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Wednesday, August 24, 2016


சிறு கிராமத்தில் உள்ள ஒரு நர்சரி பள்ளியில் சின்ன குழந்தைகளை பராமரிக்கும் ஒரு டீச்சர்.. மிக உண்மையாகவும் பாசத்தோடும் குழந்தைகளோட பழகி வருபவர்... அவர் மீதான அதீத அன்பினால் அவர் நண்பனின் 5 வயது பெண் குழந்தை அவர் உதட்டில் முத்தமிட... அப்படி செய்ய கூடாதென்று சிறிது கடுமையாக சொல்கிறார்...

ஏற்கனவே பலதை கற்பனை செய்யும் அந்த குழந்தை அவர் தன்னிடம் தவறாக நடந்து கொண்டதாக விளையாட்டு தனமாக புகார் தெரிவிக்கிறது... அதன் விளைவுகள் என்ன என்பதும், நம்மை சுற்றி இருக்கும் நபர்களின் நம்பிக்கையை இழக்கும் போது அவர்கள் எப்படி மாறுகிறார்கள் என்பதையும் ஒரு கூரிய நகக்கீரல் போல நம் மனதில் பதிய வைக்கிறது இக்கதை...

சிறு வேடிக்கையான நிகழ்வு ஒரு மனிதன் வாழ்கையில் என்னென்ன பாதிப்புகளை ஏற்படுத்துகிறது அதிலிருந்து அவன் மீண்டானா என்பதை த்ரில்லிங்கா சொல்லிருக்காங்க... ஒரு சீரியல் கில்லர் படத்துக்கு குறையாத த்ரில்லிங் இந்த படத்தில் உண்டு... செமயா எஞ்சாய் பண்ணலாம்... A Don't Miss Movie.. :)

படம் பெயர்........... The Hunt (2012) ( aka Jagten)
Hunting is not a very efficient means of obtaining food or controlling the wildlife population, but it is a handy way to destroy animals for fun.
In several of his stories about hunting, Ernest Hemingway demonstrated that those who took pleasure in murdering animals were probably capable of murdering human beings if a lucky opportunity came along.
That is the argument of "The Hunt," a relentless film from Spain by Carlos Saura. The thin line between ceremonial violence (as in bullfights) and deliberate personal violence has been a favorite subject of Spain's most distinguished director, Luis Buñuel. Saura, his young disciple, also finds it fascinating to study characters at the moment when they become capable of murder.
Directed at a slow pace, which exactly expresses the ritual and tedium of a hunting party, the film introduces three middle-aged men who fought for the Fascists during the Spanish Civil War. Now they have gotten together again to hunt rabbits in the same rocky countryside where they once trapped Loyalists.
Saura pays great attention to the ritual of the hunt, and there are stark close-ups of bolts being tested, cartridges being loaded and the hunters getting the heft of their rifles. Then there is a burst of activity, remarkably well photographed, as the men and their dog flush out rabbits and kill them.
One scene remains in memory: A rabbit is scampering up a hillside, pursued by the shots of the hunters. It halts suddenly and sits perfectly still, its ears pointed and its nose quivering. The telephoto lens shows the rabbit in perfect detail. There is a second of quiet. Then a shot barely misses. The next shot is on target, and the rabbit explodes in fur and dust.
As the day wears on, the hunters get under each other's skins. Emotions that are ordinarily avoided -- the fear of growing older, the realization of failure -- come to the surface. There are bitter words and a fight, and in the last shocking scene they cold-bloodedly murder one another. Director Saura's fine sense of pace is greatly responsible for the growth of tension in a film which, for most of its length, pretends to be just an ordinary record of an unremarkable day.



Luristan, Northwest Iran. Luristan Bronze Age: 4,500 - 2,650 years ago

தமிழைக் கணினியில் மொழிபெயர்க்கும் மென்பொருளை உருவாக்கப் பயன்படும் ஆய்வு உமாதேவி - முதல்முறையாக முனைவர் பட்டம்

