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Sunday, July 5, 2015

How to Heal the Relationship Between the Masculine and Feminine

One of the great themes of our changing times and particularly a theme for 2014 is the healing of the relationship between the masculine and the feminine. This may seem like a heavy topic for this time of year but the sooner we understand how to do this the quicker we can get started on the process. The window in time is now, so we ought not to waste any time delaying. The holidays can actually serve as a springboard to get started. Bear in mind that this article is only scratching the surface of a truly huge topic.

To begin I am going to define a few terms so that we can all be in agreement during this discussion. When I speak of the feminine I am talking about the feminine principle and not exclusively about women. There are some men who display more feminine characteristics than some women. All of us human beings have masculine and feminine sides to us whether we acknowledge it or not. Likewise when I mention the masculine I am not necessarily always talking about men because some women display more masculine elements than some men. This complication makes for a truly fascinating world.

In this article I intend to attempt to decode and understand some highly controversial topics and they may push your respective buttons. Please continue to read and you are likely to understand more clearly why I have said something that you might take exception to. One of the reasons that there is such intensity and lack of clarity in this whole topic is due to the fierce reactivity that people have about this subject. It is almost as if swords, guns, axes, and switchblades come out just at the mere mention of the masculine and the feminine. Do your best to hold an open mind until you have finished the article.

Now let us be clear about a few more things. On an essence level the masculine absolutely loves the feminine and the feminine absolutely loves the masculine because they are part of one another. Essence does not put them in opposition to each other knowing they are both necessary, both aspects of Spirit, only seen as separate by the human mind. The ego or false personality sees the masculine and the feminine in a totally different manner. For it, they are at war, in total opposition, separate beyond understanding, and they will always be so. So when you hear someone say, “I will never understand those damn women/men. They drive me crazy” this is the voice of the false personality who actually wants to capitalize on the separation and the misunderstanding so that the relationship will never be healed. In fact that is the last thing that the ego wants, is healing.

Now when there is the appearance of separation there are the seeds of distrust and where there is distrust there is fear and where there is fear there is anger and the potential for attack. Thus we have what appears to be war between the sexes. Now to solve this problem you could try to do what some religions have tried to do and draw a big line in the sand and separate the men from the women as much as possible. This has never worked nor will it ever. That is not the way to resolve imagined separation. So many religions have just perpetuated the problem of misunderstanding in the name of purity and propriety. Their solution is from the past and will not work today.

Let us take a look at the anger because anger is one of the most visible signs of trouble between the masculine and feminine. Why are men so angry with women that they would dominate them, disenfranchise them, beat and abuse them, rape them, and disrespect them? Let us look for a moment at conventional wisdom around the world, especially among indigenous people and the majority of the population. Here are some of them:
Women are more powerful than men.

Women are physically more resilient than men and extremely tough.

Women often let men think they are more powerful by letting them keep certain illusions.

Women rule the roost, are actually the bosses in life, especially in domestic affairs regarding the home, social affairs, and the finances.

Remember that among indigenous peoples these things are the biggest part of life. Hunting doesn’t take up as many hours. Women are the consumers of spirituality and therefore are in charge of the spiritual elements of life while men are in charge of the material aspects of life. At one time matriarchal tribes were the principle social unit in the world (before modern times) and many indigenous tribes are still matriarchal to this day.

Does this suggest, contrary to anthropological theories, that men secretly suspect that if allowed to, women would run everything. Are men afraid to give an inch because if they do they will be totally dominated? How many men are terrified of commitment because they are afraid they will lose their freedom and become a total slave to a wife and children? How many men have a token set of duties that makes them think they are the boss? How many men run off to various wars to give themselves a sense of pride in their machismo and the illusion that they are strong and powerful? The simple answer is many.

The masculine is hopelessly in love with the feminine but men are simultaneously furious with women. They always have been. Here is part of the reason why. Men know deep inside that they desperately need the feminine, can’t live reasonably without it. They are magnetically captivated by the feminine and think up various ways to attract her attention. However the feminine has the great secret power of dismissal. Females can dismiss the male and in nature they do it with regularity as part of the drive to strengthen the species. Throughout the animal kingdom the masculine tries to attract the female through great displays of feathers, antlers, dances, songs, and so on. The female uses her powers of dismissal over and over. Not you, you are too small. Not you, you are too dull. Not you, you are too slow. The males selected get to mate. The males rejected get to hang out on the periphery, often alone, and don’t get any cookies. In humans because they occupy mammal based simian bodies, the dismissal is also a part of the mating game but it does not end there. The feminine carries with it certain qualities of discernment, criticalness, demands, and requirements. The first thing a new mother does after giving birth is examine her infant to see if it has all digits, all parts in the right order, is whole and complete. When the man comes home from the hunt and if he throws down a rabbit instead of a deer the female wrinkles her nose and with her expression says, “What, only a rabbit? Maybe you don’t get laid tonight.” In today’s world we have more sophisticated renditions of this but it amounts to the same thing. “What, you drive an old car, are only a teacher, don’t make any money?” The men that are successful, just like the stag, the lion, or the bull, know that their status is temporary. One day on top, someday not. They must always prove themselves, always need to produce in order to escape the deadly dismissal from the feminine aspect of mother nature.

The feminine can be brutal in this respect. One of the most painful aspects of being male is being at the mercy of the female’s constant criticisms, the making wrong, “you can’t do anything right no matter what” syndrome. This is why it is so common that after a number of years of marriage many men have less than complimentary names for their wives, (bitch being one of the lessor insulting ones). After being subjected to endless criticisms and subtle or not so subtle dismissals the masculine is in a rage and wants to attack, to fight back. And what is the feminine response to this. “Stop being such a whiner. If you don’t want to be criticized then stop acting like such a jerk and do something right for a change.” Ouch! So the women read their trash novel romances about mythological powerful, dynamic and often “bad”men that are irresistible. In comparison their brow beaten human husbands and boyfriends cut pathetic figures.

