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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Birthplace for Primitive Life On Earth? Researchers Identify Mud Volcanoes in Greenland as Niche for Early Life

Science Daily  — The mud volcanoes at Isua, in south-west Greenland, have been identified as a possible birthplace for life on Earth by an international team headed by researchers from the Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon: Terre, Planètes et Environnement (CNRS/Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1/ENS de Lyon). Almost four billion years ago, these volcanoes released chemical elements indispensable to the formation of the first biomolecules under conditions favourable to life. It is the first time that such an environment has been identified by scientists in 3.8 billion year- old formations, meeting all the requirements for the emergence of life.

Serpentinite is a dark green mineral used in decoration and jewelry. In nature, it is formed when sea water infiltrates into Earth's upper mantle, at depths that can reach 200 km in subduction zones. According to the scientists, this mineral, often found in the walls of hydrothermal sources, could play a major role in the appearance of the first biomolecules.

This work is published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
It has often been presumed that life developed near to hydrothermal sources known as black smokers(1), such as those found at the bottom of the oceans along mid-ocean ridges. The abundance of hydrogen, methane and ammonia produced by these underwater geysers seemed favorable to the emergence of primitive life. Unfortunately, these black smokers are very acid, which prevents amino-acid stabilization, and thus the formation of organic molecules.
The team of scientists publishing this article focused their studies on serpentinites from Isua, in south-west Greenland, which date from the start of the Archean(2). Dating back some 3.8 billion years, the rocks of Isua are some of the oldest in the world. Using isotopes of zinc as indicators of an environment's basic or acid nature, the researchers highlighted the basic character of the thermal fluids that permeated the Isua serpentinites, thus demonstrating that these minerals formed a favorable environment for amino-acid stabilization.
The researchers also compared these serpentinites with recent equivalents from the mid-oceanic ridge of the Artic Ocean, the Alps and Mexico: the Isua rocks are markedly depleted in heavy isotopes of zinc compared to the latter. On the other hand, their zinc is isotopically similar to that from mud volcanoes of the Marianas Trench. Nearly four billion years ago, at a time when the continents only occupied a very small part of the surface area of the globe, the oceanic crust of Isua was permeated by basic hydrothermal fluids, rich in carbonates, and at temperatures ranging from 100 to 300°C. Phosphorus, another indispensable element to life, is abundant in environments where serpentinization takes place(3). As this process generates mud volcanoes, all the necessary conditions were gathered at Isua for organic molecules to form and be stable. The mud volcanoes at Isua thus represent a particularly favorable setting for the emergence of primitive terrestrial life.
  1. Black smokers are located on oceanic ridges. The black appearance of the water stems from the color of the iron and manganese salts that it contains.
  2. The Archaen eon stretches between 4 and 2.5 billion years ago.
  3. Hydration process which enables the formation of serpentinite.

Faraway Eris Is Pluto's Twin

This artist's impression shows the distant dwarf planet Eris. New observations have shown that Eris is smaller than previously thought and almost exactly the same size as Pluto. Eris is extremely reflective and its surface is probably covered in frost formed from the frozen remains of its atmosphere. (Credit: ESO/L. Calçada)
Science Daily  — Astronomers have accurately measured the diameter of the faraway dwarf planet Eris for the first time by catching it as it passed in front of a faint star. This event was seen at the end of 2010 by telescopes in Chile, including the Belgian TRAPPIST telescope at ESO's La Silla Observatory. The observations show that Eris is an almost perfect twin of Pluto in size. Eris appears to have a very reflective surface, suggesting that it is uniformly covered in a thin layer of ice, probably a frozen atmosphere. The results will be published in the 27 October 2011 issue of the journal Nature.

