Tuesday, July 31, 2012

PhD Scholarships in Robotics, Cognition and Interaction Technologies at combined Italian School of Technology (IIT) and University of Genova (UNIGE), Italy

This scholarship is shared by two Institutes in Genova city of Italy, one is University of Genova and other is Italian Institute of Technology, IIT at School of Life and Humanoid Technologies.
28th cycle of PhD.
The projects proposed under this heading will be developed within the multidisciplinary environment of the "Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences" (RBCS) department of IIT (www.iit.it/rbcs ) At RBCS we are merging top-level neuroscience research and top-level robotics research by sharing fundamental scientific objectives in the field of action execution and interpretation (see RBCS list of publications as well as our international collaborations).

The research team at RBCS is composed of neuroscientists, engineers, psychologists, physicists working together to investigate brain functions and realize intelligent machines and advanced prosthesis.

RBCS is where the iCub humanoid robot is developed in all its mechanical, electronic, software and cognitive components but it is also the place where studies of how visual, haptic and tactile integration develops in normal as well as sensory-impaired children. RBCS is where technologies for implanted, in-vivo brain machine interface are developed but it is also the place where electrophysiological experiments are performed to realize bi-directional direct communication between the brain and artificial systems.

Scholarship Positions: 30 positions

Scholarship Amount

The scholarship amount is normally about 1300 Euros per month, it can be increased, but not sure yet.
Tuition fee and registration fee are exempted.

Last Date to Apply: 21 September, 2012.


The main requirements can be read at this web address:
But main thing is that, there is no specific requirement of IELETS, the English proficiency certificate from previous university can work.
How to apply: How to apply can be found out on this web link :
Where to apply : Online application: http://servizionline.unige.it/studenti/post-laurea/dottorato

Research Themes

There are five research themes, under which more specific details can be found out, these research themes can be found here on this web link.
The main five research themes are :
This year's themes cover interdisciplinary areas of research and are grouped according to the scientific focus and not to the background of the applicants. Specifically we intend to foster interdisciplinary research activities in the areas of:
  1. Manual and Postural Action
  2. Perception during Action
  3. Interaction with and between humans
  4. Interfacing with the human body
  5. Sensorimotor impairment, rehabilitation and assistive technologies

For more details
The project pages and online applying pages are on the webpages given above
With Best Regards

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