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Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts

Monday, February 6, 2017

Water jet cutting !!

A look inside the physics of achieving high-pressure water for waterjet cutting

The energy required for cutting materials is obtained by pressurizing water to ultra-high pressures and forming an intense cutting stream by focusing this high-speed water through a small, precious-stone orifice. There are two main steps involved in the waterjet cutting process.
  1. The Electric Servo Pump generally pressurizes normal tap water at pressure levels above 50,000 psi; to produce the energy required for cutting.
  2. Water is then focused through a small precious stone orifice to form an intense cutting stream. The stream moves at a velocity of up to 3 times the speed of sound, depending on how the water pressure is exerted.
The process is applicable to both water only and abrasive jets. For abrasive cutting applications, abrasive garnet is fed into the abrasive mixing chamber, which is part of the cutting head body, to produce a coherent and an extremely energetic abrasive jet stream.
To achieve these pressures, water is introduced into the unit by way of a booster pump and filter. This filtering process is very important as water must be clean before reaching ultra-high pressures in order to protect the high-pressure parts and provide a consistent cutting stream.
A water treatment system is sometimes needed to remove harmful minerals from the water. After being filtered, the water enters the high pressure cylinder where it is pressurized to the desired level.
The water is then carried to either an abrasive or straight-water cutting nozzle, depending on the application. The cutting nozzle can be stationary or integrated into motion equipment, which allows for intricate shapes and designs to be cut. Motion equipment can range from a simple cross-cutter to 2D systems and 3D machines as well as multiple axis robots. CAD/CAM software combined with CNC controllers translate drawings or commands into a digitally programmed path for the cutting head to follow.Cutting harder materials requires adding a fine mesh abrasive to the cutting stream. Various abrasive materials which can be used include olivine, garnet, and corundum with a particle size of between 50 to 120 mesh. When abrasive is required, TECHNI Waterjet provides an abrasive unit consisting primarily of an abrasive hopper, an abrasive feeder system, a pneumatically controlled on/off valve, and the abrasive cutting nozzle which contains the specialized mixing chamber.
The abrasive is first stored in the pressurized hopper and travels to a metering assembly, which controls the amount of particles fed to the nozzle. The abrasive is then introduced into the cutting stream in a special mixing chamber within the abrasive cutting head. Abrasive cutting allows harder materials to be cut at a faster rate by accelerating the erosion process. After the cut, residual energy from the cutting stream is dissipated in a catcher tank, which stores the kerf material and spent abrasive.

Relationship Between Increased Pressure and Cutting Speed

As pressure increases the power requirement increases proportionately and therefore with a given amount of available power the flow rate must be proportionately reduced, by using a smaller orifice, as shown in the commonly used formula P (Power) = p (pressure) x q (water flow rate).
For example, a 50% increase in pressure will require a 50% increase in power unless there is an equivalent reduction in flow rate (using a smaller orifice). Higher pressure gives an increase in cutting speed for a given amount of power, as higher pressures and lower volumes result in higher velocity of the water leaving the cutting head, which is a more efficient transfer of power to kinetic energy (the energy used in the cutting process).
This efficiency comes about because increasing velocity is a more efficient way of increasing the kinetic energy stored in the particles of abrasive hitting the work-piece. This is illustrated through another commonly used formula E=M V², where by increasing the velocity has a squared affect on the kinetic energy, compared to increasing the mass which has a linear affect. Therefore, in theory if we increase the pressure by 50%, but decrease the volume by 33% we use the same amount of power but get an increase in the velocity of 50%, which has the effect
of increasing the kinetic energy by 48.5%, as illustrated in the formula E=0.666 (33% reduction in water mass) x 1.5² (50% increase in velocity) therefore E = 1.485 (48.5% increase in kinetic energy). However, this illustration is only relevant for Water Only cutting, as the mass of the abrasive has not yet been taken into account.
Abrasive cutting dramatically increases the cutting capabilities of a waterjet by accelerating the abrasive particles at the work piece where each particle takes out a small gouge of the work piece material during impact. If all the abrasive particles were to hit the work piece in the same condition, but at the higher velocity, the same equation as above would be true. However, the major factor that affects what actually happens is that the abrasive particles get smashed to a very fine powder when hit by the high velocity water stream during the initial introduction of the abrasive to the stream, and more gets destroyed throughout the focussing tube 1 The intensity of the disintegration of the abrasive particles depends on the water pressure. The result is that at 60,000psi, only about 45% of the abrasive material reaches the work piece in an affective cutting condition. This % drops to about 22% (or less depending on the quality of abrasive) at 90,000 psi. The net result is that there is therefore only a very small net increase in cutting speed when pressure is increased, for an equivalent amount of power. This can be illustrated in simplified terms for 60,000psi as E=0.45 (45% effective garnet) x 1² therefore E=0.45, and 90,000psi as E=0.22 (22% effective garnet) x 1.5² (50% increase in velocity) therefore E=0.49, or a 9% increase in cutting speed for a 50% increase in pressure.

