Sunday, August 6, 2017

How immersive technologies will reshape networks

Immersive technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) traffic streams will be the next wave of disruption for networks.
Massive growth in video traffic not only increases demand for bandwidth, but also requires lower latency. Video content providers, just as SaaS providers before them, are also being forced to peer at larger numbers of loc...ations to reduce transit latency.
However, the peering model at colocations might not be able to satisfy the latency and compute requirements that will be generated by IoT applications and immersive new services like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).
VR and AR use 360-degree video to allow users to see and experience an environment from all angles in order to create the sensation that they are in the digital content they are watching. This immersive experience has tremendous potential in both corporate and consumer applications like tourism, entertainment, corporate meetings, education and health care.
In short, there is a very high probability that VR and AR will produce unprecedented levels of data that will need to be transported across the network.
As a result, last-mile networks will need much higher traffic management capabilities to meet the very low-latency, high-throughput demands of immersive content.
Cecile G. Tamura

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