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Friday, September 23, 2011

Team creates genetic ‘GPS’ system to comprehensively locate and track inhibitory nerve cells

“20 mouse lines provide views of cortical GABA neurons not previously possible.”
A team of neuroscientists at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) has succeeded in creating what amounts to a GPS system for locating and tracking a vital class of brain cells that until now has eluded comprehensive identification, particularly in living animals.
A confocal microscopic image of a neurosphere, a ball of human embryonic stem cells giving rise to nerve cells. The nuclei of the neurons are shown in blue, while the axons are shown in red. Photo: Salk Institute
The cells in question are the class of neurons that release the neurotransmitter called GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid). GABA neurons function to inhibit or dial down the intensity of nerve signals propagated by excitatory neurons, which are triggered by neurotransmitters such as glutamate.
Excitatory neurons account for about 80% of all the neurons in the mammalian cortex. But without the modulatory intervention of the much rarer GABA neurons within the circuits they form, normal brain function would be impossible. Uninhibited neuronal excitation would lead to a constant state of seizure something like what is seen, episodically, in epilepsy.
Neuroanatomists have been trying to map the brain’s circuitry for well over a century, but the organ’s astonishing complexity – anatomical and functional – has insured that progress has been slow. Researchers have been able to map the entire set of circuits in the roundworm C. elegans. But that humble creature has only 302 neurons. The brains of mammals have millions of neurons, and within the tangle formed by their projections, called axons and dendrites, one finds those vital GABA cells, which until now could not be identified in any consistent way globally, throughout the mammalian brain.
CSHL Professor Z. Josh Huang and colleagues in his neuroscience lab have spent portions of the last five years working on a project to comprehensively label GABA neurons. The results of their highly time-consuming labors are described in a paper appearing Sept. 22 in the journalNeuron. The paper is likely to be influential in the neuroscience community since it describes the creation of different lines of mice expressing genetic triggers that enable GABA neurons to be identified very specifically, by subtype, and to be tracked and manipulated in real time in living animals.
A multi-faceted toolkit for all scientists to use
Called “Cre driver lines,” Dr. Huang’s approach makes use of a well-established and widely used technique called Cre-Lox recombination to create the equivalent of genetic handles in specific types of cells within the cerebral cortex. Different strains of mice have been developed, each to express a particular gene or genes that enable microscopists to home in on particular subtypes of GABA neurons. The key, Huang explains “is that the ‘driver’ in each case is a gene that we know something about. We know its expression correlates with a subset of GABA neurons. We use that gene as a kind of entry point to express various kinds of markers.”
The current paper describes 20 mouse lines that have been engineered in various ways. These can be used to activate molecular “reporters” that label different GABA cell types, or to make the targeted cells responsive to beams of colored laser light – a technique called optogenetics. They also enable researchers to follow axonal paths that connect particular GABA cells with other cells by incorporating deactivated retroviruses. “Optogenetics and retroviral labeling are wonderful techniques, but they are not, by themselves, cell-type specific. We’ve built a system that integrates all of these technologies, which can now be mobilized with exquisite specificity,” Huang says.
The net result is a toolkit – which will grow to include more mouse lines — for the use of experimentalists in labs everywhere, and which enables comprehensive and systematic exploration of inhibitory GABA neurons. Perhaps most exiting to Huang is the opportunity to view the manner in which inhibition functions in a living brain.
“The functional circuit, even though it is so complex, is in a sense being configured every second, every minute that we live, and on a massive scale within the brain. It has to be incredibly dynamic, responding to incoming inputs continuously. As this information is coming in, the circuit is adjusting within a time scale on the order of tens of milliseconds.
“You can think of the inhibitory modulation as a system of control for ensembles of neurons, both in spatial and temporal terms. It’s a system that must depend upon a very stringent genetic program – we can assume this is true since the outcome is almost always right. But we also know how important the proper ‘tuning’ must be, based on our observations of neuropsychiatric and other brain illnesses. If the system is not in balance, you can have major illnesses such as schizophrenia or autism or epilepsy.”
Early discoveries
While the main purpose of the work just published was to create a resource for neuroscientists, the Huang lab’s first experiments with newly engineered mouse lines have enabled them to see things never before seen. In one experiment, the CSHL team has been able to track the migration of GABA neurons from the site of their “birth” in a structure called the MGE (medial ganglionic eminence), along a route that takes them to specific spots within the cortex. “It’s fascinating,” says Huang. “They are generated far outside the cortex – to make an analogy, it’s as if they were born in Africa and take various but very specific routes to another continent. Once you track them, as we have, you can see these paths are not random; they are like highways.”
More generally, says Huang, “Not only can we now watch specific inhibitory cell types from early in development; we can also watch as they migrate and establish connections, grow dendrites, make synapses. I would argue this ‘Gene-based cell Positioning System’ is even better than GPS, because it allows us to track how the circuits actually assemble.”
“A Resource of Cre Driver Lines for Genetic Targeting of GABAergic Neurons in Cerebral Cortex” appears in Neuron September 22, 2011. the authors are: Hiroki Taniguchi, Miao He, Priscilla Wu, Sangyong Kim, Raehum Paik, Ken Sugino, Duda Kvitsani, Yu Fu, Jiangteng Lu, Ying Lin, Goichi Miyoshi, Yasuyuki Shima, Gord Fishell, Sacha B. Nelson and Z. Josh Huang. The paper can be viewed online at: doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2011.07.026
This research was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health. Participating scientists were sustained in part by a NARSAD postdoctoral fellowship, a McKnight Fellowship and a Simons Investigator award.

