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Thursday, July 28, 2011

மனப் பக்குவம் என்பதென்ன?

கூடுவாஞ்சேரியில் சின்னதொரு தொழிற்கூடத்தில் வேலை செய்து கொண்டிருந்த தனபாலுக்கு வேலைபோய்விட்டது. ஒருநாள் அவரை அழைத்த முதலாளி, "உலகப் பொருளாதார நிலை சரியில்லையாம்.அமெரிக்காவில் வீடெல்லாம் விற்காமல்கடன் வாங்கியவர்கள் திருப்பிச் செலுத்தாமல்பேங்க் திவாலா கிறதாம். அதனால் நமக்குத் தொழில் படுத்துவிட்டது. நான் ஆள் குறைப்புச் செய்ய வேண்டும். ரொம்ப ஸாரி. நீ இனிமேல் வேலைக்கு வரவேண்டாம்" எனக் கூலாகச் சொல்லிவிட்டார். என்ன அநியாயம் இதுஅமெரிக்காவிற்கும் கூடுவாஞ்சேரிக்கும் என்ன சம்பந்தம்?  அது பொருளாதார இலாகாஅதில் நாம் மூக்கை நுழைக்க வேண்டாம். நமக்கு முக்கியம் தனபால்.அவரது எதிர் வினை - reaction. 

வீட்டிற்குத் திரும்பிய தனபால் யோசித்தார். என்ன செய்யலாம்? "போகட்டும்ஒரேகம்பெனியில் குப்பை கொட்டி அலுத்துப் போய்விட்டது. புதிதாய் ஏதாவதுமுயல்வோம். குச்சி ஐஸ் விற்றுப் பார்க்கலாமாடீக்கடைஎங்கு போட்டாலும் மவுசு குறையாத தொழில்அதைச் செய்வோமா?" இப்படியெல்லாம் யோசித்துயோசித்துஏதோ ஒன்றை அடுத்த சில நாட்களிலேயே அவர் தொடங்கி விட்டார். சென்னையில்மற்றொரு தொழிலதிபர். ஏகப்பட்ட சொத்துபங்களாகார்ஆஸ்திக்கு ஒரு மனைவி,ஆசைக்குப் பல நாயகிகள் என்று சொகுசு வாழ்க்கை. ஒருநாள் தடாலென ஸ்டாக்மார்க்கெட் தலைகீழாகத் தரையில் விழுந்ததுமனுஷன் இரவில் படுக்கச்சென்றவரைக் காலையில் பார்த்தால் மின் விசிறியில் கால்கீழாகத் தொங்கிக்கிடந்தார். இங்கு இருவர் எடுத்த இருவேறு முடிவுகளுக்குக் காரணம் மனம் ஓர் இழப்பை எதிர்கொண்ட பக்குவம் ஆகும். அதுதான் இரு முடிவுகளுக்கிடையேயான முக்கியமான வித்தியாசம். ஒருவர் இழப்பை மட்டுமே கண்டு துவண்டுவிடமற்றவர்போனால் போகட்டும் போடா” என்று உதறிவிட்டுஅதைவிட வேறு நல்ல வாய்ப்புகளைத் தேடிக் கண்டுபிடித்து விட்டார்.
வாழ்க்கையின் நிகழ்வுகள் மட்டுமே மகிழ்ச்சியையோ துயரத்தையோ நிர்ணயிப்பதில்லை. அந்த நிகழ்வை நாம் எப்படி உள்வாங்குகிறோம்பிறகு எப்படி எதிர் வினையாற்றுகிறோம் (react) என்பது தான் நிர்ணயிக்கும்.
"எல்லாம் எல்லை மீறிப் போச்சு! இனிச் செய்வதற்கு ஒன்றுமில்லை!" என்று நினைத்தால் நாம் அவ்விஷயத்தில் நமது கட்டுப்பாட்டை இழக்கிறோம். அந்தக் கட்டுப்பாட்டிழப்பு நமது முடிவு! "நான் அம்பேல்!" என்று கையைத் தூக்கிவிடுவதால் ஏற்படுவது. போராட்டம் இல்லையெனில் அது என்ன வாழ்க்கை?மன மகிழ்வுடன் இருப்பதென்பதுஎப்பொழுதுமே எளிதான ஒன்றில்லை. வாழ்க்கைப் பாதையில் காணும் மேடு பள்ளங்களுக்கு ஏற்ப அதன் கடுமையும் மாறுபடும். நாம் எதிர்கொள்ள வேண்டிய மிகப் பெரிய சவால் அது! சில சமயங்களில் நம்முடைய மனவுறுதி,விடாமுயற்சிசுயக் கட்டுப்பாடு ஆகியனவற்றையெல்லாம் படையாகத் திரட்டி,வாழ்க்கையின் சவால்களை எதிர்கொள்ள வேண்டியிருக்கும். அதில் உருவாவதுதான் நம் மனப் பக்குவம்.
மனப் பக்குவம் என்பதென்ன?
அதுவே  தனி சப்ஜெக்ட் ஆக விரியும்.. இந்த இடத்தில் நமக்குத் தேவையான மனப்பக்குவத்தை மட்டும் பக்குவமாய்ப் பார்த்துவிடுவோம்.  இங்கு மனப் பக்குவம் என்பதன் பொருள் நமது மன மகிழ்விற்கு நாம் பொறுப்பேற்றுக் கொள்வது ஆகும். நம்முடைய சுற்றமும் நட்பும் சூழ்நிலையும் கூட நம் மன மகிழ்வைச் சிதைக்கக் கங்கணம் கட்டிக் களத்தில் இறங்கலாம். ஆனால் ஒவ்வொருவரின் மனதும் யாருடையது?அவரவருடையது! அதன் மகிழ்வு யாருடையதுஅவரவருடையது! எனில்அதன் பொறுப்பு யாருடையதுஅதுவும் அவரவருடையதே!  அப்படியானால் அவரவரும்தங்களிடம் இருப்பதில் தானே கவனம் செலுத்த வேண்டும்அந்த மனப் பக்குவம் வரவேண்டும் என்கிறார்கள். மேலும் சற்று விளக்கமாய்ப் பார்ப்போம்.
நமது மனதில் ஓடக்கூடிய எண்ணங்கள் யாருடையவை?
நம்முடையவை! இன்று இதையெல்லாம் நீ நினைக்க வேண்டும் என்று யாரும் நமது மூளைக்குள்கணினியில் ஃபீட் செய்வதுபோல் கொண்டுவந்து கொட்டிவிட்டுப் போக வில்லையே! நம் மனதில் ஓடும் எண்ணங்களையெல்லாம் நாமாகத் தானே சிந்தித்து ஓட்டிக் கொள்கிறோம். எனவேநமது மகிழ்ச்சிக் கான ஆதிக்கம் நம்மிடம் மட்டுமே இருக்க வேண்டும். அதற்கு என்ன செய்ய வேண்டும்? ஜவுளிக் கடைகளில் பெண்கள் தேடித் தேடி நல்ல டிஸைன் துணிகளை எடுப்பது போலத் தேடித் தேடி மகிழ்வான எண்ணங்களை மட்டுமே தேர்ந்தெடுத்து அதில நம் கவனத்தைச்செலுத்தப் பழக வேண்டும். அந்த மனப் பக்குவம் வந்து விட்டால் போதும்வாழ்க்கையின் நிகழும் பெரும்பாலான அநாவசிய நிகழ்வுகளை உதாசீனப்படுத்தி விட்டோநிராகரித்து விட்டோமனம் மகிழலாம். 

