Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Best Black and White Films

BW rank - Title (Year) - Director - Overall Rank
1. Seven Samurai, The (1954) Kurosawa, Akira #2
2. Metropolis (1927) Lang, Fritz #7
3. Modern Times (1936) Chaplin, Charles #9
4. Night of The Hunter, The (1955) Laughton, Charles #10
5. Citizen Kane (1941) Welles, Orson #11
6. Psycho (1960) Hitchcock, Alfred #14
7. M. (1931) Lang, Fritz #16
8. It's a Wonderful Life (1946) Capra, Frank #17
9. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) Kubrick, Stanley #18
10. Sunset Boulevard (1950) Wilder, Billy #19
11. Bicycle Thief, The (1949) De Sica, Vittorio #21
12. Third Man, The (1948) Reed, Carol #23
13. Raging Bull (1980) Scorsese, Martin #25
14. City Lights (1931) Chaplin, Charles #27
15. Rashomon (1950) Kurosawa, Akira #29
16. Seventh Seal, The (1956) Bergman, Ingmar #31
17. Passion of Joan of Arc, The (1928) Dreyer, Carl Theodor #34
18. General, The (1927) Keaton, Buster/Clyde Bruckman #35
19. 400 Blows, The (1959) Truffaut, François #37
20. Touch of Evil (1958) Welles, Orson #38
21. 8½ (1963) Fellini, Federico #40
22. All About Eve (1950) Mankiewicz, Joseph L. #41
23. On the Waterfront (1954) Kazan, Elia #42
24. Sunrise (1927) Murnau, F.W. #43
25. Gold Rush, The (1925) Chaplin, Charles #48
26. Au Hasard Balthazar (1966) Bresson, Robert #50
27. Duck Soup (1933) McCarey, Leo #53
28. Notorious (1946) Hitchcock, Alfred #54
29. Casablanca (1942) Curtiz, Michael #55
30. Battle of Algiers, The (1966) Pontecorvo, Gillo #60
31. Pather Panchali / Apu Trilogy I (1955) Ray, Satyajit #62
32. Rules of the Game, The (1939) Renoir, Jean #63
33. Some Like it Hot (1959) Wilder, Billy #66
34. Manhattan (1979) Allen, Woody #67
35. King Kong (1933) Cooper, Merian C./Ernest B. Schoedsack #68
36. Sherlock Jr. (1924) Keaton, Buster #69
37. Double Indemnity (1944) Wilder, Billy #71
38. Jules et Jim (1961) Truffaut, François #73
39. La Dolce Vita (1960) Fellini, Federico #74
40. Tokyo Story (1953) Ozu, Yasujiro #76
41. Umberto D (1952) De Sica, Vittorio #80
42. Manchurian Candidate, The (1962) Frankenheimer, John #81
43. Apartment, The (1960) Wilder, Billy #82
44. Ugetsu (1953) Mizoguchi, Kenji #85
45. Persona (1966) Bergman, Ingmar #86
46. L'Atalante (1934) Vigo, Jean #88
47. Paths of Glory (1957) Kubrick, Stanley #91
48. Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (1948) Huston, John #93
49. Man With a Movie Camera, The (1929) Vertov, Dziga #95
50. Ikiru (1952) Kurosawa, Akira #101
51. Maltese Falcon, The (1941) Huston, John #103
52. Wild Strawberries (1957) Bergman, Ingmar #104
53. High Noon (1952) Zinnemann, Fred #106
54. Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The (1962) Ford, John #107
55. Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922) Murnau, F.W. #112
56. La Strada (1954) Fellini, Federico #114
57. 12 Angry Men (1957) Lumet, Sidney #116
58. Battleship Potemkin (1925) Eisenstein, Sergei #123
59. Masculine-Feminine (1966) Godard, Jean-Luc 126
60. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) Mulligan, Robert #130
61. Great Dictator, The (1940) Chaplin, Charles #131
62. Magnificent Ambersons, The (1942) Welles, Orson #132
63. Repulsion (1965) Polanski, Roman #139
64. Ordet (1955) Dreyer, Carl #143
65. Grapes of Wrath, The (1940) Ford, John #144
66. His Girl Friday (1940) Hawks, Howard #147
67. Intolerance (1916) Griffith, D.W. #148
68. Lady Eve, The (1941) Sturges, Preston #149
69. Rebecca (1940) Hitchcock, Alfred #153
70. Big Sleep, The (1946) Hawks, Howard #154
