Saturday, March 19, 2016

How To Find Out If Your Blood Pressure Is High Or Low?

Have you had trouble making sense of those numbers on your blood pressure kit? Do you have trouble keeping your blood pressure levels in check? Well, look no further. This post will not only teach you how to interpret blood pressure readings, but also how to know blood pressure is high or low.
How To Know Blood Pressure Is High Or Low?
Want to know more? Read ahead!
High Blood Pressure Or Hypertension:
Hypertension or high blood pressure is probably one of the most dangerous afflictions that can lead to heart disease and stroke. It is difficult to diagnose and you have to take various medications to curb it. It is called the silent killer due to this attribute. It is especially dangerous for obese people and people who have a disposition to diabetes.
Causes Of Hypertension:
The exact reason for hypertension or high blood pressure is not known, but there are several contributing factors that lead to hypertension. Some of them include:
Excess of salt
Little or no physical exercise
Excess of alcohol (more than 60 ml of alcohol every day)
Thyroid or other adrenal disorders
Anxiety, panic and stress
Congenital disposition, genetic tendency
Chronic kidney disease
Symptoms Of Hypertension:
There are many symptoms of high blood pressure that you should know and watch out for. As we know, the only way to know for sure is to get regular check-ups. If you suffer from hypertension, or you know someone who does, make sure that they get their routine medical checkups done.
Some symptoms that you should watch out for include:
Severe headache
Chest pains and heartburn
Breathing difficulties
Dizziness and weakness
Poor eyesight
Irregular or quickened heartbeat
Uneven pulse
Difficulties while urinating
Blood in urine
If you have any one of these symptoms, you should be on your way to the doctor. Remember that unchecked and untreated hypertension is one of the main causes of heart attack and stroke
Low Blood Pressure Or Hypotension:
Hypotension isn’t as widespread as hypertension, but that doesn’t make it any cuddlier. In fact, hypotension is usually undetectable, with people not even suffering from symptoms in many cases. It is this characteristic which makes it a potentially dangerous affliction.
Causes of Hypotension:
How do you know if you have low blood pressure? Hypotension is usually caused by a drop in blood pressure. Some conditions that can lead to hypotension include:
Heart problems
Blood loss
Nutrient deficiency
Anaphylaxis (Allergic Reactions)
Septicemia (Infections)
Symptoms Of Hypotension:
Detecting hypotension is tough. However, certain people suffer from symptoms like:
Weakness and fatigue
Lightheadedness or giddiness
Blurred vision
Disorientated and dazed feeling
How To Know Low Blood Pressure Or High Blood Pressure:
By now, we know what low and high blood pressure can lead to. However, let’s understand how to read high and low blood pressure. Apart from symptoms and visits to the doctor, you can keep your blood pressure levels in check, by keeping a blood pressure scale at home.
Blood pressure is usually recorded in a ratio of two numbers. Normal blood pressure is usually recorded at 120 over 80 for healthy adults.
The leading number, which is usually the larger in between the two numbers on this ratio, is called the systolic pressure level. It is what measures arterial pressure when the heart contracts.
The following number, which is usually the smaller in between the two numbers on this ratio, is called the diastolic pressure level. It is what measures arterial pressure in between heart beats.
The CDC has come up with a definitive measurement for healthy blood pressure levels.
Normal blood pressure levels: systolic: less than 120 mmHg; diastolic: less than 80mmHg
Pre-hypertension levels: systolic: 120–139 mmHg; diastolic: 80–89 mmHg
Hypertension levels: systolic: 140 mmHg or higher; diastolic: 90 mmHg or higher
hope that reading this article will help you know whether your blood pressure is too low or too high

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