ஆனால் பெரும்பாலும் நடப்பவை என்னநேர்மாறானவை! அலுவலகத்தில் ஒரு முக்கிய ப்ராஜெக்ட். இராப் பகலாய் உழைத்துச் சாதித்து விட்டீர்கள். அனைவரும் உங்களைப் பாராட்டியிருப்பார்கள். நீங்களும் மகிழ்வடைவீர்கள். ஆனால் அதில் ஒரே ஒருவர் மட்டும்பர்மா பஜாரிலிருந்து நல்ல பூதக் கண்ணாடி ஒன்று வாங்கி வந்து நெற்றியில் மாட்டிக் கொண்டுஉங்கள் ப்ராஜெக்ட்டை அலசி மேய்ந்துதருமியிடம் நக்கீரன் சொன்னதுபோல், "உமது ரிப்போர்ட்டில் ஒரு குற்றம் இருக்கிறது!" என்று மட்டம் தட்டியோ இகழ்ந்தோ பேசிவிடுவார். போச்சு! எல்லாம் போச்சு!
அத்தனை பேரின் பாராட்டும் நல்வாழ்த்துகளும் மறந்துபோய்அந்தக் கீறலும் கீரனும்உங்கள் மனதை ஆக்கிரமித்துக்கொள்ளஅந்த எண்ணமே நாள்வாரமாதக் கணக்காய்உங்கள் மனதில் ஓடிக்கொண்டே யிருக்கும். வெற்றிகரமான 25ஆவது வாரம் போஸ்டர் ஒட்டாத குறை! ஒரு கெட்ட அனுபவம்இகழ்ச்சியாரோ எவரோ போகிறபோக்கில் உங்களைச் சீண்டிவிட்டுப் போகும் ஒரு பேச்சுஇப்படி ஏதாவது ஒன்றுஉங்கள் மனதை ஆக்கிரமித்து இடம்பிடித்துக் கொண்டால் அதன் விளைவுகள்மகிழ்வைக் கொன்று விடும். அதற்கு இடமளிக்கக்கூடாது. நம் மனதின் கட்டுப்பாடு நம்மிடம் தான் உள்ளது என்பதை உணர வேண்டும். அதற்கேற்பச் செயலாற்ற வேண்டும்.
நம்மில் பலரும் பாராட்டைச் சில நிமிடங்களுக்கும் இகழ்ச்சியை ஆண்டாண்டிற்கும் நினைவில் வைத்துக் கொள்கிறோம். அதன் பலன்?
நாம் குப்பை சேகரிப்பாளர்களாக ஆகிவிடுகிறோம். தன் முகத்தை குறிவைத்துத் தூக்கி எறியப்பட்ட ஷுவையே புஷ் "ஷு" எனத் தட்டிவிட்டுச் சென்றுவிடஇருபது முப்பது வருடங்களுக்கு முன் நம் மீது வீசப்பட்ட குப்பைகளையெல்லாம் பத்திரமாகச் சேகரித்து வைத்துக் கொண்டு "மறப்பேனா அதை?" என்று மல்லுக்கட்டினால் எப்படி?  "இருபது வருஷமாச்சு. இன்னிக்கும் அவன் சொன்னது மறக்கலே! என் மனசுல அப்படியே இருக்கு!" என்பவர்முந்தாநாள் எதிர் வீட்டுக்காரர் ஏதோ ஒரு விஷயத்திற்காக அவரைப் பாராட்டியதை மறந்தே போயிருப்பார். ஆனால் பழைய குப்பை அவரது மனதை அப்படியே ஆக்கிரமித்து இருக்கும். ஆம்அதற்கு என்ன செய்ய வேண்டும்?
எளிய உபாயம் உண்டு. நாளைக் காலை ஆயுள் பாக்கியிருந்து எழுந்தால்,ஒரேயொரு தீர்மானம் செய்து கொள்ள வேண்டும். அது, "ஹேப்பி! இன்று முதல் ஹேப்பி!". விவிதபாரதியில் ஒலிபரப்பாகும் பாடல் இல்லைநீங்கள் எடுக்க வேண்டியஉண்மையான தீர்மானம். என்றாவது ஒருநாள் நாம் மகிழ்ச்சியாக வாழ வேண்டும் என்று தானே எல்லோரும் பிரயாசைப் படுகிறோம். அந்த என்றாவது ஏன் இன்றாக இருக்கக் கூடாதுஉணர்ந்து பாருங்கள். மாற்றம் தென்படும். "கடுந்துயரம்", "மனப்பாரம்", "தனிமை" என்று ஒவ்வொருவருக்கும் ஒவ்வொரு விதமான சோகம் இருந்து கொண்டுதான் இருக்கும். அவையெல்லாம் தீர்ந்தபின் மகிழ்வடையலாம் என்பதெல்லாம் அல்லாமல் ஒரே ஒரு முடிவு மட்டும் தேவைப்படுகிறது. அனைத்தையும் ஒதுக்கி ஓரமாய் வைத்துவிட்டு "ஹேப்பி! இன்று முதல் ஹேப்பி!" வாழ்வின் நிறமே மாறிவிடும்!மன மகிழ்வுடன் வாழ்வதென்பதுபூமி மாசடைய ஆரம்பிப்பதற்கு முன்பிருந்தே கடினமாக இருந்துவந்த செயல்தான். அதற்காக மகிழ்வைத் தொலைப்பதா?
வீட்டை அழகாய் வைத்துக்கொள்ள என்ன செய்வோம்குப்பையைக் கடாசிவிட்டு,பயனுள்ள பொருட்களை மட்டுமே வைத்துக் கொள்வோம். அதைப் போல்தான் மன மகிழ்வும். மனதிலுள்ள குப்பையை எறிந்துவிட்டுநல்லவற்றை மட்டுமே சுமந்தால் போதும். கண்ணாடி சன்னல் வழியாக இருவர் வெளிப்புறத்தைப் பார்த்துக் கொண்டிருந்தனர். சன்னலுக்கு வெளியே உள்ள அழகிய தோட்டம் ஒருவரின் மனதைப் பறித்ததுஅங்கிருந்த பூக்கள் புத்துணர்வூட்டின. மற்றவருக்கோ சன்னலில் படித்துள்ள அழுக்கும் பிசுக்கும் மட்டுமே கண்ணை உறுத்தியது. தோட்டமும் பூக்களும் அவர் கண்ணில் படவே இல்லை.
நாம் எதைக் காண விரும்புகிறோமோ அதையே நமது மனம் காணும். அதுதான் சூட்சமம்