Microwave oven is a key to energy production from wasted heat

(Biomechanism) — More than 60 percent of the energy produced by cars, machines, and industry around the world is lost as waste heat – an age-old problem – but researchers have found a new way to make “thermoelectric” materials for use in technology that could potentially save vast amounts of energy.
And it’s based on a device found everywhere from kitchens to dorm rooms: a microwave oven.
MATERIAL SYNTHESIS: New research has discovered a way to use microwave ovens to create important new materials that may help save wasted energy. (Graphic courtesy of Oregon State University)
Chemists at Oregon State University have discovered that simple microwave energy can be used to make a very promising group of compounds called “skutterudites,” and lead to greatly improved methods of capturing wasted heat and turning it into useful electricity.
A tedious, complex and costly process to produce these materials that used to take three or four days can now be done in two minutes.
Most people are aware you’re not supposed to put metal foil into a microwave, because it will spark. But powdered metals are different, and OSU scientists are tapping into that basic phenomenon to heat materials to 1,800 degrees in just a few minutes – on purpose, and with hugely useful results.
These findings, published in Materials Research Bulletin, should speed research and ultimately provide a more commercially-useful, low-cost path to a future of thermoelectric energy.
“This is really quite fascinating,” said Mas Subramanian, the Milton Harris Professor of Materials Science at OSU. “It’s the first time we’ve ever used microwave technology to produce this class of materials.”
WASTE HEAT: Thermoelectric generation of electricity offers a way to recapture some of the enormous amounts of wasted energy lost during industrial activities. (Graphic courtesy of Oregon State University)
Thermoelectric power generation, researchers say, is a way to produce electricity from waste heat – something as basic as the hot exhaust from an automobile, or the wasted heat given off by a whirring machine. It’s been known of for decades but never really used other than in niche applications, because it’s too inefficient, costly and sometimes the materials needed are toxic. NASA has used some expensive and high-tech thermoelectric generators to produce electricity in outer space.
The problem of wasted energy is huge. A car, for instance, wastes about two-thirds of the energy it produces. Factories, machines and power plants discard enormous amounts of energy.
But the potential is also huge. A hybrid automobile that has both gasoline and electric engines, for instance, would be ideal to take advantage of thermoelectric generation to increase its efficiency. Heat that is now being wasted in the exhaust or vented by the radiator could instead be used to help power the car. Factories could become much more energy efficient, electric utilities could recapture energy from heat that’s now going up a smokestack. Minor applications might even include a wrist watch operated by body heat.
“To address this, we need materials that are low cost, non-toxic and stable, and highly efficient at converting low-grade waste heat into electricity,” Subramanian said. “In material science, that’s almost like being a glass and a metal at the same time. It just isn’t easy. Because of these obstacles almost nothing has been done commercially in large scale thermoelectric power generation.”
Skutterudites have some of the needed properties, researchers say, but historically have been slow and difficult to make. The new findings cut that production time from days to minutes, and should not only speed research on these compounds but ultimately provide a more affordable way to produce them on a mass commercial scale.
OSU researchers have created skutterudites with microwave technology with an indium cobalt antimonite compound, and believe others are possible. They are continuing research, and believe that ultimately a range of different compounds may be needed for different applications of thermoelectric generation.
Collaborators on this study included Krishnendu Biswas, a post-doctoral researcher, and Sean Muir, a doctoral candidate, both in the OSU Department of Chemistry. The work has been supported by both the National Science Foundation and U.S. Department of Energy.
“We were surprised this worked so well,” Subramanian said. “Right now large-scale thermoelectric generation of electricity is just a good idea that we couldn’t make work. In the future it could be huge.”

Five of Saturn's Moons Pose Amidst a Backdrop of Planetary Rings

By Clay Dillow
From Left to Right: Janus, Pandora, Enceladus, Mimas and Rhea NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
Today in pretty space pics, Cassini proves once again that it’s the spacecraft that just keeps on giving. Its mission was supposed to end in 2008 but has twice been extended, most recently out to 2017. That’s fine with us, since it keeps sending back pics like these from its wide orbit around arguably the solar system’s second-coolest planet. Represented here: Saturn’s signature rings and five of its more than 60 natural satellites--Janus, Pandora, Enceladus, Mimas and Rhea (from left to right).
NASA released the image yesterday, but it was actually captured (in visible green light) by Cassini back on July 29. To give a little perspective, Cassini was just 684,000 miles from Rhea (looming large at the far right) but 1.8 million miles from Enceladus in the center, which is actually beyond the rings. That’s Pandora hiding between the rings, second from left. And for a bit more perspective, the image scale is about 4 miles per pixel, says NASA.
Suffice it to say, that’s a pretty big panoramic right there. Cassini wanted to get the other 60 or so moons into the shot as well, but you know what a pain it is to organize group photos.