The candidate star for the occultation was identified by studying pictures from the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at ESO's La Silla Observatory. The observations were carefully planned and carried out by a team of astronomers from a number of (mainly French, Belgian, Spanish and Brazilian) universities using -- among others -- the TRAPPIST [1] (TRAnsiting Planets and PlanetesImals Small Telescope, eso1023) telescope, also at La Silla.
In November 2010, the distant dwarf planet Eris passed in front of a faint background star, an event called an occultation. These occurrences are very rare and difficult to observe as the dwarf planet is very distant and small. The next such event involving Eris will not happen until 2013. Occultations provide the most accurate, and often the only, way to measure the shape and size of a distant Solar System body.
"Observing occultations by the tiny bodies beyond Neptune in the Solar System requires great precision and very careful planning. This is the best way to measure Eris's size, short of actually going there," explains Bruno Sicardy, the lead author.
Observations of the occultation were attempted from 26 locations around the globe on the predicted path of the dwarf planet's shadow -- including several telescopes at amateur observatories, but only two sites were able to observe the event directly, both of them located in Chile. One was at ESO's La Silla Observatory using the TRAPPIST telescope, and the other was located in San Pedro de Atacama and used two telescopes [2]. All three telescopes recorded a sudden drop in brightness as Eris blocked the light of the distant star.
The combined observations from the two Chilean sites indicate that Eris is close to spherical. These measurements should accurately measure its shape and size as long as they are not distorted by the presence of large mountains. Such features are, however, unlikely on such a large icy body.
Eris was identified as a large object in the outer Solar System in 2005. Its discovery was one of the factors that led to the creation of a new class of objects called dwarf planets and the reclassification of Pluto from planet to dwarf planet in 2006. Eris is currently three times further from the Sun than Pluto.
While earlier observations using other methods suggested that Eris was probably about 25% larger than Pluto with an estimated diameter of 3000 kilometres, the new study proves that the two objects are essentially the same size. Eris's newly determined diameter stands at 2326 kilometres, with an accuracy of 12 kilometres. This makes its size better known than that of its closer counterpart Pluto, which has a diameter estimated to be between 2300 and 2400 kilometres. Pluto's diameter is harder to measure because the presence of an atmosphere makes its edge impossible to detect directly by occultations. The motion of Eris's satellite Dysnomia [3] was used to estimate the mass of Eris. It was found to be 27% heavier than Pluto [4]. Combined with its diameter, this provided Eris's density, estimated at 2.52 grams per cm3 [5].
"This density means that Eris is probably a large rocky body covered in a relatively thin mantle of ice," comments Emmanuel Jehin, who contributed to the study [6].
The surface of Eris was found to be extremely reflective, reflecting 96% of the light that falls on it (a visible albedo of 0.96 [7]). This is even brighter than fresh snow on Earth, making Eris one of the most reflective objects in the Solar System, along with Saturn's icy moon Enceladus. The bright surface of Eris is most likely composed of a nitrogen-rich ice mixed with frozen methane -- as indicated by the object's spectrum -- coating the dwarf planet's surface in a thin and very reflective icy layer less than one millimetre thick.
"This layer of ice could result from the dwarf planet's nitrogen or methane atmosphere condensing as frost onto its surface as it moves away from the Sun in its elongated orbit and into an increasingly cold environment," Jehin adds. The ice could then turn back to gas as Eris approaches its closest point to the Sun, at a distance of about 5.7 billion kilometres.
The new results also allow the team to make a new measurement for the surface temperature of the dwarf planet. The estimates suggest a temperature for the surface facing the Sun of -238 Celsius at most, and an even lower value for the night side of Eris.
"It is extraordinary how much we can find out about a small and distant object such as Eris by watching it pass in front of a faint star, using relatively small telescopes. Five years after the creation of the new class of dwarf planets, we are finally really getting to know one of its founding members," concludes Bruno Sicardy.
[1] TRAPPIST is one of the latest robotic telescopes installed at the La Silla Observatory. With a main mirror just 0.6 metres across, it was inaugurated in June 2010 and is mainly dedicated to the study of exoplanets and comets. The telescope is a project funded by the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS), with the participation of the Swiss National Science Foundation, and is controlled from Liège.
[2] The Caisey Harlingten and ASH2 telescopes.
[3] Eris is the Greek goddess of chaos and strife. Dysnomia is Eris' daughter and the goddess of lawlessness.
[4] Eris's mass is 1.66 x 1022 kg, corresponding to 22% of the mass of the Moon.
[5] For comparison, the Moon's density is 3.3 grams per cm3, and water's is 1.00 gram per cm3.
[6] The value of the density suggests that Eris is mainly composed of rock (85%), with a small ice content (15%). The latter is likely to be a layer, about 100 kilometre thick, that surrounds the large rocky core. This very thick layer of mostly water ice is not to be confused with the very thin layer of frozen atmosphere on Eris's surface that makes it so reflective.
[7] The albedo of an object represents the fraction of the light that falls on it that is scattered back into space rather than absorbed. An albedo of 1 corresponds to perfect reflecting white, while 0 is totally absorbing black. For comparison, the Moon's albedo is only 0.136, similar to that of coal.

Autistic Brains Develop More Slowly Than Healthy Brains, Researchers Say

Researchers at UCLA have found a possible explanation for why autistic children act and think differently than their peers. For the first time, they've shown that the connections between brain regions important for language and social skills grow much more slowly in boys with autism than in non-autistic children. (Credit: Carlos Mena, Courtesy of University of California - Los Angeles)
Science Daily  — Researchers at UCLA have found a possible explanation for why autistic children act and think differently than their peers. For the first time, they've shown that the connections between brain regions important for language and social skills grow much more slowly in boys with autism than in non-autistic children.