The Cost of Higher Pressures

Another important consideration before deciding to increase pressure is the significant increase in the capital cost, maintenance cost, consumable cost and increased machine downtime.
Pressure (also known as force or load) has a non-linear relationship with fatigue-related wear, and for many mechanical machine components, it has a cubed (x³) relationship. For example, the ISO formula for calculating bearing wear is
L = (C/P)3
L = life
C= rated load
P = actual load
That means that a 50% increase in pressure will reduce the design life of many mechanical components by about 70% or adversely by reducing pressure by 33%, say from 90,000psi to 60,000psi, the life of many components will increase by 330%.
As a result, in order to make pumps and cutting heads that last for reasonable amounts of time at extreme pressures like 90,000psi, manufacturers are forced to use very expensive exotic materials, because metal fatigue becomes the dominant failure mechanism.. The cost of components and consumables that experience high pressures over 66,000psi (such as dynamic and static seals, check valves, tubing and high- and low-pressure cylinders) are therefore typically 50-300% higher than standard waterjet components.
The other factor in the pricing of such components is competition, as only a few manufacturers are currently capable of producing those parts that are resistant to wear and failure at high pressures. As a consequence, the competition to bring down prices doesn’t yet exist.
For instance, a standard focussing tube rated to 60,000psi sells for approx. $100, while a 90,000psi rated tube sells for around $300. Moreover, even with the more exotic and expensive components designed for 90,000psi, their life remains well below that of traditional waterjet parts operating with up to 60,000psi. This means increased down time and higher maintenance labour costs, on top of the higher component prices and more frequent part replacements.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Harvard scientists just turned hydrogen into metal

More than 80 years after it was first predicted scientists at Harvard turned hydrogen into metal, and it could revolutionize our planet.
They did it by subjecting hydrogen to extremely high pressures, which changed it from a liquid to a solid.
The resulting material could be used as a superconductor, which would work at room temperature.
This would save lots of energy and money because current superconductors only work at below -269°C.
It could also be used to make MRI scanners and power lines cheaper and more efficient too.

In 1935, scientists predicted that the element hydrogen could become a metal if subjected to enough pressure. Teams have been attempting to confirm the prediction ever since, but have not been able to construct a vise capable of squeezing the element enough without breaking the equipment.

But a team of scientists at Harvard University published a paper this week in the peer-reviewed journal Science saying they managed to squeeze hydrogen in a diamond vise to the point that the element became reflective, a key property of metals.
The study is not merely a parlor trick. Metallic hydrogen is thought to be a superconductor, meaning it could conduct electricity without any resistance. Electricity traveling through normal circuits loses energy to resistance over time, often in the form of heat. This is why it is harder to send electrical currents (say, through the electricity grid) over long distances than short ones. But a current traveling through a superconducting material loses nearly zero energy.
Superconductive metals are used to make the magnets for devices such as hospital MRI machines and particle accelerators such as CERN. The trouble with many superconductors is that the materials now used need to be cooled to extremely low temperatures in order to work, which is expensive.
It is also possible that metallic hydrogen material may be "metastable," according to Science Magazine. This means that, once formed, it may retain its metallic properties even at normal temperatures and pressure levels, like diamonds. If so, it could conduct electricity at nearly 100 percent efficiency in normal conditions. Again, this could dramatically reduce the costs of transferring electrical currents, meaning more powerful and efficient electric motors, and a far more efficient electrical grid.
Scientists have been searching for such a material almost as long as they have known about superconductivity.
Of course, the study has its critics. Eugene Gregoryanz, a physicist at the University of Edinburgh, told Science Magazine he sees a several problems with the experiment's procedures.
"The word garbage cannot really describe it," said Gregoryanz, of the experiment.
The video below, from Harvard, discusses the discovery in detail:

