Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Afterlife: The Death Transition

The day of death—as the spirit transitions away from the body—and the next phase of the experience are crucial consciousness moments for the soul. What will that life just re-experienced mean to the other aspects of self? Which belief systems are being retained and which are being released?
Time should be spent exploring the last day of a life. Those feelings, decisions and beliefs will have to be processed and released to clear any residual energy. After death, when the soul is free, an energy clearing is often described as taking place before they move on or further inwards. In such cases shift the client back to events leading up to that last day or to another significant moment before that day. Only after such exploration is made should you move them forward to the arrival scene or interlife experience.
With brutal or painful deaths the soul generally exits the body before the actual death occurs, watching the body from afar as it dies. Some feel so deeply called to be free of the body that they exit quickly, without experiencing any lingering concern or curiosity about the body’s actual death. They detach from the death scene instantly and express no interest in finding out what happened to the body after it expired. Even so, it is still important to explore the last day of life and how the consciousness was preparing for transition.
Not all clients report seeing a light, float upwards, or become aware of other beings at death. Sometimes they say: “There is nothing,” and when asked what is happening now, they don’t know what they are to do next. Rarely, although it does occasionally happen, they say that they need to find another body. This should be explored for a variety of reasons and may lead to a need for soul integration. Are they going to reincarnate immediately? Are they going to stay within the earth vibration and/or attach to someone else? What exactly do they mean by that comment? Refocus them on the life they have just exited, explore how they felt about that lifetime and what their thoughts are now they have left that body. Afterlife perceptions always differ from what was experienced in the body.
After they have left the body some souls choose to stay around their home or community; most are pleased to be free and float away, while others choose to have a look at something local to them. To do this, they float away but do not remark on their ability to do so as they accept it as completely natural. Those who die with strong feelings of anger or frustration may still be attached to the story and cannot move on without help. Rarely has a soul told me during a session that they will become a ghost so that they can get back at someone but it may occur, which will lead to a need to process and release that fragmentation. Being able to process unresolved feelings by exploring how they feel and what they might have done differently helps to prevent fragmentation or attachment to others.
I thought it interesting to show a few examples of entering into the afterlife. There have literally been dozens at least but I’ve picked these three quite different examples to use. I’ve tried to stay verbatim to their words but have condensed it for easier reading and length.

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