71. Sweet Smell of Success (1957) Mackendrick, Alexander #156
72. Strangers on a Train (1951) Hitchcock, Alfred #157
73. Streetcar Named Desire, A (1951) Kazan, Elia #158
74. Breathless (1959) Godard, Jean-Luc #159
75. It Happened One Night (1934) Capra, Frank #160
76. Greed (1924) von Stroheim, Erich #161
77. Birth of a Nation, The (1915) Griffith, D.W. #162
78. Yojimbo (1961) Kurosawa, Akira #163
79. Wages of Fear, The (1952) Clouzot, Henri-Georges #168
80. My Life to Live (Vivre sa vie) (1963) Godard, Jean-Luc #171
81. Nights of Cabiria (1957) Fellini, Federico #172
82. Best Years of Our Lives, The (1946) Wyler, William #175
83. Gospel According to St. Matthew, The (1964) Pasolini, Pier Paolo #176
84. Hard Day's Night, A (1964) Lester, Richard #181
85. L'Avventura (1960) Antonioni, Michelangelo #183
86. Man Escaped, A (1956) Bresson, Robert #188
87. Blue Angel, The (1930) von Sternberg, Josef #196
88. Grande Illusion, La (1937) Renoir, Jean #197
89. Hustler, The (1961) Rossen, Robert #207
90. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) Capra, Frank #209
91. Last Year at Marienbad (1961) Resnais, Alain #213
92. Diaboliques, Les (1955) Clouzot, Henri-Georges #214
93. Un Chien Andalou (1929) Buñuel, Luis #216
94. Bringing Up Baby (1938) Hawks, Howard #218
95. Rocco and His Brothers (1964) Visconti, Luchino #223
96. Kid, The (1921) Chaplin, Charles #226
97. Eyes Without a Face (1959) Franju, Georges #229
98. Viridiana (1961) Buñuel, Luis #231
99. Andrei Rublev (1966) Tarkovsky, Andrei #238
100. Killer of Sheep (1977) Burnett, Charles #239
101. Sansho the Bailiff (1954) Mizoguchi, Kenji #240
102. Palm Beach Story, The (1942) Sturges, Preston #242
103. Throne of Blood (1957) Kurosawa, Akira #244
104. Hiroshima mon amour (1959) Resnais, Alain #246
105. Broken Blossoms (1919) Griffith, D.W. #247
106. Mon oncle (1958) Tati, Jacques #251
107. L'Âge d'or (1930) Buñuel, Luis #263
108. Shadow of a Doubt (1943) Hitchcock, Alfred #264
109. All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) Milestone, Lewis #266
110. Shadow of a Doubt (1943) Romero, George A. #267
111. Band of Outsiders (Bande à part, 1964) Godard, Jean-Luc #268
112. Paisan (1946) Rossellini, Roberto #280
113. Stagecoach (1939) Ford, John #283
114. L'Eclisse (1962) Antonioni, Michelangelo #286
115. Rome, Open City (1945) Rossellini, Roberto #291
116. Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The (1919) Wiene, Robert #292
117. World of Apu, The (1959) Ray, Satyajit #297
118. Les Enfants du paradis (1945) Carné, Marcel #305
119. Brief Encounter (1945) Lean, David #310
120. Diary of a Country Priest (1950) Bresson, Robert #312
121. Last Picture Show, The (1971) Bogdanovich, Peter #313
122. My Darling Clementine (1946) Ford, John #316
123. Pandora's Box (1928) Pabst, G.W. #319
124. Roman Holiday (1953) Wyler, William #320
125. Trouble in Paradise (1932) Lubitsch, Ernst #323
126. Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928) Keaton, Buster/Charles F. Reisner #331
127. To Be or Not to Be (1942) Lubitsch, Ernst #332
128. Philadelphia Story, The (1940) Cukor, George #340
129. Golden Coach, The (1952) Renoir, Jean #345
130. October (1927) Eisenstein, Sergei #347
131. I Vitelloni (1953) Fellini, Federico #348
132. Vampyr (1932) Dreyer, Carl #349
133. Napoléon (1927) Gance, Abel #354
134. La Notte (1961) Antonioni, Michelangelo #357
135. Exterminating Angel, The (1962) Buñuel, Luis #365
136. Killing, The (1956) Kubrick, Stanley #366
