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Showing posts with label Mechanical Engineering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mechanical Engineering. Show all posts

Monday, May 30, 2016

Assembly of MAN Trucks at Augsburg Plant in Germany.

100 years of MAN trucks and buses - how it all began

Roads without a silver lion on the radiator grille? Hard to imagine today. But in 1914, trucks and buses did not yet play a part in the MAN range. A state of affairs that General Director Anton von Rieppel wanted to change. "M.A.N. must be put on wheels," was his strategy. No sooner said than done. In the summer of 2015, MAN Truck & Bus will be celebrating 100 years of commercial vehicle engineering.

One of the first 4 t chain-drive trucks in front of the Lindau assembly shop in 1915
The name MAN Truck & Bus AG did not however exist at the time the company was founded. "Lastwagen Werke M.A.N.-Saurer GmbH" (M.A.N.-Saurer Truck Works) – LWW for short – was the entry made in the City of Nuremberg companies register on 21 June 1915. At that time, the company Saurer was the leading truck manufacturer in Switzerland – and new partner to the Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg (M.A.N.). At the time M.A.N. General Director von Rieppel was planning to set up the company´s own truck and bus production plant in 1914, the First World War had just broken out. So there was no time for M.A.N. to develop its own vehicles and instead, it found a partner with the necessary know-how in the form of Saurer.
It was Anton von Rieppel himself who approached Adolph Saurer in a letter written in December 1914. This gave rise to negotiations between the two companies. Mr. von Rieppel had originally planned to acquire a license from Saurer to build his own trucks. But Adolph Saurer wanted to enter into a cooperation that would guarantee his participation in the company. After several m

Omnibuses for transporting parcels

Country bus used by the 'Reichspost'
M.A.N.-Saurer omnibuses transported passengers, parcels and letters across the whole of Germany
As well as trucks, LWW also produced omnibuses, mainly for the "Reichspost" and city transport companies. Especially the country buses built by LWW were a common sight on the roads at that time. The "Reichspost" used them to transport not only passengers, but also letters and parcels. Just like the trucks, these first buses were also 2 to 3.5 ton cardan vehicles – all fitted with a four-cylinder spark ignition engine, engine brakes, carbide lighting, petrol lamps, bulb horns, wooden wheels and a set of solid rubber tyres.
M.A.N. und Saurer worked closely together until 1918, then Saurer and his company pulled out of the joint venture. And from 14 November 1918 onwards, this was also reflected in its name - the company then became officially known as "M.A.N. Lastwagen Werke" (M.A.N. Truck Works). From then on, the Nuremberg site paved its own way in the development and production of trucks. Successfully. Until today.
With the TGX D38, the latest flagship of the truck fleet, MAN sets new standards in efficiency and performance. The MAN engineers also have a keen eye on the future of mobility. They are working hard to make the vehicles even more customer-friendly and economically. And customers appreciate this: Numerous fleet operators, breweries and local authorities have been relying on commercial vehicles made by MAN for decades.onths of negotiations, the industrialists finally reached agreement – and this joint venture laid the foundation for truck and bus production at MAN.
From then on, things moved very quickly. By July 1915, LWW was already producing its first trucks at a plant in Lindau. This plant took over the joint venture from Saurer. Only four months later, production activities were relocated step by step to Nuremberg. Not only was the entire plant and all the machinery moved, but Lastwagen Werke also took over all the forty Lindau employees.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Car & Marine Engine Parts

The core of the engine is the cylinder, with the piston moving up and down inside the cylinder. The engine described above has one cylinder. That is typical of most lawnmowers, but most cars have more than one cylinder (four, six and eight cylinders are common). In a multi-cylinder engine, the cylinders usually are arranged in one of three ways: inlineV or flat (also known as horizontally opposed or boxer), as shown in the following VIDEO.
Different configurations have different advantages and disadvantages in terms of smoothness, manufacturing cost and shape characteristics. These advantages and disadvantages make them more suitable for certain vehicles.
Let's look at some key engine parts in more detail.

Spark plug

The spark plug supplies the spark that ignites the air/fuel mixture so that combustion can occur. The spark must happen at just the right moment for things to work properly.


The intake and exhaust valves open at the proper time to let in air and fuel and to let out exhaust. Note that both valves are closed during compression and combustion so that the combustion chamber is sealed.


A piston is a cylindrical piece of metal that moves up and down inside the cylinder.

Piston rings

Piston rings provide a sliding seal between the outer edge of the piston and the inner edge of the cylinder. The rings serve two purposes:
  • They prevent the fuel/air mixture and exhaust in the combustion chamber from leaking into the sump during compression and combustion.
  • They keep oil in the sump from leaking into the combustion area, where it would be burned and lost.
Most cars that "burn oil" and have to have a quart added every 1,000 miles are burning it because the engine is old and the rings no longer seal things properly.

