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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Worship In Peace

Rama and Lakshmana slaying Tataka“After Rama killed so many night-rangers, the yajnas were performed. Without fear the munis of the world sing of the fame and glories of the Lord.” (Janaki Mangala, 38)
māri nisācara nikara jagya karavāyau |
abhaya kie munibṛnda jagata jasu gāyau ||
The kind Lord Rama, the Supreme Personality of Godhead who descended to earth to protect the innocent, does good with all of His activities, including His fighting. Normally violence is not welcomed, for why would one man want to kill another? Why should there ever be fighting between rational adults, people who should know better? Life is short after all, so there shouldn’t be a reason to raise hostilities. But from the above referenced verse from the Janaki Mangala, we get an idea of when violence is necessary and how when it is invoked properly it can bring the greatest benefit to man.
It is said that Lord Rama killed so many night-rangers. A nishachara is a sort of ghoulish creature that can change their shape at will. This species was especially prevalent on earth during the Treta Yuga, the second time period of creation. We know of their existence from the documented historical evidence of Vedic literature, which includes the original Vedas, Mahabharata, Puranas and Ramayana. The original Vedas are generally not read today because their content is very short and difficult to understand. The original hymns could long ago be understood by the highest class of men, whose intellect was so sharp that just by hearing information once it could be remembered fully. Reading a translation of the original Vedas today doesn’t really do much for us, as there is no underlying culture to complement the songs. If a particular hymn glorifies the Supreme Lord as being exquisitely beautiful and kind to His devotees, how is someone who never worships God and who is constantly worried over temporary ups and downs going to understand the meaning?
Lord RamaThe more detailed scriptures are thus targeted for the less intelligent. As the current age is the Kali Yuga, the dark period of quarrel and hypocrisy, every person is deemed unintelligent. The smartest people of the world today are still less fortunate than the people who lived in previous times. There is nothing wrong with connecting with the more detailed scriptures, for the same benefit of association with God is present within them. Along with the stories of the Supreme Lord’s exploits, you get information of what kinds of creatures were present on earth in ages past and what their behaviors were.
The night-rangers chose to attack at night because their victims would have less chance to spot them. Think of the prowler who waits until there is no light outside to commit crimes. What were the crimes committed by the night-rangers? They weren’t innocent by any means. They would attack human beings, kill them, and then eat their flesh. What was the motive for these attacks? After all, with every crime there is some type of motive. Perhaps the victims deserved what they were getting?
One would be surprised to learn that the victims were the most innocent members of society, as far as adults go anyway. Children don’t know any better, so they are not taken to be serious threats by anyone. The ascetics, who were adults, living in the forests had no ties to anyone. They were renounced from worldly life so they could concentrate on their spiritual duties. They didn’t have large plots of land or stockpiles of wealth in the bank. Rather, they lived in thatched huts, ate whatever berries were on the trees, and spent the rest of the time chanting the holy names of the Lord and performing formal rituals known asyajnas.
“In the beginning of creation, the Lord of all creatures sent forth generations of men and demigods, along with sacrifices for Vishnu, and blessed them by saying, ‘Be thou happy by this yajna [sacrifice] because its performance will bestow upon you all desirable things.’”  (Lord KrishnaBhagavad-gita, 3.10)
Lord KrishnaIt was these yajnas, or sacrifices, that the night-rangers specifically didn’t like. In a formal sacrifice there is a beneficiary, and if that beneficiary is pleased, they grant rewards to the performers making the offerings. The brahmanas, the priestly class, dedicated to yajna wanted to please the Supreme Lord. They could have remained in the cities, but the forests provided limited distractions. In this sense, who were they really bothering? Yet the night-rangers were the embodiments of sin. They not only violated the laws of propriety, they thought that anyone who was pious was a threat to their way of life.
Lord Rama killed many of these night-rangers. They deserved that end because of what they were doing. Rama outwardly appeared in a family of princes that traced its ancestry back to one of the first kings on earth, Maharaja Ikshvaku. Therefore, as a matter of formality it was the Lord’s obligation to provide protection to the innocent. That one man could protect against the attacks of such fierce fighters was rather amazing. At the same time, the dedication shown by Rama revealed the purpose to His personal advents and His purpose for acting.
