Sunday, November 8, 2020

Homosexual Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (HOCD)

Homosexual Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (HOCD) is marked by excessive fear of becoming or being homosexual. The subjects often experience intrusive, unwanted mental images of homosexual behaviour. The excessive uncontrolled thoughts/doubts are very distressing and lead to compulsions in form of checking. 

The approach to homosexual OCD will always depend on the particular needs of each patient. In more serious cases, it will be necessary to combine the pharmacological approach ( fluoxetine ) with the psychotherapeutic . Thus, the most common and effective approach in these cases is the following:

  • Exposure prevention and response technique . This strategy starts from cognitive-behavioral therapy. It consists of deliberately exposing the person to those ideas that he himself feeds and that intensify his anxiety. The intention is to make you rationalize each idea, image and sensation by reducing the emotional and cognitive component to make it healthier, more integrated. This strategy is the most suitable for impulse control, obsessions, addictions, etc.
To conclude, point out that it is important to receive specialized help in this type of situation based on obsessive compulsive thoughts and behaviors. They are conditions that completely alter the functionality of the person and that, in addition, tend to intensify over time until they lead to more problems, more psychological comorbidities.
Are my emotional failures due to the fact that I am actually homosexual? These types of thoughts, when they become recurrent and limiting, define a very specific type of disorder.
Homosexual OCD defines a situation in which a person experiences constant doubts about their sexual orientation . That insecurity and that persistent doubt becomes an obsession capable of altering the relational, personal and work environment.
The mind is filled with intrusive ideas and images that further fuel doubt, to the point of leading to compulsive behaviors to alleviate that anxiety.
This condition, as peculiar as it may seem, can occur in more cases than we think. It begins between the ages of 18 and 20 and can completely condition the life of those who suffer from it . He does this to the extreme, for example, of avoiding certain situations such as going to the gym or feeling excessive discomfort with people of the same sex at work.
Now, let's clarify. This condition refers to those men and women who, being heterosexual, suddenly fear being homosexual. However, this does not demonstrate any homophobic behavior. We speak of a psychological condition defined by an irrational fear, there are therefore no variables referring to social prejudices .

Karl Peyton

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