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Friday, July 1, 2011

From Low to High

Lord Rama with Ahalya“By remembering Shri Rama’s holy name, even those who are born into a low caste become worthy of fame, just as the wild trees that line the road to the heavenly realm are famous throughout the three worlds.” (Dohavali, 16)
rāma nāma sumirata sujasa bhājana bhae kujāti |
kutarūka surapura rājamaga lahata bhuvana bikhyāti ||
This wonderfully sweet, kind and insightful verse should dispel any myths claiming Goswami Tulsidas to be a bigot who only favored brahmanas and looked down on other castes. Every one of the poet’s conclusions follows the teachings of the Vedas, so there is no chance of the dear devotee of Lord Rama ever concocting any opinion on his own. What are commonly known as “castes” are actually referred to in Sanskrit as varnas, which can mean colors or divisions of social standing based on the inherent qualities a person assumes at the time of birth. The so-called “caste system” is present in virtually every field of endeavor, so the Vedas aren’t so foolish as to completely deny the inherent differences in quality and penchant for work that span the multitudes of living entities. Yet qualities only account for variations in the material world and the statuses that result. Since the spirit soul is the identifiable aspect within each life form, every single person is eligible for the supreme abode in the spiritual sky. Even those who seemingly have a low birth and are thus not given much importance in society can become famous and worthy of respect by regularly remembering Lord Rama, the Supreme Lord, and His wonderful name, a sound vibration which automatically transports the contemplative soul back to the spiritual land, where there are no such things as social status and bigotry.
It should be noted that Goswami Tulsidas, who was a brahmana by birth and occupation, had a high regard for the priestly class. This shouldn’t be that surprising, as there have to be some members of society who are inclined towards studying the scriptures, teaching the information contained within such works to others, performing sacrifices, and showing others how to regularly worship the Supreme Lord. In the absence of qualified brahmanas - those who both possess the qualities required to be a priest and who take up the necessary work in their daily lives - society will lack tangible leadership. Without adherence to religion, or a bona fide system of spirituality, mankind is no different than the animal.
“How much greater then are the brahmanas, the righteous, the devotees and saintly kings who in this temporary miserable world engage in loving service unto Me.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita, 9.33)
Lord KrishnaHigh regard for the brahmanas is affirmed in the Vedas many times over, including in many instances by Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is no different from His other forms of Lord Rama, Vishnu, Narasimha, etc. God is one, though He can take many forms who each have their own names. The Lord is known as brahmanya-devaya, which means that He is the personality of worship for the priestly class. The existence of other devas, or figures of worship, is inherently implied in this title given to Krishna. Depending on the angle of vision of the individual and their maturity in consciousness, different ultimate conclusions are accepted. In the animalistic mindset, the one adopted at the time of birth, the primary aim is to meet the demands of the senses. As one gets older, how these demands manifest can vary, with some wanting money and others wanting safety and protection for their families.
Brahmanas are those who understand Brahman, or the impersonal aspect of the Supreme Absolute Truth. Accompanying realization of Brahman is the understanding that all life forms are equal and that the material world is a temporary realm where the souls occupy different bodies. With entry there must come exit; therefore with any gains acquired in life, there must be loss as well. Knowing the eternal nature of the soul and how it can never be killed or destroyed, the brahmanas see past the need for sense gratification and the alleviation of distress. For this reason they primarily worship the original Personality of Godhead instead of giving allegiance to heavenly figures who can only distribute material opulence.
brahmanasSince the bona fide brahmanas, those who actually perform the work required in their field, are so knowledgeable and rare to find, they are given an elevated social status in the varnashrama-dharma system, which, for all intents and purposes, is what people refer to as Hinduism. Obviously, due to the effects of Kali Yuga, the dark age of quarrel and hypocrisy we currently find ourselves in, the title of “brahmana” has degraded to the point where people are claiming high status simply off of birth, or janma. There is a lot to be gained by this practice, as one can garner preferential treatment and respect from others without having to do a single thing. Therefore the genesis of the degradation is not difficult to understand, but it should still be remembered that a brahmana must exude the proper qualities and perform the vital work necessary for their occupation in order to be worthy of a high status.