தமிழைக் கணினியில் மொழிபெயர்க்கும் மென்பொருளை உருவாக்கப் பயன்படும் ஆய்வு
உமாதேவி - முதல்முறையாக முனைவர் பட்டம் பெற்ற சென்னை மாணவி
தமிழைக் கணினியில் மொழி பெயர்க்கும் மென்பொருளை உரு வாக்கப் பயன்படும் ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரைக்கு முதன்முறையாக முனைவர் பட்டம் பெற்றிருக்கிறார் சென்னை மாணவி.
மொழிபெயர்ப்புக்கு 100 ஆண்டு வரலாறு உண்டு. இந்தியாவில் இந்தி உட்பட பல மொழிகளின் மொழிபெயர்ப்புக்குக் கணினியை ஏறக்குறைய முழுமையாகப் பயன்படுத்திவிட்டனர் என்றே சொல் லலாம். அதாவது பிற மொழியில் நடைமுறையில் எழுதப் படும் ஒரு வாக்கியத்தைக் கணினியில் பதிவு செய்தால், அது அப்ப டியே ஆங்கிலத்தில் மொழி பெயர்க் கப்படுகிறது. ஆனால், தமிழ் மொழி யில், நாம் எழுதுகிற தமிழை அப்படியே ஆங்கிலத்தில் மொழி பெயர்க்கும் நிலை இப்போது இல்லை.
இந்நிலையில், சென்னைப் பல் கலைக்கழக மொழியியல் துறை முன்னாள் தலைவர் ந. தெய்வ சுந்தரம், நாம் எழுதுகிற தமி ழைக் கணினி தானாகவே மொழி பெயர்க்கும் திறன்கொண்ட மென் பொருளை உருவாக்கும் முயற்சி யில் ஈடுபட்டுள்ளார்.
இத்தகைய முயற்சியில் தன்னை முழுமையாக ஈடுபடுத்திக் கொண்டுள்ள இவரது மாணவி கி.உமாதேவி, நாம் எழுதுகிற தமிழை அப்படியே பொருள் மாறா மல் ஆங்கிலத்தில் மொழிபெயர்ப் பது குறித்து இலக்கண அடிப்படை யில் மூன்று ஆண்டுகளாக ஆய்வு செய்துள்ளார். இதற்காக சென் னைப் பல்கலைக்கழகத்தில் முனை வர் பட்டம் பெற்றிருக்கிறார். அவருக்கு ஆங்கிலத்துறைப் பேராசிரியர் அருணாதேவி என்பவர் வழிகாட்டியாக இருந்துள்ளார்.
இளங்கலை தமிழ் படித்த உமாதேவி, மொழியியலை அறிவி யல்பூர்வமாகப் படித்து அதில் முதுகலை பட்டம் பெற்றார். தமிழ் வாக்கியத்தை அப்படியே இலக் கணப் பிழையில்லாமல் ஆங்கிலத் தில் மொழிபெயர்க்கப் பயன்படும் ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரை எழுத வேண் டும். அதைக் கணினியிலும் சாத்திய மாக்க வேண்டும் என்பதை வாழ் நாள் லட்சியமாகக் கொண்டுள்ளார்.
தனது ஆய்வு நூல் பற்றி அவர் நம்மிடம் பகிர்ந்து கொண்ட தகவல்கள்:
ஆங்கில மொழி, ஐரோப்பிய மொழிக் குடும்பம், தமிழ் மொழி, திராவிட மொழிக் குடும்பம். அத னால், இரண்டு மொழிகளின் இலக் கணத்தில் ஒற்றுமை, வேற்றுமை நிறையவே இருக்கிறது. தமிழில் இலக்கணச் சொற்கள் ஏராள மாக இணைக்கப்படுகிறது. ஆங்கி லத்தில் அவ்வாறு இல்லை.
‘Write’ என்ற வார்த்தைக்கு write, writes, wrote, written, writing, to write ஆகிய 6 வடிவங்கள்தான் இருக்கின்றன. ஆனால், ‘எழுது’ என்ற தமிழ் வேர்ச் சொல்லுக்கு எழுத வேண்டும், எழுதியிருக்கலாம், எழுதியாக வேண்டும் என்பன போன்ற சுமார் 8 ஆயிரம் வடிவங்கள் இருக்கின்றன. எனது ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரையில் 400-க்கும் மேற்பட்ட தமிழ் இலக்கணச் சொற்களுக்கு ஆங்கில மொழிபெயர்ப்பைக் கொடுத்துள்ளேன்.
அதாவது, தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம் அகராதியில் இலக்கணச் சொற்கள் சேராத தமிழ் அடிச்சொல்லுக்கு மட்டுமே இணையான ஆங்கிலச் சொல் - மொழிபெயர்ப்பு இருக்கும். உதாரணத்துக்கு ‘சொல்’ என்ற வார்த்தையை அகராதியில் பார்த் தால் ‘tell’ என்ற மொழிபெயர்ப்பு இருக்கும்.
ஆனால், நாம் சாதாரணமா கப் பயன்படுத்துகிற இலக்கணச் சொற்கள் சேர்ந்த தமிழ்ச்சொல் லுக்கு மொழிபெயர்ப்பு அகராதியில் இருக்காது. எடுத்துக்காட்டாக ‘சொல்லப்பட்டிருக்கலாம்’, ‘சொல் லியாக வேண்டும்’ என்பது போன்ற பல்வேறு வார்த்தைகளுக்கு ஆங் கில அகராதியில் மொழிபெயர்ப்பு இருக்காது. இதைச் சரியாக மொழி பெயர்க்க வேண்டும் என்றால், முதலில் தமிழ்ச் சொல்லை இலக் கணப்படி முறையாகப் பிரிக்க வேண்டும்.
பின்னர் அதற்கு இணை யாக ஆங்கில இலக்கணச் சொல் லைக் கண்டுபிடிக்க வேண்டும். அவ்வாறு செய்தால்தான், தமிழ் சொல்லுக்கு இணையான ஆங்கில மொழிபெயர்ப்பு மிகச்சரியாக இருக்கும்.
ஒரு சொல்லை மொழிபெயர்ப் பதற்கும், ஒரு வாக்கியத்தை மொழி பெயர்ப்பதற்கும் இடைப்பட்ட நிலையே எனது ஆய்வு நூல். வாக்கிய மொழிபெயர்ப்புக்கான ஆய்வு மேற்கொள்ள இந்த நூல் மிகவும் பயன்படும். எனவே, மொழி பெயர்ப்புக்கான இரண்டாவது அகராதி என்று இதைச் சொல்லலாம். அத்துடன் கணினியில் தமிழை ‘டைப்’ செய்தால் அதற்கு இணையான ஆங்கில மொழி பெயர்ப்பு வழங்கும் திறன்கொண்ட மென்பொருளை உருவாக்கவும் இந்த ஆய்வு நூலே அடிப்படையாக இருக்கும்.
இவ்வாறு உமாதேவி கூறினார்.

