Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Seeking Women Participants to apply for 3 month post graduate diploma on ICHUD 2017 at IHS, The Netherlands.

Today, we are writing to let you know that IHS is now taking applications for its prestigious 3
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months post graduate diploma on International Course on Housing and Urban Development (ICHUD 2017) with 6 different specializations.

Candidates that are looking at fellowship options for these courses can apply to the ​Netherlands Fellowship Programme​ (NFP)
​, provided by Dutch government​
Please note that the 
NFP is a very competitive fellowship programme and is awarded to a select group of highly motivated professionals. 

IHS, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam                              
IHS offers specialized post graduate education, training, advisory services and applied research in the fields of urban management, housing and urban environment with the mission to develop human and institutional capacities to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life in cities.

International Course on Housing and Urban Development(ICHUD 2017)
This is a 3 - month post graduate diploma on International Course on Housing and Urban Development offered by IHS in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

3 months
4th January 2017 – 30th March 2017      
Tuition Fee
€ 5,950


Designed for urban professionals with at least 3 years of working or research experience, this course, held in partnership with the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (LILP) USA, offers the opportunity to join part of the specialization period of the MSc programme in Urban Management and Development. Participants can tailor the study programme to their own needs and interest by choosing one of the six offered specialization courses.
Course outline 

The course is structured over three periods as follows:

1. Introductory Period

A common, one and a half week introductory period, with activities that introduce key issues of urban policy, management and governance, and preparing a common ground of trends and innovations in all six fields of the specializations offered, e.g.in : Land, Environment & Climate Change, Economic Development, Housing and Social Development, Infrastructure & Services and Planning.​

2. Specialisation period

There are two periods with each a four weeks specialisation course. Participants have to choose one of the following six specializations:
The modules of the master program guarantee the academic depth of the study, while at the same time complementary activities of more practical focus are build in the programme to link the learning to your own work environment.

Participants will be assessed on the basis of a written exam at the end of each course and in this way can acquire academic credits for a MSc course.

3. Closing Period
During the 2 weeks closing period, students will be examined and graded as well as finalize and present their individual study papers.
The course addresses internationally oriented and globally diverse professionals, with a wealth of experience:
•    Urban professionals with 3 years of working or researching experience
•    Middle and senior level policy makers and practitioners
•    Professionals working for Government and NGOs
•    Professionals in private sector organizations
•    Professionals in educational institutes.

The course has a practical orientation, combining field experience with conceptual frameworks and methodologies. Lecturers will introduce key topics, which will be reinforced by readers, case studies, group discussions, assignments and exercises designed to draw on the accumulated expertise of the students.


In order to participate
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​for the course​, you are required:

·   To have at least a bachelor’s degree from a recognised university in a field related to the chosen course.
·   To show evidence of a sufficient command of English.
·   To have the ability to interact and work with people from very diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Funding Your Studies

Although many students self-fund their studies with IHS, it is not always easy to manage the financial commitments required to study. For this reason, numerous IHS students study in Rotterdam through external funding and/or scholarships.

If you are interested in learning more about, and potentially applying for, a scholarship to fund your education you can find more information on the topic here.

One option that candidates who are looking at fellowship options for this course can apply to is the Netherlands Fellowship Programme​(NFP), provided by the Dutch government.​ 
Please note that the NFP is a very competitive fellowship programme and is awarded to a select group of highly motivated professionals.

Selection criteria
​ of NFP:​

The NFP programme is competitive and the selection of fellowship recipients involves the Dutch embassies in the various applicants’ countries. The individual Dutch embassy in each NFP country has its own focus area to support the development goals of the Netherlands in that country. Priority is given to candidates who are able to articulate effectively why and how their organization would benefit from their participation in this particular course at IHS and how this contributes to the Dutch ministerial priorities in development cooperation and the Dutch embassy’s priority areas. 

Candidates can apply to the NFP after receiving an admission letter from the institute. In the event of the scholarship being awarded to a candidate, all the costs get covered under the fellowship including tuition fees, accommodation and living costs, travel, visa and insurance. 

Nominate and Refer!

Do you know someone else who might be interested in joining a postgraduate level course at IHS?
If so, please send us an email with the following details of the person you would like to nominate:

·         Name:
·         Organisation:
·         Designation:
·         Mobile Number:
·         Email:
·         Educational Background:
·         Total work experience (in years) :


If you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to send us and email and let us know.

Have a nice day.

Best Regards,
Akravi Shetty
Educational Counsellor
Econfluence (Representatives of IHS,TheNetherlands)
Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, The Netherlands
Tel:+ 91 22 427690 99/82

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