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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hydrogen Student Design Contest Inspires and Opens Doors

A hydrogen-powered Toyota Prius pulls up to Humboldt State University's student designed hydrogen fueling station.
Since 2004, the Hydrogen Student Design Contest has challenged university students from across the globe to use their skills in design, engineering, economics, environmental science, business and marketing to devise innovative hydrogen energy applications for real-world use.
“You have to innovative and you have to stretch yourself—it was a powerful experience for all of us,” said Juliette Bohn, who, along with fellow team members from Humboldt State University, won the 2005 competition.
As part of the competition, which is co-sponsored by the Department of Energy’s Fuel Cell Technologies Program, the Humboldt State University design team submitted a proposal for a Hydrogen Power Park that converts landfill gas to electricity, heat and hydrogen vehicle fuel.
The team’s proposal generated significant buzz at the competition: “We received a very good response, a lot of industry partners were interested in our design,” said Juliette. There was so much interest that Chevron Corporation, along with Humboldt State’s Schatz Energy Research Center, worked with the students to fund feasibility studies that allowed them to explore options for bringing their concept from design to implementation.
The effort culminated with the construction of a Hydrogen Fueling station, built and unveiled by the Schatz Research Center in 2008. The station resides on Humboldt State’s campus, where it currently fuels a hydrogen-powered Toyota Prius and a Toyota Highlander fuel cell hybrid.
Today, Juliette is a Program Analyst for the Humboldt Waste Management Authority where she’s hard at work on a pilot scale project to test methods for diverting food waste from the area landfill in order to generate renewable energy. She explained that this chosen career path is a direct result of her Hydrogen Student Design Contest experience. “It was amazing and it allowed me to be successful in what I do now,” she said.
Registration for the 2012 Hydrogen Student Design Contest is open until November 1, 2011.

Rare Pictures of Ceylon........Colombo

Rare Pictures of Ceylon........Colombo

Note  the Race Course taken in 1929 when  there was a front boundary wall.  They have now demolished the front wall and it is likely that restoration will be sans the front wall.  No doubt the place looks nicer without the wall but it is not restoration.  Wonder who the architect is!!!


Rare Pictures of Colonial Ceylon ………City of Colombo

Gone were the days when things were so calm & peaceful….

 Colombo, Capital of Ceylon - 1880's
Picture taken from Janadhipathi Mawatha (formally Queens Street) in Colombo Fort. Galle Face Green and the Beira Lake could be seen in the background. Colombo was made the capital of Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) in 1815 under British rule. Prior to the British rule, Colombo had been occupied by the Portuguese until 1656, and by the Dutch from 1656 until 1796. All three of these nations wanted control of Ceylon in large part to safeguard their trade in ivory, cinnamon, elephants and sapphires.

 Beira Lake Colombo, Early 1900s
Beira Lake is in the heart of the city of Colombo, Sri Lanka and surrounded by many important businesses. Lake occupied approximately 165 hectares of land in early 1900s and it has been reduced to mere 65 hectares today.
 Galle Face Hotel, 1880
 Galle Face Green Colombo, Ceylon, Late 1800's

House Boat in Wellawatta Canal, Ceylon, Late 1800's

 Banyan Tree - Colpetty, Ceylon

 Colombo Harbour and Shipping
The name Colombo is derived from the Sinhalese word Kola-amba-thota, meaning "Harbor with leafy mango trees". Since Colombo was a convenient resting place for ships from Arabia to Southeast and Far East Asia, as well as a gateway to the cinnamon resources of the former island of Ceylon, it has been an important port for centuries. During World War II, it became a major re-supply station for Allied forces in Asia as well.

Colpetty Bazaar, Colombo, Ceylon
Colpetty, or Kollupitiya, Bazaar is a thin strip of land which lies alongside the Galle Road Colpetty Bazaar, along with the Fort area, was the hub of the early British colonial presence in Colombo. The famous Galle Face Hotel is situated at the northern end of Colpetty Bazaar.