Fungi recycle rechargeable lithium-ion batteries

The fungi Aspergillus niger (top left), Penicillium simplicissimum (top right) and Penicillium chrysogenum (bottom) can recycle cobalt and lithium from rechargeable batteries.

Credit: Aldo Lobos
 Although rechargeable batteries in smartphones, cars and tablets can be charged again and again, they don't last forever. Old batteries often wind up in landfills or incinerators, potentially harming the environment. And valuable materials remain locked inside. Now, a team of researchers is turning to naturally occurring fungi to drive an environmentally friendly recycling process to extract cobalt and lithium from tons of waste batteries.
The fungi Aspergillus niger (top left), Penicillium simplicissimum (top right) and Penicillium chrysogenum (bottom) can recycle cobalt and lithium from rechargeable batteries.
The team first dismantles the batteries and pulverizes the cathodes. Then, they expose the remaining pulp to the fungus. "Fungi naturally generate organic acids, and the acids work to leach out the metals," Cunningham explains. "Through the interaction of the fungus, acid and pulverized cathode, we can extract the valuable cobalt and lithium. We are aiming to recover nearly all of the original material."

David Goodall is Australia's oldest working scientist age At 102

He's had a career in ecology spanning 70 years, producing more than 100 research papers, earning three doctorates and receiving a member of the Order of Australia for his contribution to the field.
His work has taken him around the world, but these days you will find him at his office at Edith Cowan University.
He still goes to the Joondalup campus at least four days a week, making the 90-minute commute that involves catching two buses and a train."

Enrico Fermi an Italian physicist

Enrico Fermi (September 29, 1901 – November 28, 1954) was an Italian physicist, who created the world's first nuclear reactor, the Chicago Pile-1. He has been called the "architect of the nuclear age" and the "architect of the atomic bomb". He was one of the few physicists to excel both theoretically and experimentally.
Fermi held several patents related to the use of nuclear power, and was awarded the 1938 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on induced radioactivity by neutron bombardment and the discovery of transuranic elements. He made significant contributions to the development of quantum theory, nuclear and particle physics, and statistical mechanics.
Fermi's first major contribution was to statistical mechanics. After Wolfgang Pauli announced his exclusion principle in 1925, Fermi followed with a paper in which he applied the principle to an ideal gas, employing a statistical formulation now known as Fermi–Dirac statistics. Today, particles that obey the exclusion principle are called "fermions". Later Pauli postulated the existence of an uncharged invisible particle emitted along with an electron during beta decay, to satisfy the law of conservation of energy.
Fermi took up this idea, developing a model that incorporated the postulated particle, which he named the "neutrino". His theory, later referred to as Fermi's interaction and still later as weak interaction, described one of the four fundamental forces of nature. Through experiments inducing radioactivity with recently discovered neutrons, Fermi discovered that slow neutrons were more easily captured than fast ones, and developed the Fermi age equation to describe this.
After bombarding thorium and uranium with slow neutrons, he concluded that he had created new elements; although he was awarded the Nobel Prize for this discovery, the new elements were subsequently revealed to be fission products.
Fermi left Italy in 1938 to escape new Italian Racial Laws that affected his Jewish wife Laura Capon. He emigrated to the United States where he worked on the Manhattan Project during World War II.
Fermi led the team that designed and built Chicago Pile-1, which went critical on 2 December 1942, demonstrating the first artificial self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction. He was on hand when the X-10 Graphite Reactor at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, went critical in 1943, and when the B Reactor at the Hanford Site did so the next year. At Los Alamos he headed F Division, part of which worked on Edward Teller's thermonuclear "Super" bomb. He was present at the Trinity test on 16 July 1945, where he used his Fermi method to estimate the bomb's yield.
After the war, Fermi served under J. Robert Oppenheimer on the General Advisory Committee, which advised the Atomic Energy Commission on nuclear matters and policy. Following the detonation of the first Soviet fission bomb in August 1949, he strongly opposed the development of a hydrogen bomb on both moral and technical grounds.
He was among the scientists who testified on Oppenheimer's behalf at the 1954 hearing that resulted in the denial of the latter's security clearance. Fermi did important work in particle physics, especially related to pions and muons, and he speculated that cosmic rays arose through material being accelerated by magnetic fields in interstellar space.
Many awards, concepts, and institutions are named after Fermi, including the Enrico Fermi Award, the Enrico Fermi Institute, the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, the Enrico Fermi Nuclear Generating Station, and the synthetic element fermium (one of just over a dozen elements named after people). Source Wikipedia