About stadium

Stadium History
It could be no-one but Heracles (Hercules in the Roman world), the mythological hero of strength and of exertion, to set the length over which the athletes had to compete against each other in the only competition of the first Olympic Games. Legend has it that six-hundred feet of the hero, one after the other, determined in 776 BC the length of the track of the running event, a length just exceeding 192 m after which the competition itself and the facility welcoming it were named: "Stadion".
The origins
The first stadium therefore originated in the VIII Century BC around a rudimentary athletics track shaped as an elongated "U". Starting and finish line were at the two ends and there was one only 192 m long and 32 m wide track. A stone stand with two separate entrances for judges and for spectators, who could therefore watch the athletes' efforts and cheer them throughout the competition, was built along the track. The also elongated-U-shaped stand ran along the three sides of the track, two rectilinear and one bended, on the other side opening onto the surrounding landscape. Olympia stadium, which was extended as the Games became popular in the whole ancient Greece, could welcome up to 45,000 spectators.
As sport became more popular, stadia were built in many Greek towns alongside with hippodromes. These had similar characteristics and dimensions but they were used for horse and chariot racing. These sports facilities soon started to play key roles within the "polis". There are still vestiges in Delphi, Ephesus and most of all in Athens, where in 331 BC Panathenaic stadium was built. It was then rebuilt for the first modern Olympic Games of 1896 and was recently renovated for the Olympic Games of Athens 2004.
From an architectural viewpoint, with its partially open structure and its plan, shaped as an elongated "U", the stadium, which is built sometimes by excavating tiers along a slope and other times by building them at a certain height on a level ground, is the meeting point between the two great typological models of the Greek and Roman world, which are also public facilities but used for performances: theatre and amphitheatre.
The former, which developed in Greece starting from the VI century BC, was made up of the succession of three basic cores, cavea, orchestra and scene. The cavea tiers were arranged on a natural slope in a semicircular configuration towards the scene, the site of the performance, and beyond also towards the surrounding landscape, which therefore turned into an integral part of the scene and as a consequence of the theatre itself. Epidaurus theatre, giving onto Peloponnesus mountains, and the Hellenistic Taormina theatre, giving onto Etna, are famous examples.
The amphitheatre was built during the Roman age starting from the first century BC in contrast to the Greek model, from which it differed due to its most urban nature. Tiers were built on an elevated level often with superimposed rows. The elliptical layout fully encompassed the amphitheatre and spectators could focus only on the arena, the central area for the cruel gladiators' fights or for naumachia. Besides, unlike those in the theatre stands were often screened by a curtain screen made up of cloths actuated by ropes. Arles amphitheatre, Verona Arena and of course Flavian Amphitheatre, the Colosseum, are the most important and best preserved examples.

From Greece to Roma
In parallel with the transition from theatre to amphitheatre, the tradition of sports facilities moved from Greece to the Roman world with the birth of circus, the typological evolution of the prototypes of stadium and of hippodrome, between the II and the I century BC.
The circus concerned equestrian sports and drew the elongate "U" shape from the previous models but it differed from them as its fourth side was closed by buildings. Spectators' tiers were arranged on a natural slope and their lower part was made of stone. Upper tiers were built at a certain height and were usually made of wood. The sometimes monumental buildings on the fourth side included the horses' starting stalls marking the boundary of a further side of the track. The course was continuous and races on more laps could therefore take place. The two long sides of the track were separated by a low central balustrade decorated with statuary. Two pillars at its ends indicated the "metae", the turning posts for the horses.
Circuses were usually built around the walls and adjacent to the imperial palace, in order to ensure direct access for the emperor and his court. Due to their positions, these large open spaces were sometimes used for some more public activities as well, thus turning into an integral part of the city life.
Circus Maximums, built in the first century BC in Roma, is the best-known example of this typology. Its main characteristics were its large dimensions and its capacity. It was over 600 m long and 200 m wide and its tiers, built along the two long sides and one short side, could welcome about 200,000 spectators. The stands covered three levels, behind which there was an external façade with three superimposed rows. The lowest row was provided with large arcades used by the spectators reaching the facility and streaming out of it.
The arcades also featured workshops opening onto the outside. Thanks to its location, near the Tiber, it could be filled with the river waters and as a consequence Circus Maximus could be also used for naumachia shows.
One of the best preserved circuses is the Circus of Maxentius in Roma, and Constantinople Circus is also a famous example. It was built in the IV century AD together with the other large buildings of the new capital of the Roman Empire. However by the time it was built circuses were no more serving their original purpose, that is hosting equestrian events, but they were rather used for other public activities.

Fifteen centuries of suspension
During the IV century AD, the importance of sports practice was considerably reassessed all over the ancient world, which unavoidably affected the development of sports facilities.
After Christian cult was legitimized by Constantine Edict, the Council of Arles held in 314 imposed a ban on the circus charioteers, actually banning the pagan practice of chariot racing and thus speeding up the conversion of circuses into non-sports public facilities. Similarly in 394, when Greece had been under the Roman rule for a long time, an edict promulgated by the emperor Theodosius who accepted the request made by Milan bishop Ambrose led to the abolition of the Olympic Games, which were regarded as a pagan rite contrary to religious rites.
Therefore shifted to new building typologies such as churches and cathedrals, castles, fortifications, towers and municipal palaces which became peculiar elements of Medieval towns and of their development. Sports activities were seldom and limited. The ancient Greek and Roman sports buildings were progressively abandoned. Many of them were converted into markets or houses, others were fully pulled down to reuse building materials.
Sports practice was given a new boost during the Renaissance when running events and equestrian events were reintroduced. However they did not take place in specific facilities, but usually in areas serving other purposes, in large open spaces or in the squares, which were often provided with wooden tiers and small temporary roofs for the most important spectators.
Piazza del Campo in Siena and its Palio horse race are the most important case that is still popular nowadays, while in Firenze in Piazza Santa Croce the forerunners of modern football used to play in teams made up of 27 members each without any rule, but the one to throw the ball into the goal of the opposite team.

Sports were properly defined a few centuries later, in the second half of the Nineteenth Century, which also saw the setting up of the first clubs and sports federations. The enthusiasm for the new sports, football and rugby in particular, quickly grew in Great Britain, where in the cities in which population had dramatically grown due to the urbanization process resulting from the Industrial Revolution people soon felt the need to build new facilities that could welcome a high number of fans.
In the same years the revival of the Olympic Games, proposed in 1894 by the French baron Pierre de Coubertin, sanctioned the final importance of sport in the modern age and symbolically marked the start of a new age of stadia.
The modern age
Modern Olympic Games were inspired by Greece and by the model of stadion, this time Panathenaic Stadium in Athens, which was brought to light by the excavations dating back to the Eighteenth century and which was rebuilt keeping its elongated "U" shape prior to the first Games held in 1896.
The models of the Greek and Roman sports facilities rediscovered in the Neoclassical age turned into the reference prototypes for the first modern stadia, triggering off an evolutionary process that starting from Great Britain at the end of the Nineteenth century and still under way, spread in all continents in parallel with technological innovations and often linked with Olympic Games and Football World Cups.
So far the technological evolution is almost one century and a half long. On the basis of the peculiar aspects that have marked the different stages, partly drawing on the theoretical analysis made by Rod Sheard (read note 1), five "generations" of stadia can be identified. These are generations marking the steps of a faster and faster development with many stadia, fully renovated or rebuilt over time, that have gone through more stages of this evolutionary process.

1. The first stadium
First-generation stadia were like huge hotchpotches whose purpose was basically to host a large amount of spectators in an age when there was no television and sports events could be watched just live.
Particularly in the first years, they were facilities with no architectural value, uncomfortable and the provision of facilities was basic. Tiers were made of concrete or just with the arrangement of embankments standing and often crammed into the stands, with the exception of some small seating stand, sometimes also provided with a small roof for the most important spectators. Their extension was usually disorderly and non-homogeneous, in order to satisfy the increasing demand for seating areas by the spectators.
This model was introduced in Great Britain as football facility with the typical rectilinear stands running parallel to the sides of the pitch and was soon adapted to the model of the Olympic stadium with continuous tiers running along the perimeter of the athletics track. The White City stadium, now pulled down, was the first example during the Games of London 1908.
Alongside with the passion for football, these models were exported from Great Britain to the rest of Europe and to South America. They often featured the Marathon Tower, which made them easily identifiable in the city environment. This first generation of stadia took different forms until the end of the Fifties, when they had to be confronted with a sudden reduction in the number of spectators. (read note 2)

2. The equipped stadium
As a result of the TV coverage of the most important sports events, at the end of the Fifties more and more spectators started to prefer the images coming from their home TV sets to stadia, which were often uncomfortable, not so welcoming and with not so good visibility conditions. To solve this problem the new stadia started to be equipped with more facilities for spectators in order to improve their comfort. The new stadia built in the three following decades or many of the already existing ones that were renovated provided themselves with viewing sectors with seats, with roofed stands and with a higher number of toilet facilities, also including food and beverage outlets in the stand area. The stadia were also equipped so as to welcome television broadcasting systems as best as possible and to develop their potentials. The interior of many facilities was renovated, thus stressing their nature of "introverted" stadia, which were comfortable inside yet anonymous outside, which was a common element of that age. They were also provided with artificial lighting installations thus ensuring night broadcast. (read note 3)
What was still a problem in the stadia was inside safety.