You can see how with this scenario women are endlessly disappointed and men endlessly disappointing toward the other. This is a game neither can win but it is subtle, based on very natural processes, just carried too far. The masculine seeks approval, acceptance, and love from the great object of his desire, the feminine. If she should give him that and he is able to receive that, then he feels he is saved. Many men are so damaged that they cannot receive it when it is given; they push it away and this results in further damage to the system.

Many women are addicted to the dismissal and the critical aspect of the feminine. They just don’t know how to stop and not stopping they contribute to men becoming less and less attractive to them over time. Why? Because the perspective we perpetuate we end up creating as our reality. These women find with increasing bitterness that men are worthless and not worth investing in. They just don’t do anything right and never will.

So men get angry with women and either give up on them or just beat them up, yes, even rape them, abuse them, attack them, disrespect them, all out of their great fear of them. Yes, it is fear, not power that perpetuates this behavior. And the more afraid of women they become the more they perpetuate the reality that women are bitches or temptresses and should be punished.

Now bear in mind that I am not saying this is always the case. It is merely a summing up of many instances of abuse that take place all over this planet. Make no mistake, I am in no way condoning or excusing this behavior. It is a result of the confusion that humans have over what is purely biological and egoic and what is essence driven.

We have examined one of nature’s influences on the feminine leading to great difficulties between males and females. Now let us look at nature as it leads men into difficult territory. It is clear that a certain amount of male aggression is quite necessary to perpetuate the human race. This is true not just at the social levels but in the chemistry of the male body. During intercourse a man’s sperm is outfitted with chemical warfare, chemicals that are able to attack and penetrate the wall of the egg. In other words the more aggressive the sperm the better the chance of fertilizing the egg. At the level of the sperm and the egg, this is storming the castle, an aggressive penetration of the female biology. Men are biologically built to penetrate the female defenses. Of course it is not as simple as this because of such variables as love, affection, friendship, intent not to harm, attraction and so on. So while the sperm is busy penetrating the egg, the man can be loving the entire woman and this is the difference between aggressive biology and loving relationship.

So biologically speaking we have the archetypal male aggressing on the female and the archetypal female dismissing the male. Sound like fun? Hardly. The male, biologically built to aggress is always risking dismissal so sometimes he just attacks and rapes before he can be dismissed. That is one strategy of the false personality but it has terrible social consequences. Or he can just disenfranchise, dominate, and crush the female over time to get her back for his loss of freedom and his fall from grace in her eyes. This is a poor solution as well and comes utterly from the false personality. Finally he can be patient and wait to be accepted by the female and then chemically penetrate her egg under the truly possible mantle of love. This tends to be the closest physical approach that essence can find acceptance of and tends to work rather well. However the male ego, out of habit, still tends to hold resentment and complain that he is risking his freedom in doing this. This fear can cause anger build up.

Essence does not require attack, penetration, dominance, or anything that happens for men biologically. It merely observes the activity of the body and the personality and ignores what doesn’t serve its purposes and backs up what does. Essence is only interested in love and its full expression. This is the same for essence and the female biology. Essence does not require dismissing, criticizing, finding fault with, or anything of the like. It merely observes this simian behavior of the body and the personality. If it can find the expression of love, somehow it will express itself and if not it will simply wait until there is love.

What conclusions can we draw from these observations of the feminine and the masculine expressed through the human body? Where is the potential for healing the horrible separation between the genders? Let’s take a look.

Men have a tall order. They are helpless without the feminine and so they have a built in magnet that draws them inexorably toward it in some way or some fashion, yes, even if they are gay. They must come to terms with it. They are biologically built for aggression, the old warrior way, but to heal this animal rape style they must do something that is totally paradoxical. They must be patient, await approval, and penetrate with love. They absolutely must open their hearts and love themselves first. This they can only do through forgiveness. Men need to forgive themselves completely for everything. If they succeed at this they no longer need the approval of the woman because they have the approval of themselves, deep love. This relieves them of all the stress and distortion around women. They can relax and feel a great confidence that then attracts the female. Tall order? Maybe. But men are built for challenges, and this is the big one. This must be done individually and en mass and it must be done relatively quickly if the human race is expected to survive. It will.

The feminine absolutely loves the masculine and even though females can pretend to live without males, they don’t want to. They are biologically built to dismiss, to be selective, to use critical senses. They need to back off from the machinery of the body that just gets into dismissing as a habit. She needs to accept the male and approve wholeheartedly so that he can become what she wants him to be. The only way she can do this is in a healthy way is to forgive herself completely for everything so she can love herself completely. Only in this way can she succeed in loving the masculine without the conditions that the body personality wants to make. This is the actual meaning behind the tale of beauty and the beast and other mythological stories about kissing the frog and his becoming a prince.

Both have a job to do. There is no blame. No one is at fault for this. Yet we are all responsible to heal the dilemma. We will all deal with each side of the challenge as we move from male lifetimes to female lifetimes and back. The more progress we make in one the better it is in the next when we are the opposite sex. If you are male and you want to be a happy female in a future life, do your homework. Vice versa for the female. If you insist you are right in hating the opposite sex you will equally hate the sex you are, in a future life when you are in the opposite sex body. Don’t make this kind of trouble for yourself. It is too painful. If you are a man, love women with all your heart in a healthy way and if you are a woman, love men with all your heart in a healthy way. This means not being needy and clinging but loving out of the freedom to choose. Enjoy.