Autism is thought to affect one in 110 children in the U.S., and many experts believe the numbers are growing. Little is known about the disorder despite its prevalence, and no cure has been discovered. Reporting in the current online edition of the journal Human Brain Mapping, senior author Jennifer G. Levitt, a professor of psychiatry at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA; first author Xua Hua, a UCLA postdoctoral researcher; and colleagues found aberrant growth rates in areas of the brain implicated in the social impairment, communication deficits and repetitive behaviours that characterize autism.
Normally, as children grow into teenagers, the brain undergoes major changes. This highly dynamic process depends on creating new connections, called white matter, and the elimination, or "pruning," of unused brain cells, called gray matter. As a result, our brains work out the ideal and most efficient ways to understand and respond to the world around us.
Although most children with autism are diagnosed before they are 3 years old, this new study suggests that delays in brain development continue into adolescence.
"Because the brain of a child with autism develops more slowly during this critical period of life, these children may have an especially difficult time struggling to establish personal identity, develop social interactions and refine emotional skills," Hua said. "This new knowledge may help to explain some of the symptoms of autism and could improve future treatment options."
The researchers used a type of brain-imaging scan called a T1-weighted MRI, which can map structural changes during brain development. To study how the brains of boys with autism changed over time, they scanned 13 boys diagnosed with autism and a control group of seven non-autistic boys on two separate occasions. The boys ranged in age from 6 to 14 at the time of the first scan; on average, they were scanned again approximately three years later.
By scanning the boys twice, the scientists were able to create a detailed picture of how the brain changes during this critical period of development.
Besides seeing that the white-matter connections between those brain regions that are important for language and social skills were growing much slower in the boys with autism, they found a second anomaly: In two areas of the brain -- the putamen, which is involved in learning, and the anterior cingulate, which helps regulate both cognitive and emotional processing -- unused cells were not properly pruned away.
"Together, this creates unusual brain circuits, with cells that are overly connected to their close neighbors and under-connected to important cells further away, making it difficult for the brain to process information in a normal way," Hua said.
"The brain regions where growth rates were found to be the most altered were associated with the problems autistic children most often struggle with -- social impairment, communication deficits and repetitive behavior," she added.
Future studies using alternative neuroscience techniques should attempt to identify the source of this white-matter impairment.
"This study provides a new understanding of how the brains of children with autism are growing and developing uniquely," Levitt said. "Brain imaging could be used to determine if treatments successfully address the biological difference. The delayed brain growth in autism may also suggest a different approach for educational intervention in adolescent and adult patients, since we now know their brains are wired differently to perceive information."
Other authors on the study included Paul M. Thompson, Alex D. Leow, Sarah K. Madsen, Rochelle Caplan, Jeffry R. Alger, Joseph O'Neill, Kishori Joshi, Susan L. Smalley and Arthur W. Toga, all of UCLA. Support was provided by the National Institutes of Health, the National Alliance for Autism Research, the National Institute of Mental Health and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

Plants Feel the Force: How Plants Sense Touch, Gravity and Other Physical Forces

Representations of the pore section of the MscS channel in E. coli in its nonconducting (top) and open (bottom) configurations are based on X-ray crystallization studies of the protein’s structure. The transition between closed and open states is often described as similar to the narrowing and expanding of the pupil of the eye. The “closed” state can still appear to have an opening because amino acids around the opening act as a “hydrophobic plug” that prevents ions from moving through it. (Credit: Image courtesy of Washington University in St. Louis)

Science Daily  — "Picture yourself hiking through the woods or walking across a lawn," says Elizabeth Haswell, PhD, assistant professor of biology in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis. "Now ask yourself: Do the bushes know that someone is brushing past them? Does the grass know that it is being crushed underfoot? Of course, plants don't think thoughts, but they do respond to being touched in a number of ways."

