Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Key to Inability to Cope with Stress, Memory Loss, and, MAJOR DEPRESSION

The Key to Inability to Cope with Stress, Memory Loss, and, MAJOR DEPRESSION
and, oh yes, the SUICIDE EPIDEMIC in the Transgender Community ! !
Why, because they are the first line of defense that allows proper coping with stress (and cortisol) in both the HIPPOCAMPUS and the AMYGDALA Below are 16 Research Publications cited. We selected only a few comments verbatim from each. Truly they are a revelation when they are read.
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 I came across the hidden elephant in the room in all HRT and all Transgender Studies for the past two decades, the relentless and obligatory and automatic use of Spironolactone...first at the outset of any Transition..
.and, then, as mystifyingly, seemingly forever, years and years and even decades in a TG woman whose Testosterone levels were already incredibly low, and lower than most GG women.
But in this document, I have assembled some other research..that doesn't even, on the face of it, have to do with the Suicides of Transgender Folks.. But, if you bear with me, you wil see that it does.
This was what had to be done in order to understand the striking brain fog and depression and ultimately, the suicide, of so many Transgender persons.
Ultimately it came down to the Medical Profession mistreating the TG community and in fact damaging their brains to further Depression from the very start of the Medically supervised Transition that was offered.
•The neuronal mineralocorticoid receptor: from cell survival to neurogenesis.
•The coming out of the brain mineralocorticoid receptor”
The multifaceted mineralocorticoid receptor.
•Evolution of hormone selectivity in glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors.
•The brain mineralocorticoid receptor: greedy for ligand, mysterious in function"
•Mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors at the neuronal membrane, regulators of nongenomic corticosteroid signaling.
•The brain mineralocorticoid receptor and stress resilience.
•Mineralocorticoid Receptor Blockade Prevents Stress-Induced Modulation of
•Multiple Memory Systems in the Human Brain
•Mineralocorticoid receptor stimulation improves cognitive function and decreases cortisol secretion in depressed patients and healthy individuals.
•Blocking Mineralocorticoid Receptors IMPAIRs, Blocking Glucocorticoid Receptors ENHANCEs Memory Retrieval in Humans
•Decreased expression of mineralocorticoid receptor mRNA and its splice variants in postmortem brain regions of patients with major depressive disorder.
•Glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptor expression in the human hippocampus in major depressive disorder.
•Depressed patients in remission show an interaction between variance in the mineralocorticoid receptor NR3C2 gene and childhood trauma on negative memory bias
•MineraloCorticoid Receptor Iso/Val Genotype Moderates the Association Between PreviousChildhood Emotional Neglect and Amygdala Reactivity
•Adolescents with Major Depression demonstrate increased Amygdala Activation.
•The prototypic mineralocorticoid receptor agonist aldosterone influences neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of the adrenalectomized rat.
•Aldosterone: good guy or bad guy in cerebrovascular disease?
•Stress, glucocorticoid hormones, and hippocampal neural progenitor cells: implications to mood disorders

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