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Friday, July 22, 2011


Let me tell you about my doctor.
He's very good!
If you tell him you want a second opinion,
He'll go out and come in again
He treated one woman for yellow jaundice for three years
Before he realized she was Chinese.
Another time, he gave a patient six months to live.
At the end of the six months, the patient hadn't paid his bill,
So, the doctor gave him another six months
While he was talking to me, his nurse came in and said,
"Doctor, there is a man here who thinks he's invisible."
The doctor said, "Tell him I can't see him."
Another time, a man came running in the office and yelled,
"Doctor, doctor! - my son just swallowed a roll of film!"
The doctor calmly replied, "Let's just wait and see what develops." 
One patient came in and said, "Doctor, I have a serious memory problem."
The doctor asked, "When did it start?"
The man replied, "When did what start?" 
I remember one time I told my doctor
I had a ringing in my ears. His advice: "Don't answer it." 
My doctor sure has his share of nut cases.
One said to him, "Doctor, I think I'm a bell."
The doctor gave him some pills and said, "Here, take these -
If they don't work, give me a ring."
Another guy told the doctor that he thought he was a deck of cards.
The doctor simply said, "Go sit over there. I'll deal with you later." 
When I told my doctor I broke my leg in two places,
He told me to stop going to those places.
You know, doctors can be so frustrating.
You wait a month and a half for an appointment,
Then he says, "I wish you had come to me sooner."

Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir - Edmonton - 2nd Ann.. Part 1

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The FDA Wants to Approve Your Medical/Health-Related Smartphone Apps

FDA-Approved Mobile MIM App MIM Software
Smartphone apps are great when you want to tweet by breathing, figure out where the ladies and/or gentlemen are at, or replace your credit card, but when you want to monitor your health or find the answer to a medical question, apps may not alway be entirely...correct. The FDA justproposed some guidelines that would have the governmental organization overseeing certain medical/health apps to ensure they're actually helpful.
At the moment, the FDA does bestow its approval on some apps, including a radiology tool called Mobiel MIM, but that approval at the moment is both pretty scarce and totally optional--it's a nice bonus if your app is FDA-approved, but the only organization an app developer really needs approval from is Apple. The FDA strikes a tone of total support for the surge in medical apps, but states concern that there is no real approval process that vets medical apps prior to release. If you've got a weird rash or a pain somewhere in your abdomen (could it be the spleen? What is a spleen, anyway?), or want to use your phone's sensors to monitor your organs (like a spleen, which I am 99% sure is in the abdomen), you might consult an app, and the FDA wants to make sure you're getting the right information.
The FDA proposed a guideline that would have the organization overseeing certain kinds of apps. Specifically, they'd want to examine any app that is "used as an accessory to an FDA-regulated device," which seems reasonable--of course the FDA would want to make sure that any device they approve would be used with accessories of which they also approve. The other kind of app the FDA wants to regulate is any software that turns a smartphone into a "regulated medical device," like an electrocardiography machine. Again, pretty understandable--the FDA monitors EKG machines, so if you're using an iPhone as an EKG machine, that should also be monitored.
There's no mention of the FDA examining WebMD-type diagnosis apps--the proposal seems much more geared to apps that turn smartphones into legitimate medical tools, rather than just references. FDA approval might slow down the release of some of these apps, but the agency thinks added oversight will be worth the delay.

New Study of Gulf Oil Spill Details the Plume's Chemical Makeup, Helping Explain Where the Oil Went

Advanced ocean science tech helps researchers study the spill
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Sunlight illuminates the Deepwater Horizon oil slick off the Mississippi Delta on May 24, 2010, in this image from NASA's Terra satellite. via Wikimedia Commons
Towering flames illuminated the pre-dawn darkness, casting shadows on the ship Ocean Intervention III as it floated over the sunken remains of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. The resonant hum of helicopters fused with the roar of fires on either side of the ship, and Chris Reddy could feel the heat on his face.
The night of June 21, 2010, Reddy and colleagues from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution were whisked off their research vessel Endeavor to collect samples directly from the blown Macondo well, which had been spewing oil and natural gas into the Gulf of Mexico for two months. They had 12 hours to do something that had never been done before: Use a robot arm to stick a special bottle directly into the hot hydrocarbons. Now, a year later, their analysis explains just what came out of the well, and sheds more light on what happened to it.
It turns out that certain chemicals in the well behave differently under high pressure than they do at the surface. This explains why some chemicals, but not others, made their way into the huge 22-mile plume of oil that Reddy et. al uncovered last summer. It also explains why some scientific papers examining the spill have seemed to contradict each other, according to Don Rice, director of the National Science Foundation’s chemical oceanography program.