In the 1980s, work with bacterial cells showed that they have mechanosensitive channels, tiny pores in the cells membrane that open when the cell bloats with water and the membrane is stretched, letting charged atoms and other molecules rush out of the cell. Water follows the ions, the cell contracts, the membrane relaxes, and the pores close.
"It's clear," Haswell says, "that plants can respond to physical stimuli, such as gravity or touch. Roots grow down, a 'sensitive plant' folds its leaves, and a vine twines around a trellis. But we're just beginning to find out how they do it," she says.
Genes encoding seven such channels have been found in the bacterium Escherichia coli and 10 in Arabidopsis thaliana, a small flowering plant related to mustard and cabbage. Both E. coli and Arabidopsis serve as model organisms in Haswell's lab.
She suspects that there are many more channels yet to be discovered and that they will prove to have a wide variety of functions.
Recently, Haswell and colleagues at the California Institute of Technology, who are co-principal investigators on an National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to analyze mechanosensitive channels, wrote a review article about the work so far in order to "get their thoughts together" as they prepared to write the grant renewal. The review appeared in the Oct. 11 issue ofStructure.
Swelling bacteria might seem unrelated to folding leaflets, but Haswell is willing to bet they're all related and that mechanosensitive ion channels are at the bottom of them all. After all, plant movements -- both fast and slow -- are ultimately all hydraulically powered; where ions go the water will follow.
Giant E. coli cells
The big problem with studying ion channels has always been their small size, which poses formidable technical challenges.
Early work in the field, done to understand the ion channels whose coordinated opening and closing creates a nerve impulse, was done in exceptionally large cells: the giant nerve cells of the European squid, which had projections big enough to be seen with the unaided eye.
Experiments with these channels eventually led to the development of a sensitive electrical recording technique known as the patch clamp that allowed researchers to examine the properties of a single ion channel. Patch clamp recording uses as an electrode a glass micropipette that has an open tip. The tip is small enough that it encloses a "patch" of cell membrane that often contains just one or a few ion channels.
Patch clamp work showed that there were many different types of ion channels and that they were involved not just in the transmission of nerve impulses but also with many other biological processes that involve rapid changes in cells.
Mechanosensitive channels were discovered when scientists started looking for ion channels in bacteria, which wasn't until the 1980s because ion channels were associated with nerves and bacteria weren't thought to have a nervous system.
In E. coli, the ion channels are embedded in the plasma membrane, which is inside a cell wall, but even if the wall could be stripped away, the cells are far too small to be individually patched. So the work is done with specially prepared giant bacterial cells called spherophlasts.
These are made by culturing E. coli in a broth containing an antibiotic that prevents daughter cells from separating completely when a cell divides. As the cells multiply, "snakes" of many cells that share a single plasma membrane form in the culture. "If you then digest away the cell wall, they swell up to form a large sphere," Haswell says.
Not that spheroplasts are that big. "We're doing most of our studies in Xenopus oocytes (frog eggs), whose diameters are 150 times bigger than those of spheroplasts," she says.
Three mechanosensitive channel activities
To find ion channels in bacteria, scientists did electrophysiological surveys of spheroplasts. They stuck a pipette onto the spheroplast and applied suction to the membrane as they looked for tiny currents flowing across the membrane.
"What they found was really amazing," Haswell says. "There were three different activities that are gated (triggered to open) only by deformation of the membrane." (They were called "activities" because nobody knew their molecular or genetic basis yet.)
The three activities were named mechanosensitive channels of large (MscL), small (MscS) and mini (MscM) conductance. They were distinguished from one another by how much tension you had to introduce in order to get them to open and by their conductance.
One of the labs working with spheroplasts was led by Ching Kung, PhD, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The MscL protein was identified and its gene was cloned in 1994 by Sergei Sukharev, PhD, then a member of Kung's lab. His tour-de-force experiment, Haswell says, involved reconstituting fractions of the bacterial plasma membrane into synthetic membranes (liposomes) to see whether they would confer large-channel conductance.
In 1999, the gene encoding MscS was identified in the lab of Ian Booth, PhD, at the University of Aberdeen. Comparatively, little work has been done on the mini channel, which is finicky and often doesn't show up, Haswell says, though a protein contributing to MscM activity was recently identified by Booth's group.
Once both genes were known, researchers did knockout experiments to see what happened to bacteria that didn't have the genes needed to make the channels. What they found, says Haswell, was that if both the MscL and MscS genes were missing, the cells could not survive "osmotic downshock," the bacterial equivalent of water torture.
"The standard assay," Haswell says, "is to grow the bacteria for a couple of generations in a very salty broth, so that they have a chance to balance their internal osmolyte concentration with the external one." (Osmolytes are molecules that affect osmosis, or the movement of water into and out of the cell.) "They do this," she says, "by taking up osmolytes from the environment and by making their own."
"Then," she says, "you take these bacteria that are chockfull of osmolytes and throw them into fresh water. If they don't have the MscS and MscL proteins that allow them to dump ions to avoid the uncontrolled influx of water, they don't survive." It's a bit like dumping saltwater fish into a freshwater aquarium.