137. I Was Born, But… (1932) Ozu, Yasujiro #370
138. 39 Steps, The (1935) Hitchcock, Alfred #372
139. Earth (1930) Dovzhenko, Alexander #375
140. Forbidden Games (1951) Clément, René #383
141. Pépé le Moko (1937) Duvivier, Julien #384
142. In a Lonely Place (1950) Ray, Nicholas #392
143. Freaks (1932) Browning, Tod #394
144. Gertrud (1964) Dreyer, Carl #398
145. Top Hat (1935) Sandrich, Mark #401
146. Anatomy of a Murder (1959) Preminger, Otto #405
147. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) Nichols, Mike #406
148. Night and Fog (1955) Resnais, Alain #414
149. Los Olvidados (1950) Buñuel, Luis #420
150. White Heat (1949) Walsh, Raoul #422
151. Meshes of the Afternoon (1943) Deren, Maya #427
152. Shoot the Piano Player (1960) Truffaut, François #428
153. Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948) Ophüls, Max #433
154. Faces (1968) Cassavetes, John #435
155. Night at the Opera, A (1935) Wood, Sam #436
156. Orpheus (1950) Cocteau, Jean #440
157. Aparajito (1956) Ray, Satyajit #443
158. Le Million (1931) Clair, René #448
159. High and Low (1963) Kurosawa, Akira #450
160. Shadows (1959) Cassavetes, John #452
161. Late Spring (1949) Ozu, Yasujiro #454
162. Strike (1924) Eisenstein, Sergei #455
163. Mr. Hulot's Holiday (1953) Tati, Jacques #459
164. Frankenstein (1931) Whale, James #467
165. Ninotchka (1939) Lubitsch, Ernst #473
166. Rififi (1955) Dassin, Jules #474
167. Asphalt Jungle, The (1950) Huston, John #475
168. Lolita (1962) Kubrick, Stanley #476
169. Great Expectations (1946) Lean, David #482
170. Ivan the Terrible, Part One (1944) Eisenstein, Sergei #485
171. Fallen Idol, The (1948) Reed, Carol #491
172. Mouchette (1967) Bresson, Robert 497
173. Crowd, The (1928) Vidor, King #502
174. To Have and Have Not (1944) Hawks, Howard #506
175. Last Laugh (1924) Murnau, F.W. #508
176. Alexander Nevsky (1938) Eisenstein, Sergei #510
177. Closely Watched Trains (1966) Menzel, Jirí #512
178. Winter Light (1962) Bergman, Ingmar #513
179. 42nd Street (1933) Bacon, Lloyd #514
180. Scarface (1932) Hawks, Howard #519
181. White Ribbon, The (2009) Haneke, Michael #522
182. How Green Was My Valley (1941) Ford, John #529
183. Voyage in Italy (1953) Rossellini, Roberto #533
184. Chimes at Midnight (1966) Welles, Orson #539
185. Lola (1961) Demy, Jacques #540
186. Alphaville (1965) Godard, Jean-Luc #545
187. Day of Wrath (1943) Dreyer, Carl #547
188. Ivan the Terrible, Part Two (1946) Eisenstein, Sergei #552
189. Silence, The (1963) Bergman, Ingmar #554
190. Smiles of a Summer Night (1955) Bergman, Ingmar #559
191. Monsieur Verdoux (1947) Chaplin, Charles #560
192. Shop Around the Corner, The (1940) Lubitsch, Ernst #561
193. Le Jour se lève (1939) Carné, Marcel #562
194. Big Heat, The (1953) Lang, Fritz #563
195. Ace in the Hole (1951) Wilder, Billy #566
196. Place in the Sun, A (1951) Stevens, George #575
197. Ivan's Childhood (1962) Tarkovsky, Andrei #579
198. Germany, Year Zero (1947) Rossellini, Roberto #580
199. Music Room, The (1958) Ray, Satyajit #582
200. Only Angels Have Wings (1939) Hawks, Howard #584
201. Ben-Hur (1926) Niblo, Fred #594
202. Cleo from 5 to 7 (1962) Varda, Agnès #599
203. Mildred Pierce (1945) Curtiz, Michael #600
204. Nanook of the North (1922) Flaherty, Robert #603
205. Swing Time (1936) Stevens, George #605
206. Tabu (1931) Murnau, F.W. #607
207. Triumph of the Will (1935) Riefenstahl, Leni #615
208. Cat People (1942) Tourneur, Jacques #616
209. Story of the Late Chrysanthemums, The (1939) Mizoguchi, Kenji #618
210. Faust (1926) Murnau, F.W. #619