3. The commercial stadium
The Eighties ended with a series of catastrophic events in the UK stadia: fire of wooden stands, the escalation of the violent phenomenon of hooligans and the disaster at Sheffield Hillsborough Stadium, caused in April 1989 by an overcrowded stand. These events killed hundreds of people and induced us to consider spectators' safety. The result was summarized in the pages of Taylor Report, a survey carried out on behalf of the Government, which in 1990 introduced the new safety measures to be adopted in the UK stadia. The main recommendation was that all stadia had to become all-seater facilities. Taylor Report became greatly popular not just in the UK and started a deep upgrading process concerning many European stadia.
As a consequence, these facilities which were made more accessible, safe and comfortable drew more diversified and heterogeneous spectators. Therefore the stadia were not upgraded just to be in accordance with the new standards, but the process gave us the opportunity to introduce business activities in stadia, which were soon also sponsored. Merchandising, museums, guided tours, boxes and restaurants become popular in stadia together with recreational and leisure areas, which ensued from a new way to manage the facility, regarded as a public area used not for the mere sports event and open seven days a week. (read note 4)

4. The flexible stadium
The solution was successful. "Commercial" stadia had excellent yield and to exploit the potentials offered by these large audience containers at best, non-static, technologically sophisticated facilities capable of meeting many-sided requirements were chosen. Mobile roofs, stands and playing fields are the basic elements of this generation of new multipurpose and flexible facilities capable of being quickly converted to offer the optimum configuration and the maximum comfort whatever the event to take place, whether sports or non-sporting, may be. The stadium is now open to marketing and to communication: boxes, conference rooms and hospitality areas are now part of the language of new facilities, which in their turn have been converted into lounges for sponsors and companies and designed so as to enhance television broadcasting and to positively reach the high lighting and acoustic standards required by digital television.
In this way, stadia draw many users all the year round and turn into new urban centralities, sometimes capable of acting as catalysts for the processes aimed at their neighbourhoods' redevelopment. (read note 5)

5. The urban icon
In the last few years stadia have played this urban role more and more, mainly as a joint reaction to a double effect linked with the now great popularity of sports events, not just the most important ones, through the TV and the Internet. On one hand, in order to prevent a spectators' reduction similar to the one that took place at the end of the Fifties, stadia have to help spectators live unique and unrepeatable experiences, offering a wide range of facilities and optimum safety also outside the facility and in the surrounding areas. On the other hand stadia are in the forefront more and more not just during sports events. You just have to click to view photos of a stadium exterior and interior, from all angles. Also by clicking you can take a tour of them with the three-dimensional virtual Google Earth programme. They are now the centres of attraction, are classified by UEFA in main instruments in the challenge among the cities bidding to host the major international sports events. Latest-generation stadia are designed by people who are well aware of this and therefore they feature high-quality architectural and technological systems. Their role as urban icons, new points of reference in the city environment and as displays of identity that are easily recognizable all over the world is nowadays acknowledged. (read note 6)

Towards the future
This new approach puts stadia at the centre of the evolutionary process of contemporary cities, as key elements in development and new centres of attraction. At the same time this calls for strict planning in terms of economic and environmental sustainability, without jeopardizing their sports nature and architectural qualities.
Whatever the next "generation" may be, each stadium is always an exciting architectural challenge and each design marks a new step in the evolutionary process of stadia.
It is a course that was started almost three thousand years ago with the six-hundreds steps of Heracles.
Note 1: Rod Sheard, The Stadium: Architecture for the New Global Culture, Periplus Editions, 2005
Note 2: Among the "first stadia" worth mentioning and now upgraded there are Dublin Lansdowne Road (1872), London Stamford Bridge (1877), Liverpool Anfield Road (1884) and the prototypes designed by the Scottish architect Archibald Leitch: Glasgow Ibrox (1899) and Hampden Park (1903), Manchester Old Trafford (1910), which was the first stadium provided with continuous stands linked to each other by means of semicircular stairs that fully encompassed it, and London Highbury (1913), which in 1936 was the first stadium to be provided with a stand on two levels placed one on top of the other. In Europe the most important facilities were in those years London Twickenham (1907) and the first Wembley (1923) stadium with its characteristic Victorian towers in the front, Milano San Siro (1926), Vienna Prater (1931) and Madrid Santiago Bernabeu (1947). The importance of Berlin Olympiastadion (1936) goes beyond sport but the purpose of the facility is to symbolize the political set-up through its robust structure and the strict geometry of its elliptical system. In Italy, Firenze Stadio Comunale (1931) designed by P.L. Nervi is a striking exception in terms of architectural quality.
Large stadia, most of which with elliptical plans, spread in South America: the most important of them are Rio Maracana (1950), capable of welcoming 200 000 spectators crammed into the stadium for the final match of the Football World Cup held in 1950, Montevideo Centenario (1930), Santiago del Chile Nacional (1938), which will then go down in history to be used as jail under the open sky during the days of the Golpe of 1973, Buenos Aires Monumental (1938) and Bombonera (1940), the latter one provided with rectilinear stands.
American football and baseball caught on in the United States. The former is played in large elliptical bowls with continuous tiers, such as Pasadena Rose Bowl (1922), the latter in stadia that are partly open on one side and provided with peculiarly shaped stands following the shape of the playing field. New York Yankee Stadium (1923) is the most famous example.
Note 3: Among the most important "equipped stadia" there are Roma Olympic Stadium (1953), which in 1960 hosted the first Olympic Games broadcasted by TV networks throughout Europe, Barcelona Camp Nou (1957) and Napoli San Paolo (1959), Paris Parco dei Principi (1972) and Munich Olympiastadion, architectural jewel set in the gradients of the Olympic Park designed by G. Behnisch and F. Otto, in intentional contrast to the geometrical rigour of the first German Olympic stadium.
In the other continents Mexico City Azteca Stadium (1966), Johannesburg Ellis Park (1982) and Pyongyang May Day Stadium (1989), which is still nowadays the biggest stadium in the world with its capacity of 150 000 seats, are particularly important.
The second generation of stadia ended with the facilities of Italia '90, which were completed just when Europe was about to start a new phase of upgrading of football stadia. These include Genova Luigi Ferraris (1989), rebuilt on the site of the old facility, Torino Delle Alpi (1990) and Bari San Nicola (1990), the "spacecraft" designed by R. Piano.
Note 4: Alfred McAlpine Stadium in Huddersfield (1994) and Bolton Reebok Stadium (1997) are the main "commercial stadia" built in the UK just after the introduction of Taylor Report, but almost all European facilities, starting from those in the UK, were largely upgraded during the Nineties.
Note 5: The main "flexible" stadia provided with mobile roofs are Amsterdam ArenA (1996), Cardiff Millennium (1999), Oita Big Eye (2001) and Toyota City (2001), while in Arnhem Gelredome (1998) and in Gelsenkirchen AufSchalke Arena (2001) it is possible to move the roof and even the pitch, which can be moved outside the facility thus benefiting from natural air and lighting. In Sapporo Dome the pitch is moved and part of tiers are rotated in order to change the facility configuration and to convert it from football stadium into baseball ground, with different playing fields. Mobile stands are also provided in Saint-Denis Stade de France (1998), which can be easily converted from athletics track into football ground even taking spectators just behind the pitch. The stadium can be also used for the most varied sports, such as skiing and beach volleyball and even for motor races, as well as for non-sporting events, such as fairs and concerts. Sydney Australia Stadium (1999) was designed already knowing that it would be converted after the Olympic Games of 2000 by pulling down the upper part of the two outdoor stands, reducing the number of seats and providing the whole stadium with a roof structure. Similarly, City of Manchester Stadium (2002) was designed for the Commonwealth Games already knowing that just one year after its opening it would be converted from an athletics stadium with two rings into a three-level football stadium, by lowering the height of the playing field.
Note 6: The most striking examples of new "urban icons" are Istanbul Atat�rk Stadium (2001), whose roof is the bridge linking Asia and Europe enhancing the peculiarity of the city, which is the only one in the world located between two continents, Lisbon Da Luz (2003), Porto Do Dragao (2003) and the small Braga Municipal Stadium (2003), without "curved sectors" and set in a mountain landscape, Athens Olympic Stadium (renovated in 2004), Munich Allianz Arena (2005), with the characteristic light effects of the luminous façade that fully encompasses it, London Emirates Stadium (2006) and the new Wembley (2007) with its big steel arch that makes it identifiable all over the world, as well as "Bird's Nest", Beijing Olympic Stadium (2008), a technological and architectural jewel.

