Monday, June 19, 2017

Sulfur cycle

The sulfur cycle is the collection of processes by which sulfur moves to and from minerals (including the waterways) and living systems. Such biogeochemical cycles are important in geology because they affect many minerals.

Sulfur (S), the tenth most abundant element in the universe, is a brittle, yellow, tasteless, and odorless non-metallic element. It comprises many vitamins, proteins, and hormones that play critical roles in both climate and in the health of various ecosystems. The majority of the Earth’s sulfur is stored underground in rocks and minerals, including as sulfate salts buried deep within ocean sediments.
The sulfur cycle contains both atmospheric and terrestrial processes. Within the terrestrial portion, the cycle begins with the weathering of rocks, releasing the stored sulfur. The sulfur then comes into contact with air where it is converted into sulfate (SO4). The sulfate is taken up by plants and microorganisms and is converted into organic forms; animals then consume these organic forms through foods they eat, thereby moving the sulfur through the food chain. As organisms die and decompose, some of the sulfur is again released as a sulfate and some enters the tissues of microorganisms. There are also a variety of natural sources that emit sulfur directly into the atmosphere, including volcanic eruptions, the breakdown of organic matter in swamps and tidal flats, and the evaporation of water.
Sulfur eventually settles back into the Earth or comes down within rainfall. A continuous loss of sulfur from terrestrial ecosystem runoff occurs through drainage into lakes and streams, and eventually oceans. Sulfur also enters the ocean through fallout from the Earth’s atmosphere. Within the ocean, some sulfur cycles through marine communities, moving through the food chain. A portion of this sulfur is emitted back into the atmosphere from sea spray. The remaining sulfur is lost to the ocean depths, combining with iron to form ferrous sulfide which is responsible for the black color of most marine sediments.
Since the Industrial Revolution, human activities have contributed to the amount of sulfur that enters the atmosphere, primarily through the burning of fossil fuels and the processing of metals. One-third of all sulfur that reaches the atmosphere—including 90% of sulfur dioxide—stems from human activities. Emissions from these activities, along with nitrogen emissions, react with other chemicals in the atmosphere to produce tiny particles of sulfate salts which fall as acid rain, causing a variety of damage to both the natural environment as well as to man-made environments, such as the chemical weathering of buildings. However, as particles and tiny airborne droplets, sulfur also acts as a regulator of global climate. Sulfur dioxide and sulfate aerosols absorb ultraviolet radiation, creating cloud cover that cools cities and may offset global warming caused by the greenhouse effect.

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