José Stevens PhD

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Secret CIA Heart Attack Gun Declassified

As you’ll learn from the video bellow, the CIA has been using a heart attack gun for years. What you see in the video is a congressional meeting dating back to 1975. In it, politicians discuss the CIA’s use of the secret heart attack gun. Only recently did this information become declassified, and Your News Wire somehow dug up this video all about it.
The way the gun works is that it shoots a tiny dart that can pierce through clothing and leaves no trace. But it causes a heart attack only seconds later. No, this is real life, not a James Bond flick!
The dart, which is laced with poison, disintegrates after piercing the skin before the person shot has a heart attack.
Again, the video you need to watch is from 1975, so we can only imagine what kinds of technology the CIA has come up with since then.
As for the use of the heart attack gun now, according to conspiracy theoriests, the inexplicalbe death of 52-year-old Mark Pittman, a reporter who predicted the recent financial crisis and exposed Federal Reserve misdoings, is the work of this CIA weapon. Pittman fought to open the Federal Reserve to invesitgations. He led Bloomberg News to sue the powerful central bank and win. Pittman died of a heart attack on Nov. 25th, and many say he was perfectly healthy and that he was ‘taken out’ by CIA.
Regardless of what you believe, there are no two ways about the fact that a heart attack gun exists, the CIA has used it for nearly three decades and it works. Again, if you doubt it, just watch the video.

Lessons About Illness and Dysfunction

There are people in the world who are seriously challenged by a chronic or acute illness, a physical limitation such as a missing limb, or an emotional disability that restricts their mobility or capability in life. Many of these people have the goal of abbreviation in this life, and are learning legitimate and important lessons from their challenges. Some of these people are navigating their lives without a great deal of ego invested in their problem. They are a great inspiration for the rest of us.

There are some common reasons why some people choose illness, dysfunction, disability, and physical challenges that have nothing to do with personal indulgence or ego driven motivations.
  1. Some choose physical challenges so that they can focus on developing another talent or skill. For example a deaf person may focus on seeing instead or a blind person may be a wonderful singer. A person missing a right arm will have to emphasize their left arm and hand instead. These are specific choices made either prior to birth or in some cases after birth that help with the development of an area that has been either neglected in other lives or not developed enough.
  2. Some choose physical problems to help them develop compassion for others with similar disabilities. Perhaps in the past they never related to people who had these types of challenges.
  3. There are those accomplishing great things who may want to inspire or motivate others to similarly accomplish great things even though they have serious limitations. This may be the case for someone like the physicist Stephen Hawking.
  4. There are some people who may want to demonstrate to themselves that they can be highly productive in life even though they struggle with huge physical challenges.
There is something that makes these people different from those whose illness or dysfunction is being used in the service of ego. They are often highly productive individuals who are not prone to complaining, blaming, or feeling sorry for themselves and even when they are not capable of being highly productive they are not blamers or whiners. These are the critical criteria that separate the two groups.

This brings our focus around to the others, those of us who suffer from occasional bouts of illness, depression, anxiety, or who may even suffer from chronic conditions, repeated illnesses that are for the most part, ego or false personality driven. The way you can tell if something is false personality driven is that there is a tendency to complain loudly, blame, or draw attention to the malady for secondary gain. Another way you can tell is that the person appears addicted to suffering and takes sadistic pleasure in frustrating others around them. This is the person who brandishes their crutches or dramatizes their symptoms for the sake of sympathy and attention. They may be seen frequently in the emergency room waiting area with nothing more serious than a mild fever or sitting in a wheel chair at the airport even though they are perfectly capable of walking onto the plane without assistance. Even some cases of depression or anxiety may be ego driven as well and are being used as a tool to either avoid life or punish others who are seemingly to blame. Let us examine these various scenarios to understand the mechanics involved.

Usually ego driven maladies begin in early childhood when we learn to use our intelligence to manipulate the world around us to get more of what we want: What we are looking for may be more attention, more love, more nurturing, more support, more comfort or the like. This starts out innocently enough, perhaps for a child whose parents are neglectful either for good reasons or not. A latchkey child figures out that they can get their mother’s attention by having a fever or a stomachache or an asthma attack. The fact that this works can make it stronger and stronger as the behavior gets reinforced with each bout, especially if it results in a trip to the hospital where nurses and doctors bustle about and fuss over the child’s symptoms. A hospital stay may be even more reinforcing as a power tool to get attention. The child quickly learns that being sick equals being attended to more. The pains and sniffles, the fevers and coughs may increase and may even become chronic. In more extreme cases the entire family may mobilize around the sick child with special diets, conditions, and restrictions.

These people, as opposed to those who are learning essence lessons from their conditions, have learned to manipulate their environments and the people around them for their own purposes. They seldom make a contribution to society but rather are a drain on it instead. They often confine themselves to their homes demanding that all services come to them. Frequently they suffer from what they claim are environmental illnesses, severe allergic reactions, or mystery pains and weaknesses that keep them from making any contribution to the world. Often they are angry, resentful, self absorbed, and martyred and are not particularly loving toward others. In fact it is quite common to sense a certain attitude of selfishness, a resentful demand that the world meet their needs. These attitudes and responses are very different from say a person who has Down’s syndrome or someone who despite their serious condition, seems genuinely accepting, loving, generous, and optimistic.

Unfortunately there are a great many people who sacrifice their health for attention, who sacrifice their whole lives in the hopes they can demand a little love, nurturing, or comfort. The indulgence has weakened them, and leads them inexorably to a worse fate. Each time they are rewarded for their sickness or dysfunction it makes it stronger and more chronic. When it is coupled with the dragon of martyrdom it can be deadly. Eventually no one likes to be around them and when doctors and therapists see them coming they experience dread. Partly this is due to the fact that no matter what they suggest or try, the patient usually rejects it and instead cops an angry, resentful attitude of “Why me?”