The other three primary divisions of social standing are the kshatriyavaishya and shudra, or the administrators, businessmen and laborers. Though the caste system is often railed against by those who don’t understand it, the concept of a pecking order and priority system is seen in virtually every field of endeavor. No one can claim to be equal to everyone else in every situation. For instance, if we were to board an airplane and see a young child demand to enter the cockpit and steer the aircraft, would we allow them to do so? After all, the child is no different spiritually than the pilot commanding the plane. One individual may be older and wearing a fancy uniform, while the other is an ordinary human being in plain clothes, but the essence of individuality is the same in both.
Obviously we wouldn’t let just anybody fly the plane, because not everyone has the proper training. Without knowing how to steer the aircraft, the common man would likely crash the plane and kill everyone on board. Therefore the unnatural urge towards universal equality would bring a disastrous result in this situation. Similarly, in sports players are treated differently according to their skill level. In a business environment, the boss is respected, honored and viewed in a unique way by the common man. Even a classroom has a caste system, as the teacher has responsibilities not assigned to the students.
With these divisions present in every sphere of life, why on earth would they be absent in the most important engagement known to man, that of helping everyone become God conscious? The Vedas, the ancient scriptures of India, don’t recommend blind sentiment. Since the conclusions provided in the sacred texts are derived from knowledge of the Supreme Absolute Truth in His ever-blissful and eternal form, they are not ordinary speculations that are prone to defects. The recommendation for having divisions in society based on quality and work is wholly scientific and capable of producing peace and harmony for all.
So what should those who are not brahmanas do? Is their hope for spiritual enlightenment lost? Do they have to wait for a future birth in a higher caste to get in the good graces of the Supreme Lord? Tulsidas very nicely provides the formula for not only becoming respected in society, but also becoming famous and honored in the eyes of the Supreme Lord and His well-wishers. Let’s first take the point of comparison and study the importance of the different components. Tulsidas notes that the lowly trees [kutaruka] that line the king of paths [rājamaga] leading to the heavenly city [surapura] are famous throughout the three worlds. This comparison is exquisitely brilliant, as it explains so many important concepts. The heavenly realm, the place where the suras, or demigods, reside, is in a higher planetary system within the material world. The difference between something material and something spiritual is that the material is perishable, mutable and ever-changing, while the spiritual is eternally the same in constitution. Therefore any planet in the material world is destined for destruction, even the land inhabited by the demigods, who are exalted living entities blessed with terrific powers.
treesThose who are pious and dedicated to virtue at the very least get ascension to the heavenly realm in the afterlife. Mundane piety without a purified consciousness focused on the Supreme Lord in the mood of love and affection leads to a temporary stay in the city of the suras, where material opulence is available at an absurdly high level. The road to heaven is lined with many trees, as are most paths leading to some destination. Now, when we travel to a common destination, the surroundings are hardly noticed. Nothing can be more ordinary than trees, especially since they are found in abundance when they serve as backgrounds to important areas. On our way to work in the morning, we will likely drive past hundreds of trees, not paying them any attention. What to speak of the lowly trees, bushes and weeds, even the most glorious trees are ignored, for our primary objective is to reach our destination, where some work or enjoyment will take place. Who cares about the minutia surrounding the path to the target destination, as trees and plants are a dime a dozen?
Yet since the heavenly realm is wonderful and unique, even the lowest trees, the ones that aren’t even that tall or beautiful in appearance, lining the road to that land are worthy of fame and attention. A heavenly tree is known as a surataru, and it is capable of granting any wish. If we go up to an ordinary tree and ask for a benediction, we won’t get anything. The tree is a living entity but it is incapable of speech or movement. Indeed, someone who talks to a tree will likely be considered crazy by the rest of society. But in heaven, everything is wonderful and beautiful, and the trees there are not ordinary in the least bit. If we go up to a surataru and ask for sumptuous food, our wish will be granted immediately. There is no limit to the material enjoyment in the land of the demigods, because any wish can be granted by any living entity there, even the abundant trees.
