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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

ORIGINS of words .. Did you know ..?

Attached Image: break.gif  Attached Image: break.gif

When the English settlers landed in Australia, 

they noticed a strange animal that jumped 

extremely high and far. 

They asked the aboriginal people using 

body language and signs trying to ask 

them about this animal. 

They responded with Kan Ghu Ru�. 

The English then adopted the word kangaroo. 

What the aboriginal people were really trying to say was 

we don't understand you�, Kan Ghu Ru�.

Attached Image: break.gif  Attached Image: break.gif

During historic civil wars, 

when troops returned without any casualties, 

a writing was put up so all can see, 

which read ˜0 Killed'. 

From here we get the expression O.K., 

which means all is good. 

Attached Image: break.gif  Attached Image: break.gif
In ancient England, people could not have sex 

without consent from the King. 

When people wanted to have a child, 

they had to solicit permission to the monarchy, 

in turn they would supply a plaque to 

hang on their door when they had sexual relations. 

The plaque read .. 

 Fornication Under Consent of the King� (F.U.C.K.). 

This is the origin of the word.


Attached Image: nxuv7c.jpg.gif

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