211. Crime of Monsieur Lange, The (1936) Renoir, Jean #621
212. Lady from Shanghai, The (1947) Welles, Orson #622
213. Lady Vanishes, The (1938) Hitchcock, Alfred #623
214. Miracle in Milan (1951) De Sica, Vittorio #631
215. Make Way for Tomorrow (1937) McCarey, Leo #634
216. Odd Man Out (1947) Reed, Carol #635
217. Life of Oharu, The (1952) Mizoguchi, Kenji #636
218. Floating Clouds (1955) Naruse, Mikio #638
219. Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1960) Reisz, Karel #639
220. Dr. Mabuse, The Gambler (1922) Lang, Fritz #641
221. Detour (1945) Ulmer, Edgar G. #644
222. Salvatore Giuliano (1961) Rosi, Francesco #646
223. El Verdugo (1963) Berlanga, Luis García #648
224. My Night at Maud's (1969) Rohmer, Eric #650
225. Day the Earth Stood Still, The (1951) Wise, Robert #656
226. Scarlet Empress, The (1934) von Sternberg, Josef #666
227. Wind, The (1928) Sjöström, Victor #675
228. Cameraman, The (1928) Keaton, Buster/Edward Sedgwick #677
229. Man of Aran (1934) Flaherty, Robert #678
230. Limelight (1952) Chaplin, Charles #683
231. El (1952) Buñuel, Luis #684
232. Navigator, The (1924) Keaton, Buster/Donald Crisp #687
233. It's a Gift (1934) McLeod, Norman Z. #688
234. Wedding March, The (1928) von Stroheim, Erich #692
235. Accattone (1961) Pasolini, Pier Paolo #695
236. Charulata (1964) Ray, Satyajit #697
237. Olympia (1938) Riefenstahl, Leni #701
238. Loves of a Blonde (1965) Forman, Milos #702
239. I Am Cuba (1964) Kalatozov, Mikheil #705
240. Canterbury Tale, A (1944) Powell, Michael/Emeric Pressburger #709
241. Mother (Mat, 1926) Pudovkin, Vsevolod #714
242. Don't Look Back (1967) Pennebaker, D.A. #716
243. Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) Capra, Frank #725
244. Witness for the Prosecution (1957) Wilder, Billy #726
245. Servant, The (1963) Losey, Joseph #730
246. Pyaasa (Thirst, 1957) Dutt, Guru #733
247. Zelig (1983) Allen, Woody #739
248. Our Hospitality (1923) Keaton, Buster/John Blystone #740
249. Through a Glass Darkly (1961) Bergman, Ingmar #742
250. Plaisir, Le (1951) Ophüls, Max #745
251. Memories of Underdevelopment (1968) Alea, Tomás Gutiérrez #747
252. La Commune (Paris, 1871) (2000) Watkins, Peter #754
253. Gun Crazy (Deadly is the Female, 1950) Lewis, Joseph H. #758
254. Cloud-Capped Star, The (1960) Ghatak, Ritwik #772
255. Happiness (1934) Medvedkin, Aleksandr #774
256. Blood of a Poet, The (1930) Cocteau, Jean #778
257. They Were Expendable (1945) Ford, John #781
258. In Cold Blood (1967) Brooks, Richard #782
259. Love Me Tonight (1932) Mamoulian, Rouben #784
260. Quai des Orfèvres (1947) Clouzot, Henri-Georges #788
261. Hidden Fortress, The (1958) Kurosawa, Akira #789
262. Piccadilly (1929) Dupont, Ewald André #792
263. La Terra trema (1948) Visconti, Luchino #794
264. I Know Where I'm Going! (1945) Powell, Michael/Emeric Pressburger #799
265. Terra em Transe (1967) Rocha, Glauber #809
266. Mafioso (bw, 1962) Lattuada, Alberto #812
267. Henry V (1944) Olivier, Laurence #815
268. Seven Chances (1925) Keaton, Buster #827
269. Foolish Wives (1922) von Stroheim, Erich #839
270. Europa '51 (1952) Rossellini, Roberto #842
271. Cranes Are Flying, The (1957) Kalatozishvili, Mikheil #846
272. Young Mr. Lincoln (1939) Ford, John #866
273. Harakiri (1962) Kobayashi, Masaki #867
274. Miracle of Morgan's Creek, The (1944) Sturges, Preston #869
275. I Walked with a Zombie (1943) Tourneur, Jacques #870
276. Devil is a Woman, The (1935) von Sternberg, Josef #878
277. Virgin Spring, The (1960) Bergman, Ingmar #884