monticelloThe ability of an ordinary object to take on importance due to its relation to something famous is seen in our present life as well. Museums and tourist attractions are built around this very concept. The homes of the Founding Fathers of the United States, great statesmen like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, are visited quite frequently. These homes are just ordinary establishments, so why should there be any fanfare regarding visiting a housing structure made of brick or wood? What can be gained by walking around someone’s house and seeing the rooms inside? These experiences can be had within our own home or the homes of our friends. The museums and tourist attractions are given importance because of their relation to someone famous and respected. Since a great political leader is studied, honored and heard from, anything relating to their life, even the ordinary aspects like a house, a car, or birthplace, become important and worthy of attention.
For those who are in the lower social strata based on their work, there is likely not much attention or honor given to them. For instance, when visitors come to the office building of a Fortune 500 company, they likely won’t want to meet the janitors, secretaries, or ordinary office workers. These workers play a vital role in the success of the company, as somebody needs to handle the day-to-day business to make sure that everything runs smoothly. Yet the fame, glory and honor go to the executives, the suits, and especially the CEO or owner of the company. The higher ups are lower in number as well, as ordinary workers can be found anywhere. It doesn’t take a tremendous skill level to be able to clean, answer phones, or do other menial tasks.
In the varnashrama-dharma system, the common laborers and the businessmen of society aren’t given too much attention. A laborer is deemed less intelligent because of their occupation, and the businessman is considered slightly more intelligent, but still on the lower priority of the scale because of their affinity for earning money. The administrators, or kings, and the brahmanas are given higher priority because of the protection they offer. The kings protect the citizens from dangerous elements, and the brahmanas offer guidance in spiritual life, which itself is the most worthwhile protection anyone could ask for.
Lord RamaYet if one simply remembers the name of the Supreme Lord, who is the most famous and worshipable person in all the worlds, they immediately become the most important and honored. A person can be of a low caste, like an ordinary laborer or businessman, and thus not be considered unique or noteworthy, but if they remember Rama’s name and His glorious activities, they immediately become eligible for fame, just like the otherwise lowly trees lining the road to the heavenly realm.
In addition to becoming famous, such devotees of the Lord become worshipable, or worthy of being approached by those looking to connect with God. A CEO may be honored and respected, and a brahmana may similarly be paid great tribute, but only the divine figures attached to Vishnu worship are considered worthy of being paid the highest homage. Tulsidas isn’t exaggerating by saying that even the low born devotees can become worthy of fame. After all, one who regularly chants Rama’s name knows the true secret in life, that devotional service is the highest engagement for any person. Birth into a high castemay represent a better chance at altering consciousness, but this doesn’t mean that loving God is restricted for other members of society.
There are many examples that prove Tulsidas’ point. During Lord Rama’s time on earth in the Treta Yuga, many low born individuals became famous. Indeed, Rama’s best friends were a band of monkeys living in the Kishkindha forest. ShriHanuman, a divine Vanara, is arguably the most famous and respected figure for followers of the Vedic tradition. He is not a brahmana or a kshatriya, for he appeared on earth in a Vanara form. Yet he is Rama’s greatest devotee, someone who never forgets the divine activities of the Lord, His wife Sita Devi and His younger brother Lakshmana. The female sage Shabari similarly was totally devoted to Rama, and thus today she is honored and respected for her dedication. Women especially are deemed to have a lesser chance at success in spiritual understanding in the Vedic tradition; hence the importance given to finding a suitable husband to care for them. But even Shabari, who lived in a time when allegiance to Vedic traditions was very strong, achieved the supreme destination by regularly remembering Rama’s name.
Shri Rama DarbarThe roadmap for all the sincere souls of this age looking for salvation is quite straightforward. If we simply chant, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare”, and remember the glorious activities of Shri Rama and His wonderful devotees, we’ll never have to worry about social standing or the opinions of others. The Supreme Lord will see to it that our service continues uninterrupted and that others can learn from our example and honor the sublime engagement that is bhakti-yoga