Some emotional illnesses are not so different from the ones we have been discussing, for example depression and anxiety. In subtle ways a child can learn that being depressed garners them more attention than just being another kid in a big family. If a child expresses anxiety it can be reinforced by the anxiety of the parents about their child’s fearfulness. In little ways anxiety and depression can be reinforced until they become full blown problem areas. Again there is a difference between those who struggle with depression and anxiety and still make a contribution to society and others who allow it to cease any meaningful productivity. Emotional disturbance that is reinforced in the service of the false personality often leads people to be more disconnected, worried, and self-absorbed.

In the United States and other developed countries we live in a world that is a minefield regarding being healthy or sick. The problems usually come around the extreme responses to emotional or physical illness of dysfunctions.

Here are some extremes and crazy making practices:
  1. Blame the seriously ill and deprive them of any services. Example: Then governor of California, Ronald Reagan emptied the mental hospitals and turned the mentally ill out into the streets considering them to be deadbeats and a drain on the taxpayers.
  2. Punishing the severely mentally ill with execution for committing crimes while hallucinating and listening to psychotically driven voices.
  3. Giving every condition a diagnosis and a label and legitimizing every condition as an excuse for being dysfunctional.
  4. Parents demanding their neurologically damaged children be mainstreamed in school to avoid stigmatization.
  5. Generally stigmatizing people for the slightest whiff of mental instability but rolling out the red carpet for those with clearly diagnosed physical problems.
  6. Insurance companies calling everything preexisting conditions to avoid payment and hospitals rolling out the red carpet for people with Cadillac policies who often do not need the service.
  7. Hailing servicemen and women as heroes for defending their country and then abandoning them when it comes to paying for their wounds and disabilities.
Obviously there are endless more discrepancies and extreme viewpoints when it comes to how we deal with ill people and how they view themselves. We live in a confused society that does not know what to make of illness, accident, and dysfunction. As a culture we still seem to view it as shameful, a failure, and personally weak to get sick or become wounded. This is the value system of young souls who still run the world of business and the political arena. They have tied injury, illness, and dysfunction to dollar amounts and of course this dehumanizes the whole experience.

On the other hand baby souls wear their illnesses like a badge of honor and want to be totally taken care of for the most minute of problems, many of which are of their own making. Baby souls tend to eat all the wrong foods, end up with diabetes and other diseases and then want everyone to pay for their terrible choices. The solution here is education, not telling them they are hopelessly sick. They need to be taught how to keep themselves healthy. No doubt it is difficult weaning them from their sugar.

Mature and old souls prefer non-traditional health care that allows them to take a more active part in their health care. Unfortunately many of these services are not covered by insurance policies so the older souls are forced to pay out of pocket for getting the treatment that is most effective for them.

Part of the crazy system is that the market place is built from those who are labeled sick and dysfunctional. Sick people are big business for the young soul investors. However illness is also very expensive for the taxpayers who pay for war veterans and other social services and people who pay for insurance, so it is bankrupting the country. Is their any money in prevention? The mature soul Europeans seem to think so.

What is needed is a more balanced approach to all conditions and more neutrality when it comes to how we view illness and injury. A clearer understanding of soul age would certainly help.

What you can do:
  1. When you are genuinely concerned over a condition, you should get help immediately because it is well understood that people with early diagnosis can be helped much more easily than ones who wait until it is too late. This is cost effective and discourages martyrdom.
  2. When you are suffering from an illness take care of yourself and do not infect others if what you have is infectious and acute.
  3. If you have a longer term condition then do your homework and with neutrality observe yourself to understand what the condition symbolizes: A lack of feeling loved, repressed anger, grief, and so on. Take care of this and let go of being chronically sick. If you are constantly getting this, that, and the other thing look at this with some suspicion. What is really promoting this set of problems? Perhaps on some level you want to be sick or injured for secondary gain. This will lead nowhere good.
  4. Also look at blaming and complaining with suspicion in your self. Realize that you may be a pawn of the false personality and it is having its way with you. What is your racket here? Who are you trying to punish? Who are you making wrong? Who do you want attention from? Take responsibility and clear it up. Often clear communication is the best way through.

Always bless yourself for being well and feeling good. Being well and feeling good is the natural state of essence. You deserve to be and feel this way. Any thing else is an important lesson and the sooner you learn it the sooner you can be well. As a reminder, illness, dysfunction, and injury, if it is not a special lesson, is just a racket that you would be way better off dispensing with. If this article made you angry, then you have work to do on your dragons. If you think you have no rackets, look again, you are just fooling yourself. As the commercial for paper towels says, “Life is messy, clean it up.”