Why are there three mechanosenstivie channel activities? The currently accepted model, Haswell says is that the channels with the smaller conductances are the first line of defense. They open early in response to osmotic shock so that the channel of large conductance, through which molecules the cell needs can escape, doesn't open unless it is absolutely necessary. The graduated response thus gives the cell its best chance for survival.
Crystallizing the proteins
The next step in this scientific odyssey, figuring out the proteins' structures, also was very difficult. Protein structures are traditionally discovered by purifying a protein, crystallizing it out of a water solution, and then bombarding the crystal with X-rays. The positions of the atoms in the protein can be deduced from the X-ray diffraction pattern.
In a sense crystallizing a protein isn't all that different from growing rock candy from a sugar solution, but, as always, the devil is in the details. Protein crystals are much harder to grow than sugar crystals and, once grown, they are extremely fragile. They even can even be damaged by the X-ray probes used to examine them.
And to make things worse MscL and MscS span the plasma membrane, which means that their ends, which are exposed to the periplasm outside the cell and the cytoplasm inside the cell, are water-loving and their middle sections, which are stuck in the greasy membrane, are repelled by water. Because of this double nature it is impossible to precipitate membrane proteins from water solutions.
Instead the technique is to surround the protein with what have been characterized as "highly contrived detergents," that protect them -- but just barely -- from the water. Finding the magical balance can take as long as a scientific career.
The first mechanosensitive channel to be crystallized was MscL -- not the protein in E. coli but the analogous molecule (a homolog) from the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. This work was done in the lab of one of Haswell's co-authors, Douglas C. Rees a Howard Hughes investigator at the California Institute of Technology.
MscS from E. coli was crystallized in the Rees laboratory several years later, in 2002, and an MscS protein with a mutation that left it stuck in the presumed open state was crystallized in the Booth laboratory in 2008. "So now we have two crystal structures for MscS and two (from different bacterial strains) for MscL," Haswell says.
Of plants and mutants
Up to this point, mechanosensitive channels might not seem all that interesting because the lives of bacteria are not of supreme interest to us unless they are making us ill.
However, says, Haswell, in the early 2000s, scientists began to compare the genes for the bacterial channels to the genomes of other organisms and they discovered that there are homologous sequences not just in other bacteria but also in some multicellular organisms, including plants.
"This is where I got involved," she says. "I was interested in gravity and touch response in plants. I saw these papers and thought these homologs were great candidates for proteins that might mediate those responses."
"There are 10 MscS-homologs in Arabidopsis and no MscL homologs," she says. "What's more, different homologs are found not just in the cell membrane but also in chloroplast and mitochondrial membranes. "
The chloroplast is the light-capturing organelle in a plant cell and the mitochondria is its power station; both are thought to be once-independent organisms that were engulfed and enslaved by cells which found them useful. Their membranes are vestiges of their free-living past.
The number of homologs and their locations in plant cells suggests these channels do much more than prevent the cells from taking on board too much water.
So what exactly were they doing? To find out Haswell got online and ordered Arabidopsis seeds from the Salk collection in La Jolla, Calif., each of which had a mutation in one of the 10 channel genes.
From these mutants she's learned that two of the ten channels control chloroplast size and proper division as well as leaf shape. Plants with mutations in these two MscS channel homologs have giant chloroplasts that haven't divided properly. The monster chloroplasts garnered her lab the cover of the August issue of The Plant Cell.
"We showed that bacteria lacking MscS and MscL don't divide properly either,"Haswell says, "so the link between these channels and division is evolutionarily conserved."
The big idea
But Haswell and her co-authors think they are only scratching the surface. "We are basing our understanding of this class of channels on MscS itself, which is a very reduced form of the channel," she says. "It's relatively tiny."
"But we know that some of the members of this family have long extensions that stick out from the membrane either outside or inside the cell. We suspect this means that the channels not only discharge ions, but that they also signal to the whole cell in other ways. They may be integrated into common signaling pathways, such as the cellular osmotic stress response pathway.
We think we may be missing a lot of complexity by focusing too exclusively on the first members of this family of proteins to be found and characterized," she says. "We think there's a common channel core that makes these proteins respond to membrane tension but that all kinds of functionally relevant regulation may be layered on top of that."
"For example," she says, "there's a channel in E. coli that's closely related to MscS that has a huge extension outside the cell that makes it sensitive to potassium. So it's a mechanosensitive channel but it only gates in the presence of potassium. What that's important for, we don't yet know, but it tells us there are other functions out there we haven't studied."
What about the sensitive plant?
So are these channels at the bottom of the really fast plant movements like the sensitive plant's famous touch shyness? (To see a movie of this and other "nastic" (fast) movements, go to the Plants in Motion site maintained by Haswell's colleague Roger P. Hangartner of Indiana University).
Haswell is circumspect. "It's possible," she says. "In the case of Mimosa pudica there's probably an electrical impulse that triggers a loss of water and turgor in cells at the base of each leaflet, so these channel proteins are great candidates.