Medicinal Uses for 15 Flowers

Nature has given us a variety of things like flowers fruits and more, that make us happy and pleasant. Flowers are one of the most beautiful things of nature. Some use flowers are for worshiping God and some use flowers for decorating themselves. Apart from the traditional uses, flowers have medicinal uses too. Here are 15 of them.


  1. Use the infusion made with Begonia flowers for eliminating toxins from the body.
  2. The infusion helps in promoting blood circulation.
  3. Rub the flower on burns, pains and toxic sores.


  1. Use the essence of Calendula for relieving from menstruation pain, sore throats and tonsillitis.
  2. Apply it on cancer sores and wounds for quick healing.

California Poppy

  1. It treats insomnia, nervous tension and anxiety.
  2. It relieves from menstrual cramps and pain.


  1. The drink made with this flower cures cold and fevers.
  2. Apply the drink with a cotton ball over the eyes for relieving the inflammations.
  3. The drink relieves from headaches and hypertensions.

Corn flower

  1. Rub the essence over the eyes for relieving conjunctivitis and strain.
  2. Use the stem facial of this flower for facial skin eruptions and acne.


  1. The infusion made with dandelion treats anemia, jaundice and nervousness.
  2. It also purifies the blood.

Honey suckle

  1. Gargling with the essence of this flower relieves sore throat.
  2. It is also effective for all inflammatory conditions.
  3. The blossoms are rich in antiviral and antibacterial properties.
  4. The leaves and stems of this flower are useful for arthritis.


  1. Gargling with the essence of this flower relieves sore throat and reduces inflammation.
  2. It relieves from cold and flu.
  3. Rubbing with the essence on cuts and bruises heals them.


  1. The infusion of this flower cures cold, influenza.
  2. It fights against reproductive and urinary tract infections.
  3. It fights against bacterial infections and respiratory infections.

Plum flowers

  1. This flower is useful in curing cough and diarrhea
  2. The smoke of this fruit is effective against parasites.
  3. It is helpful in stopping ulcers.


  1. Chew the petals for improvement in blood circulation.
  2. The petals act as anti-depressive agents.
  3. The petal tea cleanses the liver and gall bladder.
  4. Infusion of this flower improves the efficiency of lungs.

sun flower

  1. The infusion of this flower relieves from menstruation pain and ulcers.
  2. Gargling with the infusion relieves sore throat and tonsillitis.
  3. It is a remedy for cancer sores.


  1. This flower relieves from anxiety and insomnia.
  2. It is a remedy for migraines, tension headaches and rheumatic pains.
  3. The essence of this flower relieves from muscle and menstrual cramps.


  1. Apply the essence of this flower to cure eczema and varicose veins.
  2. Take the infusion of this flower regularly to cure from coughs and bronchitis.
  3. It is useful for urinary problems and cystic.


  1. Use the infusion of this flower for upper respiratory phlegm.
  2. Use it externally as a wash for eczema.
  3. It is a remedy for cold and flu.
  4. Smell this flower for hay fever and mild asthma.