The Bambalapitiya Road, Leading to Mount Lavinia, Ceylon, Late 1800's

Street Scene in Pettah Colombo, Late 1800's
 Colombo Town Hall, Ceylon, Late 1800's
 Union Place Colombo, Ceylon, Late 1800's
 Early Days of Chatham Street in Fort, Colombo,
 Upper Chatham Street, Fort, Colombo
Subsequent Development of Upper Chatham Street, Fort, Colombo, leading to the Indian Ocean on the Western Coast. Bullock carts lined up along the stretch of shops was used as the mode of transport of goods and people.
 Prince Street & York Street Intersection, Fort Colombo
Later view towards the Pettah from the intersection of Prince Street and York Street, Fort, Colombo. Grindlays Bank building and Gaffoor Building, with two additional floors, is visible on the left facing the Bristol Building and YMBA building on the right. Cargills building is visible on the near right besides the tree and the parked vintage cars.
 Breakwater, Colombo. Ceylon
 Main Street showing Khan Clock Tower, Colombo, Ceylon
The Khan Clock Tower was built around the turn of the nineteenth century
Khan Clock Tower, a prominent Colombo landmark, stands at the entrance to the Pettah markets. The Tower was built by a wealthy Parsi family of Bombay, which also owned the famous Colombo Oil Mills. In this old photo of Sri Lanka the clock tower can be seen in the center background.
 Gordon Gardens (Later Queen’s House) Colombo, Ceylon, 1924
On February 1, 1804, the British Government took over the private house of the last Dutch Governor in Ceylon, Johan Gerard van Angelbeek in the heart of Colombo Fort. This is the house that became the official residence of the British Governor and was referred to as Queen’s House – so named because the British monarch at the time was Queen Victoria. Queen’s House Set in about 4 acres of land, the residence gained further attraction when Governor Sir Arthur Hamilton Gordon (1883-90) laid out the Gordon Gardens at his own expense in honour of Queen Victoria’s golden jubilee celebrations in 1887. The Gardens boast of an amazing variety of trees and a marble statue of Queen Victoria which was removed from the gardens in 2006. Gordon Gardens was a public park opened to the public until 1980 when it was made part of the President’s House and today off limits to the public.

The Entrance, Mount Lavinia Hotel, Ceylon
The Mount Lavinia Hotel was originally built in 1806. After falling into disrepair, Mount Lavinia House was rebuilt in 1830 by the British Governor Edward Barnes at a cost of 30,000 pounds. It was designed along the lines of "Banqueting Palace" in Whitehall, London designed by the architect Inigo Jones. Like an Italian villa, the house had a coach house, and military barracks and quarters. Mount Lavinia was home to five British Governors. When the British government had finished using the Governor's residence it was converted into the world famous Mount Lavinia Hotel. Scenes from the movie "Bridge on the River Kwai" were filmed here. Mount Lavinia was home to five British Governors. When the British government had finished using the Governor's residence it was converted into the world famous Mount Lavinia Hotel. Scenes from the movie "Bridge on the River Kwai" were filmed here.

 Grand Oriental Hotel, Colombo
The Grand Orient Hotel is located on the waterfront in Fort, Colombo The Grand Orient Hotel, or GOH as it is commonly known, was built in 1837 for the British soldiers. In 1875 it was converted into a hotel. The hotel was also known as the "Taprobane" and was extremely popular among ship passengers and local residents for its ballroom dancing and luxury. Furniture and crockery from the hotel became style and fashion items. Today the hotel continues to flourish after renovations in the 1990s. The many fine hotels in Colombo reflect the city's popularity as a transit port during the 19th and early 20th century among passengers going to Far East Asia from Europe

 Colombo Race Course Governor's Cup Day - 3rd August 1929
 The Museum, Colombo.
The National Museum of Colombo was established in 1877.
The Colombo Museum is the largest and oldest museum in Sri Lanka. It was established under the reign of the British Colonial Governor, Sir William Henry Gregory. The museum was designed in an imposing Italian style by James G. Smither.