Face-To-Face With an Ancient Human

Top: Scanning the skull -- The Viste Boy’s skull is very fragile and consists of many fragments. Scanning the skull is done with a laser surface scanner, and the resulting information is loaded into a computer programme. Right: Reconstructing the face -- After her programming, Ms Barber could convert the digital construct into a plastic model and then shape muscle, skin and features in clay. Bottom: Final model -- The final face is cast in plastic resin and fibreglass. The result is painted, and glass eyes set in. (Credit: Top: Terje Tveit / Right: Jenny Barber / Bottom: Jenny Barber)
Science Daily — A reconstruction based on the skull of Norway's best-preserved Stone Age skeleton makes it possible to study the features of a boy who lived outside Stavanger 7 500 years ago.

She has scientifically rebuilt the face of the strong and stocky Viste Boy, who lived in the Vistehola cave near Stavanger, so that people can now look him right in the eye.
"It is hoped that this reconstruction is a good likeness and that, if someone who knew him in life had been presented with this restoration, they would hopefully have recognised the face," says Jenny Barber, an MSc student at the University of Dundee in Scotland.
Ms Barber is studying forensic art, an unusual discipline embracing such elements as human anatomy and identification in order to recreate the appearance of an actual person.
This modelling method is primarily employed to assist police investigations, and is little known or used in Norway. But the country's most extensive reconstruction of a Stone Age skeleton has now been achieved.
Discovered in 1907, the Viste Boy represents the most complete Norwegian Stone Age skeleton and the third oldest human remains ever found in the Norway.
His dark-coloured skull and bones are currently on display in a glass case at the Archaeological Museum on the University of Stavanger (UiS).
Analyses show that the Viste Boy was approximately 15 when he died. He stood a bit less than 1.25 metres tall and probably lived in a group of 10-15 people.
From their studies of rubbish in and around Vistehola, the archaeologists determined that this clan ate fish -- mostly cod -- as well as oysters, mussels, cormorants, elk and wild pig.
They also thought that the teenager might have been sickly, which would explain his early death.
The oldest of Norway's known skeletons from the Stone Age belonged to a woman and was discovered at Søgne near Kristiansand in 1994. Her skull has been dated to 8 600 years ago.
She was the subject of Norway's first and hitherto only reconstruction of such ancient bones, which was exhibited at the University of Oslo's Museum of Art History in 1997.
This model was based on data from a series of skull X-rays, which allowed specialists at University College in London to build a three-dimensional recreation.
But reconstruction techniques are steadily improving, and the model of the Viste Boy reproduces his features differently than with the Søgne woman.
"The goal has been to create something as similar as possible to the original," explains Ms Barber. "That's what facial reconstruction is all about -- identification and recognition of a unique person."
She has scanned the skull belonging to the long-dead youth with a laser surface scanner, which provided accurate data on his anatomy.
The cranium had suffered some damage, so the most complete side was duplicated. To support her work, Ms Barber also drew on a digital copy of the skull of another 15-year-old boy.
Nevertheless, the final anatomy corresponds to all intents and purposes with the original bone.
After her programming, Ms Barber could convert the digital construct into a plastic model and then shape muscle, skin and features in clay.
The clay bust formed the basis for a negative mould, with the finished product then cast in plastic resin and fibreglass. Eyes, ears and other details were finally painted or added.
Ms Barber's work revealed that the Viste Boy had scaphocephaly ("boat-head"), a congenital deformity which makes the skull long and narrow. She left the modelled head hairless to show this.
"The fact that the boy had scaphocephaly is a medical detail we hadn't observed before," says Mads Ravn, head of research at the Archaeological Museum.
He is very enthusiastic about the job Ms Barber has done, and points to similar work at Denmark's Moesgård Museum to reconstruct the Grauballe Man -- a body recovered from a Danish bog.
He turned out to have a very protruding jaw and close-set eyes, which prompted the theory that he was an executed outcast or criminal, rather than a rich man sacrificed to the gods.
It was also clear that -- like the Tollund Man, another "bog body" -- resembled many contemporary Danes.
The work done by Ms Barber on the Viste Boy also demonstrates that the stocky lad was no weakling.
"This reconstruction indicates that he must have been muscular, quite simply a robust person," she observes. "So it's not certain that he was sickly, as people have thought.
"The bone analysis doesn't bear out such a diagnosis, and he has no other deformities that we know of other than the scaphocephaly."
Apart from the more scientific findings, such as the scaphocephaly and the good muscles, Mr Ravn thinks it is great to be able to look such a remote forefather in the eye.
"Just imagine, we can get an idea of how the oldest Norwegian man looked."
He is also very pleased at the opportunities this reconstruction opens up for the museum.
"Our challenge in older archaeology is to present the finds in a good way. Ms Barber's work has given us a fantastic chance to convey flesh and blood through a very ancient relic."
The project is part of the Scientific Archaeological Laboratory research programme at the UiS, which emphasises lab work in cooperation with the museum's Department of Education and Visitor Service.
Ms Barber herself stresses the educational aspect as an important motivation for her work.
"People are drawn to faces. The Viste Boy will probably attract attention in a future exhibition at the museum, bringing the story of Vistehola, the Viste Boy and the other people who lived there more alive for visitors."
She adds that facial reconstruction has been used for educational purposes by museums in many parts of the world, but is not used to any great extent at Norwegian institutions.

Genes for schizophrenia found


An illness that affects a person’s ability to think, feel and act, schizophrenia symptoms include confused thinking, delusions and hallucinations.  Approximately 1 in 100 people will experience schizophrenia at some time in their lives, with the illness usually developing during the late teens or early twenties. 

In a study published by the Schizophrenia Psychiatric Genome-Wide Association Study Consortium in the prestigious journal Nature Genetics, researchers identified and replicated significant associations between schizophrenia and five novel loci and two previously identified loci.  This is one of the largest studies of its kind and included over 50,000 people, both schizophrenia patients and healthy individuals.  