drinking water

20 Interesting and Useful Water Facts

drinking water
  1. Roughly 70 percent of an adult’s body is made up of water.
  2. At birth, water accounts for approximately 80 percent of an infant’s body weight.
  3. A healthy person can drink about three gallons (48 cups) of water per day.
  4. Drinking too much water too quickly can lead to water intoxication. Water intoxication occurs when water dilutes the sodium level in the bloodstream and causes an imbalance of water in the brain.
  5. Water intoxication is most likely to occur during periods of intense athletic performance.
  6. While the daily recommended amount of water is eight cups per day, not all of this water must be consumed in the liquid form. Nearly every food or drink item provides some water to the body.
  7. Soft drinks, coffee, and tea, while made up almost entirely of water, also contain caffeine. Caffeine can act as a mild diuretic, preventing water from traveling to necessary locations in the body.
  8. Pure water (solely hydrogen and oxygen atoms) has a neutral pH of 7, which is neither acidic nor basic.
  9. Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. Wherever it travels, water carries chemicals, minerals, and nutrients with it.
  10. Somewhere between 70 and 75 percent of the earth’s surface is covered with water.
  11. Much more fresh water is stored under the ground in aquifers than on the earth’s surface.
  12. The earth is a closed system, similar to a terrarium, meaning that it rarely loses or gains extra matter. The same water that existed on the earth millions of years ago is still present today.
  13. The total amount of water on the earth is about 326 million cubic miles of water.
  14. Of all the water on the earth, humans can used only about three tenths of a percent of this water. Such usable water is found in groundwater aquifers, rivers, and freshwater lakes.
  15. The United States uses about 346,000 million gallons of fresh water every day.
  16. The United States uses nearly 80 percent of its water for irrigation and thermoelectric power.
  17. The average person in the United States uses anywhere from 80-100 gallons of water per day. Flushing the toilet actually takes up the largest amount of this water.
  18. Approximately 85 percent of U.S. residents receive their water from public water facilities. The remaining 15 percent supply their own water from private wells or other sources.
  19. By the time a person feels thirsty, his or her body has lost over 1 percent of its total water amount.
  20. The weight a person loses directly after intense physical activity is weight from water, not fat.
10 Reasons to Drink Water
  1. Water is absolutely essential to the human body’s survival. A person can live for about a month without food, but only about a week without water.
  2. Water helps to maintain healthy body weight by increasing metabolism and regulating appetite.
  3. Water leads to increased energy levels. The most common cause of daytime fatigue is actually mild dehydration.
  4. Drinking adequate amounts of water can decrease the risk of certain types of cancers, including colon cancer, bladder cancer, and breast cancer.
  5. For a majority of sufferers, drinking water can significantly reduce joint and/or back pain.
  6. Water leads to overall greater health by flushing out wastes and bacteria that can cause disease.
  7. Water can prevent and alleviate headaches.
  8. Water naturally moisturizes skin and ensures proper cellular formation underneath layers of skin to give it a healthy, glowing appearance.
  9. Water aids in the digestion process and prevents constipation.
  10. Water is the primary mode of transportation for all nutrients in the body and is essential for proper circulation.
10 Reasons to Use a Water Filter
  1. In order to capitalize on the health benefits of water, it is essential to draw from a clean source of water.
  2. Drinking impure, contaminated water is the leading cause of epidemic disease in developing countries.
  3. There are more than 2100 known drinking water contaminants that may be present in tap water, including several known poisons.
  4. Bottled water does not offer a viable alternative to tap water.
  5. Municipal water treatment facilities cannot always control for the outbreak of dangerous bacterial contaminants in tap water.
  6. The only way to ensure pure, contaminant-free drinking water is through the use of a point-of-use filtration system.
  7. Several types of cancer can be attributed to the presence of toxic materials in drinking water.
  8. Clean, healthy drinking water is essential to a child’s proper mental and physical development.
  9. According to the EPA, lead in drinking water contributes to 480,000 cases of learning disorders in children each year in the United States alone.
  10. It is especially important for pregnant women to drink pure water as lead in drinking water can cause severe birth defects.

Photo Slideshow — Beijing Water Imports and Wastewater Recycling

A gallery of images from Beijing and neighboring Hebei Province, where the capital city is importing water from farmers and fishermen.
Perennial drought, overuse, and pollution have left Beijing struggling to meet the growing water demands of its growing population and soaring economy, which is expanding by more than 11 percent a year on average. Many experts predict that the city’s growth will likely outstrip its water saving measures and its planned water transfers from neighboring provinces, which are experiencing their own water shortages.
© J. Carl Ganter and Aaron Jaffe / Circle of Blue
Photographs by J. Carl Ganter and Aaron Jaffe. Ganter—a Traverse City-based photojournalist and director of Circle of Blue—can be reached at Jaffe—a Chicago-based photojournalist for Circle of Blue—can be reached at
Made to accompany Off the Deep End — Beijing’s Water Demand Outpaces Supply Despite Conservation, Recycling, and Imports, an article by Nadya Ivanova. Ivanova—who has reported from China, Europe, and the United States—is a Chicago-based reporter and producer for Circle of Blue. Reach her Contributions by Jennifer Turner, Washington, D.C.-based director of the China Environment Forum at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Research assistance by Zifei Yang, research intern at the China Environment Forum.