Stadium Principles
Wachovia Spectrum

Contemporary stadium construction involves a thought process far beyond thinking only about sports. With countless incentives and important limitations, there are many motives that stimulate architectural imagination. This section describes seven general principles pertaining to stadium construction. It will help you understand how to perceive a stadium from an architectural point of view.
Contents and functions
First, it is important to develop a relationship between a stadium, sport, and the expectations of the audience. In order to achieve this, several critical aspects must be well thought out and properly integrated in planning phases. These include the steel or reinforced concrete frames, tiers, galleries, staircases, roofs (whether opaque or transparent), tracks, gyms, locker rooms, press services (radio and television), conference rooms, etc. A loosely-knit structure that lacks "strength" will not stand up to today's standards and will show irreparable poverty.
Symmetry and differences
Second, the stadium is generally symmetrical with the conscious aim to repeat a similar representation of both horizontal and vertical views. That said, the architect may take some implicit risks in such harmonization by introducing subtle breaks or imbalances such as supporting pillars, walk ways, or even the choice of random coloured seats which causes an optical illusion of not being in balance. Conscious symmetry is often seen as a shelter for the fearful and the lazy, and is widely disputed by the most creative architects.
Three-dimensional perspective
Third, a stadium is an inherently large structure - one which is often difficult to determine the start from the end, simply because each of its exterior sides are mirror images of each other. A real challenge for the designer or architect is to either accentuate the similarities from side to side or conversly create "breakes" in the stadium structure in order to defeat an anachronic view.
Syntax of the stadium
Fourth, the overall desired style and look of the stadium is important to consider. Understanding each of the separate critical aspects identified in the first guideline and deciding how they will be placed together is instrumental in determining the overall style of the stadium.
Structural Expressionism
Fifth, one thinks of the range between the Soviet constructions to the captivating sketches of Erich Mendelsohn: from a rather stade historical style to exciting experimental designs. Frames, pillars, roofs, lattices, curved surfaces and above all refractions and defractions of bright rays, and well-balanced proportions of clear and shaded spaces, are all aspects that contribute to many different results.
Creative use of space
Sixth, aside from the framework and parts of the stadium that will remain constant, the center of the stadium must be considered as it will be a focal point for perfomers, employees and the audience alike. Much detail is required to make this space impressive, creative, and very much alive.
Integrating stadium, city, and landscape
Seventh, an architect should pay attention to the relationship between the stadium and its natural and urban surroundings. There may be particular aspects or concepts of the city that the stadium construction must conform to to create harmonization.

Hubble Constant: A New Way to Measure the Expansion of the Universe

Science Daily  — Using a measurement of the clustering of the galaxies surveyed, plus other information derived from observations of the early universe, researchers have measured the Hubble constant with an uncertainly of less than 5 percent. The new work draws on data from a survey of more than 125,000 galaxies.

A PhD student from The International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) in Perth has produced one of the most accurate measurements ever made of how fast the Universe is expanding.
Florian Beutler, a PhD candidate with ICRAR at the University of Western Australia, has calculated how fast the Universe is growing by measuring the Hubble constant.
"The Hubble constant is a key number in astronomy because it's used to calculate the size and age of the Universe," said Mr Beutler.
As the Universe swells, it carries other galaxies away from ours. The Hubble constant links how fast galaxies are moving with how far they are from us.
By analysing light coming from a distant galaxy, the speed and direction of that galaxy can be easily measured. Determining the galaxy's distance from Earth is much more difficult. Until now, this has been done by observing the brightness of individual objects within the galaxy and using what we know about the object to calculate how far away the galaxy must be.
This approach to measuring a galaxy's distance from Earth is based on some well-established assumptions but is prone to systematic errors, leading Mr Beutler to tackle the problem using a completely different method.
Published July 26 in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Mr Beutler's work draws on data from a survey of more than 125,000 galaxies carried out with the UK Schmidt Telescope in eastern Australia. Called the 6dF Galaxy Survey, this is the biggest survey to date of relatively nearby galaxies, covering almost half the sky.
Galaxies are not spread evenly through space, but are clustered. Using a measurement of the clustering of the galaxies surveyed, plus other information derived from observations of the early Universe, Mr Beutler has measured the Hubble constant with an uncertainly of less than 5%.*
"This way of determining the Hubble constant is as direct and precise as other methods, and provides an independent verification of them," says Professor Matthew Colless, Director of the Australian Astronomical Observatory and one of Mr Beutler's co-authors. "The new measurement agrees well with previous ones, and provides a strong check on previous work."
The measurement can be refined even further by using data from larger galaxy surveys.
"Big surveys, like the one used for this work, generate numerous scientific outcomes for astronomers internationally," says Professor Lister Staveley-Smith, ICRAR's Deputy Director of Science.
* The new measurement of the Hubble constant is 67.0 ± 3.2 km s-1 Mpc-1

Biological Interface Using Piezotronics: Nanowires Allow Electrical Signals to Be Produced from Mechanical Actions

This image shows an array of piezoelectrically modulated resistive memory (PRM) cells on which metal electrodes have been patterned using lithography. (Credit: Georgia Tech Photo: Gary Meek)
Science Daily — Taking advantage of the unique properties of zinc oxide nanowires, researchers have demonstrated a new type of piezoelectric resistive switching device in which the write-read access of memory cells is controlled by electromechanical modulation. Operating on flexible substrates, arrays of these devices could provide a new way to interface the mechanical actions of the biological world to conventional electronic circuitry.