The most potent new association was for a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), which is not located within or near any known protein-coding genes but in a region containing the primary transcript for a micro RNA (MIR137). Micro RNAs are a relatively recently identified group of biological regulators that modify gene expression by binding to messenger RNA and causing gene silencing. 

It has recently been shown that MIR137 is involved in adult neurogenesis and neuronal maturation. The authors speculate that this variation (SNP) in MIR137 could contribute to brain development abnormalities in patients with schizophrenia. Interestingly, 17 predicted targets of MIR137 contained SNPs that were associated with schizophrenia. 

In addition, this study identified four genes located within the susceptibility loci identified in the schizophrenia studies and in a study combining patients with bipolar disorder predicted to have MIR137 target sites.   This raises the possibility that MIR137-mediated dysregulation may represent a new mechanism underlying schizophrenia.  

This study adds an interesting new candidate, MIR137, to the growing list of genetic risk factors associated with schizophrenia.
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.

Sydney river an “open sewer”


"The high concentration of chemicals suggests...the Cooks River at times is really an open sewer running through Sydney."
Image: svedoliver/iStockphoto
One of Sydney’s major urban waterways – the Cooks River – is at times an “open sewer” carrying effluent containing pharmaceuticals and other chemicals, researchers have found, sparking calls for urgent action to clean it up.

The river, which flows through inner western suburbs of Campsie, Canterbury, Earlwood and Marrickville, before discharging into Botany Bay, has long displayed evidence of bacterial contamination. But now UNSW researchers have pinpointed raw sewage as the culprit, by identifying the exact chemicals being transferred from the toilet to the river.

Testing initiated by UNSW’s Water Research Centre (WRC) senior lecturer Dr Stuart Khan found high concentrations of a wide range of chemicals in the Cooks River, including paracetamol and ibuprofen, as well as insect repellents such as DEET and cosmetic parabens. All are either excreted from the body into toilets or are washed off in the shower -- and all wind up in the sewerage system.

The levels of the chemicals found were on a par with raw sewage. While low levels of such substances do routinely enter the environment via sewage treatment plants, no such treatment facility exists on the Cooks River.

“The results show that these chemicals are being transferred directly from the sewers into the river,” Dr Khan said. “The highest loads were detected following heavy rainfall when the sewers are designed to overflow into the stormwater system, which flows to the river. However, even during extended dry weather, high concentrations persist, indicating that the aging sewers are leaking into the river.”

Student Philippe Laou, collected more than 50 samples over two months with the vast majority testing positive to a range of chemicals (see table below).

Dr Khan said: “The high concentration of chemicals suggests there is very little dilution and the Cooks River at times is really an open sewer running through Sydney. I would strongly discourage anyone swimming in the river under any weather conditions.”

The Water Quality Co-ordinator for local community group the Cooks River Valley Association, Gayle Adams, said she hoped the study would highlight the poor state of the river and the need for a rehabilitation plan.

“It’s clear that urgent works are required to identify and fix the leaking sewers that are contributing to this problem. However, in the long term, the practice of allowing sewers to overflow into the stormwater system must also come to an end. Our community and our local environment deserve better than this”.

The project was funded by UNSW, with in-kind support from the Cooks River Valley Association. Dr Khan, who lives in the area, often cycles around the Cooks River.

Most commonly detected chemicals in the Cooks River:
  • Caffeine - from beverages including tea and coffee
  • DEET - Active ingredient of insect repellents
  • Bisphenol A - Industrial chemical known to leach from some plastics including pipes
  • Triclosan - Antibacterial included in some soaps and hand-washes
  • Paracetamol - Analgesic pharmaceutical
  • TCEP - Industrial chemical
  • Salicylic acid - A break-down product of the analgesic pharmaceutical Aspirin
  • Ibuprofen - Analgesic pharmaceutical
  • Primidone - Anticonvulsant pharmaceutical
  • Carbamazepine - Anticonvulsant pharmaceutical
  • Naproxen - Analgesic pharmaceutical
  • Polyparaben - Ingredient in many cosmetics
  • Diclofenac - Analgesic pharmaceutical
  • Octylphenol - Breakdown product of some industrial surfactants
  • Gemfibrozil - Blood-lipid regulating pharmaceutical
  • Atrazine - Pesticide
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.

Dolphins help friends get mates

Male bottlenose dolphins need to cooperate with each other to maximise their reproductive success.
Image: Freder/iStockphoto
Marine biologist Jo Wiszniewski has observed a fascinating approach to mating among the Port Stephens Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins.

According to a recent research paper published by the Journal of Animal Ecology, groups of male dolphins who put aside their sexual competitiveness and form alliances with each other to seek out and reproduce with females have better reproductive success than males who go it alone.

“These results are fascinating because it demonstrates that male bottlenose dolphins need to cooperate with each other to maximise their reproductive success,” says Wiszniewski.

The alliances are usually made up of two to four males and can vary in stability with some alliances lasting just a season while others can exist over many years. Alliance formation is a highly complex and long-term process that involves a high level of mutual tolerance, cooperation and coordination.