One should only have to live in fear if they are ignorant. Fear is rooted in the loss of life, which is not a valid thing to fear because the soul lives on after the current form is destroyed. Nevertheless, it is stated by Rama Himself that for the mature adult there is no greater fear than death. You mature through youth and make it into adulthood and take care of all your responsibilities. What else do you have to do after that except die? This process is likened to the mature fruit that hangs off a tree just waiting to fall.
“Just as the ripened fruit has no other fear than falling, the man who has taken birth has no other fear than death.” (Lord Rama, Valmiki Ramayana, Ayodhya Kand, 105.17)
In spiritual life, however, there should not be any fear. Real religion maintains a connection with God that persists into the afterlife. The present life is just the afterlife from a previous existence, so in this sense the future life isn’t that big a deal, except for the fact that we’re not exactly sure where it will be and when it will start. The brahmanas in the forests were living in fear while worshiping God because of the attacks of the night-rangers. Therefore Rama came on the scene and eliminated that fear. Hence the Lord is known as Hari, or the remover of the fears of His devotees.
Lord RamaIn the above referenced verse it is also said that the munis of the world sang of the glories and fame of the Lord. Worship of God shouldn’t be an abstract concept. To use software development terms, it must have a class definition and an object instance. Without instantiation, the idea of dedicating your life to the origin of both matter and spirit will never manifest. For that worship to bear fruit, to really take hold in one’s life, knowledge of the Supreme Lord’s features and activities is helpful. To this end, just looking at Rama is enough to get plenty of material to work off of. Just think of His smiling face, His lotus-like hands holding His bow and arrow, the pitambara tied around His waist, and His dedicated brother Lakshmana following Him wherever He goes. The delight of the Raghu dynasty, Raghunandana, is so sweet and charming to look at that the mind wonders why it would ever choose to contemplate upon anything else.
As if Rama’s spiritual form isn't enough, there are His numerous activities. Picture Him effortlessly raising His bow and aiming His arrows at the night-rangers that are ready to pounce on the innocent sages. Picture Him kindly looking about to make sure that His devotees are no longer in fear. Picture Him never tiring of standing on guard to defend those who protect dharma, or religiosity. Hence it is no wonder that the world still sings the glories of that kind son of Dasharatha, whose name directly represents Him. Thus the most potent form of worship for the fallen souls of this age is the recitation of the holy names, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare”, which brings the association of that dedicated bow-warrior, who will do anything to please His devotees.
Follow divine love, bhakti-yoga, without fear. Should impediments arise, know that not a single moment is wasted when connecting with the Supreme Lord. He promises to offer conditions for that worship to bear fruit, either in this life or in a future one. Singing of Rama’s glories never gets tiring, and so poets like Goswami Tulsidas compose wonderful songs like the Janaki Mangala to please the soul and give countless future generations a chance to keep the mind fixed on the lotus feet of the controller of the universe.
Question: Why didn’t other people take care of the night-rangers?
Rama and Lakshmana fighting TatakaOthers were certainly around at the time who could have dealt with the nishacharas attacking the sages. Even today there are many evil elements in society and we don’t see the Supreme Lord descending from His spiritual abode to deal with them. The purpose of Rama’s advent was special, and His personal intervention is more notable because of the many lessons it provides. Just from the one verse above we get so much knowledge about when violence is necessary and the purpose to sacrifice. Not for self-aggrandizement, the procurement of material rewards, or even the removal of distress, the real purpose of a yajna is to please the lord of sacrifice, Yajneshvara, which is another name for Rama.
Know also that from Rama’s personal protection the conditions conducive for the glorification of the Supreme Lord, which is man’s ideal occupation, are created. For the child, the most desired condition is placement in a playroom with many toys. For the adult male it might be the living room with the video game system and for the adult female the shopping mall. Yet if you took every living creature at their core, analyzed the properties of their souls, you’d see that the most ideal condition is one where the glories of the Supreme Lord are sung without fear and without interruption. From His dealings in the forest many thousands of years ago, we see that Rama personally offers the protection to keep that ideal situation a reality, and therefore His kindness knows no bounds.
In Closing:
Ghoulish creatures are the rangers of the night,
To innocent sages they present terrifying sight.