"We can provide the interface between biology and electronics," said Zhong Lin Wang, Regents professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. "This technology, which is based on zinc oxide nanowires, allows communication between a mechanical action in the biological world and conventional devices in the electronic world."The piezoelectrically modulated resistive memory (PRM) devices take advantage of the fact that the resistance of piezoelectric semiconducting materials such as zinc oxide (ZnO) can be controlled through the application of strain from a mechanical action. The change in resistance can be detected electronically, providing a simple way to obtain an electronic signal from a mechanical action.
The research was reported online June 22 in the journal Nano Letters. The work was sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the National Science Foundation (NSF), the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Department of Energy.
In conventional transistors, the flow of current between a source and a drain is controlled by a gate voltage applied to the device. That gate voltage determines whether the device is on or off.
The piezotronic memory devices developed by Wang and graduate student Wenzhuo Wu take advantage of the fact that piezoelectric materials like zinc oxide produce a charge potential when they are mechanically deformed or otherwise put under strain. These PRM devices use the piezoelectric charge created by the deformation to control the current flowing through the zinc oxide nanowires that are at the heart of the devices -- the basic principle of piezotronics. The charge creates polarity in the nanowires -- and increases the electrical resistance much like gate voltage in a conventional transistor.
"We are replacing the application of an external voltage with the production of an internal voltage," Wang explained. "Because zinc oxide is both piezoelectric and semiconducting, when you strain the material with a mechanical action, you create a piezopotential. This piezopotential tunes the charge transport across the interface -- instead of controlling channel width as in conventional field effect transistors."
The mechanical strain could come from mechanical activities as diverse as signing a name with a pen, the motion of an actuator on a nanorobot, or biological activities of the human body such as a heart beating.
"We control the charge flow across the interface using strain," Wang explained. "If you have no strain, the charge flows normally. But if you apply a strain, the resulting voltage builds a barrier that controls the flow."
The piezotronic switching affects current flowing in just one direction, depending whether the strain is tensile or compressive. That means the memory stored in the piezotronic devices has both a sign and a magnitude. The information in this memory can be read, processed and stored through conventional electronic means.
Taking advantage of large-scale fabrication techniques for zinc oxide nanowire arrays, the Georgia Tech researchers have built non-volatile resistive switching memories for use as a storage medium. They have shown that these piezotronic devices can be written, that information can be read from them, and that they can be erased for re-use. About 20 of the arrays have been built so far for testing.
The zinc oxide nanowires, which are about 500 nanometers in diameter and about 50 microns long, are produced with a physical vapor deposition process that uses a high-temperature furnace. The resulting structures are then treated with oxygen plasma to reduce the number of crystalline defects -- which helps to control their conductivity. The arrays are then transferred to a flexible substrate.
"The switching voltage is tunable, depending on the number of oxygen vacancies in the structure," Wang said. "The more defects you quench away with the oxygen plasma, the larger the voltage that will be required to drive current flow."
The piezotronic memory cells operate at low frequencies, which are appropriate for the kind of biologically-generated signals they will record, Wang said.
These piezotronic memory elements provide another component needed for fabricating complete self-powered nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) on a single chip. Wang's research team has already demonstrated other key elements such as nanogenerators, sensors and wireless transmitters.
"We are taking another step toward the goal of self-powered complete systems," Wang said. "The challenges now are to make them small enough to be integrated onto a single chip. We believe these systems will solve important problems in people's lives."
Wang believes this new memory will become increasingly important as devices become more closely connected to individual human activities. The ability to build these devices on flexible substrates means they can be used in the body -- and with other electronic devices now being built on materials that are not traditional silicon.
"As computers and other electronic devices become more personalized and human-like, we will need to develop new types of signals, interfacing mechanical actions to electronics," he said. "Piezoelectric materials provide the most sensitive way to translate these gentle mechanical actions into electronic signals that can be used by electronic devices."

Self-Healing, Self-Cooling, Metamaterials: Vascular Composites Enable Dynamic Structural Materials

A vascularized fiber-reinforced composite material. Illinois researchers developed a class of sacrificial fibers that degrade after composite fabrication, leaving hollow vascular tunnels that can transport liquids or gases through the composite. (Credit: Image by Piyush Thakre, Alex Jerez, Ryan Durdle and Jeremy Miller, Beckman Institute, U. of I.)

Science Daily — Taking their cue from biological circulatory systems, University of Illinois researchers have developed vascularized structural composites, creating materials that are lightweight and strong with potential for self-healing, self-cooling, metamaterials and more.

Composite materials are a combination of two or more materials that harness the properties of both. Composites are valued as structural materials because they can be lightweight and strong. Many composites are fiber-reinforced, made of a network of woven fibers embedded in resin -- for example, graphite, fiberglass or Kevlar."We can make a material now that's truly multifunctional by simply circulating fluids that do different things within the same material system," said Scott White, the Willet Professor of aerospace engineering who led the group. "We have a vascularized structural material that can do almost anything."
The Illinois team, part of the Autonomous Materials Systems Laboratory in the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, developed a method of making fiber-reinforced composites with tiny channels for liquid or gas transport. The channels could wind through the material in one long line or branch out to form a network of capillaries, much like the vascular network in a tree.
"Trees are incredible structural materials, but they're dynamic too," said co-author Jeffrey Moore, the Murchison-Mallory professor of chemistry and a professor of materials science and engineering. "They can pump fluids, transfer mass and energy from the roots to the leaves. This is the first step to making synthetic materials that have that kind of functionality."
The key to the method, published in the journal Advanced Materials, is the use of sacrificial fibers. The team treated commercially available fibers so that they would degrade at high temperatures. The sacrificial fibers are no different from normal fibers during weaving and composite fabrication. But when the temperature is raised further, the treated fibers vaporize -- leaving tiny channels in their place -- without affecting the structural composite material itself.
"There have been vascular materials fabricated previously, including things that we've done, but this paper demonstrated that you can approach the manufacturing with a concept that is vastly superior in terms of scalability and commercial viability," White said.
In the paper, the researchers demonstrate four classes of application by circulating different fluids through a vascular composite: temperature regulation, chemistry, conductivity and electromagnetism. They regulate temperature by circulating coolant or a hot fluid. To demonstrate a chemical reaction, they injected chemicals into different vascular branches that merged, mixing the chemicals to produce a luminescent reaction. They made the structure electrically active by using conductive liquid, and changed its electromagnetic signature with ferrofluids -- a key property for stealth applications.
Next, the researchers hope to develop interconnected networks with membranes between neighboring channels to control transport between channels. Such networks would enable many chemical and energy applications, such as self-healing polymers or fuel cells.
"This is not just another microfluidic device," said co-author Nancy Sottos, the Willett professor of materials science and engineering and a professor of aerospace engineering. "It's not just a widget on a chip. It's a structural material that's capable of many functions that mimic biological systems. That's a big jump."
This work was supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.

Are Cancers Newly Evolved Species?

Staining chromosomes with different dyes highlights the orderly nature of the normal human karyotype (left), that is, humans have precisely two copies of each chromosome with no leftovers. A bladder cancer cell (right) has extra copies of some chromosomes, a few missing normal chromsomes, and a lot of hybrid or marker chromosomes, which characterize cancer cells. (Credit: Image courtesy of University of California - Berkeley)
Science Daily — Cancer patients may view their tumors as parasites taking over their bodies, but this is more than a metaphor for Peter Duesberg, a molecular and cell biology professor at the University of California, Berkeley.