Galle Face Green Colombo
Panoramic view of Galle Face Colombo, Sri Lanka around 1880s-1900, looking south from Galle Road (later this path became the Galle Road), Club House & Galle Face Hotel (far right) showing in the background.

Gravitational Waves That Are 'Sounds of the Universe'

This is a simulation of matter ejected from a star merger. 

Science Daily — Einstein wrote about them, and we're still looking for them -- gravitational waves, which are small ripples in the fabric of space-time, that many consider to be the sounds of our universe. Just as sound complements vision in our daily life, gravitational waves will complement our view of the universe taken by standard telescopes.

While any motion produces gravitational waves, a signal loud enough to be detected requires the motion of huge masses at extreme velocities. The prime candidate sources are mergers of two neutron stars: two bodies, each with a mass comparable to the mass of our sun, spiraling around each other and merging at a velocity close to the speed of light.
Albert Einstein predicted gravitational waves in 1918. Today, almost 100 years later, advanced gravitational wave detectors are being constructed in the US, Europe, Japan and Australia to search for them.
Such events are rare, and take place once per hundreds of thousands of years per galaxy. Hence, to detect a signal within our lifetime the detectors must be sensitive enough to detect signals out to distances of a billion light years away from Earth. This poses an immense technological challenge. At such distances, the gravitational waves signal would sound like a faint knock on our door when a TV set is turned on and a phone rings at the same time.
Competing noise sources are numerous, ranging from seismic noise produce by tiny quakes or even a distant ocean wave. How can we know that we have detected a gravitational wave from space rather than a falling tree or a rambling truck?
Therefore, astronomers have been looking for years for a potential electromagnetic light signal that would accompany or follow the gravitational waves. This signal would allow us to "look through the peephole" after hearing the faint knock on the door, and verify that indeed "someone" is there. In their new article just published in Nature, Prof. Tsvi Piran, Schwarzmann University Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Dr. Ehud Nakar from Tel Aviv University describe having found just that.
They noticed that surrounding interstellar material would slow debris ejected at velocities close to the speed of light during the merger of two neutron stars. Heat generated during this process would be radiated away as radio waves. The resulting strong radio flare would last a few months and would be detectable with current radio telescopes from a billion light years away.
Search after such a radio signal would certainly take place following a future detection, or even a tentative detection of gravitational waves. However, even before the advanced gravitational wave detectors become operational, as expected in 2015, radio astronomers are geared to looking for these unique flares.
Nakar and Piran point out in their article that an unidentified radio transient observed in 1987 by Bower et al. has all the characteristics of such a radio flare and may in fact have been the first direct detection of a neutron star binary merger in this way.
Dr. Nakar's research was supported by an International Reintegration Grant from the European Union and a grant from the Israeli Science Foundation and an Alon Fellowship. Prof. Piran's research was supported by an Advanced European Research Council grant and by the High Energy Astrophysics Center of the Israeli Science Foundation.

'Alarm Clock' Gene Explains Wake-Up Function of Biological Clock

Ever wondered why you wake up in the morning -- -- even when the alarm clock isn't making jarring noises? Wonder no more. Researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies have identified a new component of the biological clock, a gene responsible for starting the clock from its restful state every morning. (Credit: © vgstudio / Fotolia)

Science Daily  — Ever wondered why you wake up in the morning -- -- even when the alarm clock isn't making jarring noises? Wonder no more. Researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies have identified a new component of the biological clock, a gene responsible for starting the clock from its restful state every morning.

