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Monday, June 27, 2011

How Solar Arrays Are Made

How Solar Arrays Are Made

A new lab is inventing alternative ways to package and install solar cells.BY KEVIN BULLIS

Fraunhofer scientist Theresa Christian tests the power output of a solar cell, the basic device within a solar panel that absorbs light and converts it into electricity. The lab doesn’t design solar cells, but building solar panels requires knowing how well they perform, because a panel’s power output is limited by its worst-performing cell.
Credit: Porter Gifford

When the Snake Bites ... Try Ointment

When the Snake Bites ... Try Ointment

Don't tread on me. An ointment might help people bitten by the eastern brown snake of Australia or other snakes.
Credit: ANT Photo Library /Photo Researchers, Inc.
Time is the foe for people who have been bitten by a poisonous snake, but a new study may give them a bit more of it. Researchers have identified an ointment that slows the spread of some kinds of snake venom through the body, potentially giving snakebite victims longer to reach a hospital or clinic.
Although poisonous snakes kill only a handful of people in the United States each year, the World Health Organization puts the global toll at about 100,000 people. When some snakes strike, the bulky proteins in their venom don't infiltrate the bloodstream immediately but wend through the lymphatic system to the heart. In Australia, a country slithering with noxious snakes, the recommended first aid for a bite includes tightly wrapping the bitten limb to shut the lymphatic vessels—a method called pressure bandage with immobilization (PBI). The idea is to hamper the venom's spread until the victim can receive antivenom medicine, essentially antibodies that lock onto and neutralize the poison. But PBI is not practical if the bite is on the torso or face, and one study found that even people trained to perform the technique do it right only about half the time. As a result, some people don't get antivenom in time.
So physiologist Dirk van Helden of the University of Newcastle in Australia and colleagues went looking for a chemical method to detain the venom. They settled on an ointment that contains glyceryl trinitrate, the compound better known as nitroglycerin that doctors have used to treat everything from tennis elbow to angina. The ointment, prescribed for a painful condition called anal fissures, releases nitric oxide, causing the lymphatic vessels to clench. The researchers first injected volunteers in the foot with a harmless radioactive mixture that, like some snake toxins, moves through the lymphatic vessels. In control subjects that didn't receive the ointment, the mixture took 13 minutes to climb to the top of the leg. But it required 54 minutes if the researchers immediately smeared the ointment around the injection site, the team reports online today in Nature Medicine.
To determine whether the ointment improved survival, the researchers injected the feet of anesthetized rats with venom from the eastern brown snake, a cobra relative that is one of Australia's deadliest, and measured how much time elapsed before the rodents stopped breathing. Rats lived about 50% longer if the researchers slathered the rodents' hind limbs with the cream.
Although the team can't specify how many minutes or hours the treatment might buy, the findings suggest that "it gives you time and a half to get help," says van Helden. "I'd prefer that to just time." He says that hikers and people who work in rural areas might consider carrying the cream in case they get bitten when they are far from medical facilities.
The method is "very exciting," says Steven Seifert, medical director of the New Mexico Poison and Drug Information Center in Albuquerque. "It makes sense to try to slow the passage of the venom into the circulation." Medical toxicologist Eric Lavonas, associate director of the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center in Denver, Colorado, is also impressed. "This is really promising," he says. The authors "did the right studies to evaluate this approach."
Still, Seifert and Lavonas question whether such a treatment would do much good in the United States. Australian snakes largely inject neurotoxic venom that spreads through the body and attacks the nervous system, triggering paralysis. The perpetrators of most U.S. snakebites are rattlesnakes, copperheads, and cottonmouths, which inject a different type of venom that mainly destroys the tissue near the bite. But the researchers note that the ointment could prove valuable in many other countries inhabited by dangerous snakes, such as cobras, mambas, and kraits, that produce neurotoxic venom. "If this treatment pans out, it may revolutionize first aid for snakebite in parts of the world where venom causes paralysis," Lavonas says

Ladybirds fool ants for food


A predatory ladybird larva (Cryptolaemus montrouzieri) is disguised and protected by its woolly coat of wax filaments.
Image: David Cappaert, Michigan State University
CSIRO research has revealed that the tremendous diversity of ladybird beetle species is linked to their ability to produce larvae which, with impunity, poach members of ‘herds’ of tiny, soft-bodied scale insects from under the noses of the aggressive ants that tend them.

Reconstructing the evolutionary history of ladybird beetles (family Coccinellidae), the researchers found that the ladybirds’ first major evolutionary shift was from feeding on hard-bodied (“armoured”) scale insects to soft-bodied scale insects.

“Soft-bodied scales are easier to eat, but present a whole new challenge,” says Dr Ainsley Seago, a researcher with the CSIRO’s Australian National Insect Collection.

“These soft-bodied sap-feeding insects are tended by ants, which guard the defenceless scales and collect a ‘reward’ of sugary honeydew. The ant tenders aggressively defend their scale insect ‘livestock’ and are always ready to attack any predator that threatens their herd.”

