Saturday, November 14, 2015

(W.H.O.) is classifying the microwave radiation from Cellular Phones and Towers as a carcinogen (a cancer causing agent)

The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) is classifying the microwave radiation from Cellular Phones and Towers as a carcinogen (a cancer causing agent) and advises either avoiding or limiting usage, and using Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) protection devices to limit what your brain and body is absorbing.
This is already been known to damage birds, fish and bees and is probably a culprit for Colony Collapse Disorder or CCD, where bees become disoriented because of the microwave frequency cell phone towers and cellular phone radiation and can’t make it back to their hives. This is really not good for the balance in nature, as well as our food production. It is also very dangerous to infants and children whose brains are still developing.

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