José Stevens

Are you ready to Research

Do These 10 Things Before You’re 30

  1. Learn to like yourself the way you are. This doesn't mean you can't work on the things about you that you want to change, it just means you aren't changing yourself out of self-hatred. Take care of yourself because you love yourself. It is the kindest thing to do for your heart and head.
  2. Come to know who you are independent of other people's perceptions.People will tell you that you are not skinny enough, or that your teeth aren't white enough, or that you don't make enough money, or that you belong in some prestigious career. Sometimes, these people are trying to sell you something, sometimes they're your family. Figure out who you are for yourself. The path you should follow should become instantly clearer.
  3. Learn to accept rejection gracefully. Whether it's asking someone on a first date or sending in that manuscript, rejection sucks. When that happens, acknowledge the loss, but move on. Don't spend your energy or dignity insulting the person whose approval you once craved, simply because they didn't give it to you. You will only make yourself bitter, and you will look like a fool.
  4. Quit expecting opportunity to land on your front door. Lord knows it may happen, but often the perfect boyfriend or job opportunity won't show up on your doorstep as though you ordered it from a Pizza Hut menu. You can't just sit at home and wonder why you haven't found the perfect gig for your band or why you're not dating a rock star girlfriend. If you're not hustling, then you're not close enough to reaching your goal. Period.
  5. Learn to argue without fighting. You don't have to tear down or insult people you disagree with. If you stick to the facts, and they resort to name calling, you'll be the one who's able to look yourself in the mirror in the morning.
  6. Realize how short life is. When my father passed away, he was only in his early 50s. He had a passion for music and was a singer in a band, before his health overtook him. He opened for George Jones and Tammy Wynette (old country singers) and could have really been something. I think of him every time I put my writing to the side and fill my time with days of just browsing the Internet. Life is short. I want to do the things I want to do in life, before it comes to an end.
  7. Realize how long life is. I've said it before. "There's no expiration date on happiness." If you live to be 100, then you can start that programming career in your 30s and still work on computers for another 30-40 years. You can still fall in love and get married. You can still pursue your dreams. Don't let society tell you that life has to be a. Married b. Career c. Kids. There's no time-line or -limit, so figure out what you want to do, instead, and go for it.
  8. Realize that another person's education, background, color, etc. doesn't define them. It shouldn't even have to be said. By your 30′s, you'd better come to realize that the world is diverse and that people are much more than any single trait that you would like to categorize them in. Unless you plan on spending your life in a bubble with a completely homogenous group of people who all look alike, think alike, and share the same experiences, you need to know how to function in a world that is inundated with people who may be culturally different than you. You will reap numerous benefits.
  9. Live somewhere completely different from where you grew up. At least for a little while, get away from the comfort of the familiar and your family and friends. When I moved from the plains to the mountains, I unlocked a part of me I didn't know and goals that I wasn't aware I had. For example, I had never dreamed of walking behind a waterfall or hiking on the Appalachian Trail. When I got here, I realized there was a whole world of things I wanted to do, but that I had never realized or planned.
  10. Take the time to act like a child. Remember stretching out your arms wide and spinning in circles until you were dizzy, just for the hell of it? Or rolling down soft hills of green grass? Or catching crickets with your bare hands? Or eating a dripping ice cream cone from Dairy Queen on a hot summer day? Don't lose that.Those experiences make life magical. In your 20s everything seems so serious: there's the rush to settle down, the rush to get married before all the "good ones" are taken, the rush to have kids, the hustle for the perfect salary and the perfect tan. Let it all go. Take the time to just be a kid.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Monster twin shaft shredder ..... For Solid Waste Management

twin shaft shredder crush the plastic barrel, hard drive, plastic pipe, waste tyre, waste wood, steel barrel. After process, we can get particle approximate in 30*30mm. We are professional producing single shaft shredder, twin shaft shredder, four shaft shredder, plastic shredder, wood shredder, tyre shredder, plastic film shredder, foam shredder. For more information, welcome to visit  website:


Dual shaft shredders perfectly adapt to processes requiring volume reduction and roughing out with partial control of the pieces output. Large flows of material can be handled working without a grille. The peculiar structure and the exclusive cutting system allows to cope with the processing of waste which is harder to manage such as, for example, over sized waste or cut resistant waste.
ModelCutting chamber dimensions (mm)
TB 500 ELECTRIC410 x 500
TB 700 ELECTRIC660 x 720
TB 1000 ELECTRIC660 x 1020

Did you know that each of the 7 notes in music create harmonic balance to the 7 chakras

Did you know that each of the 7 notes in music create harmonic balance to the 7 chakras (your endocrine glands and energy centres) in your body.

This means that music can literally “move” you or “change” your moods, cellular structure and overall healthy well being.

Music’s healing power over the body has also attracted attention from scientists who aim to test this ancient wisdom. A growing bod
y of research supports the claim that music can alleviate physical pain. Studies have shown music to be an effective pain reliever, both on its own and as an addition in connection with other types of therapy.

Take a look at how each of your 7 Chakras map to an Endocrine Gland in your body, and also how each of these energetic centres also map to a planet in the cosmos and also a musical note.

In 1980 I first began my study of the uses of sound and music as therapeutic and healing modalities. This study ultimately manifested with a Master’s Degree in Independent Study of the Uses of Sound and Music for Healing from Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. My initial investigation into the area of sound healing was the relationship between sound and the chakras.