278. Pickup on South Street (1953) Fuller, Sam #888
279. Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) Kramer, Stanley #889
280. Children of Hiroshima (1952) Shindô, Kaneto #891
281. Que viva Mexico! (1932) Eisenstein, Sergei #893
282. Circus, The (1928) Chaplin, Charles #895
283. Spring in a Small Town (1948) Fei Mu #909
284. Bob le flambeur (1956) Melville, Jean-Pierre #910
285. La Chienne (1931) Renoir, Jean #913
286. Stalag 17 (1953) Wilder, Billy #929
287. There's Always Tomorrow (1956) Sirk, Douglas #930
288. Ossessione (1943) Visconti, Luchino #940
289. Bad and the Beautiful, The (1952) Minnelli, Vincente #945
290. Les Dames du Bois de Boulogne (1945) Bresson, Robert #950
291. Red Beard (1965) Kurosawa, Akira #963
292. Innocents, The (1961) Clayton, Jack #973
293. Sawdust and Tinsel (1953) Bergman, Ingmar #976
294. Touchez Pas A Grisbi (1954) Becker, Jacques #978
295. Angel (1937) Lubitsch, Ernst #981
296. Hour of the Furnaces, The (1968) Getino, Octavio & Fernando E. Solanas #982
297. From Here to Eternity (1953) Zinnemann, Fred #993
298. Control (2007) Corbijn, Anton #999
299. Big Risk, The (1960) Sautet, Claude #1005
300. Misfits, The (1961) Huston, John #1006
301. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) Siegel, Don #1010
302. Stromboli (1950) Rossellini, Roberto 1013
303. Duel in the Sun (1946) Vidor, King #1024
304. Barren Lives (1963) Dos Santos, Nelson Pereira 1029
305. Storm Over Asia (1928) Pudovkin, Vsevolod #1031
306. Good Night, and Good Luck. (2005) Clooney, George #1034
307. Salesman (1968) Maysles, Albert/David Maysles/Charlotte Zwerin 1046
308. Tarnished Angels, The (1957) Sirk, Douglas 1050
309. La Haine (1995) Kassovitz, Mathieu #1067
310. Woman in the Window, The (1944) Lang, Fritz #1070
311. Hallelujah! (1929) Vidor, King #1073
312. They Live by Night (1948) Ray, Nicholas #1091
313. Trial, The (1962) Welles, Orson #1092
314. Gilda (1946) Vidor, Charles #1095
315. Harvey (1950) Coster, Henry #1098
316. Thing from Another World, The (1951) Nyby, Christian/Howard Hawks #1099
317. Design for Living (1933) Lubitsch, Ernst #1106
318. Othello (aka Tragedy of Othello, 1952) Welles, Orson #1111
319. Fires Were Started (1943) Jennings, Humphrey #1114
320. Outskirts (Okraina, 1933) Barnet, Boris #1117
321. Firemen's Ball, The (1967) Forman, Milos #1121
322. Anatahan (1953) von Sternberg, Josef 1126
323. Big Parade, The (1925) Vidor, King #1127
324. Barefoot Contessa, The (1954) Mankiewicz, Joseph L. #1134
325. Holiday (1938) Cukor, George #1157
326. Branded to Kill (1967) Suzuki, Seijun #1158
327. Hour of the Wolf (68) Bergman, Ingmar #1160
328. Blair Witch Project, The (1999) Myrick & Sanchez #1162
329. Billy Liar (1963) Schlesinger, John #1163
330. La Ronde (1950) Ophüls, Max #1166
331. I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932) LeRoy, Mervyn #1174
332. Morocco (1930) von Sternberg, Josef #1175
333. Tom, Tom the Piper's Son (1969) Jacobs, Ken #1176
334. Wagon Master (1950) Ford, John #1185
335. Unfaithfully Yours (1948) Sturges, Preston #1189
336. Under the Roofs of Paris (1930) Clair, René #1195
337. Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach, The (1968) Straub, Jean-Marie #1196
338. Moonfleet (1955) Lang, Fritz #1199
339. Kaagaz Ke Phool (1959) Dutt, Guru #1202
340. Shame (Skammen, 1968) Bergman, Ingmar #1224
341. Flowers of St. Francis, The (1950) Rossellini, Roberto #1234
342. Liebelei (1933) Ophüls, Max #1235

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