List of Important Acids & Bases to be known

Beautiful Maha Saraswati Stotram with Lyrics!

New York City could soon have its own hanging gardens

Chemistry facts

Like most materials, the material glass expands when it gets warmer. When you place your thick glass in hot water, the outside of the glass gets hot right away. Glass is not good at transferring heat, so the inside of the glass gets hot later. Due to the thickness of the glass it takes some time until the warmth has reached the inner layer of the thick glass. This uneven distribution of warmth causes the outer layer of your glass to expand first. Because the inner layer is not yet warm and does not expand yet, a strong tension is being grated within the glass layer. And if you're unlucky, your glass cracks because of that!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


ஒரு சின்ன கிராமம் அதில் ஒரு மிக சாதாரண மனிதன், அவனுக்குள் காதல், வேடிக்கையான நண்பர்கள்ன்னு அழகா போய்ட்டிருக்கு வாழ்க்கை... விவசாயத்தில் ஆர்வம் உள்ளவர்...

40 வயதை நெருங்கிய ஒரு பிறந்த நாளில் ஊரே சந்தோசமா கொண்டாடி முடிக்க மதுக்கோப்பையுடன் ரோட்டுக்கு வருபவர் வானில் ஏதோ வெளிச்சமாக அவரை நோக்கி வருவதை பார்க்கிறார்... 'ட்யூம்க்க்க்' என எல்லாம் ப்ளாங்க் ஆக மயங்கி விழுகிறார்...

மயக்கத்தில் இருந்து எழுந்தவருக்கு வித்தியாசமான அனுபவங்கள் கிடைக்கின்றன, தூக்கம் வருவதில்லை, ஒரு மொழியை 10 நிமிடங்களில் கற்றுகொள்ளவும், அந்த மொழி தெரிந்தவரிடம் பேசவும், ஒரு பொருளை தன் மனதில் நினைத்தே அசைக்கவும், மற்றவர் மனதில் நினைப்பதை அறியவும் முடிகிறது.

ஒவ்வொரு நாளும் அவரின் சக்தி அதிகரித்துகொண்டே போகிறது. ஒரு நாளில் 2000 புத்தகங்கள் படிக்கிறார், விவசாயத்தில் புதிய விசயங்களை கண்டுபிடிக்கிறார். யாருமே கண்டுபிடிக்க முடியாத அரசாங்கத்தின் ரகசிய செய்தி பரிமாற்றத்தை அசால்ட்டாக மொழிபெயர்க்கிறார். கடைசியில் நில நடுக்கம் வர போவதை முன்கூட்டியே சொல்லும் அளவிற்க்கு சக்தி அதிகரிக்க.... இதனால் பல சிக்கல்களிலும் மாட்டுகிறார்...

அவருடைய நண்பரான டாக்டரும் ஊர் மக்களும் குழம்பி கிடக்க ஒரு கட்டத்தில் அவரை கடவுளின் அவதாரமாக முடிவு செய்து குறைகளை சொல்லும் அளவிற்கு போகிறது... தானே குழம்பி போய் இறுதியில் தன் சக்திக்கான காரணத்தை அறிய முயற்சிக்கிறார்...

மருத்துவ பரிசோதனையின் முடிவு மிகுந்த ஆச்சர்யத்தையும் அதிர்ச்சியையும் அளிக்கிறது... அது என்ன என்பதையும், அவருடைய அழகான காதல் என்னவானது அந்த சக்தி கொடுத்த தொல்லைகளில் இருந்து தப்பித்தாரா என்பதையும் கவிதையை போல சொல்கிறது 'Phenomenon' திரைப்படம்.

ட்ரவல்டோவின் அற்புத நடிப்பு, அட்டகாசமான கேமரா இவற்றோடு அசத்தும் வசனங்களும் படத்தின் ப்ளஸ்..