"The body is essentially a collection of clocks," says Satchindananda Panda, an associate professor in Salk's Regulatory Biology Laboratory, who led the research along with Luciano DiTacchio, a post-doctoral research associate. "We roughly knew what mechanism told the clock to wind down at night, but we didn't know what activated us again in the morning. Now that we've found it, we can explore more deeply how our biological clocks malfunction as we get older and develop chronic illness."The biological clock ramps up our metabolism early each day, initiating important physiological functions that tell our bodies that it's time to rise and shine. Discovery of this new gene and the mechanism by which it starts the clock everyday may help explain the genetic underpinnings of sleeplessness, aging and chronic illnesses, such as cancer and diabetes, and could eventually lead to new therapies for these illnesses.
In a report published September 29 in the journal Science, the Salk researchers and their collaborators at McGill University and Albert Einstein College of Medicine describe how the gene KDM5A encodes a protein, JARID1a, that serves as an activation switch in the biochemical circuit that maintains our circadian rhythm.
The discovery fills in a missing link in the molecular mechanisms that control our daily wake-sleep cycle. The central player of our biological clock is a protein called PERIOD (PER). The number of PER proteins in each of our cells rises and falls every 24 hours. Our cells use the level of PER protein as an indicator of the time of the day and tell our body when to sleep or be awake.
Scientists knew that two genes, CLOCK and BMAL1, served as the key drivers for raising PER protein levels. As the level of PER protein rises during the daytime, reaching its peak around evening, it somehow puts a break on CLOCK and BMAL, thereby reducing its own level during nighttime.
Falling PER protein levels at night causes our biological systems to slow: our blood pressure drops, our heart rate slows and our mental processes wind down. But, until now, the precise nature of the nighttime brake and what let CLOCK and BMAL proteins overcome this brake to raise PER protein levels again each morning was a mystery.
In their research, which was primarily funded by Salk's Innovation Fund, Panda and his colleagues identified JARID1a, a type of enzyme, as the molecular bugle call for cells and organs to get back to work each morning. By studying the genetic mechanisms underlying circadian rhythms in human and mouse cells and in fruit flies, the researchers discovered that JARID1a was required for normal cycling, both at the cellular level and in terms of an organisms' daily behavior.
In human and mouse cells that were genetically modified to under-produce JARID1a, the PER protein did not rise to its normal peak each day. Fruit flies that were similarly genetically altered also had low levels of PER protein. The flies lost track of time: they did not know when to sleep or wake up and took frequent naps throughout the day and night.
Digging deeper into the molecular workings of the clock, Panda and his colleagues found that each morning, JARID1a reactivates CLOCK and BMAL1 by countering the action of a brake protein HDAC1. They suspect PER protein tells HDAC1 to put a brake on its own production at night. "JARID1a tells that break to ease off, which causes CLOCK and BMAL1 drivers to rev back up every morning," Panda says.
To support their findings about the clock's workings, the researchers studied genetically altered mice cells and fruit flies that lacked the JARID1a gene. They inserted JARID1a into the flies' DNA, which released the HDAC brake so the flies returned to a normal cycle. They treated mouse cells with a drug that mimics JARID1a, which allowed their biological clocks to operate normally.
Now that scientists understand why we wake each day, they can explore the role of JARID1a in sleep disorders and chronic diseases, possibly using it as a target for new drugs.
With age, for instance, the biological clock seems to decline, often causing older people to suffer from difficulty sleeping. There is also strong evidence that shift workers, such as nurses and emergency personnel, who work long shifts that break them out of the normal 24-hour cycle of waking and sleeping, are at much higher risk for certain diseases.
The biological clock also appears important to the development of disease, most likely due to its daily influence over metabolic cycles. Daily cell cycles are fundamental to normal operation of genetic mechanisms that control how cells grow and divide, both in normal development and in cancer.
The cellular mechanisms of diabetes, another chronic disease, are also tied to metabolic cycles controlled by the biological clock. For instance, the conversion of sugars into fat, which normally occurs only at certain times of day, often seems to take place all day long in diabetics' bodies, suggesting the clock has lost control.
"So much of what it means to be healthy and youthful comes down to a good night's sleep," Panda says. "Now that we have identified JARID1a in activating our daytime cycle, we have a whole new avenue to explore why some people's circadian rhythms are off and to perhaps find new ways to help them."