficult. Records management systems, for instance, might be outdated and chaotic, making disclosures difficult. Administrative practices, hierarchical structures, and political considerations could militate against the pull toward openness. Regulatory and policy instruments in such situations can only be effective if incentive systems and capacity constraints are both addressed, and if they are accompanied by sustained efforts to improve skills, provide resources, and monitor impacts. Open government is a principle, not a prototype, and specific contexts and country realities will undoubtedly condition the pace, the form, the sequencing, and priorities for each country.
Anupama Dokeniya is a Governance Specialist in the Public Sector Governance Group at the World Bank.
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The architects of the brain

“RUB scientists decipher the role of calcium signals” 
Bochum’s neurobiologists have found that certain receptors for the neurotransmitter glutamate determine the architecture of nerve cells in the developing brain. Individual receptor variants lead to especially long and branched processes called dendrites, which the cells communicate with. The researchers also showed that the growth-promoting property of the receptors is linked to how much calcium they allow to flow into the cells.
“These results allow insights into the mechanisms with which nerve cells connect during development”, says Prof. Dr. Petra Wahle from the RUB Working Group on Developmental Neurobiology. The scientists report in Development.
It all depends on a few amino acids
“Nerve cells communicate with chemical and electrical signals”, explains Wahle. “The electrical activity controls many developmental processes in the brain, and the neurotransmitter glutamate plays a decisive role in this.” In two different cell classes in the cerebral cortex of rats, the researchers studied the nine most common variants of a glutamate receptor, the so-called AMPA receptor. When glutamate docks on to this receptor, calcium ions flow into the nerve cells either directly through a pore in the AMPA receptor or through adjacent calcium channels. Depending on the variant, AMPA receptors consist of 800-900 amino acid building blocks, and already the exchange of one amino acid has important consequences for the calcium permeability. Among other things, calcium promotes the growth of new dendrites.
Different cell types, different mechanisms
One at a time, the Bochum team introduced the nine AMPA receptor variants into the nerve cells and observed the impact on the cell architecture.
In several cases, this resulted in longer dendrites with more branches. This pattern was demonstrated both for several receptor variants that allow calcium ions to flow directly into the cell through a pore and for those that activate adjacent calcium channels. “It was surprising that in the two cell classes studied, different receptor variants triggered the growth of the dendrites”, says Dr. Mohammad Hamad from the Working Group on Developmental Neurobiology. “In the inhibitory interneurons, only one of the nine variants was effective. Calcium signals are like a toolbox. However, different cell classes in the cerebral cortex make use of the toolbox in different ways.”
Bibliographic record
Hamad, M. I., Ma-Hogemeier, Z. L., Riedel, C., Conrads, C., Veitinger, T., Habijan, T., Schulz, J. N., Krause, M., Wirth, M. J., Hollmann, M., Wahle, P. (2011) Cell class-specific regulation of neocortical dendrite and spine growth by AMPA receptor splice and editing variants. Development 138, 4301-4313, doi: 10.1242/dev.07107

Our brains are made of the same stuff, despite DNA differences by Biomechanism

Gene expression databases reveal ‘consistent molecular architecture’
Despite vast differences in the genetic code across individuals and ethnicities, the human brain shows a “consistent molecular architecture,” say researchers supported by the National Institutes of Health. The finding is based on a pair of studies that have created databases revealing when and where genes turn on and off in multiple brain regions during development.
“Our study shows how 650,000 common genetic variations that make each of us a unique person may influence the ebb and flow of 24,000 genes in the most distinctly human part of our brain as we grow and age,” explained Joel Kleinman, M.D., Ph.D., of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Clinical Brain Disorders Branch.
Kleinman and NIMH grantee Nenad Sestan, M.D., Ph.D. of Yale University, New Haven, Conn., led the sister studies in the Oct. 27, 2011 issue of the journal Nature.
“Having at our fingertips detailed information about when and where specific gene products are expressed in the brain brings new hope for understanding how this process can go awry in schizophrenia, autism and other brain disorders,” said NIMH Director Thomas R. Insel, M.D.
Both studies measured messenger RNAs or transcripts. These intermediate products carry the message from DNA, the genetic blueprint, to create proteins and differentiated brain tissue. Each gene can make several transcripts, expressed in patterns influenced by a subset of the approximately 1.5 million DNA variations unique to each of us. This unique set of transcripts is called our transcriptome—a molecular signature unique to every individual. The transcriptome is a measure of the diverse functional potential that exists in the brain.
Both studies found that rapid gene expression during fetal development abruptly switches to slower rates after birth that gradually decline and eventually level off in middle age. According to one of the studies, these rates surge again as the brain ages in the last decades, mirroring rates seen in childhood and adolescence. The databases hold secrets to how the brain’s ever-changing messenger chemical systems, cells, and development processes are related to gene expression patterns through development.
For example, suppose a particular gene version is implicated in a disorder. In that case, the new resources might reveal how that variation affects the gene’s expression over time and by brain region. By identifying even distant genes that may be turning on and off in-sync, the databases may help researchers discover whole modules of genes involved in the illness. They can also reveal how variation in one gene influences another’s expression.
Prefrontal cortex
Kleinman’s team focused on how genetic variations are linked to the expression of transcripts in the brain’s prefrontal cortex, which controls insight, planning and judgment across the life studied 269 postmortem, healthy human brains, ranging in age from two weeks after conception to 80 years old, using 49,000 genetic probes. According to Kleinman, the prefrontal cortex gene expression database alone totals more than 1 trillion pieces of information.

