Sunday, March 17, 2019

A piece of non-coding DNA may hold the key to how humans could regenerate body parts

Humans have long envied animals that are able to regenerate parts of their bodies. Arms, legs, tails, even whole chunks of the organism. Yet despite all the technology and best efforts, humans don't have this ability. However, this could all change. Harvard University uncovered the DNA switch that controls genes for whole body regeneration. This means that one day, humans may be able to grow back lost limbs!
Scientists have discovered that that in worms, a section of non-coding or ‘junk’ DNA controls the activation of a ‘master control gene’ called early growth response (EGR) which acts as a power switch, turning regeneration on or off.
Non-coding or junk DNA was once believed to do nothing, but in recent years scientists have realized is having a major impact.

Noncoding DNA sequences are components of an organism's DNA that do not encode protein sequences. Some noncoding DNA is transcribed into functional non-coding RNA molecules (e.g. transfer RNA, ribosomal RNA, and regulatory RNAs).

“Only about two per cent of the genome makes things like proteins. We wanted to know: What is the other 98 per cent of the genome doing during whole-body regeneration?"

Humans may one day have the ability to regrow limbs after scientists at Harvard University uncovered the DNA switch that controls genes for whole-body regeneration.
Some animals can achieve extraordinary feats of repair, such as salamanders which grow back legs, or geckos which can shed their tails to escape predators and then form new ones in just two months.
Planarian worms, jellyfish, and sea anemones go even further, actually regenerating their entire bodies after being cut in half.

How does this work?

After putting a lot of time and effort into gene and DNA research, scientists from the Harvard University have now discovered that that in certain worms, a section of non-coding or ‘junk’ DNA controls the activation of a particular gene, nicknamed the ‘master control gene’. It is actually called early growth response (EGR) which acts like a power switch, which is what controls Growth and actually has the ability to turn regeneration on or off. Dr. Mansi Srivastava, Assistant Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University said that the team was able to decrease the activity of the EGR and find out that if you don't have this gene, nothing will happen. For example, if someone cut off a human arm, it will never grow back. However, if you cut off a salamander’s leg and observed it, it will indeed grow back another leg over time.
Now scientists have discovered that that in worms, a section of non-coding or ‘junk’ DNA controls the activation of a ‘master control gene’ called early growth response (EGR) which acts as a power switch, turning regeneration on or off.
“We were able to decrease the activity of this gene and we found that if you don't have EGR, nothing happens," said Dr Mansi Srivastava, Assistant Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University.

Human Benefit

The crucial part of all this research is that humans are also carriers of EGR. In fact, humans do actually produce it when cells are stressed and in need of repair, for example, when there is a wound, say a cut, over time, this will heal and the damaged areas regenerate until it’s back to normal. However, it doesn’t seem to trigger large scale regeneration, such as lost fingers or limbs.
Due to this, scientists now think that this master gene is completely different in humans compared to animals - it’s wired differently. They are now trying to find a way to tweak its circuitry to hopefully take advantage of its regenerative benefits. Postdoctoral student Andrew Gehrke of Harvard believes the answer lies in the area of non-coding DNA controlling the gene. Non-coding or junk DNA was once believed to do nothing, but in recent years scientists have realized is having a major impact, such as the effect it has in certain animals such as worms and salamanders.

What is the science behind it all?

Mr. Gehrke said that only about 2% of the genome makes proteins so what the team wanted to know was what the other 98 per cent of the genome was doing during whole-body regeneration. It's likely that they have only just scratched the surface. Scientists have only looked at some of these switches but there's a whole other aspect of how the genome is interacting on a larger scale, and all of that is important for turning genes on and off. Much more research needs to be done to find out more about the genome and how it works exactly.

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