A don't miss movie for movie freaks

The opening titles of “Phenomenon” plant a sly idea that the film does nothing to discourage. We see the star-filled sky, and then the letters of the title settle into place with a subtle whoosh. We pick up “Close Encounters” vibes. Not long after, the film's hero walks out under the stars and is startled to see some kind of a weird white light, which zaps him from the heavens. Has he been touched by a UFO? Maybe. The hero is George Malley (John Travolta), a genial garage mechanic, of average intelligence, well liked in his small California town.

After the visitation from the sky, he begins to get smarter. A lot smarter. He starts taking out six books a day from the local library and figuring out things that had previously been beyond him. He's able to learn a foreign language by riffling through a textbook. This is not the George people know. It is the lament of “Phenomenon” that people do not like the unexpected. They want George to continue to be George, no more, no less, so that he continues to fill the same predictable place in their lives. A brilliant new George, winning at chess, predicting earthquakes, picking up strange vibes, is disturbing. “What is going on, George?” asks Lace (Kyra Sedgwick), the pretty divorced woman George would like to be dating. “I need the simple truth!” She has the thankless role of the woman who demands an explanation that the audience knows is impossible to give: “I just asked you for one thing, George, and you couldn't handle it!” It's about the only thing George can't handle; matters of the heart are just as difficult to solve when you're a genius. The only people in town who can easily accept the new George are Doc (Robert Duvall), who considers him like a son, and Nate (Forest Whitaker), his best friend. With them, George is able to share his enthusiasm for the daily cascade of discoveries. This is a good role for Travolta, who has an underlying sweetness and enthusiasm that is well used here. There's not an ounce of circumspection in his character, and when he gets his unexpected gift, he wants to share it. He contacts scientists and universities, and is startled when the FBI turns up in its obligatory role as paranoid sniffer after suspicious behavior (his interview with a federal agent is a small gem). We know the general outlines of the story before, having been through somewhat similar territory with Cliff Robertson's “Charly” (1968).
Although Charly was retarded and George is average, they are both transformed through their blooming intelligence, and then in the third act, something happens that is not foreseen. I will not reveal what that is, except to say that the film will leave you with questions that it does not quite resolve. Maybe that’s the best thing. We know what happened to George, but not precisely why, and who's to say if a UFO was involved or not? The heart of the story is in George's character and his relationship with Lace (who, apart from her obligatory demands for an explanation, is a good and understanding woman). The film is essentially a good-hearted story about the rhythms of small-town life and the meaning of friendship, and if George's gift is a mystery even to him, at least it inspires a lot of conversation. Like many small towns (or movies set in small towns), this one has a bar where the locals provide a chorus for all of the action, and after George begins spinning paperclips in mid-air and breaking mirrors, they have the material for many a long beery discussion. “Phenomenon” could have been more, I think. It might have pushed the edges of its story a little harder, and found out things that would be more challenging, or threatening, to George and the world he lives in. But that's not what it's about. It's about change, acceptance and love, and it rounds those three bases very nicely, even if it never quite gets to home.

Monday, August 22, 2016

How we escaped from the Big Bang

 Credit :

A Griffith University physicist is challenging the conventional view of space and time to show how the world advances through time.
Associate Professor Dr Joan Vaccaro, of Griffith’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, has solved an anomaly of conventional physics and shown that a mysterious effect called ‘T violation’ could be the origin of time evolution and conservation laws.
“I begin by breaking the rules of physics, which is rather bold I have to admit, but I wanted to understand time better and conventional physics can’t do that,” Dr Vaccaro says.
“I do get conventional physics in the end though. This means that the rules I break are not fundamental. It also means that I can see why the universe has those rules. And I can also see why the universe advances in time.”
In her research published in The Royal Society Dr Vaccaro says T violation, or a violation of time reversal (T) symmetry, is forcing the universe and us in it, into the future
“If T violation wasn’t involved we wouldn’t advance in time and we’d be stuck at the Big Bang, so this shows how we escaped the Big Bang.
“I found the mechanism that forces us to go to the future, the reason why you get old and the reason why we advance in time.”
“The universe must be symmetric in time and space overall. But we know that there appears to be a preferred direction in time because we are incessantly getting older not younger.”
The anomaly Dr Vaccaro solves involves two things not accounted for in in conventional physical theories – the direction of time, and the behaviour of the mesons (which decay differently if time went in the opposite direction).
“Experiments show that the behaviour of mesons depends on the direction of time; in particular, if the direction of time was changed then their behaviour would also,” she says.
“Conventional physical theories can accommodate only one direction of time and one kind of meson behaviour, and so they are asymmetric in this regard. But the problem is that the universe cannot be asymmetric overall.
I begin by breaking the rules of physics, which is rather bold I have to admit
“This means that physical theories must be symmetric in time. To be symmetric in time they would need to accommodate both directions of time and both meson behaviours. This is the anomaly in physics that I am attempting to solve.”
Dr Vaccaro is presenting her work at the Soapbox Science event held in Brisbane as part of National Science Week, titled “The meaning of time: why the universe didn’t stay put at the big bang and how it is ‘now’ and no other time”.
Without any T violation the theory gives a very strange universe. An object like a cup can be placed in time just like it is in space.
“It just exists at one place in space and one point in time. There is nothing unusual about being at one place in space, but existing at one point in time means the object would come into existence only at that point in time and then disappear immediately.
“This means that conservation of matter would be violated. It also means that there would be no evolution in time. People would only exist for a single point in time – they would not experience a “flow of time”.
When Dr Vaccaro adds T violation to the theory, things change dramatically.
“The cup is now found at any and every time,” she says,
“This means that the theory now has conservation of matter – the conservation has emerged from the theory rather than being assumed. Moreover, objects change over time, cups chip and break, and people would grow old and experience a “flow of time”. This means that the theory now has time evolution.
The next stage of the research is to design experiments that will test predictions of the theory.
Dr Vaccaro will be speaking from a soapbox on Saturday August 20 between 1pm and 4pm in King George Square.…/uploa…/2016/08/joan-vaccaro.pdf
 Cecile G. Tamura

