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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Before Mankind, What was really on Earth?

Discovery channel often lies, or covers up the truth...Or fogets it all together, every once in awhile tho, they make up for it with videos like this.

Why I dont know. Why do they tell the truth once in awhile but then try to cover it up the next day? To cover both sides? To be fair and balanced? Or to make you so unsure of yourself that you just drop looking altogether?

Whatever the case, there are gaps in every story that is false or unfinished.

And there are gaps. Our DNA have missing Chromosomes. There is a "missing link".
Evolution says it took us 65 million years or so to get to the Iron Age, and yet within the past 50 years we have explored space... What is this progress to the future all of a sudden, and whose to say it never existed?
We can destory the planet 1,000 times over, but just 100 years ago scientists thought you would die if you went faster then 55mph!
Ink and Paper to LCD TV?
Swords and arrows to Guns & heat seeking missiles?
Horse and buggies to Cars and trains? Tents and huts to skyscrapers and underground bunkers?

All in the past 100 years?
Something isnt adding up. Come on think about it.

Dont forget that every culture on Earth has seen odd things in the sky, and has "Gods" many of which are lizards - or in the bible Satan - the dragon,snake,serpent.
It can be provin on my other videos when you look at their ancient art and cave drawings, pottery and scrolls.

OK this video they try to discredit it now by saying there are now drawings of aliens in Egypt, funny tho they didnt show the drawings - carvings of their "Gods" whipping them as the pyramids are being built.

You wouldnt see any aliens or god's in most of the drawings since it was pretty much forbidden to draw them and they were not around most the time talking with humans, Do you talk to the squirrels in the back yard much? EXACTLY! you dont...
A really sad arguement if you ask me on the side of critics.
Its to hard to deny anymore. Just turn of the TV and look it up. You will find out the truth.
Youtube is a amazing tool to do this.

One other thing, Moses couldnt even look at the face of God, Think about it...
They dont like to be seen or drawin, well at least then when we didnt know what we do now.

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