Connecting rod

The connecting rod connects the piston to the crankshaft. It can rotate at both ends so that its angle can change as the piston moves and the crankshaft rotates.


The crankshaft turns the piston's up and down motion into circular motion just like a crank on a jack-in-the-box does.


The sump surrounds the crankshaft. It contains some amount of oil, which collects in the bottom of the sump (the oil pan).

Next, we'll learn what can go wrong with engines.


Sunday, May 8, 2016

This is the world's first 3D printed car It was made in just 44 hours, and it's recyclable!

This spring Fiat Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne called out the auto industry for the staggering amount of money it wastes in the design and manufacture of cars. His solution is based on classic business principles: consolidate and eliminate redundancy. Local Motors CEO Jay Rogers perceives the same challenge, but he's attacking it from a completely different direction. For Rogers, the problem stems not from business organization but from the fact that we still build cars the same way we did in 1915, on assembly lines with thousands of individual parts. It doesn't have to be that way, and the proof is parked in his Knoxville, Tennessee, garage, charged up and ready for a drive.
Local's answer to the cost-cutting question is the Strati, the first 3D-printed car. It's a humble (albeit very cool-looking) thing. Built—printed—in Detroit, in collaboration with Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, the Strati is a small electric two-seater, the first of many models in Local's plans. Two factories, scaled to employ 100 people each, are under construction now and scheduled for completion by the end of the year. Local plans to build its own cars, but it could also end up working as a supplier for original-equipment manufacturers, some of whom have met with Rogers already. "One of them said, 'This would be great for prototyping,' " Rogers says. "And I said, 'Forget prototyping! This is how you make the car.' " That's the radical big idea, the one that prompted Popular Mechanics to bestow a Breakthrough Award on Local Motors last year. 
The world's first 3D-printed car is crude by design, its dashboard looking like stacked silicone beads from a caulking gun. Its flanks, meanwhile, are smooth, resembling the exposed parts of the BMW i3's matte carbon tub. "We milled the sides to show how that would look," Rogers says. "Some of the other parts are just how they came out of the printer, so you can see that. But we can make it look however we want. You could put a vinyl wrap on it and the car would still be completely recyclable."
The Strati is printed from carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic, a versatile, strong, and relatively cheap material that could enable some new approaches to safety. Thanks to the nature of 3D printing, where the car is built in layers squirted from the nozzles of a massive printer, you can embed energy-absorbing crash structures or superstrong seat-belt mounts that are anchored deep in the body. You could bond springy bumpers to cushion pedestrian impacts (right now Local is experimenting with a printable elastic polyurethane material called NinjaFlex). And if you managed to catastrophically damage the tub, you could unbolt the motor and suspension, melt the car down, and print a new one. Of course, the Strati parked in Knoxville doesn't even have seat belts, but it's proof of concept. 
The prototype I drove is the third that Local has printed and took about 40 hours. The company is currently looking for an electric-powertrain supplier, so for now the Strati has a beefy golf-cart motor as a stand-in. The rear-wheel-drive Strati is envisioned as a city car, but Rogers isn't blind to the performance possibilities. "If you put a motor with 150 or 200 horsepower in here, it would be a lot of fun," he says.
It's a lot of fun already. The rear suspension rides on an aluminum subframe, and with no distinction between body and chassis, the car feels inordinately solid, substantial. There's some clunking from the stand-in motor, but the car itself is silent. Put a Mitsubishi i-MiEV motor back there and this thing would be a riot.

The last car I tested with a one-piece carbon tub was a McLaren 650S that cost more than $300,000. This Strati, lackluster motor notwithstanding, could cost about $5,000. No, it's not a McLaren. But to the family of five that crams aboard a motorcycle to get around—Rogers recently witnessed exactly that on a trip to India—it might as well be.
Developing countries would love this technology for cheap transportation, but so might the rich guy who wants a thousand-horsepower car of his own design, printed in a production run of one. Or the carmaker that wants to churn out a complete car in ten hours rather than 24, using a fraction of the components. Modern cars are complicated, but the union of 3D printing and electric propulsion—where the motor has just one moving part—points to a future in which that's no longer a given.
We currently take it for granted that cars are complicated and expensive. When you're driving the Strati, it's easy to imagine a day when we take it for granted that they're not.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Iron Carbon Phase Diagram