Therein lay the evolutionary problem confronting ladybird beetles, whose larvae were highly vulnerable to ant attack.

To avoid being killed as they poach the ant’s scales, ladybird larvae evolved to produce two anti-ant defences: an impregnable woolly coat of wax filaments, and glands which produce defensive chemicals. Most of the ladybird family’s 6,000 species are found in lineages with one or both of these defences.

“We found that most of ladybird species’ richness is concentrated in groups with these special larval defences,” Dr Seago said.

”These groups are more successful than any other lineage of ladybird beetle. Furthermore, these defences have been ‘lost’ in the few species that have abandoned soft-scale poaching in favour of eating pollen or plant leaves.

“This is an unusual way for diversity to arise in an insect group.

“In most previous research, insect species richness has been linked to co-evolution or adaptive ‘arms races’ with plants.”

This research helps to place Australia’s ladybirds in the evolutionary tree of life for insects, and helps us to understand the complex system of mechanisms by which beetle diversity has arisen.

One lazy worker drags team down

One lazy worker drags team down

"A single lazy person drags the team down, reducing its performance and hence the satisfaction of the other members of the group."
Image: timurpix/iStockphoto
New research from the Australian School of Business (ASB) indicates that having just one person who is lazy at work can drag down a high performing team.

Benjamin Walker, a PhD student at the ASB, is studying the impact of a single "difficult personality" member on team effectiveness.

"All the research indicates that a single lazy person drags the team down, reducing its performance and hence the satisfaction of the other members of the group," Mr Walker said.

"It can be someone who isn’t proactive, someone who only does the minimum amount of work, or someone who is just plain disinterested in the job at hand.

"Even being excessively keen but producing little is generally a negative trait within a group.

"It was previously thought that the average level of a personality trait – such as conscientiousness in a team – defined its success. However conscientiousness has two sides to it: one is discipline and a need for achievement and the other is being painstaking and careful."

Mr Walker also found that the person who contributes the least has a huge impact.

"Even if the rest of the team is generally pulling their weight, they won’t be able to compensate for that member and they won’t be happy about it," he said.

"It really does show that one bad apple in the barrel can spoil it for everyone else."

The study involved 158 students, divided into 33 teams, and examined how the dedication and hard work of individual team members affected the work of the entire group, concentrating on how just one member can influence the group.

Facebook May Mobilize on Web Apps

Apple may ultimately be forced offer better support for applications that reside in the browser. "At the end of the day, for platforms to be successful, they have to give consumers what they want," says David Koretz, CEO of the Web-application security firm Mykonos Software. He argues that consumer demand will push mobile companies to offer the best Web experience possible. 
Credit: Technology Review


Facebook May Mobilize on Web Apps

Developers are abuzz with a rumored project that could provide a new platform for mobile apps.

Another, potentially more significant issue hanging over the future of mobile apps is the fact that HTML is poorly suited to the kind of app that has so far made the most money for both Facebook and Apple: games. Long-time Apple observer John Gruber sees HTML's limitations as fundamental to the difference between Apple's App Store and Facebook's rumored effort.

"Don't think of what Facebook is reportedly attempting as a would-be rival to the iOS App Store. Think of it as the mobile equivalent of Flash games for Macs and PCs. Obviously, there would be some competitive overlap, but there's a fundamental difference in scope and quality," Gruber said in an e-mail.

Another truth that Facebook needs to confront is that previous efforts to create Web-based apps have fizzled. Apple, in fact, maintains a directory of Web apps—a holdover from the days before developers were able to create native apps for the iPhone. But it has little incentive to promote these. OpenAppMkt, another repository of mobile Web apps, has failed to make much of a dent in the App Store or Android Market. Google itself sells Web apps, through the Chrome Web Store, but these are primarily for desktops. A significant barrier each one of these efforts has run into is their lack of an easy-to-use payment system. Apple already has 200 million iTunes accounts, allowing its users a level of impulse purchasing unheard of in the history of commerce.

Whatever challenges Facebook faces, if the most-visited website in the United States does start pushing mobile Web apps, this could be huge for the penetration of applications based on open Web-browser standards. "Facebook's reach can definitely bring Web apps to the limelight and make this an attractive option for app publishers," says Worklight's Perry.
Rumor has it that Facebook is trying to sidestep Apple's App Store and Google's Android Market with a neat technical trick: a Web-based platform for apps.

Facebook has yet to confirm the existence of the effort, allegedly code-named "Project Spartan." But if the rumor is true, the effort could threaten Apple and Google's dominance in mobile software, and give a boost to Web applications over native apps, by appealing to Facebook's huge and captive user base and by leveraging the social connections between users.

Facebook already lets developers build apps to run on top of its platform, and they've created thousands of games, utilities, and even business apps. But these are designed for the desktop, not the mobile or tablet platforms that are growing rapidly in popularity.

