Saturday, June 4, 2016

NantHealth's cancer test became commercially available.

NantHealth has spent the last decade building an operating system that involves supercomputing to help oncologists decide how to use the information they gather.
The test can examine more than 20,000 genes — from a tumor as well as the patient — to help doctors take a more individualized approach to cancer treatment.
The test, called the GPS (short for "Genomic Proteomic Spectrometry") Cancer test, looks for protein biomarkers, which can give clues as to whether a person is resistant to a certain kind of cancer treatment, especially if it's the one that that patient would typically start on
"It frankly puts to bed the need for all other single tests,"
As use of NantHealth's cancer test picks up, Soon-Shiong said the plan is to see how things shift so that it's possible at a reasonable cost to make cancer treatment much less of a guessing game using much more quantitative information. Ideally, Soon-Shiong wants that to lead to personalized therapeutics that are tailored to a patient's exact cancer, making that person the "n of 1" in a trial with the intent to get the job done.
Cecile G. Tamura

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