 The word chakra is a Sanskrit term meaning “wheel”, for chakras are seen as spinning wheels of light by those with the ability to see subtle energy. The chakras are found in many traditions, including Hindu and Tibetan. Many esoteric and occult “Mystery School” describe these energy centers. While the chakras have been incorporated in many spiritual practices, their existence seems to be based, not upon religion, but upon awareness of energy. There is even scientific instrumentation that is beginning to record and validate them.
There are seven main chakras. These chakras are transduction points– places where subtle energy from higher planes begins to become denser. The energy from the chakras then becomes more dense as it comes into the body. It next becomes the acupuncture points and meridians and finally, this energy transduces into the density of the physical body. Imbalances in the physical body can be detected through the chakras. Frequently, healers who work with subtle energy can detect imbalances before they manifest in the physical body by feeling imbalances in the chakras. By balancing the chakras, imbalances in the physical body will often disappear.
There is a feedback loop occurring with the energy of the chakras. The physical body interfaces with this energy and vice versa. Frequently, an imbalance in a chakra will manifest later in the physical body. It is possible, such as through a traumatic injury, for both the physical body and the chakras to be simultaneously imbalanced. Healing of the physical occurs much more rapidly when the subtle anatomy–particularly the chakras–are aligned after physical injury. Frequency shifting through resonating the chakras allows us to help create balance and alignment within ourselves.
There are seven main chakras, seven spinning balls of energy that are located centrally in the front and the posterior of the body. The following is a brief description of the chakras:
  1. The first or “base” chakra located at the bottom of the trunk is involved with the physical process of elimination and the organs which work with that function. It is the chakra associated with the energy of survival. This chakra is also associated with grounding to the physical plane.
  2. The second or sacral chakra, located about three inches below your navel. This is associated with sexual energy, the reproductive organs and with much of the life force. The sexual energy is a divine energy utilized in the spiritual practice of tantra.
  3.  The third or navel chakra is located at the navel and a little above. Its energy is associated with digestion and the digestive organs. It is also associated with power and mastery of self.
  4.  The fourth or heart chakra is located in the center of the chest between the nipples. On the physical, it works with the lungs and the heart. On the emotional, it works with the energy of compassion and love.
  5. The fifth or throat chakra is located at the throat, at the base of the neck. It is a chakra that is associated with the process of communication; speech and hearing. The ears are associated with this chakra, as is, of course, the vocal apparatus.
  6. The sixth or brow chakra is located in the center of the forehead above the eyes. Often called “The Third Eye”, it is associated with imagination and psychic abilities. Mental activity and brain function are also associated with this chakra.
  7. The seventh or crown chakra, is located at the top of the head. It is associated with the induction of spiritual energy into the body. It is said to control every aspect of the body and mind and is associated with full enlightenment and union with God. This chakra is normally not fully open in most humans, though pictures of saints and other spiritual beings with “halos” are depictions of activated crown chakras.
These are the seven main chakras found in the various traditions. These seven chakras are the focus of the sonic resonance I first utilized on CHAKRA CHANTS and now, on CHAKRA CHANTS II. In my study of the relationship between sound and chakras are many different systems of sound that worked to resonate, balance and align the chakras.
There are numerous sound that seem to resonate the chakras. Among the most popular are the use of vowels and the use of mantras. This use of vowels seem to be highly effective in balancing the chakras. The Sacred Vowel are considered sacred in many different traditions and Mystery Schools throughout the planet, including ancient Egyptians, Hebrew, Islamic, Tibetan, Japanese and Native American. There are a number of different systems of Sacred Vowels to balance the chakras. I have utilized a system of sounding the sacred vowels that came to me many years ago and that I have shared effectively with thousands of people.
An alternative method of resonating the chakras is to use the Bija Mantras, the Sanskrit letters from the Vedic traditions, which by themselves are said to balance and align the chakras. There are silent Bijas and spoken Bijas. These are the spoken Bijas that are chanted aloud in order to resonate the chakras. As with all systems of using sound, there are variations. Such is the case with the Bija Mantras. I utilize a specific system of Bija Mantras that Dr. Deepak Chopra helped bring to public awareness.
 There are many other aspects of using sound to resonate the chakras as well. Each chakra in the Vedic tradition is also associated with a particular element. In addition are sounds from the Shabd Yoga, the science of the Audible Sound Current. These sounds are considered to be Divine Emanations of the Creator.
 Another aspect of sonic chakra resonance has to do with the actual frequency or keynote of each chakra. There a multitudinous different keynotes and scales with regard to this. I often will simply sound the vowels on a monotone (in the same key) and let the harmonic (and the specific formant of the vowel) create the chakra resonance.
When I do use different frequencies (or keynote) to use for each chakra, I prefer a diatonic major scale, starting on the note C. This is one of the most popular systems utilized to resonate the chakras. It is, as I have said, merely a system and there are others.
 Of particular note is that the fundamental frequencies used for this system are harmonically related–that is the notes are the natural result of the geometric vibrations of a given string (brought within a single octave). The tuning is different than that of a keyboard (which utilizes a C that vibrates at 261 Hz). The notes that are createdcreated from this harmonically related scale are based upon the harmonics created from the fundamental notes of the note C that vibrates at 256 cycles per second (and then having the harmonics transposed down so that the fit within the octave of that C note). 256 Hz. is a harmonic of 1 cycle a second. Many believe this keynote to be in natural resonance with many of the frequencies of the Earth itself. Some belief it is a harmonic of the actual frequency of the Earth.
The following is the system that I have utilized for the CHAKRA CHANTS and it’s follow up recordings:

Root – Muladhara
Keynote: C
Frequency: 256 Hz.
Vowel: Uh
Bija: Lam
Element: Earth
Shabd Sound: Thunder/Earthquake
Energy: Grounding

Sacral – Svadisthana
Keynote: D
Frequency: 288 Hz
Vowel: Ooo
Bija: Vam
Element: Water
Shabd Sound: Ocean
Energy: Life Energy,

Navel – Manipura
Keynote: E
Vowel: Oh
Frequency: 320 Hz.
Bija: Ram
Element: Fire
Shabd Sound: Roaring Fire
Element: Fire
Energy: Power

Heart – Anahata
Keynote: F
Frequency: 341. 3 Hz.
Vowel: Ah
Bija: Yam
Element: Air
Shabd Sound: Wind
Energy: Compassion, Love

Throat – Vishuddhi
Keynote: G
Frequency: 384 Hz.
Vowel: Eye
Bija: Ham
Element: Ether
Shabd Sound: Crickets
Energy: Communication, Creation