Mobile Web apps built on top of Facebook, and that run entirely in the browser, using widely supported technologies like HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS, would free developers from the need to create several version of their software for different mobile platforms. Developers could also use Facebook Credits, which the company is hoping to expand into a universal micropayment system accessible across the Web. Facebook takes the same cut from Credits that Apple does from its App Store: 30 percent.

"If the rumors are true, it means that Facebook is planning to use Web technologies to create a whole new app ecosystem for iOS-based and other mobile devices," says Ron Perry, chief technology officer at Worklight, a company that provides tools for building mobile applications.

Facebook could also increase its influence in the mobile market by creating a platform for apps that Apple would never approve, or giving developers more favorable terms than the current 30 percent cut.
All this might make it seem inevitable that Facebook would undertake something like Project Spartan. But to succeed at creating an alternate Web-only app ecosystem and payment platform that spans many devices, it will need to overcome a number of challenges.
For one thing, Apple is now in the position that Microsoft was in 20 years ago: it controls the software on its devices and has little incentive to make the environment more hospitable to competing models of application delivery. Indeed, in March, some developers accused Apple of crippling native apps that use Web content on the iPhone and iPad by saddling them with a JavaScript engine only half as fast as the Nitro engine that runs in mobile Safari, the default browser on Apple's mobile devices. It's debatable whether or not this bug was intentional.

Cheaper High-Efficiency Solar Panels

Suntech Power has developed a better way to make high-grade silicon wafers.

Suntech has developed a way to form monocrystalline material using a modified version of the multicrystalline process.
Solar crystals: A new solar panel from Suntech incorporates cells made using a new silicon-wafer casting process. The cells—the smaller squares inside the panel—are half monocrystalline (the dark areas of the cells) and half multicrystalline (the variegated areas).
Credit: Suntech
It uses seed crystals, but instead of being gradually drawn out of the silicon (as with the conventional monocrystalline process), they are arranged at the bottom of a crucible and completely covered with melted silicon. Then heat is extracted through the bottom of the crucible, ensuring that crystallization begins at the bottom, where the seeds are.
This is essentially the process patented decades ago. Refinements Suntech has made help overcome one of the main challenges the process presents: the molten silicon in contact with the edges of the container forms its own seeds, and as a result, the final slab of silicon is monocrystalline on the inside and multicrystalline toward the outside.
Suntech figured out how to keep the multicrystalline area to a minimum: the resulting ingot is 70 percent monocrystalline. Pure monocrystalline wafers are made from the center of the ingot. The material on the edges, which is half monocrystalline and half multicrystalline, is also used. Cells made of this turn out to be about 10 percent more efficient than ordinary multicrystalline cells, which is almost as efficient as purely monocrystalline cells.
Wenham says the process can use existing wafer-processing equipment, so it can be scaled up quickly. "The process could be quite a game-changer in photovoltaics, as it offers much higher performance at reduced costs," he says. 
Wenham says that Suntech expects much of the industry to adopt similar technology in the next two years. Because the basic principle is no longer under patent, many companies have been able to develop their own versions of it. He says Suntech is looking to patent technologies related to using the new materials to make solar panels.

Chinese solar-panel manufacturer Suntech Power has developed a new process for making silicon wafers for solar cells that could cut the cost of solar power by 10 to 20 percent.
The most efficient silicon solar cells use wafers consisting of a single crystal of silicon. When made by the new process, these high-quality "monocrystalline" wafers cost about the same as  lower-quality multicrystalline wafers, or potentially half as much as monocrystalline wafers made by conventional processes. (Wafer cost is only part of the cost of solar power, which is why a process that may cost half as much only reduces the overall cost by 10 to 20 percent.)
The idea underlying the process was patented more than 20 years ago but never commercially developed by the patent owners. The patents expired about three years ago, and several companies—JA Solar, LDK Solar, and Renesola, in addition to Suntech—recently announced that they had succeeded in making the process work.
Stuart Wenham, Suntech's CTO, described the advance at a solar conference this week in Seattle, and said the company has already started selling solar panels made using the process.
This news may spell trouble for businesses in the United States and elsewhere hoping to commercialize new thin-film solar technologies. In theory, thin-film technology is cheaper per watt than silicon technology. But its makers have found it hard to compete withChinese makers of conventional silicon solar panels, which have steadily cut costs in part by improving manufacturing techniques and in part because government support has allowed them to scale up production quickly.
Making high-quality monocrystalline wafers ordinarily involves heating silicon to over 1,400 ° C (higher than its melting point), and then dipping a seed crystal into the melt. An ingot from which the wafers will be cut is formed by gradually pulling the seed up as the silicon crystallizes around it. This happens over the course of one to two days, during which time the pool of silicon must be kept hot—which takes a lot of energy. Both the energy consumption and the slow rate of production make the process expensive. Making multicrystalline ingots is faster and less energy-intensive—the silicon is melted and then cooled. There is no need to keep the silicon hot, saving energy, but cells made from these materials are much less efficient.