60 Second Beauty Tips

60 Second Beauty Tips

60 Second Beauty Tips
Looking gorgeous does not have to take forever. While most women think that in order to look their best they have to spend a several minutes in front of a mirror there are a always a set of exceptions that tend to confirm the rule. Find out how to use your beauty time more effectively with these 60 second beauty tricks. 

Looking our best is often quite challenging due to the limited time we tend to have to perk up on various occasions. While it might be tempting to start skipping some stages when it comes to our daily beauty routine this is often not the right answer because at often times we tend to pay the prince and not look as well as we would like. Instead a much better option would be to optimize the time you spend in an efficient manner that allows you to get out of the house faster and more polished then ever before.

Whether we are taking about skin care, makeup or hair styling there is always room for improvements in any of these area. Becoming accustomed with speed beauty tips is always beneficial because in this way you also become better skilled at handling the various disasters that might happen during the day. A good first step is to try to determine which beauty routines take longer and to try a few tweaks in those areas at first. Here are a few tricks that you might find useful:

If you generally need to reapply makeup through the day it's best to go with for a loose powder foundation instead of cream and liquid formulas. While various formulas might be recommended for various skin types, when it comes to speed most women tend to agree that loose powder foundation is much easier to apply and carry around for later touch ups. Also, avoid using a sponge to apply it. Choose instead a foundation brush that tends to deliver better natural results for a natural look.

If you usually apply concealer first and then you go and apply foundation you should try to reverse this order when you are in a hurry. Applying foundation over concealer can cause the concealer to rub off, making you waste unnecessary time with reapplication. Also for a complete look make sure that you apply bronzer in all the important places even the ones that you generally tend to neglect.

Take time to apply a little bit of bronzer on the earlobes as well if you plan on pulling your hair up, because the makeup will tend to look more natural this way. Don't bother applying blush on the apples of the cheek to enhance your features. Instead apply neural shimmer on the brow line in an ark motion and your cheekbones will be instantly lifted. For the eye makeup try investing in a smudge free eyeliner. If you want to have perfect kissable lips an eyeliner that has an almost identical hue with your lipstick can be the quick fix you've been looking for. 

Want to have healthier looking skin in a few minutes and to make zits more noticeable? Lemon juice can help you achieve both of this things in no time. You will have a glowing skin and you will also manage to also speed up healing by making pimples dry faster. The only downside for this trick for your face is that it might irritate you if you sensitive skin. In this case you can try holding an ice cube on the affected area to shrink it and making it easier to cover up. 

If you dyed your hair brown or black and your natural hair color is starting to show due to regrown roots you can easily camouflage this problem with the help of black and brown mascara. While you might be accustomed by now to use hair powder to make sure that your greasy hair is less noticeable you can also take it a step further and optimize your hair color. And the time it takes to do all these? You guessed it: less than 60 seconds. 

Doing our hair tends to be one of our most time consuming tasks. Opting for time saving hairstyles such as braids, low buns half up down hairstyles or front loose curls can help. Even a ponytail can work and you don't even have to settle for an ordinary looking one. With the right styling tools, by teasing the hair you can instantly glam up your look in a matter of seconds. Investing in high quality products is a must for speeding up the styling routine effectively. 

Egg Rolls [Sri Lankan Style]

Using targeting and segmentation for email marketing

Targeting and segmentation methods for email marketing are becoming increasingly sophisticated and complex.

