Monday, October 5, 2015

Three enigmatic Giza pyramids and three stars forming the belt of the constellation of Orion

The gods left many signs using mathematics and astronomy, especially those signs built into the Great Pyramid. Robert Bauval discovered that the three enigmatic Giza pyramids are aligned the same as the three stars forming the belt of the constellation of Orion, the sign of Osiris, the most important of the early Egyptian gods. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics record the extensive preparations for the Pharaohs to make the dangerous journey to join Osiris in Orion. The illustration below shows that Al Nitak corresponds to the Great Pyramid. The Egyptian god Thoth taught that as in heaven, so on earth. The gods are pointing to Al Nitak and Sirius for reasons now known only by the gods.
Using Archaeoastronomy, Bauval calculates that 10,450BC is the time when the Orion belt and Al Nitak are lowest on the horizon. That is also the date with the best match between the orientation of the Giza Pyramids and the Orion belt stars. Later in this article, I will suggest that this “Earth in Upheaval” age and start of the Mayan Third Age of Man is one of the last three times the gods have visited Earth in mass. Plato and Cayce recorded that 10.500 BC is one of the date of the destruction of Atlantis. Physical and mythical signs have convinced me that extraterrestrial gods periodically intervene in human physical and cultural evolution. Next I will discuss the location of the most important of the extraterrestrial signs, a great circle thru Giza that once was the Old Equator.…/2012-and-old-equator/

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