Among key findings in the prefrontal cortex: Individual genetic variations are profoundly linked to expression patterns. The most similarity across individuals is detected early in development and again as we approach the end of life.

In previous studies, Kleinman and colleagues have found that all genetic variations implicated to date in schizophrenia are associated with transcripts that are preferentially expressed in the fetal brain. This adds to evidence that the disorder originates in prenatal development. By contrast, he and his colleagues are examining evidence that genetic variation implicated in affective disorders may be associated with transcripts expressed later in life. They are also extending their database to include all transcripts of all the genes in the human gpostmortemining 1000 post-mortem brains, including many of people who had schizophrenia or other brain disorders.
Multiple brain regions
Sestan and colleagues characterized gene expression in 16 brain regions, including 11 areas of the neocortex, from both hemispheres of 57 human brains that spanned from 40 days post-conception to 82 years – analyzing the transcriptomes of 1,340 samples. Using 1.4 million probes, the researchers measured the expression of exons, which combine to form a gene’s protein product. This allowed them to pinpoint changes in these combinations that make up a protein and to chart the gene’s overall expression.

The Kleinman study data on genetic variability are accessible to qualified researchers at, while the gene expression data can be found at
In addition, BrainCloud, a web browser application developed by NIMH to interrogate the Kleinman study data, can be downloaded at

Scientists make strides toward drug therapy for inherited kidney disease

Scientists at UC Santa Barbara have discovered that patients with inherited kidney disease may be helped by a drug that is currently available for other uses. The findings are published in this week’s issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Over 600,000 people in the U.S., and 12 million worldwide, are affected by the inherited kidney disease known as autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). The disease is characterized by the proliferation of thousands of cysts that eventually debilitate the kidneys, causing kidney failure in half of all patients by the time they reach age 50. ADPKD is one of the leading causes of renal failure in the U.S.

Caption: A polycystic mouse kidney (left) is several times larger than a normal mouse kidney (right). The tissue architecture of the diseased kidney is destroyed by the growth of numerous cysts. Credit: Thomas Weimbs and Erin Olsan
“Currently, no treatment exists to prevent or slow cyst formation, and most ADPKD patients require kidney transplants or lifelong dialysis for survival,” said Thomas Weimbs, director of the laboratory at UCSB where the discovery was made. Weimbs is an associate professor in the Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, and in the Neuroscience Research Institute at UCSB.
Recent work in the Weimbs laboratory has revealed a key difference between kidney cysts and normal kidney tissue. They found that the STAT6 signalling pathway –– previously thought to be mainly important in immune cells –– is activated in kidney cysts, while it is dormant in normal kidneys. Cystic kidney cells are locked in a state of continuous activation of this pathway, which leads to the excessive proliferation and cyst growth in ADPKD.
The drug Leflunomide, which is clinically approved for use in rheumatoid arthritis, has previously been shown to inhibit the STAT6 pathway in cells. Weimbs and his team found that Leflunomide is also highly effective in reducing kidney cyst growth in a mouse model of ADPKD.
“These results suggest that the STAT6 pathway is a promising drug target for possible future therapy of ADPKD,” said Weimbs. “This possibility is particularly exciting because drugs that inhibit the STAT6 pathway already exist, or are in active development.”
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I saw your eye wells getting soaked
And the flowery face fading and withering
When my lips didn’t murmur ‘I too love you’
Even after that eternal waiting time

The dark shadows of the dusk had fallen on you
Making your gloomy face even darker
Your long fingers started to move aimlessly
Weaving an invisible pattern on your frock