Sunday, August 21, 2016

சர்ச்சில் சிவ நாமம் கண்டு ரசியுங்கள் Devine Shiva's Bajan in Church

அறியாத தகவல்கள்......

1.உலகப்புகழ் பெற்ற மோனாலீசா ஓவியம் இடது கையால் வரையப்பட்டது.
2. எப்போதும் காற்று வீசும் திசையிலேயே தலை வைத்துப் படுக்கும் மிருகம் நாய்.
3. தேசியக் கொடியை முதல் முதலில் உருவாக்கிய நாடு டென்மார்க் 1219ல் உருவாக்கியது.
4. எறும்புகள் உணவு இல்லாமல் 100 நாட்கள் வாழும்.
5. ஒரு பென்சிலைக் கொண்டு 58 கி.மீ நீளமான கோடு போடலாம்.
6.பாம்புகளுக்கு கேட்கும் சக்தி கிடையாது.
7. நண்டிற்கு தலை கிடையாது அதன் பற்கள் வயிற்றில் இருக்கும்.
8.வெள்ளை என்பது ஒரு நிறம் இல்லை அது ஏழு வர்ணங்களின் கலவை.
9.முற்றிப் பழுத்து காய்ந்த தேங்காய் மரத்திலிருந்து பகலில் விழாது இரவில்தான் விழும்.
10. நமக்கு உடல் முழுவதும் வியர்க்கும் ஆனால் நாய்க்கு நாக்கில் மட்டுமே வியர்க்கும்.
11. சிலந்திப் பூச்சிக்கு எட்டுக் கண்கள் உண்டு.
12. இறாலுக்கு இதயம் தலையில் இருக்கிறது
13.ஆப்கானிஸ்தானில் ரயில் கிடையாது.
14இந்தியாவில் தமிழில் தான்"பைபிள்"முதலில் மொழிபெயர்க்கப்பட்டது.
15.ஆண் சிங்கம் சாப்பிட்ட பின்னரே பெண் சிங்கம் சாப்பிடும்.
16. வாத்து அதிகாலையில் மட்டுமே முட்டையிடும் .
17.கத்தரிக்காயின் தாயகம் இந்தியா தான்.
18.பிரேசில் நாட்டு தேன் கசக்கும்.
19.முன்னாள் இந்திய ஜனாதிபதியாகிய அப்துல் கலாம் சிறந்த வீணை கலைஞரும் ஆவார்.
20.உலகில் கடற்கரை இல்லாத நாடுகள் 26 ஆகும்.
21.அமெரிக்காவை விட சகாரா பாலைவனம் பெரியது"
- இணையம்

Egypt, 1870

Top Ranked Films of Satyajit Ray

Satyajit Ray is India’s most famous filmmaker, and might appropriately be called the Father of Indian Cinema. Just before his death, he received an honorary Oscar for his life’s work. After his death, hundreds of thousands of Indians gathered around his house in respect. Many other filmmakers outside of India are said to have been either influenced by his work or praised it, among them Akira Kurosawa, Francois Truffaut, Martin Scorsese, James Ivory, Elia Kazan, Abbas Kiarostami, Carlos Suara, and Danny Boyle.

1. Pather Panchali / Apu Trilogy I (1955) #62 Most polls list the films separately, as they should be, but one poll had the trilogy ranked as one film. I couldn’t figure out how to divide the points, so I added them to the first film, but the position isn’t as important as getting the films listed. I guess I could have split the trilogy pts among all three films, so each of the three would have been helped a little.
2. World of Apu, The (1959) #297 The 3rd Apu film, that complete the trilogy
3. Aparajito (1956) #442 The 2nd Apu film, the title means “The Unvanquished”
4. Music Room, The (1958) #582
5. Charulata (1964) #698

Out of the top 1000
6. Days and Nights in the Forest (1970) #1564

I’ve yet to be able to rent the Apu Trilogy in the U.S. For some odd reason, Netflix chooses not to carry the most famous films in Indian history, and I’m not in a position to simply buy them new sight unseen. Maybe one day Netflix will get their head out of their pocket and their hand out of ours and become truly cultural. Until then, they are about as valuable as television to the history of cinema.