Thursday, January 19, 2017

The First 'Three-parent' baby born in Ukraine

The world's first baby has been born using a controversial new technique by US scientists to include DNA from three parents in the embryo

Read more at:
"A baby boy has been born in Ukraine to an infertile couple after the first-ever use of a new technique using the DNA of three parents, the head of a Kiev fertility clinic said Wednesday.
The boy was conceived using DNA from his mother and father but also from an egg donor in a technique called pronuclear transfer, said Valeriy Zukin, director of the Nadiya private fertility clinic in Kiev."

Kiev (AFP) - A baby boy has been born in Ukraine to an infertile couple after the first-ever use of a new technique using the DNA of three parents, the head of a Kiev fertility clinic said Wednesday.
The boy was conceived using DNA from his mother and father but also from an egg donor in a technique called pronuclear transfer, said Valeriy Zukin, director of the Nadiya private fertility clinic in Kiev.

"It is the first delivery (using) pronuclear transfer all over the world," Zukin told AFP.
The clinic said in a statement that the 34-year-old mother gave birth to a healthy boy on January 5 after trying for a baby for more than 15 years and undergoing several failed rounds of IVF
This became possible after the woman's eggs were fertilised with her partner's sperm, but then their nuclei were transferred to a donor's egg which had previously been stripped of its own nucleus.

As a result of the procedure, the egg was almost entirely made up of genetic material from the couple, plus a very small amount (some 0.15 percent) of the female donor's DNA.
Zukin said he hopes the pronuclear transfer technique could help other women whose embryos stop developing at a very early stage of development during cycles of IVF.
The boy is considered to be the second "three-parent" baby after a similar baby was born in Mexico in 2016 after the use of a different technique.

Zukin said the pronuclear transfer method could be used to help women who suffer from a rare condition called embryo arrest.
Zukin estimated that annually some two million women across the world try to have a baby using IVF and around 1 percent of these suffer embryo arrest.
"So I think approximately 10-20 thousand women per year could be potential candidates for using this method," Zukin said.
Experts urged caution over using the method as a fertility treatment, however, stressing that it was intended for those at very high risk of passing on serious genetic disease.
"Caution and safety assessment is urged before widespread use of this technology," said Yacoub Khalaf, director of the Assisted Conception Unit at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital in London, quoted by the Science Media Centre website.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Double Engine

A U engine is a piston engine made up of two separate straight engines (complete with separate crankshafts) joined by gears or chains. It is similar to the H engine which couples two flat engines. The design is also sometimes described as a "twin bank" or "double bank" engine, although these terms are sometimes used also to describe V engines.

This configuration is uncommon, as it is heavier than a V design. The main interest in this design is its ability to share common parts with straight engines. However, V engines with offset banks can also share straight engine parts (except for the crankshaft), and this is therefore a far more common design today when both engine forms are produced from the same basic design.

Monday, December 5, 2016

The most reliable source of renewable energy& the world's first smart river turbine.

A new alternative

We estimate that 1.4 billion individuals across the world are without electricity, most living in rural and distant areas inaccessible to the national or regional electricity grid. The most common energy solution available is the use of gas generators which are polluting and can be expensive to maintain in the long term. As an alternative, the use of green technologies is rapidly growing.
Renewable energy solutions are gaining popularity especially in the residential market. Billions of dollars are invested every year on solar and wind systems. However these renewable energy products do not represent optimal solutions for meeting individual needs due to intermittent production of energy resulting in weather variations. In consequence, these systems are only used to 12% to 35% of their capacity implicating an over sizing of installations and storage systems to accumulate the energy when produced. However one regular and predictable energy source is unexploited: the river.

The ideal source of renewable energy

Among all renewable energy sources, only the river can provide a predictable and reliable source of energy, 24 hours a day. Idénergie’s turbine is the solution of choice to fully benefit from the continuous  production of energy offered by the river. This allows, among other advantages, the use of less batteries than the standard norm since the energy produced is uninterrupted and less subject to weather variations. Idénergie’s river turbine is the only water driven technology that meets the needs of a residence by directly supplying household appliances and recharging batteries. It equally represents an excellent emergency backup system because of the endless supply of energy it provides.