With Vishvamitra, to forest Shri Rama went,
With help of Lakshmana, demons to their death sent.

Now the attacks of the night-rangers to cease,
So forest sages could do their yajnas in peace.

Turned pleasurable a condition first horrifying,
So no wonder that sages to this day God glorifying.

Know that purpose of yajna is Shri Hari to please,
With that desire in mind your troubles He’ll ease.



The holy temple of Stambheshwar Mahadev is situated at the distance of
around 40 miles from the city of Vadodara in the small town of Kavi
Kamboi, Gujrat. The specialty of this ancient temple is its 
location within the bay of Cambay, a part of
the Arabian Sea.

This sacred Siva Linga at the Stambheshwar temple which was established
by Bhagwan Kartik after killing Tarkasur (as mentioned in Kumarika
khand as mentioned in Skand Purana).

Lord Shiva at the Stambheshwar temple can only be viewed during the low
tide hours and gets disappeared inside the sea during high tide hours.
Depending upon the time of high and low tide., one can view the 
full Lord. Shiva Lingam during low tide and subsequently watch 
it submerging in the sea as the tide slowly increases.

Incredibly Clear Waters of the Verzasca River

Cool turquoise waters of the mountain river Verzasca in Switzerland are crystal clear. From the depth of 10 m (33 ft.) one can easily see the bridge across its valley.

Faculty Position at METU NCC - Computer Engineering‏

The Computer Engineering Program at the Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus is seeking applicants for faculty positions at all ranks. New Ph.D.'s and experienced academics with a view to take up permanent position as well as visiting scholars are welcome.

Details about the METU NCC Computer Engineering curriculum and other details about our program can be found at <>.

Although the primary responsibility of the faculty will be teaching, a strong commitment to research is required. The Department's current research strengths are in Distributed Systems and Networking, Human/Computer Interactions, Software Engineering, Service-Oriented Computing and Webcentric Computing. We are particularly interested in applicants with interests in Theory and Algorithms, Formal Methods, Hardware, Parallel/Distributed/Cloud Computing, Cyberphysical Systems/Webcentric Computing/Social Network Applications, Green Computing/Networking, and Artificial Intelligence, but we also strongly encourage applications from candidates with expertise in other areas.

The positions are full-time and will be available from September 2012, or such other date that is mutually agreed. The normal teaching load at METU NCC is 3 courses (equivalent to 9 credit hours per week) per semester.

METU NCC is committed to a high quality research and teaching tradition. Normal teaching load at METU NCC is 3 courses (equivalent of 9 hours) per semester. METU NCC provides competitive salary packages and subsidized on-campus accommodation.

METU NCC provides a competitive salary package and subsidized on-campus accommodation. Please visit Working and Living at METU NCC < 

> for detailed information about what METU NCC has to offer, such as the social security, retirement and health coverage, which also includes an indicative table of remuneration levels.

Please refer to Guidelines for Application to Faculty Positions <> and follow the instructions therein to complete the application procedure.

For more information, please contact Assist. Prof. Dr. Yeliz Yesilada (Program Co-Coordinator, METU NCC Computer Engineering Program) at <>.

Wireless Charge your mobile, electric cars or laptops

Imagine driving an electric car that recharges its batteries as it's being driven along the road. 

It may seem a distant dream but as Dan Simmons reports, the technology that allows electric toothbrushes to charge without wires is being developed to provide power for a whole range of devices.
The Swedish manufacturer is working with Belgian technology firm Flanders' Drive to develop technology that would allow electric vehicles to be charged without the need for cables or power sockets and the battery is refilled wirelessly via charging plate in the road surface. As soon as drivers pull into their garage or parking spot, a charging plate that’s embedded in the ground can start the process and the system is based on inductive charging, the same process that provides juice to your electric toothbrush, a magnetic field transfers power to the car............

Volvo will begin testing wireless charging technology on its Volvo C30 Electric that will let drivers recharge the battery without touching a cable or dirtying their hands. The current C30 Electric that will begin customer testing in Europe later this year uses a cable to plug into the car’s grille via a specially designed charge connector. In a new partnership agreement, Belgium’s state-owned Flanders’ Drive will modify a Volvo C30 Electric so a 20kWh battery can be recharged wirelessly using induction charging. With inductive charging, a magnetic field is created between a charging plate on the ground and the vehicle’s inductive pick-up, which transfers electricity from the energy source to the battery. The car’s built-in voltage converter converts the alternating current to direct current, which is fed into the car’s battery pack. Using this method, a fully drained 24kWh battery will take an hour and 20 minutes to fully recharge, according to Volvo. In the current C30 Electric, the 24kWh lithium ion battery pack can be recharged in 6-8 hours using a 230-volt outlet. Toyota recently began working with Massachusetts-based WiTricity on a similar test project that could eventually wirelessly charge the Prius. In March, Google received a Plugless Power wireless charging station developed by Virginia-based Evertran for its fleet of EVs. The Plugless Power can wirelessly recharge electric vehicles outfitted with model-specific adapters mounted to the car. The inductive charging technology is about 10 percent less efficient than delivering power using cords. “One aspect of this project is to integrate this technology into the road surface and to take energy directly from there to power the car,” says Johan Konnberg, project manager for Volvo. But it won’t be any time soon, he adds.

