Monday, June 29, 2015


Originating in the mitochondria of all cells, biophotons (endogenous light = 'from within') are guided by structures with fiber optic properties along pathways leading to the cerebral ventricles, which are cavities filled with clear cerebrospinal fluid and lined with beating hairlike cilia. It is proposed that the timing of ciliary beating is synchronized with neural events so that biophotons are aimed by the cilia at discrete points within the volume of the ventricles (about 150ml total maximum). Biophotons guided into those spaces interact through wave interference with other endogenous light present there simultaneously to form dynamically resonant 3D holographic structures. Those dynamic structures together form a Nexus, a type of data connector operating in synchrony with and driven by the brain's neuroelectrical activities with feedback such that changes in the Nexus also influence the brain's electrical events and ciliary beating. The Nexus is thus formed from endogenous light and its properties are such that certain energies may interact with it other than those originating in the brain and body.

It is proposed that the Nexus being made of light itself and having a holographic structure, is able to interact with the background energy of the universe called zero point energy, virtual energy, or energy of the vacuum among others. This vacuum energy demonstrably exists by the Casimir effect and is believed to far exceed even nuclear energies in any given volume of matter or even empty space (see for more details). That vast pool of energy we are saturated in is almost completely unavailable to us however as it is somehow outside our dimensional timeline and only barely interacting with our own by popping in and out of existence very briefly. So say the physicists and if they are correct that enormous background field of energy must itself be full of wave and particle interactions in a vast kind of holographic interference system. Nexus Theory maintains that in that vast pool of virtual energy exists the source of consciousness in a higher and unitary expression than our own which many teachers and faiths have called God, with most if not all of them in one way or another referring to God as being associated with light. Just as a traditional hologram may be cut into many pieces with each piece able to regenerate a picture of the whole image originally on it, a tiny part of that larger unitary consciousness is able to interact with the Nexus to animate the brain and body with what we erroneously recognize to be our separate selves in the grand illusion that is life. Consciousness is thus derived from the same source for everyone and we are all living parallel illusions of separateness.
Fuller mechanistic details about Nexus Theory are at

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