Sunday, November 8, 2020

What You Need to Know About Erectile dysfunction



Commonly identified as ED, Erectile Dysfunction (or impotence) is the chronic inability to achieve and sustain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. To achieve a full erection, there must be 

(1) a stimulus from the brain,

(2) properly functioning nerves to the penis,

(3) adequate blood circulation, and 

(4) the ability of the veins to conceal the blood inside of the penis. Any interference with these conditions can prevent a full erection.

Experts estimate that over 50% of men between the ages of 40-70 years old suffer from erectile dysfunction. Because men are reluctant to discuss ED with their doctors, the condition is under diagnosed. In fact, fewer than 1 in 5 men with ED symptoms have their condition properly diagnosed and treated.


All men are different, and so are their erectile dysfunction causes & symptoms. ED symptoms may include the following: the inability to gain an erection, the inability to maintain an erection, the lack of desire to initiate sexual activity, the lack of desire to attempt sexual intercourse, the inability to penetrate your partner during sexual activity, the inability to maintain an erection to completion of intercourse, the inability to ejaculate, the inability to climax or feel orgasm, the lack of confidence in your ability to get and keep an erection, the lack of satisfaction with your overall sex life.


For 75% of men with ED, the cause is suboptimal blood flow to the penis. This is caused by hardening (arteriosclerosis) or clogging (atherosclerosis) of the arteries supplying blood to the penis. This is called “vasculogenic ED”, or ED caused by not enough blood flowing to the penis. Below are listed erectile dysfunction causes: 

  •  Arteriosclerosis – hardening of the walls of the arteries, causing a loss of elasticity
  •  Atherosclerosis – a form of arteriosclerosis characterized by build up of plaque, causing a narrowing of the arteries
  •  Venous Leakage – weak veins
  •  Nerve diseases
  •  Hormonal insufficiencies
  •  Peyronie’s disease – scar tissue in the penis
  •  Psychological conditions – stress, depressions, or performance anxiety
  •  Injury to the penis
  •  Surgery in the area, including prostate surgery
  •  Medications

Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy


Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT) is an innovative approach to treat vasculogenic ED, delivered by Medispec’s ED1000, a device that uses advanced acoustics technology. EDSWT applies low-intensity extracorporeal (outside the body) shock waves to the tissue. 


The ED1000 by Medispec delivers low-intensity Extracorporeal Shock Waves to the penile tissue, to improve the blood flow to the penis. Vasculogenic and diabetic ED patients (no hormonal, neurologic or psychological causes), who are responsive to PDE5 inhibitors as well as those who are unresponsive, can receive shock wave therapy from the ED1000 and experience improved erectile function.


One will not be eligible for ESWT if he has one or more of the following conditions:

  • Any cause of ED other than vascular

  • Penile tumor

  • Prostate tumor

  • Testicle tumor

  • Local tumor at the treatment area


EDSWT was officially accepted by the European Association of Urology (EAU) as the gold standard for treatment of Erectile Dysfunction in the EAU 2013 guidelines on Male Sexual Dysfunction. This was based on clinical trials using the Medispec’s ED1000.


Multi-Application Device
ED1000 is a multi-applications device that can be used for additional indications. Switching from treating one clinical indication to another, can now be done in a user-friendly, straightforward manner, by simply replacing the designated shock wave applicator; Once the system detects a specific applicator, the relevant software and application are launched.


  • Urological Indications 

    • Prostatitis (CPPS)

    • Peyronie’s disease

  • Vascular Indications –

    • Peripheral Artery Disease and Chronic Limb Ischemia associated with intermittent claudication

    • Diabetic foot ulcers and neuropathy

    • Wound healing – acute and chronic wounds

• Orthopedics indications – treating inflammation and pain for various applications, including non-union fractures




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