We’ve seen mats that allow you to charge your gadgets cordlessly just by placing them down (Chevy actually just unveiled the one that is going to be in all of their new Volts), but how about something a little bit larger – like a whole car? Well, that’s exactly what Fulton Innovation‘s eCoupled technology does. Showcased at CES this week, the induction charger can re-juice your electric vehicle with no unruly wires necessary – all you have to do is park it.
Click here to find out more!

Charge Your Electric Vehicle Wirelessly with Fulton Innovation's eCoupled Technology Fulton Innovation, eCoupled wireless charging technology, wireless electric vehicle charging, electric vehicle, ev, electric car, tesla, green car, green vehicle, wireless car charger ecoupled, consumer elecronics show, ces
Fulton’s eCoupled wireless charging tech was originally created for smaller electronics, and they say that this is the first time it’s been able to wirelessly charge a “high-powered device.” The company demonstrated the new technology, dubbed the PowerSpot, by powering up a shiny, red Tesla Roadster. The “spot” appears as a blue halo on the floor of your garage, and you can engage the accompanying adapter fitted to the underbody of your electric vehicle as long as you park it about 4″ (in the case of the Tesla) over the induction pad.
You won’t be able to buy it just yet, but the technology seems promising and Fulton is looking to make its system the go-to wireless kit.
Via Jalopnik

Stanford University researchers have created a wireless way to charge your electric vehicles as you drive so EVs will never run out of juice halfway through a road trip.
Following Stanford University’s recent testing on Honda’s Fit electric vehicles, researchers at the university are now developing a new wireless system that will magnetically charge your EVs while you are driving.
The idea came after researchers recognized the disadvantages of electric vehicles’ limited driving ranges which may use less energy but run at a weaker strength. For example, the Nissan Leaf is only capable of driving less than 100 miles on a single full charge. To fully recharge the Leaf’s battery, users will have to wait approximately 10 hours and cannot bet on charging stations to be around on long trips. These drawbacks with EVs have not been addressed to date, discouraging the general market from making the move from traditional cars.
To combat this problem, Stanford researchers have created a “charge-as-you-drive” network which utilizes copper coils that will be embedded in highway roads and under the belly of the EVs. The coils will be tuned to the same natural frequency and as the car moves, a process called “magnetic resonance coupling” occurs, meaning when the road coils that are connected to an electric current power up, they send electricity to the receiving coil in the car and thus charging the EV’s battery. 
“What makes this concept exciting is that you could potentially drive for an unlimited amount of time without having to recharge,” said Richard Sassoon, the managing director of the Stanford Global Climate and Energy Project (GCEP), which funded the research. “You could actually have more energy stored in your battery at the end of your trip than you started with.”
It could be years before we see these electromagnetic roads implemented into our daily lives as researchers continue to ensure this process will not harm drivers, passengers, or affect the computer systems that control steering, navigation, and air conditioning. It is also imperative for researchers to confirm mobile phones, credit cards and other electronic gadgets will not be thrown off by this proposed flow of magnetic currents.
Another issue researchers may face with electric vehicles is the combustion emissions EVs produce when electricity is generated. A recent study at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville found that EVs in China may leave an even larger carbon footprint than gasoline-powered cars because 85 percent of electricity production in the country comes from fossil fuels, with about 90 percent of that from coal. In the United States, coal accounts for an average of approximately 46 percent of electricity production across the 50 states. Additionally, battery-making factories also largely contribute to pollution due to the chemicals involved in the process. So when you add this with the fact that you’ll deplete natural resources each time you have to recharge an EV every other 100 miles, and compare it to burning up gasoline in a conventional car, the result may end up just as harmful as each other.
Though electric vehicles and their charging systems are not perfect, with new developments underway, the technology could still be a safer bet toward a greener future.

Wireless Charging Technology From Ecoupled

At CES eCoupled presented a magnetic induction system to charge everything from laptops to electric vehicles without physical contact. The technology currently has 98 percent efficiency.
Yes, it is possible with WiT-2000 kit, a latest product from WiTricity Corp which is introducing wireless electricity technology that is safe and capable of transferring energy over distance, which ranges from centimeters to more than a few meters and delivers power which ranges from milliwatts to kilowatts.