Mind-Reading Tech Reconstructs Videos From Brain Images

Mind Reading Video Reconstruction Jack Gallant
A year and a half ago, we published a great feature on the current state of the quest to read the human mind. It included some then in-progress work from Jack Gallant, a neuroscientist at U.C. Berkeley, in which Gallant was attempting to reconstruct a video by reading the brain scans of someone who watched that video--essentially pulling experiences directly from someone's brain. Now, Gallant and his team have published a paper on the subject in the journal Current Biology.
This is the first taste we've gotten of what the study actually produces. Here's a video of the reconstruction in action:
The reconstruction (on the right, obviously) was, according to Gallant, "obtained using only each subject's brain activity and a library of 18 million seconds of random YouTube video that did not include the movies used as stimuli. Brain activity was sampled every one second, and each one-second section of the viewed movie was reconstructed separately."
Don't forget to check out our original feature on this work for some more background into what the researchers would really prefer we call "neural decoding" rather than "mind-reading."

Everything You Need to Know About the New Facebook

Facebook's Timeline Feature Facebook
If you thought yesterday's Facebook changes were dramatic, you'd better sit down before you see what's coming next. Today at F8, Mark Zuckerberg led off by showing off Timeline: it's the future of Facebook, and it's a tectonic shift.


Zuck calls the new Timeline "all the stories, all your apps, a new way to express who you are."The story of your life. Your entire Facebook life has been condensed into a wider one-page destination. Taking a page from the site, the page-wide Cover photo is your new splash photo on your profile page. The large photo does not replace your profile pic. Zuck says it's a way to express who you are. All content is in your Timeline view now, including apps.
As you move down your Timeline, it condenses your story the further back you go. It's Time Machine for your life. In order to navigate to specific years, Timeline navigation on the right-hand side is available for users to choose a year. The timeline for each year shows users the most important Facebook posts of that year.
Thankfully, granular control of your timeline is available. You can feature items in your Timeline, and add or remove items. Control of who sees an item in your timeline is also available. This is an important step to assure that Facebook's recent subscription feature doesn't expose a users private photos with total strangers. So expect to start spending hours fine tuning your Facebook life which is exactly what Facebook wants. You spending hours and hours adjusting your online history for your friends. The Timeline beta period starts now for developers, and will roll out over the coming weeks to everyone else.


Zuck explained the difference between Ticker and Newsfeed in the upcoming update. If you are participating in a activity, but you don't want to annoy your friends, that activities post will land in the Ticker. These will be separate from your status updates that will land in your Newsfeed. The Ticker is Facebook's assault on Twitter. Facebook is hoping that the tiny aspects of your life that you currently share on Twitter, you'll be more likely to share on Facebook. One site for all your social networking.


Zuck calls Open Graph a frictionless experiences. Users can add an apps activity to the Ticker without being hassled by a dialog box. Anything that you do in the app gets added to your Timeline automatically. Yes, you can adjust the app's access to your Timeline on an app by app basis. Apps can create aggregated summaries of your activity. Users, and their friends, can see what songs they've listened to the most, how many times they ate pizza, or what games they've played. Friends can check your activity in order to discover new music, games, apps, and restaurants. You can start adding these apps now, while Timeline won't be available to the general public for a few more weeks.


Everything You Need to Know About the New Facebook Zuck calls the new way to find content,"serendipitous discovery." For example, when a song appears in the Ticker, users can launch Spotify, or play Spotify songs inline directly in Facebook. Friends can even listen to song together live. It's like having the worlds longest headphone extension. They're hoping to create a music discovery engine utilizing the music Timeline view from a user's profile. By looking at patterns in your friends music Timeline, you can discover new music. It's like Rdio on Facebook.
But it doesn't stop at music, the same features are available to news junkies, social gamers, and to lifestyle apps. The Ticker displays a user's activity from an app and in real time. Tthe ticker can be used to share information about a game in progress, who is reading what, and just how far someone ran with a lifestyle app. The apps then create a summary of these activities on their Timeline to share with others. They're creating a discovery engine for all your apps.
This radical change to how Facebook displays your life, will cause waves of discontent among its user base. Every time Facebook adjusts even a single feature, users complain about how the company is killing a great service. But Facebook is learning from the failures of Myspace and Friendster. In order to stay relevant, they need to evolve. The Timeline is the next step in that evolution. I'm not saying it's perfect and there's a good chance that embarrassing items from three years ago will appear in my Timeline, but it does brings a certain element of personality to profile pages that have been lacking. I'm just hoping the app integration, especially with music, is as seamless as they say it will be.
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