3rd Eye – Ajna
Keynote: A
Frequency: 426.7 Hz.
Vowel: Aye
Bija: Sham
Element: All
Shabd Sound: Bells/Space
Energy: Insight, Wisdom
Crown – Sahasrara
Keynote: B
Frequency: 480 Hz.
Vowel: Eee
Bija: Om
Element: All
Shabd Sound: Om
Energy: Transcendence 

ஜப்பானில் இஸ்லாம்

ஜப்பானில் இஸ்லாம்
1) இஸ்லாமியர்களுக்கு ஜப்பான் நாட்டில் குடியுரிமை கொடுப்பதில்லை
2)இஸ்லாமியர்கள் ஜப்பான் நாட்டில் நிரந்தரமாக 
வசிக்கவும் அனுமதி இல்லை
3) ஜப்பானில் இஸ்லாம் மதம்பரப்ப கடும் தடை உள்ளது
4) ஜப்பான் நாட்டின் பல்கலை கழகங்களில் அரபி அல்லது இஸ்லாமியர்களின் மொழிகள் எதையும் கற்றுகொடுக்கபடுவதில்லை
5) அரபி மொழியில் இருக்கும் குரான் இறக்குமதி செய்ய தடை
6)ஜப்பான் நாட்டின் புள்ளிவிவரங்களின் படி 2 லட்சம் இஸ்லாம்மியர்கள் தற்காலிகமாக தங்குவதற்கு மட்டும் அனுமதிகொடுக்கப்ட்டுள்ளது அவர்களும் ஜப்பானிய நாட்டின் சட்டதிட்டபடியே வாழவேண்டும்
7)உலகின் உள்ள நாடுகளில் மிக குறைந்த அளவு தூதரகங்களை இஸ்லாமிய நாடுகளில் வைத்துள்ளது ஜப்பான்
8)ஜப்பான் மக்கள் இஸ்லாத்தால் எப்போதும் கவரபட்டதில்லை
9) ஜப்பானில் வசிக்கும் இஸ்லாமியர்கள் வெளிநாட்டு நிறுவனங்களின் ஊழியர்கள் மட்டுமே
10)இன்றய நாட்களில் கூட இஸ்லாமிய மேலாலர்கள், பொறியிலாலர்கள், மருத்துவர்களுக்கு விசா வழங்கபடுவதில்லை
11) ஜப்பான் நாட்டின் பெருவாரியான நிறுவனங்களில் இஸ்லாமியர்கள் வேலைக்கு விண்ணப்பிக்க கூடாது என்று விதிமுறை உள்ளது
12) உலகமயமாக்க்லுக்கு பின்பும் கூட தங்களை சீரமைத்துகொள்ளாத அடிப்படைவாதிகள்தான் இஸ்லாமியர்கள் என்று ஜப்பான் அரசு எண்ணுகிறது
13) இஸ்லாமியர்களுக்கு ஜப்பானில் யாரும் வீடு வாடைக்கைக்கு கொடுப்பதில்லை
14) பக்கத்துவீட்டுகாரர் இஸ்லாமியர் என்று அருகில் வசிப்போருக்கு தெரிந்தால் ஜப்பானியர்கள் அனைவரும் மிக எச்சரிக்கை அடைந்துவிடுவார்கள்
15) ஜப்பானில் இஸ்லாமியர்களின் குழுவோ அரபி மதரஸாவோ துவங்க அனுமதியில்லை தடை செய்யபட்டது
16)ஜப்பானில் ஷரியா சட்டத்திற்கு இடமில்லை
17)ஜப்பானிய பெண் இஸ்லாமிய ஆணை மணந்தால் குடியுரிமை நிரந்தரமாக பறிக்கபடும்
18)இஸ்லாத்தும் இஸ்லாமியர்களும் மிக குறுகிய மனப்பான்மை கொண்டவர்களாகவே ஒட்டுமொத்த ஜப்பானியர்களும் கருதுவதாக டோக்கியோ பல்கலை கழகத்தின் அரபு/இஸ்லாம் கல்வி பேராசிரியர் குமிகோ யாகி தெரிவிக்கிறார்

Shirdi sai baba paintings

நமஸ்தே சாயிநாதாய
மோக தந்த்ர விநாசினே
குரவே புத்திபோதாய
போத மாத்ரஸ்வரூபிணே.

Cuba has just eliminated HIV transmission between mother and baby

The World Health Organisation has confirmed that Cuba has become the first country in the world to effectively eliminate mother-to-baby transmission of HIV and syphilis.
"[This is] one of the greatest public health achievements possible," WHO Director-General Margaret Chan told the press. The best part is that it was brought about by relatively simple strategies, namely, better testing and treatment of expectant parents and providing HIV- and syphilis-positive mothers with options to protect their babies, such as bottle-feeding and C-sections.
What Cuba has done differently is integrate these treatments into accessible and affordable universal healthcare so that they've become a normal part of treatment for all pregnant women.
"This is a major victory in our long fight against HIV and sexually transmitted infections and an important step towards having an AIDS-free generation," said Chan. "It shows that ending the AIDS epidemic is possible."
Around the world, each year, an estimated 1.4 million HIV-positive women become pregnant. Without any intervention, they have a 15 to 45 per cent chance of passing the virus onto their children while they're in the womb, as well as during labour, delivery and breastfeeding. But that risk drops to just 1 percent if both mother and child receive antiretrovirals.
The rate of syphilis isn't far behind, with around 1 million expecting mothers worldwide each year infected. Similarly, the risk of transmission is greatly reduced by treating the mother with penicillin during pregnancy.
In fact, the hard part about stopping mothers from passing the diseases on has simply been giving women access to these treatments, which Cuba has now done.
WHO counts a country as having eliminated mother-to-baby transmissions when the rate of children born with HIV or syphilis is so low that it "no longer constitutes a public health problem".
Basically, that means a country needs to have less than 50 cases of HIV and syphilis per 100,000 live births, maintained for at least a year, as well as at least 95 per cent of pregnant women being tested for the diseases and 95 per cent of those who test positive receiving proper treatment.
WHO reports that Cuba has now met those targets, with only two babies being born with HIV in 2013 and five with congenital syphilis. 
But it's not the only country making big improvements in this area, and Chan now expects others to follow Cuba's lead and seek validation that they've ended mother-to-baby transmission. Worldwide, childhood infection rates are quickly dropping, with just 240,000 children born with HIV in 2014 - nearly half the 2009 amount.  
Still, we have a long way to go before WHO reaches its global target of just 40,000 new child infections per year, and Cuba has shown that better healthcare can help get us there.
"Cuba’s success demonstrates that universal access and universal health coverage are feasible and indeed are the key to success, even against challenges as daunting as HIV," said Carissa Etienne, director of the Pan American Health Organisation. "Cuba’s achievement today provides inspiration for other countries to advance towards elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis."