With WiT-2000 kit, mobile phones, video game controllers, laptops, electric vehicles can recharge themselves. Also, flat television and digital image frames don’t require wires or power plug to charge.
WiTricity Technology uses specially designed magnetic resonators which transfer efficient power over distances using the magnetic near-field. These special devices provide strong pairing between the devices which in turn enables efficient power transfer. Its ability to charge without requiring specific placing and proximity makes it more flexible to use.


  • Two wireless energy sources which include power amplifier and Resonator pad
  • Two energy capture modules which include  power converter and Capture Resonator
  • LED light using wireless power
  • Two Resonant Repeaters
  • A constant DC power supply
  • An instruction manual which enables users to enjoy wireless electricity transfer


  • For wire-free charging
  • Direct powering of devices without batteries
  • To give the same efficiency when hidden as well
  • To transfer efficient energy through certain materials like wood, plastic, glass, concrete, fabric, wall board, water, oil, even human or animal tissue too
The distance of energy transfer is extendable with help of WiTricity High-Q resonant repeaters which can be placed inside furniture, in several unit configurations, and in building materials like carpeting, tiles, and wall panels.
So, try this surprising kit to get rid of the chargers and wires which are complex in structure and unsafe too; and feel safe, comfort and risk-free with the user-friendly design which enables charging of multiple devices at the same time yet at a minimum cost.

New technique may help severely damaged nerves regrow and restore function

Engineers at the University of Sheffield have developed a method of assisting nerves damaged by traumatic accidents to repair naturally, which could improve the chances of restoring sensation and movement in injured limbs.
In a collaborative study with Laser Zentrum Hannover (Germany) published today (23 April 2012) in the journal Biofabrication, the team describes a new method for making medical devices called nerve guidance conduits or NGCs.
The method is based on laser direct writing, which enables the fabrication of complex structures from computer files via the use of CAD/CAM (computer aided design/manufacturing), and has allowed the research team to manufacture NGCs with designs that are far more advanced than previously possible.
Currently patients with severe traumatic nerve damage suffer a devastating loss of sensation and/or movement in the affected limb. The traditional course of action, where possible, is to surgically suture or graft the nerve endings together. However, reconstructive surgery often does not result in complete recovery.
"When nerves in the arms or legs are injured they have the ability to re-grow, unlike in the spinal cord; however, they need assistance to do this," says University of Sheffield Professor of Bioengineering, John Haycock. "We are designing scaffold implants that can bridge an injury site and provide a range of physical and chemical cues for stimulating this regrowth."
The new conduit is made from a biodegradable synthetic polymer material based on polylactic acid and has been designed to guide damaged nerves to re-grow through a number of small channels.
"Nerves aren't just like one long cable, they're made up of lots of small cables, similar to how an electrical wire is constructed," says lead author Dr Frederik Claeyssens, of the University's Department of Materials Science and Engineering. "Using our new technique we can make a conduit with individual strands so the nerve fibres can form a similar structure to an undamaged nerve."
Once the nerve is fully regrown, the conduit biodegrades naturally.
The team hopes that this approach will significantly increase recovery for a wide range of peripheral nerve injuries.
In laboratory experiments, nerve cells added to the polymer conduit grew naturally within its channelled structure and the research team is now working towards clinical trials.
"If successful we anticipate these scaffolds will not just be applicable to peripheral nerve injury, but could also be developed for other types of nerve damage too. The technique of laser direct writing may ultimately allow production of scaffolds that could help in the treatment of spinal cord injury," says Dr Claeyssens.
"What's exciting about this work is that not only have we designed a new method for making nerve guide scaffolds which support nerve growth, we've also developed a method of easily reproducing them through micromolding," he adds. "This technology could make a huge difference to patients suffering severe nerve damage."
Provided by University of Sheffield
"New technique may help severely damaged nerves regrow and restore function." April 23rd, 2012.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

