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Friday, May 4, 2012

Planetary Combinations to Become an Astrologer

1) To be an Astrologer, Mercury should be in a strong position in the birth-chart. Because Mercury is the planet of intelligence. Similarly, Jupiter should also be strong and placed in the Gajakesari Yoga with Moon. If this yoga is created in the Ascendant, ninth, fifth or eighth house, then the person will have an interest in Astrology.
(2) If Mercury or Jupiter is in conjunction or shares an aspect relationship in the eighth house, then the person will be curious to know the mysterious arts and secrets.
(3) If Moon-Saturn have an aspect relationship in the birth-chart or Moon is in conjunction with Mercury and Saturn aspects both the planets or Saturn-Moon and Mercury are in conjunction. In addition, if Jupiter forms any kind of relationship with Mercury or Venus, then the person will be inclined towards Astrology.
(4) If the lord of the eighth house forms a yoga with Moon or Saturn through an aspect relationship or conjunction, or the eighth lord is in conjunction with the fifth lord, then the person will develop an interest in Astrology.
(5) If Mercury is located in the sign of Jupiter or vice versa, even then the person will take enormous interest in the knowledge of Astrology. In addition, if the fifth lord or the ninth lord are in conjunction or share an aspect relationship with Mercury or Jupiter, then he will be a successful Astrologer.
(6) If Mercury, Jupiter, Ascendant lord, eighth lord, fifth lord or the ninth lord are located in the tenth house, the possibilities to become a successful Astrologer will increase.
(7) The second house is the house of speech. If the fifth lord, eighth lord, Mercury or Jupiter are in conjunction, then the person will learn this art to predict future.
(8) If the second lord, tenth lord, Ascendant lord or else Mercury or Jupiter are in conjunction with the fifth house, or the eighth lord aspects on all these planets and their house lords, the person will become a successful Astrologer and will earn his income from the profession in Astrology.
(9) If the lord of the eighth house is located in the Ascendant with the lord of the fifth house and shares an aspect relationship or any kind of relationship with the second lord or the eleventh lord, then the person will achieve success in the profession of Astrology.
(10) In the birth-chart of the Scorpio Ascendant, if Jupiter, which is the kaarak of knowledge, is placed in the second house in the sign of Sagittarius and aspects the eighth house. And Ketu aspects the eighth lord and is located in the fifth house in the Pisces sign, which is the sign of Jupiter. Sun as the tenth lord is in the fourth house, which is the house of fame, and aspects the tenth house, and Saturn as the lord of the fourth house located in the seventh house and aspects Moon in the Ascendant. The person will gain popularity and fame in the profession of predicting future and will be a successful Astrologer.
(11) If Mercury is located in the tenth house in the birth-chart of Gemini Ascendant, Jupiter is aspected by the fifth lord in the fifth house. The eighth lord and the ninth lord are placed in the Saturn Ascendant and aspect Ketu, which is the Kaarak planet of mysterious arts and studies, and the second lord is in the Moon Ascendant, then the person will be proficient in the field of Astrology.
(12) In the birth-chart of Virgo Ascendant, if the fifth lord, eighth lord, Saturn or Mars is located in the Ascendant. The second lord or Venus as the ninth lord is placed in its own sign and aspects the eighth house. Jupiter in the Kendra of Pisces aspects the Ascendant or the Ascendant lord i.e. Mercury. And Ketu is placed in the twelfth house, which is the house of liberation, and aspects the eighth house, which is the house of the mysterious method. Hence, the person who will have these planetary combinations in his birth-chart, will be an expert in Astrology.

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