“We now have a far better understanding of how and why an oil ‘spill’ into the ocean from below differs from one from above. The significance of this work extends well beyond the Gulf of Mexico,” he said in a statement.
One of the most confounding problems with the oil spill was scientific uncertainty — about how much oil was leaking into the Gulf, and about what exactly it was, both of which would explain where the oil would go. Reddy and colleagues needed to go directly to the source — the gusher at 5,000 feet below the surface — to see the compounds and therefore understand what would happen to the plume. This sample is called an “end member,” Reddy explained in an interview. A significant fraction of the gusher consisted of hot gas, mainly methane, so this proved a difficult task.
“If you tried to lower a traditional tool into that boiling cauldron and then close it and bring it up to the surface, that bottle would explode. A tiny methane bubble at 5,000 feet becomes a giant methane bubble at atmospheric pressure,” Reddy said.
The research team turned to Woods Hole geochemist Jeff Seewald, who developed a tool called an isobaric gas-tight sampler. It’s intended for collecting fluids from deep-sea hydrothermal vents. They used an oil industry ROV to place the IGT sampler directly over the broken riser pipe, and they collected the only undiluted, non-degraded sample from the spill.
The team found a gas-to-oil ratio of 1,600 cubic feet of gas per barrel of oil, according to a paper on the findings published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and funded by the NSF. Based on this ratio, and using the federal government’s estimate of 4.1 million barrels of oil, Reddy et. al estimate 1.7 × 1011 g of methane, ethane and propane leaked into the Gulf. That’s about 105 tons. That’s a lot of methane.
Collecting Oil Sample: The arm of a robotic vehicle collects hot fluids spewing from the Macondo well on June 21, 2010. The IGT sampler was deployed by the Millennium 42 ROV from the vessel Ocean Intervention III.  Oceaneering/via National Science Foundation
But perhaps more interesting is the makeup of the plume, which mostly comprised benzene, toluene, ethybenzene, and total xylenes, or BTEX. BTEX compounds only represented about 2 percent of the oil that came out of the well, but almost 100 percent of the deep-sea plume. They apparently took a right-hand turn 3,000 feet below sea level, whereas the other hydrocarbons — like methane — degraded, washed on shore, were eaten by bacteria, or were burned in the fires that Reddy experienced while gathering his sample.
Studying the plume also required a bit of technical wizardry, Reddy said. WHOI researcher Richard Camilli built a super-sensitive mass spectrometer, which can instantly identify minute quantities of petroleum and other chemical compounds. This tool was used in the initial plume studies last summer, and it helped researchers quantify how the plume and the wellhead gusher were different.
“It shows some of these compounds are likely to evaporate quicker, at shallower depths. Oil is made up of many compounds, and they all have different chemical and physical properties. This work highlights that. Those properties determine what chemicals went into the plume,” Reddy said.
On the surface, this is all different — BTEX compounds quickly volatilize and evaporate into the atmosphere.
“In the case of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, however, gas and oil experienced a significant residence time in the water column with no opportunity for the release of volatile species to the atmosphere,” the researchers write in the PNAS paper. “Hence, water-soluble petroleum compounds dissolved into the water column to a much greater extent than is typically observed for surface spills.”
The good news is that BTEX is not toxic to marine organisms until it reaches much higher levels than the researchers found in the Gulf. But neurological impairments can occur at lower concentrations, according to the National Science Foundation. It remains to be seen how the persistent BTEX may have affected sea life.
Meanwhile, Reddy and his colleages are still collecting samples from the beaches lining the Gulf Coast. He praised the National Science Foundation for funding ongoing oil spill research programs, which proved useful in the Deepwater Horizon crisis.
“We will continue to hunt and look for remnants of this oil for as long as we can be funded,” he said. “There’s a lot to be learned, about what compounds resist degradation from nature. It sheds tremendous light on this field.”

Antiretrovirals Show Huge Promise for Halting HIV Spread in Two Major Studies

Now if we could only pay for the medicine
HIV-1 Budding (in Green) From Cultured Lymphocyte CDC
Big-time news on the fight against AIDS out of Rome today, and it essentially boils down to this: antiretrovirals work (at least, an astoundingly high percentage of the time when they are used correctly). At the biggest forum on HIV and AIDS in the 30-year battle against the deadly epidemic (it still kills 5,000 people a day, FYI), two breakthrough findings show that antiretrovirals (ARVs) not only battle HIV in infected persons but can stop the disease from spreading in two important ways: it helps prevent HIV-positive folk from transmitting the disease and also helps prevent non-infected people from contracting it.
A handful of big-time findings were presented, but two stand out. The first major strategy under study, known as “Treatment as Prevention,” showed that when HIV-positive people were given an early start on HIV drugs, the chances of their transmitting the virus to their non-infected partners dropped by an astounding 96 per cent.

The second major finding is the acronym PreP, which refers to pre-exposure prophylaxis. Prep involves giving ARVs to non-infected partners of HIV-positive subjects as opposed to the infected partner. This also works with statistically significant frequency, cutting transmission by 73 per cent.
PreP, however, raises ethical issues as well. When some nine million HIV-infected people the world over require daily ARVs, it’s very tough to justify giving them to those who aren’t infected just to stem the spread. This leads us to the crux of the matter: HIV/AIDS prevention needs cash to roll these ARVs out in the field, and right now, free cash around the world is on the decline.
Western nations, the major source of this kind of funding, are cutting budgets. Organizations like the WHO and the UN, normally the fundraisers for this kind of relief, are tightening the purse strings right at the point when it might be possible to turn back the tide on HIV, which added 2.6 million infected people to its rolls in 2009. Says the AFP: “Just to get 15 million badly infected people on AIDS drugs by 2015, in line with the newly stated goal by UN members, will require between $22 billion and $24 billion annually.”
So, as always, it comes down to money. But there is hope: Just last week, California-based Gilead Sciences inked a deal with the UN’s medical patent pool to allow Indian firms that specialize in generic pharmaceuticals to make cheap copies of four leading ARVs for sale in 100 poor countries. And some low doses of ARVs can be offered now in pill form for just 25 cents a day.

'Yaadhum oore...' from 'Ninaithale Inikkum'

Directed by K. Balachander Produced by R. Ventaraman Screenplay by K. Balachander Story by Sujatha Rangarajan Starring Kamal Hassan,Rajinikanth,Jayaprada Music by M. S. Viswanathan Cinematography B. S. Lokanath Edited by N. R. Kittu Production company Premalaya Productions Distributed by Premalaya Productions Release dates 14 April 1979 Running time 141 minutes Country India Language Tamil