Letting go can boost quality of life

Most people go through life setting goals for themselves. But what happens when a life-altering experience makes those goals become unachievable or even unhealthy?
A new collaborative study published in Psycho-Oncology by Carsten Wrosch of Concordia University's Department of Psychology and Centre for Research in Human Development and Catherine Sabiston of McGill's Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education and the Health Behaviour and Emotion Lab found that breast cancer survivors who were able to let go of old goals and set new ones showed an improved well-being overall. Once the self-imposed pressure of now unrealistic goals was removed, individuals' quality of life improved, as did their level of physical activity.
Wrosch and Sabiston were interested in looking at how to encourage breast cancer survivors to become more active. Statistics show that as many as 48 per cent of breast cancer survivors are overweight or obese. They also tend to be more sedentary than women who have not been diagnosed with breast cancer.
The researchers studied 176 breast cancer survivors between the ages of 28 and 79, who were, on average, approximately 11 months past their diagnosis and close to three months post treatment. Self-reports of the individual's capacity to adjust their goals were measured at the start of the study. At the same time, researchers also measured self-reports of physical activity, sedentary activity, emotional well-being, and daily physical symptoms such as nausea and pain.
Three months later, they took a look at another round of self-reports. The study found that goal reengagement (being able to set new goals) was associated with more physical activity, increased emotional well-being and fewer physical symptoms. In addition, breast cancer survivors who were able to let go of old goals and to find new ones were less sedentary, which contributed to an improved well-being. These findings support earlier research showing that goal adjustment can influence better well-being and health.
"By engaging in new goals a person can reduce the distress that arises from the desire to attain the unattainable, while continuing to derive a sense of purpose in life by finding other pursuits of value," says Wrosch. "Abandoning old goals allows someone to invest sufficient time and energy in effectively addressing their new realities."
Recent guidelines have suggested that breast cancer survivors should engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity every week to gain health benefits. "It is safe, feasible and effective for enhancing well-being and health among breast cancer survivors," notes Sabiston. "Unfortunately, few survivors are engaging in the recommended levels of activity."
"Our research reveals that the capacity to adjust goals plays a pivotal role in facilitating not only high physical activity but also low sedentary activity and thereby contributing to overall improved well-being," says Wrosch. "Given that it is possible to influence adjustment to specific goals; it may be beneficial to integrate goal adjustment processes into clinical practice."
More information: Cited study: http://onlinelibra … on.3037/full
Provided by Concordia University
"Letting go can boost quality of life." April 23rd, 2012.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

தாய்மை எனும் ஒரு மந்திரச் சொல்!

திறந்திருக்கும் சாளரங்களில் நெடிய இரவொன்று விழித்துக் கிடக்கிறது, பக்கத்தில் பகல் பரிசளித்த களைப்பில் ஒரு தாயும், அவள் மடியில் தலை அழுத்தி என் குழந்தையும் உறங்குகிறார்கள், செங்கல் சூளையொன்றில் இருந்து கிளம்பிய வெண்புகைச் சுருளைப் போல மேகங்கள், புதிர் நிரம்பிய நீல வானத்தின் கீழே நகர்ந்து செல்வது நினைவுகளை பின்னோக்கி இழுக்கிறது.

Join Only-for-tamil

தனிமையைத் தன் பாதையெங்கும் நிறைத்தபடி தாழப் பறக்கும் ஒற்றைப் பறவையின் கூடப் பறக்கிறது மனம். மனித மனங்களின் கட்டுக்கடங்காத எல்லைகளை அடைத்தபடி வானுயரக் கிடக்கும் கட்டிடச் சுவர்களுக்குள் மானுடத்தின் வரலாறு கசிந்து கொண்டிருக்கிறது.
 தாயின் மடியில் மட்டும் எப்போதும் வற்றாது சுரக்கும் பாலின் ஈரத்தில் தான் இந்த உலகம் நீண்ட காலமாய்ச் சுற்றிக் கொண்டிருக்கிறது, 

அதுவும் ஒரு மழைக்கால இரவுதானென்று நினைக்கிறேன், கல்லூரி முடித்துப் பொருள் சேர்க்கும் கனவுகளோடு தொலைதூரக் கடற்கரை நகரத்தில் தஞ்சம் புகுந்த எண்ணற்ற மனிதர்களில் நானும் ஒருவனாகி இருந்தேன்.
தொடர் வண்டிகளில் கனவுகளை நிரப்பியபடி வந்து சேர்ந்த அழுக்கடைந்த பயணப் பைகளை இறக்கிக் கொண்டிருந்தது "தாதர்" ரயில் நிலையம். தூரத்து உறவுக்கார நண்பனொருவனின் அறையில் பகலில் தங்கிக் கொள்ளும் அனுமதி பெறுவதே அத்தனை பெரிய சாதனையாகிப் போனது, வேலை தேடும் படலத்தில் நகரச் சாலைகளில் நடை பயின்று களைத்துத் துவண்டு போன கால்கள். 

