Thursday, May 21, 2015

There is nothing you have to do.

Now let’s talk about you. As long as you want to become enlightened you are making a grave mistake, for there is no one to become enlightened. As long as you want to end your problems, and change your problems from bad to good, you’re making a grave mistake, for there are no problems. As long as you think there’s something wrong or there’s something right, or right overcomes wrong, and we have to try to correct the condition or situation, you’re making a grave mistake. You see, whatever has to happen has already happened.
There’s nothing you have to do, yet your body will do. Your body has absolutely nothing to do with spirituality. In other words, the relative world, the material world that you’re involved in, good or bad, rich or poor, healthy or sick, happy or sad, that world has absolutely nothing to do with spirituality. That material world doesn’t even exist. Only consciousness exists. Even though I tell you all of the time, do not be concerned over your affairs, for right actions will always take place. By right actions I mean the dharma, that which is supposed to happen.
Robert Adams

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