Saturday, October 3, 2015

What's the difference between Physics and mathematics exactly?

The indivi-duality of Nature. The phys-maths Nature
In the article below the author question:
what's the difference between phys and maths exactly?
And answered himself (between *---* my observations)
I think there are two linked, but subtly distinct, differences.
*There is no differences when you consider Nature as individuality, so far they are not linked, just they are two faces of the same coin*.
1. Physics is a science and mathematics is not.
This means that physics has an experimental aspect. In physics, it is possible to disprove a hypothesis by experiment: this cannot be done in maths.
*The author is debunking empiric and/or quasi-empiric maths defended by Stewart Mills and Imre Lakatos respectively. Also, he is obviating Mr. Atiyah assertion about human evolution in a very special physical environment with the physical reality across our brain modelizing it "mathematically" beyond our physical "intuitions" that we developed observing that immediate physical environment as Albert Einstein did with his General and Special Relativity theory for example*.
2. Physics is about this world and mathematics is not (necessarily).
The canvas for mathematical ideas is much wider than the canvas of physics.
A small subset of mathematics seems to correspond with observable physical phenomena to a shocking extent. This we call applied mathematics. However, mathematics describes many things which don't correspond to phenomena in this world.
*Sure, maths are wider than phys. In fact maths is a "world of possibles" and phys is our world now, one world in a period of time between many possible worlds. Thus we can't say that maths describe many things which not correspond to phenomena in this world. On contrary we have many examples which maths without any connection with our world, in principle, but later on they were describing extremely accurately physical phenomena, as for example non-euclidean geometry. It is started just like a toy for some XIX century mathematicians and finally it was the bases to describe space-time by Minkowski and fundamental for the General Relativity by Einstein. There are many examples like that (recently Efimov's triad describe a physical phenomena) and it is very probable to find more and more "connections" like tha when we will get deeper in our knowledge about Nature. Perhaps it will happen with string theory too.
Finally, in the wider sense of science, maths is science as well because Nature is a phys-math individuality.*…/physics-is-mor…/

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