Love is both hurtful and painful
And it brings mental and physical suffering
For it activates a dormant virus in lovers
Inducing them to treat the other as a prisoner

Love claims sole ownership of an independent soul
Frowning on free movement and association
For the virus of fear spawns jealousy and hate
And kills the nourishing seeds of the spirit

The fear induces lovers to build an iron cage
And walk into the protected prison with the partner
Without knowing that it hurts both of them
And destroys the spirit, intellect and creativity

Once in the prison you treat the other as a slave
Who has voluntarily placed his soul under your care
But the suffering continues, though not brought to light
Making it a slow death for the otherwise creative mind

W.A. Wijewardena

23rd Aug 2007

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Types Of Love - How We Love Someone


Based on different types of love present in the society, love has been given numerous names. An attempt to put down different types of love in psychology has been made in this article. Eros, Storge, Pragma, Agape, Ludus and Mania are the six different types of love that are known by the intensity and intent of how we love someone. 

Eros- The Passionate Love

Perhaps, this is the most evident form of love, that we all have experienced in our lives, at some point or the other. Eros, as the name suggests is a type of love, in which the desire, physical attraction, physical appearance and romance is given the top priority. Since eros is mostly an erotic feeling, there are higher levels of passion and physical intimacy.

Physical attraction can be at peak but in the long run, it fades owing to over importance of physical aspects of the relationship. People who love this way are very charged up, emotional and gung ho about their relationship initially but it fades as time passes. 

Storge- An Emotional Bonding 

Storge love is the familial love, we experience in our society. The love of our parents and siblings is what constitutes storge love. It is beautiful to experience family bonding and lucky are the people who have families. A baby and a mother share an amazing love, that can be read in the their eyes. A deep and abiding affection is something that comes from deep family relationships. When extended to love between couples, storge love focuses on building compassionate, caring and emotional bonding with the couple. 

Pragma- The Need Based Love 

Amongst, different types of love, pragma love focuses more on needs and wants, educational qualifications, professions, income, social status, common hobbies, parental possessions, material belongings of the respective partners. The main focus in this type of love is on needs. If everything adjusts to the partners needs, he or she seems to be satisfied, with the partner. 

Agape- The Divine Love

This is perhaps the most divine and highest level of love; understanding which requires a compassionate heart. Agape is one of the different types of love in Greek, is considered to be the purest form of love. It promotes brotherly feeling and love for each other. In fact, it is exactly what all religions have been trying to teach us. 

Ludus- The Euphoric Love

Lover's who have the tendency of being in romantic relationships for sometime and give it up, after initial euphoria of thrill and enjoyment is over, are said to be in Ludus form of love. A ludus lover does not work for long term commitments but short term goals and objectives. 

Mania- Obsessive Love 

It is the worst forms of love and as the name suggests, it is full of insecurity, mania, jealousy and other extreme reactions like obsession, compulsion and excessive demands. 


Do you spend time throughout the day dreaming up inventions? Ever wonder if some of these ideas might be money makers? Check out the top inventions of the summer and see if your idea can match up to these. Get the list here!
Infoniac shares…
Airport Security System that Sniffs and Scans
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is about to have a new-generation security system installed. The system will promptly scan and sniff travelers passing through a special zone and categorize the scanned data into 3 categories according to the degree of risk.
Smart Fabric Charges Gadgets that Lie on It
This invention was created by a team of students at Aalborg University in Denmark. Their nanotechnology-powered smart fabric makes it possible to charge various portable gadgets by simply placing them on the fabric.
See-Through Sound-Absorbing Curtain
Developed by a group of Swiss scientists in collaboration with textile designer Annette Douglas and Weisbrod-Zurrer AG, the new type of sound absorbing curtain is lightweight, transparent and shows a sound-absorbing efficiency that is 5 times greater than that of other curtains marketed today.
World’s Smallest Medical Video Camera
This invention was created by researchers from Medigus, a medical device firm with headquarters in Tel-Aviv, Israel. The device has a diameter of only 0.039-inches (0.99 mm) and can be used in the filed of medicine, mainly in performing medical endoscopic procedures. Thus it will allow doctors reach difficult areas of the human body.
Jacket with Heating Packs to Keep You Warm
Designed and created by Columbia Sportswear, this USB-powered heating jacket from the company’s Omni-Heat line has 2 heating packs that can be easily charged via USB. Even when the heating packs run out of power, the wearer will still feel comfortable as the jacket is rather warm itself.