Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Muslim prostitute speaks about prostitution in Lahore, Pakistan

The Sun newspaper did an undercover investigation into it, and met up with a Muslim call girl called Fairuza. She told them that for £350 they can marry her for one hour, where she reads religious texts to confirm the marriage, taking the money as a ‘dowry’ – essentially a gift from the groom to the bride. £300 is for her services, and £50 is for the temporary marriage.

Once the punters time is up, she divorces the pair. If the guy wants another visit, he has to wait 3 months before he can marry her again.

Fairuza is apparently one of many Muslim girls making this service available through online escort sites, and she talked about one of her punters:

I did it with one Saudi who converted to Shia Islam only so he could do mut’ah (essentially a temporary marriage).

He was in London for two months. I was his wife for the two months. I lived with him and I wasn’t allowed to be with any other man. He paid very good money.

He is coming back next year and we’ll do it again.

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