Easy to install

Our turbine can be dismantled in separate pieces in order to facilitate shipping to the the most remote locations and is ready to assemble on site. This allows for a simple and fast installation which requires only 2 individuals in less than a 24 hour period. The turbine is attached to a stable pillar from the front with a steel cable and is deposited on the river bed, self positioning in the fluid like a kite. Electrical DC connections are simplified by the presence of our embedded electrical converter. All that’s left to do is connect the output cable to your batteries, without any additional electric equipment.

The first smart river turbine

Idénergie’s river turbine has an embedded smart converter that allows the conversion of the energy harnessed from the water current into electricity to recharge batteries and power home appliances. In addition, it allows the user to have better control by automatically regulating the rotational speed of the turbine thus extracting maximum power from the current; it has a built-in motor mode to enable automatic start-up and emergency disconnect of the turbine on demand. In case water speed is very low, the smart turbine can use the generator in motor mode to initiate sufficient movement in order to produce electricity. The output power is set to DC current, from 24 to 48 and more in order to allow the transport of electricity over long distances.

Low maintenance

Idénergie’s river turbine uses a new type of electric generator which Idénergie is the inventor and sole manufacturer. The generator is very efficient at low water velocity and provides an energy production equivalent of 4 to 10 solar panels (between 2 and 6 kWh/day).  Our unique patented shaftless technology prevents any water intrusions within the generator’s electric casing, allowing an almost maintenance free subwater generator.

Robust design


Idénergie’s river turbine is composed of two Darrieus turbines. This model was chosen for its simplicity of manufacturing and installation. It accommodates a water depth of only two feet and with a minimum of 1,2 m/s water velocity, the turbine can produce 2.4 kWh/day. This represents the energy production equivalent of 16 x 250W solar panels. In addition the blades are inexpensive to produce, easy to replace and ship in case of damage. The structure and envelope of the generator are made ​​of aluminum chosen for its lightweight characteristics, structural rigidity and its resistance to corrosion. Free hanging turbines and upward rotational mechanism descreases the chances of debris accumulation. Its robust design has been proven to resist even heavy loads as trees.

In harmony with the river ecosystem

Mostly made of noble metals such as aluminium and other environmentally friendly components, the turbine is the greenest amongst all available renewable energy products. These material do not react to the environment and are easily recyclable ensuring a subtantial end of life value. In addition, the river turbine does not require a permanent structure reducing its impact on aquatic fauna.
By taking into account numerous studies estimating the interactions of the turbines with the ecosystems, Idénergie designed its product in order for it to have minimal impact on the aquatic fauna and its housing environment. Studies carried out by the Alden laboratories, an american entity, have proven that the Darrieus Turbines, used by Idenergie, represent no harm to the river’s ecosystem. In fact, extracting energy from a fluid tend to slow it down, resulting in faster velocity on the side of the turbine thus floating objects and debris, as well as fish, tend to naturally avoid the turbine resulting in 98% survival rate.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Vacuum tube (old technology to make Electronics to get a whole lot faster without semiconductors )

Researchers are re purposing decades-old technology to build faster gadgets for the future, creating nano scale
Researchers are re purposing decades-old technology to build faster gadgets for the future, creating nano scale vacuum tubes that could dramatically improve the speed and efficiency of personal electronics and solar panels.
Vacuum tubes were originally used in the earliest digital electronic computers back in the 1930s and 1940s, before being replaced by transistors composed of semiconductors, which can can be manufactured much smaller, making today's computers, smartphones, and tablets possible.
that could dramatically improve the speed and efficiency of personal electronics and solar panels.
Vacuum tubes were originally used in the earliest digital electronic computers back in the 1930s and 1940s, before being replaced by transistors composed of semiconductors, which can can be manufactured much smaller, making today's computers, smartphones, and tablets possible.