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சட்டைப் பையில் கிடந்த சில்லறைகளைப் பொறுக்கி இரவுக் கடையொன்றில் தேநீர் குடித்து வயிற்றை வற்ற விடாது பார்த்துக் கொள்ளும் கலையில் இரண்டொரு நாட்களில் தேர்ச்சி அடைந்திருந்தேன், அவரவருக்கான உணவுத் தேடலில் சலித்துப் போன மனிதர்கள் நிரம்பிய மாநகரத்தின் மையப் பகுதிக்கு இந்தப் புதிய மனிதனின் பசி ஒன்றும் அத்தனை கொடுமையானதல்ல,

நியான் விளக்குகளும், கொண்டாட்டங்களும் வெகு நேரம் தொடரும் இரவுக்குள், சில பருக்கைகள் சோறு கிடைக்காதா??? என்று ஏங்கித் தவிக்கும் மனிதனின் வலி அளவிட முடியாதது. மும்பை மாநகரத்தின் சோப்டாக்கள் அத்தகைய வலியால் கட்டப்பட்டவை, அதன் சதுரப்பெட்டி வாழிடங்களில் நகரம் உமிழ்கிற எச்சங்களைப் போல மனிதர்கள் எப்போதும் சுருண்டு கிடக்கிறார்கள்.

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நானிருந்த அறையில் பகல் தனித்ததாகவும், இரவு நிரம்பி வழிவதாயும் இருந்தது, நான் ஏழாவது மனிதன், படுக்கை என்று அழைக்கப்படும் நீளமான ஒற்றைப் போர்வையில் அழுக்குத் துணிகளைச் சுருட்டித் தலையணை செய்து கொள்வது ஒன்றிரண்டு நாட்களில் கைகூடி இருந்தது. 
நகரத்தில் கிராமத்தில் இன்னும் எல்லா இடங்களிலும் இலவசமாய்க் கிடைக்கிறது நிலவொளி. இனி எந்த நம்பிக்கைகளும் இல்லை இந்தப் புதியவன் பிழைக்க என்கிற இறுதி இரவுச் சிந்தனைகளோடு பசியில் புரண்டு கொண்டிருந்த அந்தக் கணங்கள் வற்றிக் கொண்டிருந்த நம்பிக்கைப் பயிர்களுக்கு நீரூற்றியவை. 
கடந்து போகிற முக்காடு அணிந்த மராட்டியப் பெண்களைப் பார்க்கும் போதெல்லாம் நிகழ்காலத்தைக் களைத்துப் போடுகிறாள் அதே மாதிரியான உடை அணிந்த ஒரு தாய். அந்தத் தாயின் மொழி என்னுடையதில்லை, அந்தத் தாயின் வாழ்க்கைக்கும் எனக்கும் அன்று வரையில் எந்தத் தொடர்புகளும் இல்லை. 

மணி பன்னிரண்டைத் தாண்டிய அந்த இரவில் மேலிருந்த தகரக் கூரை பொருத்தப் பெற்ற வீட்டின் உலோகப் படிக்கட்டுகளில் இருந்து இறங்கி வந்து, "ஏன் வெளியே படுத்திருக்கிறாய் மகனே?" என்று இந்தியில் கேட்ட அந்தத் தாயிடம் உடைந்த இந்தியில் இப்படிச் சொன்னேன்," உள்ளே இடமில்லை அம்மா, அதோடு கொஞ்சம் காற்றும் வருகிறதே, அதனால் தான் வெளியே படுத்திருக்கிறேன்" என்று பதில் சொல்லி விட்டுப் பக்கத்தில் ஓடிக்கொண்டிருந்த சாக்கடையில் அலையும் ஒரு பெருச்சாளியைப் பார்த்தேன்.

படுக்கையில் துணைக்குப் படுத்திருந்த காலித் தண்ணீர் பாட்டிலைக் காட்டி, "அம்மா, கொஞ்சம் நீர் நிரப்பித் தருவீர்களா? என்று என்னைக் கடந்த அந்தத் தாயிடம் கேட்டேன், "ஊப்பர் ஆஜாவ் பேட்டா" என்று என்னை மேலே வரச் சொல்லி விட்டு மீண்டும் உலோகப் படிக்கட்டுகளில் ஏறிச் சென்றவரைப் பின்தொடர்ந்து சென்று பாட்டிலை நீட்டியபோது என்னை மேலும் கீழுமாய்ப் பார்த்தவர் என்ன நினைத்தாரோ தெரியாது, "சாப்பிட்டாயா மகனே?" என்று வாய் நிறையக் கேட்டார் பார்வதி என்கிற ஒரு தாய்.