Colorectal cancer

·         Second most common cause of cancer deaths in the UK.
·         Each year 30,000 new cases diagnosed (68% colon, 32% rectal)
·         Disease more common in westernises countries then Asia or Africa

·         Age (56% >70yrs old)
·         Colorectal polyps
·         Family history
o        Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC): autosomal dominant disorder due to mutations in the MMR genes. Associated malignancies found in endometrium and ovaries. Precursor lesion is single colonic adenoma rather then multiple as found in FAP.
o        Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP): Autosomal dominant mutation in the APC gene leads to hundreds/thousands of colorectal adenomas. Average age of developing colorectal cancer is 39yo. Affected people can have prophylactic colectomies.
·         Previous colorectal cancer
·         Ulcerative colitis /colonic crohn’s disease
·         Diet – hit fat/low fibre
·         Smoking
·         Alcohol drinking
·         Lack of exercise

·         “Adenoma-carcinoma sequence” majority of adenocarcinomas start as benign adenomas that grow and acquire genetic changes that lead to the development of uncontrolled growth leading to adenocarcinomas.
·         Synchronous tumours found in 2% of cases
·         Most of the tumours found on the left side of the colon
·         Spread is through local invasion through the bowl wall and via local lymphatics, blood (portal vein into liver) and transcoelomic.
·         Histology shows well differentiated glandular epithelium with mucin production. Signet rings common characteristics

Left sided tumour:
  • Tenesmus
  • Blood in stool (fresh red blood)
Obstructive symptoms:
  • Change in bowl habit
  • Colicky abdominal pain
  • Nausea vomiting

Right sided tumour:
  • Weight loss
  • Anaemia
  • Abdominal mass (late stage)

·         Rectal examination
Bloods tests:
- FBC (can show anaemia)
- CEA (carcino embryonic antigen – tumour marker normally used to monitor treatment)
- LFTs (show liver secondaries)
- faecal occult blood
·         proctoscopy
·         Barium enema
·         Sigmoidoscopy – tumours in the last 15cm of GI tract
·         Colonoscopy – can take biopsy’s
·         Ultrasound/CT – used to stage look for metastasis (liver)
·         CT colonography – less invasive then colonoscopies

Type A – tumour confined to mucosa/sub mucose
Type B – invaded through bowl wall but lymph nodes clear
Type C – regional lymph nodes involved
Type D - Distant metastasis

TNM Staging System (Tumor, Node, Metastisis)
T1: Tumor invades submucosa.
T2: Tumor invades muscularis propria.
T3: Tumor invades through the muscularis propria into the subserosa, or into the pericolic or perirectal tissues.
T4: Tumor directly invades other organs or structures, and/or perforates.

N0: No regional lymph node metastasis.
N1: Metastasis in 1 to 3 regional lymph nodes.
N2: Metastasis in 4 or more regional lymph nodes.

M0: No distant metastasis.
M1: Distant metastasis present.

Stage Groupings
Using the TNM criteria colorectal cancers are placed in to 4 stages:

Stage I: T1 N0 M0; T2 N0 M0
Cancer has begun to spread, but is still in the inner lining.
Stage II: T3 N0 M0; T4 N0 M0
Cancer has spread to other organs near the colon or rectum. It has not reached lymph nodes.
Stage III: any T, N1-2, M0
Cancer has spread to lymph nodes, but has not been carried to distant parts of the body
Stage IV: any T, any N, M1
Cancer has been carried through the lymph system to distant parts of the body. This is known as metastasis. The most likely organs to experience metastasis from colorectal cancer are the lungs and liver.

·         Right colon tumours – right hemicolectomy
·         Transverse colon tumours – extended right hemicolectomy
·         Descending colon tumours – left hemicolectomy
·         Sigmoid tumours - Sigmoid colectomy
·         Right rectal tumour – anterior resection (tumour removed colon anastomosed with remaining rectum) if anastomosis in doubt put in temporary stoma (iliostomy/transverse colostomy) mesentery of rectum also removed (mesorectal excision) avoid local recurrence.
·         Low rectal tumour - Abdomioperoneal resection – excise rectum and anus leaving patient with a permanent colostomy

The idea is to remove entire section of bowl supplied by same blood vessel as tumour to ensure clearance of all cancer cells.
Adjuvant chemotherapy increases survival in Dukes B and C.
Neo-adjuvant radiotherapy can be used for rectal tumours, difficult to use with colonic tumours due to the colon not being fixed in a certain position.
Total mesorectal excision gives better prognosis as it ensures the removal of all cancer cells that may have spread radially to the mesorectal tissue