But transistors have their limits in size and speed too, and we're getting closer than ever to reaching them. Now scientists from UC San Diego have gone back to the vacuum tube idea - and this time they've made them at tiny sizes and with far more efficient technology.
"This certainly won’t replace all semiconductor devices, but it may be the best approach for certain specialty applications, such as very high frequencies or high power devices," says lead researcher and electrical engineer, Dan Sievenpiper.
While transistors remain one of the most important inventions of the 20th century - and much smaller and more energy-efficient than the original vacuum tubes - scientists are now struggling to make them any tinier or more powerful than they already are.
What's more, electron flow through transistor semiconductor materials like silicon is slowed as electrons collide with atoms, and semiconductors also have what's called a band gap - where a boost of external energy is needed to get electrons moving.
The main advantage new nanoscale vacuum tubes have over semiconductor-based transistors is that they carry currents through air, rather than a solid material, and could be be much faster as a result.
The vacuum tube design (left), electric field enhancement (middle), and electric field distribution (right) of the new nanoscale structure. Credit: UC San Diego   
Freeing up electrons to carry currents through the air normally takes a large voltage or a powerful laser, both of which are difficult to do at the nanoscale, and which hampered the progress of early vacuum tubes.
To solve this problem, the team created a layer of special mushroom-style structures made of gold - known as an electromagnetic metasurface - and placed it on top of a layer of silicon dioxide and a silicon wafer.
When a low-powered voltage (less than 10 volts) and a low-powered laser are applied to this metasurface, it creates 'hot spots' with high-intensity electric fields, giving the structure enough energy to free the electrons from the metal.
In testing, this enabled the researchers to achieve a 1,000 percent (or 10-fold) increase in conductivity compared with nanoscale vacuum tubes without the metasurface. 
Right now, it's just a proof-of-concept demonstration, and there's a lot more work to be done to make the system practical for use in actual devices. But in the future, different metasurfaces could be designed to meet specific needs, such as new kinds of solar panels, the researchers suggest.
"Next we need to understand how far these devices can be scaled and the limits of their performance," says Sievenpiper.
Here's the team explaining their findings: Thanks: and

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

"Vimanas." Ancent Aircraft

Aachaarya Naaraayana says, “That which can speed on earth, on water, through air, by its own power, like a bird, is a “Vimana.”
Shankha says, “Experts in the science of aeronautics say, “That which can fly through air from one place to another is a Vimana”
And Vishwambhara says, “Experts say that which can fly through air from one country to another country, from one island to another island, and from one world to another world, is a “Vimana“.”

To really understand the technology, we must go much further back in time. The so-called "Rama Empire" of Northern India and Pakistan developed at least fifteen thousand years ago on the Indian sub-continent and was a nation of many large, sophisticated cities, many of which are still to be found in the deserts of Pakistan, northern, and western India. Rama existed, apparently, parallel to the Atlantean civilization in the mid-Atlantic Ocean, and was ruled by "enlightened Priest-Kings" who governed the cities.
The seven greatest capital cities of Rama were known in classical Hindu texts as "The Seven Rishi Cities." According to ancient Indian texts, the people had flying machines which were called "Vimanas." The ancient Indian epic describes a Vimana as a double-deck, circular aircraft with portholes and a dome, much as we would imagine a flying saucer. It flew with the "speed of the wind" and gave forth a "melodious sound." There were at least four different types of Vimanas; some saucer shaped, others like long cylinders ("cigar shaped airships").

The ancient Indian texts on Vimanas are so numerous, it would take volumes to relate what they had to say.
The ancient Indians, who manufactured these ships themselves, wrote entire flight manuals on the control of the various types of Vimanas, many of which are still in existence, and some have even been translated into English. The Samara Sutradhara is a scientific treatise dealing with every possible angle of air travel in a Vimana. There are 230 stanzas dealing with the construction, take-off, cruising for thousand of miles, normal and forced landings, and even possible collisions with birds. In 1875, the Vaimanika Sastra, a fourth century B.C. text written by Bharadvajy the Wise, using even older texts as his source, was rediscovered in a temple in India. It dealt with the operation of Vimanas and included information on the steering, precautions for long flights, protection of the airships from storms and lightning and how to switch the drive to "solar energy" from a free energy source which sounds like "anti-gravity."

The Vaimanika Sastra (or Vymaanika-Shaastra) has eight chapters with diagrams, describing three types of aircraft, including apparatuses that could neither catch on fire nor break. It also mentions 31 essential parts of these vehicles and 16 materials from which they are constructed, which absorb light and heat; for which reason they were considered suitable for the construction of Vimanas.