If you are “in the business” it is easy to fall into the trap of focusing on the “how” rather than the “why” and the “when” and forgetting what the whole point of the exercise is.
In this piece, I’ll seek to bring things back to basics; it’s no good having the answers, if you’ve forgotten what the question was.

Back to basics

Segmenting for email has always been a bit of a hard pill to swallow. For many years the use of data, segmentation and targeting had been used as a response to the high cost of media.
If you could identify those people who are most likely to buy, and target your marketing directly at them, you could reduce waste and increase your overall return on marketing investment. It was worth it; the extra spend on campaign planning and data work, was outweighed by the savings in media costs (if you got it right).
So along comes email, with campaign and deployment costs being similar, whether you were sending one thousand emails or one million. Overnight the focus became mass media, leading most marketers to seek out more and more volume.
Words like “broadcast” and “blast” were being used to describe the sending of an email campaign (still common words today) and email volumes shot through the roof.

Emails must be wanted

As a response to this, the ISP’s started to get quite protective of their client base, investing in technology to help reduce the load on people’s inboxes. It was pretty basic at first, without complaint feedback and dedicated sender support departments it felt like fighting a war. ESP’s launched out emails, and the ISP’s replied with bounces.
For both sides it was a steep learning curve but the underlying objective of the ISP’s was becoming clear, best typified by this quote from the Yahoo postmaster;
The mission of Yahoo mail is to deliver all the messages users want to receive and none they do not.
Methods used to filter  unwanted email are constantly evolving,. And with Forrester predicting by 2012, twenty five opt in emails will be sent to peoples email accounts on a daily basis, it’s clear you won’t be wanting all of them.                     

The Question

So, we can send out as many emails as we like, because it’s nice and cheap and if the recipients don’t want them, the ISP will junk or block them.
Any email marketer who measures ROI will be able to tell you the difference in revenue performance between emails that go into junk and those that go into the inbox.
So, to be successful in email marketing I think there are two key questions we are trying to answer.
  • How do I get the maximum revenue potential from my email list?
  • How do I send emails to people who want them?
Unsurprisingly they are usually asked in that order, but the answer for both must be the same, and this is why. We send people email messages to influence them; it could be to influence them to buy something or to influence them to engage with your brand.
The objective can be a number of things; the most important thing to remember is that if your email message is not in front of the customer, you’re not influencing anyone.
And by ”in front of the customer”, I mean in the inbox, and opened and read. There is no point in sending emails unless this is the objective. Some ISP’s have already laid bare the fact they use response data to determine whether an email is wanted or not.
So if you are sending emails to people who want them, you will be getting higher response rates, Inbox placement, greater influence and higher sales.
So, could the question be; how do I use email to influence my customers to buy more and therefore increase customer lifetime value?

The Answer

The biggest difference between the last question and the two preceding ones is that within it lie the beginnings of the answers.
It’s quite a departure from sending a weekly newsletter to the total base, to start looking at influencing the customer’s lifetime value using email. For some email marketers, it’s a step too far, as the data needed is still out of reach (although some of the most effective behavioural emails can be set up quite simply).
But for those marketers who are able to identify what stage of the customer lifecycle their customers are at and link this data to their customer’s online engagement, the opportunity to send “wanted” emails is here now.
It’s not as easy as sending the weekly newsletter, but once the revenue potential from that activity has peaked, it will be time to look deeper into the data to achieve the results you need.
Let’s face it; it must make sense to talk to someone in a manner that’s based on their relationship with you. You wouldn’t talk to someone who has just purchased for the first time in the same way you would a lapsed or dormant customer (the frequency would probably be different too).
You would also talk differently to someone who has just saved a basket to one that hasn’t visited the website in some time. They fit into justifiably different segments of behaviour and lifecycle with different objectives and opportunities for influence. 
Sending them an email based on who they are and what they are doing will be far more “wanted” than one that isn’t relevant.    
Most people will be on your list because they want to and they don’t want to unsubscribe because they still want a relationship with your company and therefore have future revenue potential.
The trick is to be better at achieving revenue from your list than your competitors are.