Thursday, March 30, 2023

What is Plant-e


Plant-e is a technology that generates electricity from living plants through a process known as microbial fuel cells (MFCs). MFCs use the natural metabolic processes of certain bacteria to break down organic matter, such as the sugars and other compounds produced by plants during photosynthesis, and generate electricity in the process.
Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) have been aptly described by Du et al. (2007) as “bioreactors that convert the energy in the chemical bonds of organic compounds into electrical energy through the catalytic activity of microorganisms under anaerobic conditions”.

In Plant-e's technology, electrodes are placed in the soil near the roots of the plants, and the bacteria living in the soil around the roots consume the organic matter and produce electrons, which can then be captured and used to generate electricity. The technology has potential applications in renewable energy, agriculture, and environmental monitoring.

While the technology is still in its early stages of development, it has shown promise as a sustainable and environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional forms of energy generation.

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