Thirty percent of world's people still have no proper toilets

An Indian girl holds a can filled with water and walks past railway tracks to defecate in the open in Mumbai, India,

"Those who make do without toilets continue to pollute water sources and jeopardize public health and safety for millions worldwide. That contributes to malnutrition and childhood stunting, impairing 161 million children both physically and mentally every year.
"Until everyone has access to adequate sanitation facilities, the quality of water supplies will be undermined and too many people will continue to die from waterborne and water-related diseases," WHO's public health department director, Dr. Maria Neira, said in a statement."

Read more at:

அனைவரும் நிச்சயம் பார்க்க வேண்டிய பெண்களுக்குஉரிய ஒரு குறும்படம்,Tamil Short Film

அழகிய அர்த்தமுள்ள ஓர் படைப்பு,, பெண்களுக்குஉரிய பெரும் படைப்பு, முடியும் வரை பாருங்க முட்டி விடும் கண்ணீர் துளிகள்,,, கதை,திரைகதை,வசனம்,இசை,எடிடிங்,நடிப்பு,நகைச்சுவை, என இயக்குனர் பின்னிப் பிணைந்து கலக்கியுள்ளார் ,,,,, வளரும் கலைஞர் படைப்பு அருமை எங்கிருந்தாலும் என் வாழ்த்துக்கள் அவருக்கு,,,,, இத்தகைய கதைகள் சமூக பிரள்வுகளை தடுத்து நிறுத்த முக்கிய பங்கு வகிக்கின்றது,,,,,,,! 35 நிமிட குறும்படம் சரியாக 3 நிமிடம் 35 விநாடி கடந்ததும் பகிரும் உணர்வை தூண்ட செய்தது சிறப்பு,,,,,, அதற்க்கு தலை வணங்கியே ஆக வேண்டும்,,, பெண்ணிற்கே உரித்தான சடங்குகளையும் சம்பிரதாயங்களையும் ஒடுக்கு முறைகளையும் சிறப்பாக வெறும் 35 நிமிடத்தில் வெளிக்கொண்டு வந்தது மிகப்பெரிய திறமையே,,,,! அனைவரும் நிச்சயம் பார்க்க வேண்டிய ஒரு குறும்படம்,

Why writing by hand helps you learn

Typing is fast.
Handwriting is slow.
Weirdly, that’s precisely why handwriting is better suited to learning.
Take it from research psychologists Pam A. Mueller of Princeton University and Daniel M. Oppenheimer of the University of California, Los Angeles, who did a fascinating study investigating just how terrible laptops are for note-taking in classrooms.
Earlier studies have argued that laptops make for poor note-taking because of the litany of distractions available on the internet, but their experiments yielded a counterintuitive conclusion: Handwriting is better because it slows the learner down.
By slowing down the process of taking notes, you accelerate learning.
It works like this. If a skilled typist (also known as an American millennial) is sitting in a classroom, he or she will be able write down almost every word that the lecturer utters. The thing is, that transcription process doesn’t require any critical thinking. So while you’re putting the words down on the page, your brain doesn’t have to engage with the material.
As learning science has discovered, if you’re not signaling that the material is important to your brain, it will discard the lecture from memory for the sake of efficiency.
But if you are taking notes by hand, you won’t be able to write down every word the speaker says. Instead, you’ll have to look for representative quotes, summarize concepts, and ask questions about what you don’t understand.
This requires more effort than just typing every word out — and the effort is what helps cement the material in your memory. The more effort you put into understanding something, the stronger signal you’re giving your brain that it’s worth remembering.
Mueller and Oppenheimer conclude that for students, “transcrib[ing] lectures verbatim rather than processing information and reframing it in their own words is detrimental to learning.”
The benefits of handwriting — though it’s a disappearing skill — have been documented by lots of educational psychologists, who have found that handwriting engages parts of the brain that typing neglects, especially areas associated with memory formation. For these reasons, the arguments go, kids come up with more ideas when they’re writing in cursive versus typing.
So, as French psychologist Stanislas Dehaene told The New York Times, you may want to step away from the keyboard.
“When we write, a unique neural circuit is automatically activated,” he said. “There is a core recognition of the gesture in the written word, a sort of recognition by mental simulation in your brain, it seems that this circuit is contributing in unique ways we didn’t realize.”
The result?
“Learning is made easier,” he concluded.
This article is published in collaboration with Business Insider. Publication does not imply endorsement of views by the World Economic Forum.

Author: Drake Baer reports on strategy, leadership, and organizational psychology at Business Insider.