In a paper published in the July 1 issue of the journal Cell Cycle, Duesberg and UC Berkeley colleagues describe their theory that carcinogenesis -- the generation of cancer -- is just another form of speciation, the evolution of new species.Cancerous tumors are parasitic organisms, he said. Each one is a new species that, like most parasites, depends on its host for food, but otherwise operates independently and often to the detriment of its host.
A molecular biologists has long believed that cancer results from chromosome disruption rather than a handful of gene mutations, which is the dominant theory today. That idea has led him to propose that cancers have actually evolved new chromosomal karyotypes that qualify them as autonomous species, akin to parasites and much different from their human hosts.
"Cancer is comparable to a bacterial level of complexity, but still autonomous, that is, it doesn't depend on other cells for survival; it doesn't follow orders like other cells in the body, and it can grow where, when and how it likes," said Duesberg. "That's what species are all about."
This novel view of cancer could yield new insights into the growth and metastasis of cancer, Duesberg said, and perhaps new approaches to therapy or new drug targets. In addition, because the disrupted chromosomes of newly evolved cancers are visible in a microscope, it may be possible to detect cancers earlier, much as today's Pap smear relies on changes in the shapes of cervical cells as an indication of chromosomal problems that could lead to cervical cancer.
Carcinogenesis and evolution
The idea that cancer formation is akin to the evolution of a new species is not new, with various biologists hinting at it in the late 20th century. Evolutionary biologist Julian S. Huxley wrote in 1956 that "Once the neoplastic process has crossed the threshold of autonomy, the resultant tumor can be logically regarded as a new biologic species …."
Last year, Dr. Mark Vincent of the London Regional Cancer Program and University of Western Ontario argued in the journal Evolution that carcinogenesis and the clonal evolution of cancer cells are speciation events in the strict Darwinian sense.
The evolution of cancer "seems to be different from the evolution of a grasshopper, for instance, in part because the cancer genome is not a stable genome like that of other species. The challenging question is, what has it become?" Vincent said in an interview. "Duesberg's argument from karyotype is different from my argument from the definition of a species, but it is consistent."
Vincent noted that there are three known transmissible cancers, including devil facial tumor disease, a "parasitic cancer" that attacks and kills Tasmanian devils. It is transmitted from one animal to another by a whole cancer cell. A similar parasitic cancer, canine transmissible venereal tumor, is transmitted between dogs via a single cancer cell that has a genome dating from the time when dogs were first domesticated. A third transmissible cancer was found in hamsters.
"Cancer has become a successful parasite," Vincent said.
Mutation theory vs. aneuploidy
Duesbeg's arguments derive from his controversial proposal that the reigning theory of cancer -- that tumors begin when a handful of mutated genes send a cell into uncontrolled growth -- is wrong. He argues, instead, that carcinogenesis is initiated by a disruption of the chromosomes, which leads to duplicates, deletions, breaks and other chromosomal damage that alter the balance of tens of thousands of genes. The result is a cell with totally new traits -- that is, a new phenotype.
"I think Duesberg is correct by criticizing mutation theory, which sustains a billion-dollar drug industry focused on blocking these mutations," said Vincent, a medical oncologist. "Yet very, very few cancers have been cured by targeted drug therapy, and even if a drug helps a patient survive six or nine more months, cancer cells often find a way around it."
Chromosomal disruption, called aneuploidy, is known to cause disease. Down syndrome, for example, is caused by a third copy of chromosome 21, one of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes. All cancer cells are aneuploid, Duesberg said, though proponents of the mutation theory of cancer argue that this is a consequence of cancer, not the cause.
Key to Duesberg's theory is that some initial chromosomal mutation -- perhaps impairing the machinery that duplicates or segregates chromosomes in preparation for cell division -- screws up a cell's chromosomes, breaking some or making extra copies of others. Normally this would be a death sentence for a cell, but in rare cases, he said, such disrupted chromosomes might be able to divide further, perpetuating and compounding the damage. Over decades, continued cell division would produce many unviable cells as well as a few still able to divide autonomously and seed cancer.
Duesberg asserts that cancers are new species because those viable enough to continue dividing develop relatively stable chromosome patterns, called karyotypes, distinct from the chromosome pattern of their human host. While all known organisms today have stable karyotypes, with all cells containing precisely two or four copies of each chromosome, cancers exhibit a more flexible and unpredictable karyotype, including not only intact chromosomes from the host, but also partial, truncated and mere stumps of chromosomes.
"If humans changed their karyotype -- the number and arrangement of chromosomes -- we would either die or be unable to mate, or in very rare cases become another species," Duesberg said. But cancer cells just divide and make more of themselves. They don't have to worry about reproduction, which is sensitive to chromosomal balance. In fact, as long as the genes for mitosis are still intact, a cancer cell can survive with many disrupted and unbalanced chromosomes, such as those found in an aneuploid cell, he said.
The karyotype does change as a cancer cell divides, because the chromosomes are disrupted and thus don't copy perfectly. But the karyotype is "only flexible within a certain margin," Duesberg said. "Within these margins it remains stable, despite its flexibility."
Karyographs display karyotype variability
Duesberg and his colleagues developed karyographs as a way to display the aneuploid nature of a cell's karyotype and its stability across numerous cell cultures. Using these karyographs, he and his colleagues analyzed several cancers, clearly demonstrating that the karyotype is amazingly similar in all cells of a specific cancer line, yet totally different from the karyotypes of other cancers and even the same type of cancer from a different patient.
HeLa cells are a perfect example. Perhaps the most famous cancer cell line in history, HeLa cells were obtained in 1951 from a cervical cancer that eventually killed a young black woman named Henrietta Lacks. The 60-year-old cell line derived from her cancer has a relatively stable karyotype that keeps it alive through division after division.
"Once a cell has crossed that barrier of autonomy, it's a new species," Duesberg said. "HeLa cells have evolved in the laboratory and are now even more stable than they probably were when they first arose."
The individualized karyotypes of cancers resemble the distinct karyotypes of different species,, Duesberg said. While biologists have not characterized the karyotypes of most species, no two species are known that have the same number and arrangement of chromosomes, including those of, for example, gorillas and humans, who share 99 percent of their genes.
Duesberg argues that his speciation theory explains cancer's autonomy, immortality and flexible, but relatively stable, karyotype. It also explains the long latency period between initial aneuploidization and full blown cancer, because there is such a low probability of evolving an autonomous karyotype.
"You start with a chromosomal mutation, that is, aneuploidy perhaps from X-rays or cigarettes or radiation, that destabilizes and eventually changes your karyotype or renders it non-viable," he said. "The rare viable aneuploidies of cancers are, in effect, the karyotypes of new species."
Duesberg hopes that the carcinogenesis-equals-speciation theory will spur new approaches to diagnosing and treating cancer. Vincent, for example, suspects that cancers are operating right at the edge of survivability, maintaining genomic flexibility while retaining the ability to divide forever. Driving them to evolve even faster, he said, "might push them over the edge."
Duesberg's colleagues are postdoctoral fellow Daniele Mandrioli and research associate Amanda McCormack of UC Berkeley and graduate student Joshua M. Nicholson in the Department of Biological Sciences at Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
Duesberg's research is funded by the Abraham J. and Phyllis Katz Foundation, philanthropists Dr. Christian Fiala, Rajeev and Christine Joshi, Robert Leppo and Peter Rozsa of the Taubert Memorial Foundation, other private sources and the Forschungsfonds der Fakultät für Klinische Medizin Mannheim der Universität Heidelberg.

Researchers Graft Olfactory Receptors Onto Nanotubes

A rendering of olfactory receptor proteins attached to a nanotube. (Credit: Art by Robert Johnson)

Science Daily — Penn researchers have helped develop a nanotech device that combines carbon nanotubes with olfactory receptor proteins, the cell components in the nose that detect odors.