·         Depends upon stage of the cancer
·         Over 95% survival in dukes A tumours that have been resected
·         When cancer has spread to lymph nodes far from the colon or rectum, to the lining of the abdominal cavity, or to other organs, the cancer cannot be cured by surgery alone. Survival time is typically only about 7 months

World's earliest Battery

This Jar like device is the world's earliest record of Battery “The Parthian Battery” invented by the Iranians as early as 250 BC. In a dramatic excavation by the German Archaeologist Wilhelm Konig three intact jars dating back to the Parthian empire were discovered; later reconstructions and testing of this ancient device in western laboratories has revealed that when the jar of the battery was filled with vinegar (or other electrolytes) it was capable of generating between 1.5-2.0 volts; this pill, according to the expert who studies it, was used for electropolating; the pill is also more commonly known as the Baghdad Battery because it was discovered in vicinity of Baghdad city, the Ancient capital of the Iranian Parthian empire; (Bagh-dad itself is a Persian word meaning God-given)
Batteries of Babylon
"In 1938, Dr. Wilhelm Kong, an Austrian archaeologist rummaging through the basement of the museum made a find that was to drastically alter all concepts of ancient science. A 6-inch-high pot of bright yellow clay dating back two millennia contained a cylinder of sheet-copper 5 inches by 1.5 inches. The edge of the copper cylinder was soldered with a 60-40 lead-tin alloy comparable to today's best solder. The bottom of the cylinder was capped with a crimped-in copper disk and sealed with bitumen or asphalt. Another insulating layer of asphalt sealed the top and also held in place an iron rod suspended into the center of the copper cylinder. The rod showed evidence of having been corroded with acid. Schematic of Babylon BatteryWith a background in mechanics, Dr. Konig recognized this configuration was not a chance arrangement, but that the clay pot was nothing less than an ancient electric battery. The ancient battery in the Baghdad Museum as well as those others which were unearthed in Iraq all date from the Parthian Persian occupation between 248 B.C. and A.D. 226. However, Konig found copper vases plated with silver in the Baghdad Museum excavated from Sumerian remains in southern Iraq dating back to at least 2500 B.C. When the vases were lightly tapped a blue patina or film separated from the surfaces, characteristic of silver electroplated to copper. It would appear then that the Persians inherited their batteries from the earliest known civilization in the Middle East."[1]I

Scientific awareness
More than 60 years after their discovery, the batteries of Baghdad - as there are perhaps a dozen of them - are shrouded in myth.
"The batteries have always attracted interest as curios," says Dr Paul Craddock, a metallurgy expert of the ancient Near East from the British Museum.
"They are a one-off. As far as we know, nobody else has found anything like these. They are odd things; they are one of life's enigmas."
No two accounts of them are the same. Some say the batteries were excavated, others that Konig found them in the basement of the Baghdad Museum when he took over as director. There is no definite figure on how many have been found, and their age is disputed.
Most sources date the batteries to around 200 BC - in the Parthian era, circa 250 BC to AD 225. Skilled warriors, the Parthians were not noted for their scientific achievements.
"Although this collection of objects is usually dated as Parthian, the grounds for this are unclear," says Dr St John Simpson, also from the department of the ancient Near East at the British Museum.
"The pot itself is Sassanian. This discrepancy presumably lies either in a misidentification of the age of the ceramic vessel, or the site at which they were found."
Underlying principles
In the history of the Middle East, the Sassanian period (circa AD 225 - 640) marks the end of the ancient and the beginning of the more scientific medieval era.
Though most archaeologists agree the devices were batteries, there is much conjecture as to how they could have been discovered, and what they were used for.
How could ancient Persian science have grasped the principles of electricity and arrived at this knowledge?
Perhaps they did not. Many inventions are conceived before the underlying principles are properly understood.
The Chinese invented gunpowder long before the principles of combustion were deduced, and the rediscovery of old herbal medicines is now a common occurrence.
You do not always have to understand why something works - just that it does.

Baby Ganesha Gilt Bronze Statue,Nepal,

A Shocking Claim That Consciousness Lives In Quantum State After Death!

"DEATH is an inevitable consequence of life, but scientists believe they may have found some light at the end of the tunnel.
Life after death has been “confirmed” by experts who say consciousness continues even once a person’s heart has stopped beating.
In a study of more than 2,000 people, British scientists confirmed that thought persists after death, and simultaneously uncovered convincing evidence of an out-of-body experience for a patient declared dead by medics.
Scientists had believed the brain ceased all activity 30 seconds after the heart stopped pumping blood around the body, and that awareness stopped at the same time.
But research from the University of Southampton suggests otherwise.
A new study shows people continue experiencing awareness for up to three minutes after death."