While alliances among dolphins and some other mammals have been observed before, previously there has not been a lot of evidence to show why an alliance might be preferable. What this research has found is that the more alliance partners a male has, the more successful he is at reproducing.

“We found that most of the males who were fathering offspring in this population were members of large alliances. These results explain that the benefit for some male species to form alliances is to gain mating opportunities,” says Wiszniewski.

The finding that male dolphins share mating opportunities with their alliance partners and will risk increasing their partners’ reproductive success at a potential cost to themselves, indicates that dolphin relationships are based on a high level of mutual tolerance and cooperation.

“The level of cooperation and tolerance observed among dolphins is unseen in most animals. This research is important to understanding how these complex relationships operate,” says Wiszniewski.
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.

Hearing aids ‘not helping’


"40 per cent of people not using their devices amounsd to a waste in resources in the order of $150 million per year." 
Image: djgunner/iStockphoto
Evidence is mounting of an aggressive campaign by private providers to push hearing aids onto people who are not psychologically ready for them, according to an Australian National University sociology expert.

Sociology Fellow Dr Anthony Hogan said international research published in Lancet suggested that 40 per cent of people were dissatisfied with the hearing aids they received and that almost half of people stopped using devices they were given, with similar results in Australia.

In an assessment of this year’s Commonwealth budget, Dr Hogan said that 40 per cent of people not using their devices amounted to a waste in resources in the order of $150 million per year. 

“The Australian Government has to stop throwing more and more money at hearing devices without, 
at the same time, putting their support into services which help people manage their hearing problems,” he said.

“Adjusting to life with hearing loss often requires psychological support to assist with the changes which the individual and family need to make in the way they communicate. Hearing aids don’t work like glasses, where you put them on and you immediately see clearly.

“The significant community dissatisfaction with hearing aids is a direct result of the lack of consideration of the social psychology of the situation when recommending these devices.

“The Australian Government’s approach to funding private providers to deliver its hearing services has potentially created incentives which focus providers’ attention on making money rather than improving client outcomes.

“The Commonwealth has bungled its attempt to support alternate forms of hearing services by not involving people with expertise in the social psychology of living with hearing loss in the service delivery model and by underfunding hearing support services such as communication training.”

In his key note speech at today’s celebration of the Victorian Hear Services 40th anniversary, Dr Hogan said the short fall in funding meant that quality hearing outcomes were not being achieved and resources wasted.

“Very few hearing service providers in Australia have had access to in-depth training in hearing rehabilitation, and this absence of skill is reflected in service outcome,” he said.

“The Australian community could receive far greater value for money by investing in low cost, family centred communication training programs which significantly reduce the communication problems people experience.”

Dr Hogan called on the Government to launch an independent inquiry into hearing services in Australia, to determine whether its existing hearing aid program offered good value for money for the community.

“A failure rate of one in two would suggest the program does not offer good value for money to the Australian public.”
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.

Archaeopteryx ‘still the first bird’


Cast of the German specimen in the Australian Museum, Sydney.
Image: denn, Flickr CC-licensed
The crown of the famous 150-million-year-old Archaeopteryx fossil as the first bird has been restored by a new evolutionary tree.

In a study published today in the journal Biology Letters, Australian researchers say the feathered fossil is indeed of the first known bird, despite another study earlier this year suggesting otherwise.

Archaeopteryx had been considered for 150 years to be the first known bird since the first complete specimen was found in Germany in 1861, revealing a combination of reptilian and and bird features.  But Chinese researchers asserted recently that a new and closely related fossil, Xiaotingia zhengi, was a bird-like dinosaur - therefore suggesting that Archaeopteryx was also a dinosaur.

However, the new study, led by Dr Michael Lee, of the South Australian Museum, used a more detailed analyis to show that Archaeopteryx was a bird.

"Archaeopteryx is iconic in palaeontology as the basal bird, however the plethora of discoveries of feathered dinosaurs in China, in particular, has progressively eroded the distinction of just what defines a bird," says one of the authors, Dr Trevor Worthy, a palaeontologist in the UNSW School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences.

"This trend came to a head when Xaiotingia was analysed most recently and in the analysis presented Archaeopteryx was found to jump ship as it were from the birds to the dromaeosaurs.

"This sensational result was presented and attracted much publicity, but the very weak statistical support for this new relationship was not given due consideration. 

"In our work, Mike Lee has shown quite clearly that methodology is highly significant and that before a paradigm is overturned data needs to be rigorously examined.

"Using a different analytical methodology than that usually used by morphologists, but one always used by analysts of molecular data, we found that Archaeopteryx remains the basal bird and does so with strong statistical support.

"This case demonstrates that multiple analysis methods should be used, each with concordant results before a paradigm breaking result is accepted. And it shows that Archaeopteryx remains the key to understanding the origin of birds."
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.