Monday, September 16, 2013

Butter vs. Margarine (Plus 10 Healthy Fats We Love!)..

When approaching the butter/margarine shelves in a shop, picking the Best product for your Health can be a confusing decision for many. What is the HEALTHIEST option between the two..

It's no wonder so many people don't know whether they should be choosing Butter or Margarine as years ago we were continuously told that Butter was a Big No-No.

This caused Vegetable-oil based Margarines to Increase in Popularity as doctors started warning patients about the Dangers of saturated fats and recommending that Margarine was the Safer(?) alternative for Heart conditions.

We're going to stop this confusion and reveal why you should NEVER consume Vegetable Oil or Margarine!

What Are Vegetable Oils / Margarine?..

Vegetable oils (and margarine, made from these oils) are oils extracted from seeds like the Rapeseed (Canola oil), soybean (soybean oil), corn, sunflower, safflower, etc. They were practically Non-existent in our diets until the early 1900s when New Chemical processes Allowed them to be extracted.

Rapeseed Oil contains high amounts of the toxic erucic acid, which is poisonous to the body. Canola Oil is an altered version, also called Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed (LEAR) and it is commonly genetically modified and treated with high levels of pesticides.

UNLIKE Butter or Coconut oil, these vegetable oils CAN'T be extracted just by pressing or separating naturally. They Must Be Chemically Removed(!), Deodorized, and Altered. These are some of the Most Chemically altered foods in our diets, yet they get promoted as healthy(!).

Vegetable oils are found in practically Every Processed food, from salad dressing to mayo to conventional nuts and seeds. These oils are some of the Most Harmful substances you can put into your body.

If the Vegetable oil is going to be made into shortening or Margarine, is undergoes an Additional process called Hydrogenation to make it solid at Cold temperatures. Unlike saturated fats (Butter, Coconut oil, etc.) Vegetable oils are Not naturally solid at these temperatures and Must Be Hydrogenated to accomplish this. During this process of Hydrogenation, those lovely TRANS fats we’ve heard so much about are Created.

.. Nothing like Petroleum produced, Overheated, Oxidized, and Chemically Deodorized Salad Dressing for Dinner…. YUM. 

(Compare that to Butter… Step 1: milk cow. Step 2: let cream separate naturally. Step 3: skim off cream. Step 4: shake until it becomes butter.)

Chemicals And Additives In Vegetable Oils And Fats..

Since Vegetable oils are Chemically produced, its Not really surprising that they contain Harmful chemicals. Most Vegetable oils and their products contain BHA and BHT (Butylated Hydroxyanisole and Butylated Hydroxytoluene) which are Artificial antioxidants that Help Prevent food from Oxidizing or Spoiling too quickly.

These Chemicals have been shown to produce Potential Cancer Causing compounds in the Body, and have also been linked to Liver/Kidney Damage, Immune Problems, Infertility or Sterility, Cigh cholesterol, and Behavioral Problems in Children.

Excess consumption of Vegetable oils also causes Problems with Hormone Production (!), since hormones are Dependent on certain Fats for their manufacture.

Oils And Fats To AVOID..

Vegetable Oils and their fats should be Avoided completely. There are much Healthier Alternatives and there is no reason or need to consume these types of fats. The main culprits to watch out for are:

• Canola Oil
• Corn Oil
• Soybean Oil
• “Vegetable” oil
• Peanut Oil
• Sunflower Oil
• Safflower Oil
• Cottonseed Oil
• Grapeseed Oil
• Margarine
• Shortening
• Can’t Believe Its Not Butter (You better believe it!)
• Any fake butter or vegetable oils products

These foods in particular often contain one of the above Unhealthy Oils:

• Salad Dressings
• Store Bought Condiments
• Mayo
• Chips
• Artificial Cheeses
• Store bought nuts and snacks
• Cookies
• Crackers
• Snack Foods
• Sauces
• Practically anything sold in the middle aisles of the store

10 HEALTHY Fats We Love!..

There are so many Wonderful and Healthy fats that are Beneficial to the body, so there is No reason to consume the Unhealthy Vegetable Oils above. Fats that can be consumed freely for optimal health are:

- Coconut oil

- Avocados and raw Avocado Oil

- Olive Oil

- Chia Seeds (Til) & Flaxseeds

- Macadamia Nut Oil & Walnut Oil

- Nuts

And for those who eats Animal produce also...

- Pasture Fed Cultured Dairy (Kefir, Yoghurt & Butter)

- Pasture Raised Eggs

- Wild and Grass Fed Meats (but pork)

- Wild fish

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