The secrets which every Vimana pilot must learn are explained by Siddhanaatha:
1.Maantrika; As prescribed in “Mantraadhikaara,” by invoking the mantras of Chhinnamasta, Bhairavee, Veginee, Siddhaamba, acquire the powers of ghutikaa, paadukaa, visible and invisible and other mantraas with potent herbs and efficacious oils,
and Bhuvaneswaree Mantra which confers spiritual and mesmeric powers, to construct aeroplanes, which don’t break cannot be cut, cannot be burnt, and cannot be destroyed.

2.Taantrika: By acquiring Mahaamaaya, Shambara, and other taantric powers, to endow the plane with those powers.
3.Kritaka: By study of architects like Vishwakarma, Chhaayaaparusha, Mann, Maya and others, to construct aeroplanes of various patterns.
4.Antaraala: In the wind-swept atmospheric region of the sky, in the clash at the borders of mighty currents, an inadvertent plane is likely to be smashed to pieces. But by getting warned of the approach of such danger spots, the plane could be halted and steered with

5.Goodha: As explained in ‘Vaayutatva-Prakarana’, by harnessing the powers, Yaasaa, Viyaasaa, Prayaasaa in the 8th atmospheric layer covering the earth, to attract the dark content of the solar ray, and use it to hide the Vimana from the enemy.
6.Drishya: By collision of the electric power and wind power in the atmosphere, a glow is created, whose reflection is to be caught in the Vishwa-Kriyaa-darapana or mirror at the front of the Vimana, and by its manipulation produce a Maaya-Vimana or camouflaged Vimana.
7.Adrishya: According to “Shaktitantra”, by means of the Vynarathya Vikarana and other powers in the heart centre of the solar mass, attract the force of the ethereal flow in the sky, and mingle it with the balaahaavikarana shakti in the aerial globe, producing thereby a white cover, which will make the Vimana invisible.
8.Paroksha: According to “Meghotpatthi-prakarana,” or the science of the birth of clouds, by entering the second of the summer cloud layers, and attracting the power therein with the shaktyaakarshana darpana or force-attraction mirror in the Vimana, and applying it to the parivesha or halo of the Vimana, a paralysing force is generated, and opposing Vimanas are paralysed and put out of action.
9.Aparoksha: According to ‘Shakti-tantra,’ by projection of the Rohinee beam of light, things in front of the Vimana are made visible.
10.Sankocha, or Contraction: As prescribed in the Yantraangopasamhaara section, when the Vimana is flying at speed with fully extended wings, and there is danger ahead, turning the 7th switch in the Vimana, its parts can be made to contract.
11.Vistrita: According to ‘Akaashatantra’, when the Vim ana is in the central air flood in the third and first regions of the sky, by turning the switch in the 11th section of plane, it becomes expanded suitably according to “Vaalmeeki Ganita.”
12.Viroopa Karana: As stated in “Dhooma Prakarana”, by producing the 32nd kind of smoke through the mechanism, and charging it with the light of the heat waves in the sky, and projecting it through the padmaka chakra tube to the bhyravee oil-smeared Vyroopya-darpana at the top of the Vimana, and whirling with 132nd type of speed, a very fierce and terrifying shape of the Vimana will emerge, causing utter fright to onlookers.
13.Roopaantara: As stated in “Tylaprakarana,” by preparing griddhrajihwaa, kumbhinee, and kaakajangha oils and anointing the distorting mirror in the Vimana with them, applying to it the 19th kind of smoker and charging with the kuntinee shakti in the Vimana, shapes like lion, tiger, rhinoceros, serpent, mountain, river will appear and amaze observers and confuse them.
14.Suroopa: By attracting the 13 kinds of Karaka force mentioned in “Karaka prakarana” applying snow-surcharged air and projecting it through the air conveying tube to the pushpinee-pinjula mirrors in the front right side of the Vimana, and focusing on it the suragha beam, a heavenly damsel bedecked with flowers and jewels will appear to onlookers of the Vimana.
15.Jyotirbhaava: As stated in “Amshubodhinee,” out of Samgnaana and other 16 digits of the solar glow, by attracting the 12th to the 16th digits and focusing them on the air force in the Mayookha section in the fourth pathway in the sky, and similarly by attracting the force of the etherial glow and mingling it with the glow in the 7th layer of air mass, and then by projecting both these forces through the 5 tubes in the Vimana on
to the section of the guhaa-garbha mirror, a rich glow like the morning glow of the sun will be produced.