The research was led by professor A. T. Charlie Johnson, postdoctoral fellow Brett R. Goldsmith and graduate student Mitchell T. Lerner of the Department of Physics and Astronomy in the School of Arts and Sciences, along with assistant professor Bohdana M. Discher and postdoctoral fellow Joseph J. Mitala Jr. of the Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry at Penn's Perelman School of Medicine. They collaborated with researchers from the Monell Chemical Senses Center, the University of Miami, the University of Illinois, Princeton University and two private companies, Nanosense Inc. and Evolved Machines Inc.Because olfactory receptors belong to a larger class of proteins that are involved in passing signals through the cell membrane, these devices could have applications beyond odor sensing, such as pharmaceutical research.
Their work was published in the journal ACS Nano.
The Penn team worked with olfactory receptors derived from mice, but all olfactory receptors are part of a class of proteins known as G Protein Coupled Receptors, or GPCRs. These receptors sit on the outer membrane of cells, where certain chemicals in the environment can bind to them. The binding action is the first step in a chemical cascade that leads to a cellular response; in the case of an olfactory receptor, this cascade leads to the perception of a smell.
The Penn team succeeded in building an interface between this complicated protein and a carbon nanotube transistor, allowing them to convert the chemical signals the receptor normally produces to electrical signals, which could be incorporated in any number of tools and gadgets.
"Our nanotech devices are read-out elements; they eavesdrop on what the olfactory receptors are doing, specifically what molecules are bound to them," Johnson said.
As the particular GPCR the team worked with was an olfactory receptor, the test case for their nanotube device was to function as sensor for airborne chemicals.
"If there's something in the atmosphere that wants to bind to this molecule, the signal we get through the nanotube is about what fraction of the time is something bound or not. That means we can get a contiguous read out that's indicative of the concentration of the molecule in the air," Johnson said.
While one could imagine scaling up these nanotube devices into a synthetic nose -- making one for each of the approximately 350 olfactory GPCRs in a human nose, or the 1,000 found in a dog's -- Johnson thinks that medical applications are much closer to being realized.
"GPCRs are common drug targets," he said. "Since they are known to be very important in cell-environment interactions, they're very important in respect to disease pathology. In that respect, we now have a pathway into interrogating what those GPCRs actually respond to. You can imagine building a chip with many of these devices, each with different GPCRs, and exposing them all at once to various drugs to see which is effective at triggering a response."
Figuring out what kinds of drugs bind most effectively to GPCRs is important because pathogens often attack through those receptors as well. The better a harmless chemical attaches to a relevant GPCR, the better it is at blocking the disease.
The Penn team also made a technical advancement in stabilizing GPCRs for future research.
"In the past, if you take a protein out of a cell and put it onto a device, it might last for a day. But here, we embedded it in a nanoscale artificial cell membrane, which is called a nanodisc," Johnson said. "When we did that, they lasted for two and half months, instead of a day."
Increasing the lifespans of such devices could be beneficial to two scientific fields with increasing overlap, as the as evidenced by the large, interdisciplinary research team involved in the study.
"The big picture is integrating nanotechnology with biology, " Johnson said. "These complicated molecular machines are the prime method of communication between the interior of the cell and the exterior, and now we're incorporating their functionality with our nanotech devices."
In addition to Johnson, Goldsmith, Lerner, Discher and Mitala, the research was conducted by Jesusa Josue and Joseph G. Brand of Monell; Alan Gelperin of Monell and Princeton; Ana Castro and Charles W. Luetje of the University of Miami; Timothy H. Bayburt and Stephen G. Sligar of the University of Illinois, Urbana; Samuel M. Khamis of Adamant Technologies, Ryan A. Jones of Nanosense Inc.; and Paul A. Rhodes of Nanosense Inc. and Evolved Machines Inc.
The research was supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's RealNose project, Penn's Nano/Bio Interface Center, the National Science Foundation and the Department of Defense.

New Material Lets Electrons 'Dance' and Form New State

Purdue professors Michael Manfra, from left, and Gabor Csathy stand next to the high-mobility gallium-arsenide molecular beam epitaxy system at the Birck Nanotechnology Center. Manfra holds a gallium-arsenide wafer on which his research team grows ultrapure gallium arsenide semiconductor crystals to observe new electron ground states that could have applications in high-speed quantum computing. (Credit: Purdue University photo/Andrew Hancock)
Science Daily — A team of Purdue University researchers is among a small group in the world that has successfully created ultrapure material that captures new states of matter and could have applications in high-speed quantum computing.

Michael Manfra, the William F. and Patty J. Miller Associate Professor of Physics who leads the group, said the work provides new insights into fundamental physics.The material, gallium arsenide, is used to observe states in which electrons no longer obey the laws of single-particle physics, but instead are governed by their mutual interactions.
"These exotic states are beyond the standard models of solid-state physics and are at the frontier of what we understand and what we don't understand," said Manfra, who also is an associate professor of both materials engineering and electrical and computer engineering. "They don't exist in most standard materials, but only under special conditions in ultrapure gallium arsenide semiconductor crystals."
Quantum computing is based on using the quantum mechanical behavior of electrons to create a new way to store and process information that is faster, more powerful and more efficient than classical computing. It taps into the ability of these particles to be put into a correlated state in which a change applied to one particle is instantly reflected by the others. If these processes can be controlled, they could be used to create parallel processing to perform calculations that are impossible on classical computers.
"If we could harness this electron behavior in a semiconductor, it may be a viable approach to building a quantum computer," Manfra said. "Of course this work is just in its very early stages, and although it is very relevant to quantum computation, we are a long way off from that. Foremost at this point is the chance to glimpse unexplained physical phenomena and new particles."
Manfra and his research team designed and built equipment called a high-mobility gallium-arsenide molecular beam epitaxy system, or MBE, that is housed at Purdue's Birck Nanotechnology Center. The equipment makes ultrapure semiconductor materials with atomic-layer precision. The material is a perfectly aligned lattice of gallium and arsenic atoms that can capture electrons on a two-dimensional plane, eliminating their ability to move up and down and limiting their movement to front-to-back and side-to-side.
"We are basically capturing the electrons within microscopic wells and forcing them to interact only with each other," he said. "The material must be very pure to accomplish this. Any impurities that made their way in would cause the electrons to scatter and ruin the fragile correlated state."
The electrons also need to be cooled to extremely low temperatures and a magnetic field is applied to achieve the desired conditions to reach the correlated state.
Gabor Csathy, an assistant professor of physics, is able to cool the material and electrons to 5 millikelvin -- close to absolute zero or 460 degrees below zero Fahrenheit -- using special equipment in his lab.
"At room temperature, electrons are known to behave like billiard balls on a pool table, bouncing off of the sides and off of each other, and obey the laws of classical mechanics," Csathy said. "As the temperature is lowered, electrons calm down and become aware of the presence of neighboring electrons. A collective motion of the electrons is then possible, and this collective motion is described by the laws of quantum mechanics."
The electrons do a complex dance to try to find the best arrangement for them to achieve the minimum energy level and eventually form new patterns, or ground states, he said.
Csathy, who specializes in quantum transport in semiconductors, takes the difficult measurements of the electrons' movement. The standard metric of semiconductor quality is electron mobility measured in centimeters squared per volt-second. The group recently achieved an electron mobility measurement of 22 million centimeters squared per volt-second, which puts them among the top two to three groups in the world, he said.
Manfra and Csathy presented their work at Microsoft's Station Q summer meeting on June 17 at the University of California at Santa Barbara. This meeting, sponsored by Microsoft Research, brings together leading researchers to discuss novel approaches to quantum computing. They also received a $700,000 grant from the Department of Energy based on their preliminary results.
In addition to Manfra and Csathy, the research team includes associate professors of physics Leonid Rokhinson and Yuli Lyanda-Geller; professor of physics Gabriele Giuliani; graduate students John Watson, Nodar Samkharadze, Nianpei Deng and Sumit Mondal; and research engineer Geoff Gardner.
"A broad team is necessary to probe this type of physics," Manfra said. "It takes a high level of expertise in materials, measurement and theory that is not often found at one institution. It is the depth of talent at Purdue and ability to easily work with researchers in other areas that made these achievements possible."