Monday, September 16, 2013


For the last 60 years, Coconut Oil was thought to be detrimental (not that good) to our Health due to its saturated fat content. Itwas associated with high cholesterol, obesity, and heart disease. However, Studies done on Pacific Island populations, who get up to 60% of their calories from fully saturated Coconut oil, have shown that the rates of Cardiovascular disease are almost Non-existent.

Almost half of the fat in Coconut oil is Lauric acid,which your body converts into monolaurin, a Powerful Anti-Viral, Anti-Protozoa, and Anti-Bacterial substance. Coconut oil is also rich in medium chain fatty acids, which are quickly burned by your Liver for energy, boosting your Metabolism and helping the body use fat for energy instead of storing it. It also the BEST oil for Cooking as it is Not very Susceptible to Heat damage (!). So start replacing other cooking highly refined oils with this wonder oil gradually or at least cook on it occasionally. GOOD for you. 


- Moisturizer.. Hair conditioner.. Hair de-frizzer

- Deodorant.. Chap stick

- Diaper cream.. Nipple cream (breastfeeding).. Cradle cap remover..

- Sunscreen.. Sunburn relief.. Massage oil..

- Make up remover.. Eye cream (I would use shea butter instead if possible to moisturise under eyes)

- Decreases the appearance of Cellulite (plus Right Diet to help it)..

- Pre-shave and After-shave

- Toothpaste (with baking soda, 50/50, glass jar, no fridge)

- Exfoliator (mixed with coarse sea salt or sugar).. Helps fade Age spots..

- Helps heal bruise.. Healing scrapes and cuts..

- Relieves Psoriasis, Eczema, and Dermatitis.. Reduces Acne..

- Stops Bug Bites from Itching

- Relieves swimmers ears (mixed with garlic oil)

- Helps cure Toenail fungus ( take internally as well)

- Helps with Hemorrhoids (Less spice food, More fiber!)

- Helps Athlete’s foot.. Helps with Canker sores


- Removes Gum from Hair

- Furniture polish (mixed with Lemon juice)

- Bronze polish

- Leather conditioner

- Seasoning cookware

..About Internal uses of Coconut oil, its Benefits, we will talk shortly..

~Nadia (DI)

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