16.Tamomaya: As described in “Darpana Prakarana,” by means of the dark force mirror, capture the force of darkness, pass it through the Thamo-Yantra in the north-west side of the Vimana, and by turning a switch produce at noon-day the utter darkness of the night
of the new-moon. 

17.Pralaya: As described in the magic book of destruction, attract the 5 kinds of smoke through the tube of the contracting machine in the front part of the Vimana, and merge it in the cloud-smoke mentioned in “Shadgarbha Viveka”, and pushing it by electric force through the five-limbed aerial tube, destroy everything as in a cataclysm.
18.Vimukha: As mentioned in “Rig-hridaya”, by projecting the force of Kubera, Vimukha and Vyshawaanara poison powder through the third tube of the roudree mirror and
turning the switch of the air mechanism, produce insensibility and coma.

19.Taara: By mixing with etherial force 10 parts of air forte, 7 parts of water force, and 16 parts of solar glow, and projecting it by means of the star-faced mirror through the frontal tube of the Vimana; the appearance of a star-spangled sky is created.
20.Mahaashabda Vimohana: By concentrating the air force in the seven tubes of the Vimana, and turning the switch, produce, as stated in “Shabda prakaash ikaa” a crescendo of thunderous din, which stuns people, and makes them quake with fear and become insensible.
21.Langhana: As stated in “Vaayu tattva prakarana” When crossing from one air stream into another, the Vimana faces the baadaba glow of the sun and catches fire. In order to prevent that, the electric force and air force in the Vimana should be conjoined and centred in the life-centre of the Vimana, and by turning the switch, the Vimana will leap into safety.
22.Saarpa-Gamana: By attracting the dandavaktra and other seven forces of air, and joining with solar rays, passing it through the zig-zagging centre of the Vimana, and turning the switch, the Vimana will have a zigzagging motion like a serpent.
23.Chaapala: On sighting an enemy plane, by turning the switch in the force centre in the middle section of the Vimana, a 4087 revolutions an hour atmospheric wave speed will be generated, and shake up the enemy plane.
24.Sarvatomukha: When a formation of enemy planes comes to attack one’s Vimana, by turning the switch at the crown of the Vimana, make it revolve with agility and face all sides.
25.Parashabda Graahaka: As explained in “Sowdaaminee kalaa” or science of electronics, by means of the sound capturing yantra in the Vimana, to hear the talks and sounds in enemy planes flying in the sky.
26.Roopaakarshana: By means of the photographic yantra in the Vimana to obtain a television view of things inside an enemy plane.
27.Kriyaagrahana: By turning the key at the bottom of the Vimana, a white cloth is made to appear. By electrifying the three acids in the north-east part of the Vimana, and subjecting them to the 7 kinds of solar rays, and passing the resultant force into the tube of the Thrisheersha mirror and making the cloth screen face the mirror, and switching on the upper key, all the activities going on down below on the ground, will be projected on the screen.
28.Dikpradarshana: Turning the key at the front of the Vimana the dishaampati yantra will show the direction from which the enemy plane is approaching.
29.Aakaashaakaara: According to “Aakaasha-tantra”, by mixing black mica solution with neem and bhoonaaga decoctions and smearing the solution on the outer body of the Vimana made of mica plates, and exposing to solar rays, the plane will look like the sky and become indistinguishable.
30.Jalada roopa: Mixing pomegranate juice, bilva or bael oil, copper-salt, kitchen smoke,
granthika or gugul liquid, mustard powder , and fish scale decoctions, and adding sea-shell and rock-salt powder, and collecting smoke of the same solution and spreading it with solar heat enveloping the cover, the Vimana will have the appearance of a cloud.
ç31.Stabdhaka: By projecting apasmaara poison-fume smoke through the tube on the north side on the Vimana, and discharging it with stambhana-yantra, people in enemy planes will be made unconscious.
32.Karshana: When enemy planes come in strength to destroy one’s Vimana, by setting aflame the Jwaalinee shakit in the Vyshwaanara-naala or pipe located at the navel of the plane, and switching the keys of the two wheels to 87 degrees of heat, the burning shakti
will envelope the enemy plane and destroy it.

These are the 32 rahasyaas or secrets which should be known by pilots according to Siddhanaatha.