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கொஞ்சமாய் ஒட்டிக் கொண்டிருந்த தன்மானம் ஒட்டுமொத்தமாய்ச் சரிந்து என் கண்ணீரைக் கசிய விட அந்தத் தாயின் உள்ளம் தவித்துப் போனது, விளக்குகளைப் போட்டுவிட்டு "ஷர்மி, ஷர்மி" என்று தன் மூத்த மகளை எழுப்பி விட்டு அடுப்பைப் பற்ற வைக்கத் துவக்கினாள் அந்தத் தாய்.

"யார் பெற்ற பிள்ளையோ, எத்தனை நாள் ஆயிற்றோ சாப்பிட்டு" என்று புலம்பித் தீர்த்தபடி என்னை அமரச் சொல்லிவிட்டு, "பகலில் கூடக் கேட்டேனே? உன்னிடம் சாப்பிட்டாயா என்று," "பொய் சொல்லி இருக்கிறான் அம்மா, எங்கள் மண்ணுக்குப் பிழைக்க வந்த பிள்ளைகள் இப்படிப் பட்டினி கிடப்பது பார்க்கச் சகிக்கவில்லையப்பா" என்று தூக்கக் கலக்கத்திலும் தாயின் கட்டளைகளை நிறைவேற்றிக் கொண்டிருந்த ஷர்மி என்கிற அந்த இளம்பெண்ணிடம் என்னன்னெவோ சொல்லிப் புலம்பியபடி இருந்தாள் அந்தத் தாய். இரவும், நிலவும் மனிதர்களை வழக்கம் போலவே கடந்து போய்க் கொண்டிருந்தன.

மீதமிருந்த உருளைக் கிழங்கு சப்ஜியையும், ஆறு கனத்த ரொட்டிகளையும், அன்றிரவில் பரிமாறி என் பசியாற்றிய அந்தத் தாயின் உள்ளம் தான் எத்தனை மகத்தானது, எந்த இலக்கியத்தால் அந்தத் தாயின் உள்ளத்தை விளக்கிச் சொல்லி விட முடியும், இந்த உலகின் மனசாட்சியாய்க் கிடந்து எப்போதும் கனன்று கொண்டிருந்த பசியை என்னிடம் கடைசியாய் அடையாளம் கண்டதும் இன்னொரு தாய்தானே
என்று நினைக்கும் போதெல்லாம் உயிரில் பாதி பெண்ணாகவே உணரப்படுகிறது.

ஏறத்தாழ இரண்டு வாரங்கள் எனக்கு வேலை கிடைக்கிற வரையில் அந்தத் தாய்க்கு என்னையும் சேர்த்து ஐந்து பிள்ளைகள். எனக்குள் கிடந்த மொழியையும், என் இலக்கியத்தையும் அணைந்து விடாது அடை காத்தவள் அந்த அடையாளம் தெரியாத மராட்டியத் தாய்.

இன்னொரு மழைக்காலத்தின் மாலைப் பொழுதில் வானூர்தியில் பயணித்து, மகிழுந்தில் இறங்கி அந்த மாநகரத்தை அடைந்த போதும் என் கால்கள் அந்தத் தாயின் இருப்பிடத்தை நோக்கியே நடந்தன, அடையாளம் காண முடியாத நகரப் பெருவெள்ளத்தில் கரைந்து காணாமல் போய் விட்ட பார்வதி என்கிற அந்தத் தாயை நான் சந்திக்கிற ஒவ்வொரு பெண்ணிடமும் கண்டு கொள்கிறேன்.

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ஆம், தாயின் மடியில் எப்போதும் வற்றாமல் சுரக்கும் பாலின் ஈரத்தில் தானே இந்த உலகின் பயிர்கள் எப்போதும் செழிக்கிறது. பல்வேறு கணங்களில் வாழ்க்கை இப்படித்தான் புரியாத புதிரைப் போல நீண்டு தொடர்கிறது, கல்வி, இலக்கியம், பொருள், மொழி எல்லாவற்றையும் கடந்து ஒன்றிரண்டு பருக்கைச் சோற்றிலும், துளி அன்பிலும் முடிந்து போகிறது. கோட்பாடுகளை, பேரிலக்கியங்களை எல்லாம் அப்படிச் சுரக்கும் ஒரு துளி அன்பும், சில சோற்றுப் பருக்கைக்களுமே பண்படுத்திப் பாதுகாக்கின்றன.