There are two iron-carbon equilibrium diagrams: - stable iron-graphite Fe-Gr - metastable iron-cementite Fe-Fe3C The stable condition usually takes a very long time to develop. The metastable diagram is of more interest. Fe3C iron carbide called cementite because it is hard. Following phases exist on Fe-Fe3C diagram: - liquid solution of iron and carbon (L) - ferrite (α) – an interstitial solid solution of carbon in Feα (bcc). At room temperature ferrite is ductile but not very strong. - austenite - an interstitial solid solution of carbon in Feγ (fcc). - cementite (Fe3C) hard and brittle compound with chemical formula Fe3C. It has metallic properties. On a base of Fe-Fe3C diagram we can divide iron-carbon alloys into: - steels, - cast steels, - cast irons. Steel is an alloy of carbon and iron and other alloying elements (e.g. Mn, Si) with carbon content up to 2% intended for wrought products or semi products. Cast iron is an alloy of carbon and iron and other alloying elements (e.g. Mn, Si) with carbon content over 2% intended for castings. Now, we consider only a part of Fe-Fe3C diagram referring to steel. Perlite is a structure (i.e. consists of two phases) consists of alternate layers of ferrite and cementite in the proportion 87:13 by weight. Perlite is formed from austenite at eutectoid temperature (A1) 727°C upon slow cooling. There are three groups of steels according to carbon content: - hypoeutectoid steels containing less than 0.76% C - eutectoid steel with carbon content about 0.76% - hypereutectoid steels contain more than 0.76% C (up to 2% C). 

BOAC Vc10 Automatic Landing (1968)

--- Classic Airplane Vickers VC-10 ---
Gander To London - BOAC Vc10 Automatic Landing (1968)

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Charcoal Motor Bike 1942

Charcoal Motor Bike 1942 - Here's a video from Australia back in 1942 showing a gentleman riding a motorcycle that uses charcoal as fuel!
It's just a variant of gasification. Most commonly done with wood, but almost any flammable material will work. It was widely used in northern Europe during WWII, Mother Earth News did a story on it in either the 60's or 70's, and there was even an episode of Planet Mechanics where they built one for a small pickup truck. There are lots of different ways to build one, you can find plans for them all over the internet, even the FEMA website has blueprints and instructions for them.

Monday, April 11, 2016


Just imagine yourself driving a car without wipers in a heavy rain! Is it easy to drive?!
At the dawn of the 20th century, Mary Anderson went to New York City for the first time. She saw a much different New York City than the one tourists see today. There were no cabs honking, nor were there thousands of cars vying for position in afternoon traffic. Cars had not yet captured the American imagination and were quite rare when Anderson took that trip, but the woman from Alabama would end up inventing something that has become standard on every automobile. During her trip, Anderson took a tram through the snow-covered city.
She noticed that the driver had to stop the tram every few minutes to wipe the snow off his front window. At the time, all drivers had to do so; rain and snow were thought to be things drivers had to deal with, even though they resulted in poor visibility. When she returned home, Anderson developed a squeegee on a spindle that was attached to a handle on the inside of the vehicle. When the driver needed to clear the glass, he simply pulled on the handle and the squeegee wiped the precipitation from the windshield.
Anderson received the patent for her device in 1903; just 10 years later, thousands of Americans owned a car with her invention.
"So, if there exists a problem, there exists an opportunity if you can see it...!"
More interesting stories to come, just engage with my posts (or follow me if you have not followed yet) if you want to see the inspirational stories you love on your timeline.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

World's First Laser Rust Remover!

Removing Rust with a Laser? Fastest and Safest Way to Remove Rust
It is certainly no secret that rust can be a plague to any automobile owner and keeping it away is of the utmost importance if you want to have a clean and functional ride.
Should you happen to have a car that suffers from being covered with rust, there are many ways to clean it up. You could use a chemical or maybe even sand it down, but this way might just grab your attention even more.
Instead of a traditional way of preparing a rusted surface for use, this method will show you how a laser is used to extract the rust from a metal surface. We are told it’s probably the safest and least abrasive way to go about it as well.
Check out the video below that shows off the laser rust removal first hand. Would you use this or more traditional methods to get rid of that annoying rust?

Robot drones could do Reforestation

Reforestation is the natural or intentional restocking of existing forests and woodlands that have been depleted, usually through deforestation.

A drone, in a technological context, is an unmanned aircraft. 

Drones are more formally known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Essentially, a drone is a flying robot. The aircraft may be remotely controlled or can fly autonomously through software-controlled flight plans in their embedded systems working in conjunction with GPS.  UAVs have most often been associated with the military but they are also used for search and rescue, surveillance, traffic monitoring, weather monitoring and firefighting, among other things.

Laser tube cutting machines

Delivers large tube 3D flexibility to cut a variety of shapes including round, square, I-beam and other structural applications. It is designed to increase productivity, simplify and strengthen component assembly and improve component tolerances through more precise laser-cutting.